
With Qingyun blocking Crocodile's killing intent, Miss Golden Week and Miss Shuangzhi breathed a sigh of relief.

""You little brat."

Crocodile looked at Qingyun in surprise.

He was sure that he had never met Qingyun before. He never thought that Qingyun not only knew Robin, but also knew himself.

"Robin, come on my ship. I will not only protect you, but also let you read all the historical texts."

Qingyun looked at Robin and invited him.

Robin heard this, looked at Qingyun, and fell into deep thought:

This Qingyun should also be attracted by my ability to interpret historical texts, right?

"You little bastard, do you think I don't exist?"


Crocodile was furious. He used his strength to form a small sandstorm in his hand and threw it directly towards Qingyun.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

As soon as the sandstorm left Crocodile's hand, it began to grow rapidly, and its power became more terrifying.

""It's bad!"

Miss Golden Week and Miss Double Fingers, who were standing behind Qingyun, and Cobra, who was standing beside them, looked at the rapidly approaching sandstorm. Knowing its power, they couldn't help but feel scared.


Qingyun was not in a hurry. He raised the Third Generation Kitetsu and slashed at the incoming sandstorm. A strong sword energy was formed instantly and rushed towards the sandstorm at a high speed.


The sandstorm and the sword energy collided, and the former was directly chopped by the latter.

"So strong!"

Robin, Crocodile and Cobra were all very surprised when they saw Qingyun's attack for the first time.

Miss Double Fingers and Golden Week breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that they had chosen the right side.

Although Crocodile was surprised, he had lost some of his strength, but as a veteran of many battles, he quickly reacted and knew that Qingyun was not an ordinary young pirate. He had to deal with him seriously.

"Heavy Sand Storm!"

Without saying anything, Crocodile used Heavy Sand Storm, an enhanced version of Sand Storm that caused even greater destruction.

Buzz! -

Crack! -

With a wave of his hand, a huge sand storm formed in an instant, growing larger and larger, and rushing towards Qingyun with overwhelming force, the floor of the road bursting one after another.

"What a terrible sandstorm!"

Looking at the incoming sandstorm, Miss pointed her fingers and Golden Week, Cobra couldn't help but feel scared.

Even Robin on the side couldn't help but take a breath.


Qingyun didn't say anything, and immediately used the armed color domineering to strengthen his right hand and the Sandai Kitetsu, and then slashed at the incoming sandstorm, and a more powerful sword energy was formed, with the momentum of splitting mountains and breaking seas, it rushed towards the sandstorm at a high speed.


The sandstorm and the sword energy collided again, and the former was easily chopped by the latter again.


Seeing this, Miss Double Fingers, Golden Week, Robin, and Cobra were all very surprised.

They didn't expect that Qingyun could easily destroy such a terrifying sandstorm.

"Desert Greatsword!"

However, Crocodile's attack did not stop there. He used the cover of the sand and dust to turn his arm into a sand blade and inserted it into the ground. He rushed towards Qingyun from the ground through a special path at an extremely fast speed.

But Qingyun had Observation Haki, and he also got Hawkeye's Observation Haki.

He knew that although Crocodile had lost the heart of a strong man, he would definitely not be as easy to deal with as the senior agent of Baroque Works. He had already activated his Observation Haki and predicted Crocodile's attack.

He jumped up and passed by the Desert Greatsword that attacked from under his feet.

Seeing this scene, Miss Golden Week, Two Fingers, Robin, and Cobra were all very surprised and couldn't help but gasp for Qingyun.

"Observation Haki!"

After finding that his attack missed, Crocodile immediately analyzed that Qingyun had mastered and used Observation Haki, otherwise Qingyun would definitely not be able to dodge his attack just now.

""Erosion Reincarnation!"

Crocodile did not hesitate at all and immediately performed the Erosion Reincarnation.

The Erosion Reincarnation is a large-scale attack unique to the natural sand-sand fruit.

After the right hand touches the ground, it uses the cracking to absorb the moisture of the creatures or objects it touches and gradually spread it to the surroundings.

After it is activated, it has a terrifying power that can even pulverize rocks into sand. The surrounding buildings will gradually become desertified and sink, and the ground will become dead and cracked wasteland.

With Crocodile as the center, all the buildings in the entire underground palace, except for the historical text and Qingyun and others, began to rapidly become desertified.

The passage was blocked as a result.

The load-bearing columns also continued to turn into sand and fall.

The entire underground palace began to collapse.

Crocodile directly elementalized and rushed to the ceiling, intending to return to the ground from the ceiling.

"You two should sink into the ground together."

Crocodile said with a smile

"It's over, the passage is gone."

"We are going to be buried underneath."

Miss Double Fingers was extremely panicked when she saw that the passage they came from was blocked by sand.

Miss Golden Week, Robin, and Cobra were also more or less frightened.

Qingyun stared at Crocodile, his eyes flashing red, and began to use Conqueror's Haki to entangle and strengthen his right hand and the Sandaike Kitetsu while strengthening them with Armament Haki.

The right hand and the Sandaike Kitetsu, which had already turned black, were covered with a layer of strong dark red light.

Qingyun held the knife with both hands and pressed the tip of the knife against the ground.

He became like a hell Shura, extremely terrifying.

Miss Double Fingers, Golden Week, Robin, and Cobra couldn't help but sweat, and then looked at Qingyun in horror, stunned.

Although only a few people with Conqueror's Haki can master the entanglement, Hawkeye is one of them.

Original work���Hawkeye never used it because the opponents he met were not worthy of him.

During the war at the top, Hawkeye did not use the tyrant against Whitebeard and his men because he did not want to be used as a gun by the navy.

But he definitely knew how to use the tyrant.

This is why he could become the world's number one swordsman without any devil fruit ability.

Just like Garp

"The sword breaks the sky!"

Just as Crocodile's elemental form drilled into the ceiling, Qingyun swung at him with all his strength.

This sword move was not named by Qingyun, but by Hawkeye.


A strong and terrifying sword light formed, and it quickly grew larger while rushing towards Crocodile who drilled into the ceiling with a destructive force.

Crocodile felt very bad.


But before Crocodile could react, the strong sword light directly chopped him and the ceiling together, leaving no bones.

Armament Haki can reach elemental natural fruit ability users, and the slash of the entanglement can naturally hurt Crocodile.

However, this is not over yet.

The sword light then soared into the sky, splitting the sky, making the dark clouds in the sky form a huge, strange scene like the Great Rift Valley in East Africa, which was jaw-dropping.

Looking at the rift in the sky, Miss Double Fingers, Golden Week, Robin, Cobra, Nami and all the sober people in the city were stunned.

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