"Well done, Nojigo, Makino"

"I knew you could do it."

At this moment, Qingyun's voice suddenly rang out.


Nami and the other girls smiled and looked in the direction of the voice.

Among them, Nokigo and Makino smiled the brightest.

Ikalem also looked in the direction of the voice.

They saw Qingyun flying towards them with Robin, Miss Double Fingers, Miss Golden Week, and Cobra on a sand mat.


Nami, Nojigo, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi, Kalina, Carmen, Dezaia and Miss Valentine all ran towards Qingyun.


"Your Majesty!"

Weiwei and Ikalem ran towards Cobra:

"Father, are you okay?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine, thanks to Qingyun."

Cobra said to Weiwei with a smile.

Weiwei turned to Qingyun and said sincerely:

"Qingyun, thank you.

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"You are welcome"

"Let's quickly wake up the King's Army and the rebels, tell them the truth, and stop them from fighting each other."


Then, Qingyun took everyone to wake up the king's army and the rebel army, told them the truth, and successfully stopped the internal strife.

Qingyun and Nami were respected by all the people of Alabasta.

Cobra immediately ordered a banquet to entertain Qingyun and Nami.

Qingyun saw that the recording pointer had not yet stored up the magnetic force, and saw that Vivi still had a lot to say to Cobra, so he accepted his hospitality.

At night.

While the banquet was still going on, Vivi called Qingyun out alone.

"Qingyun, I have a request, I hope you can agree to it."

Weiwei opened her beautiful eyes and looked at Qingyun with complicated eyes.

"It depends on the situation."

Qingyun said calmly.

The reason why he didn't agree to Weiwei directly was because he knew Weiwei and could guess what Weiwei wanted to ask of him.

When Weiwei heard that Qingyun didn't agree to her, she, who also knew Qingyun, could guess why and didn't get angry.

"I want to stay in Alabasta"

"My father and the people of Alabasta need me."

"You can leave the sand-sand fruit for others to eat."

Weiwei said directly.

But her eyes were full of reluctance, and tears flashed in her eyes.

Because after these few days of getting along, she not only fell in love with Qingyun, but also fell in love with Nami and the others.

She liked to go on adventures with them on the Sea King, which was something she had never experienced before.

She was reluctant to part with the Sea King, with Nami and the others, and especially with Qingyun.

But she is the princess of Alabasta.

Now, Alabasta, which is in ruins, and the people of Alabasta need her.

She can only choose to separate from Qingyun and Nami and the others.

Qingyun was not surprised at all about Weiwei's choice, because he had guessed it long ago.

Looking at Weiwei, who was wearing a white dress, with a noble temperament but a sad look in her eyes, Qingyun felt very distressed.

He said nothing, but slowly raised his hand and gently rubbed Weiwei's head.

Then, he put his hand on Weiwei's fragrant shoulder and took Weiwei back to the banquet hall.

Weiwei was a little confused:

"Do you agree or not?"

Qingyun still didn't say anything, and then pulled Qingyun back to the banquet hall.

"Qingyun, Weiwei, you are finally back. If you don't come back, we will drink up all the wine."

Seeing Qingyun and Weiwei coming back, Nami smiled and said

"Hahaha, don't worry, there's still a lot to drink."

Cobra said with a smile

"Hurry up and get some more wine."

Cobra then ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The chef replied immediately

"No need."

However, at this moment, Qingyun finally spoke


Hearing this, everyone looked at Qingyun in confusion. Qingyun did not explain, but directly picked up Weiwei in a princess hug, causing

Weiwei to blush.

"What are you doing?"

""Let me go quickly."

Weiwei said shyly.

She had not yet told Cobra that she was no longer an innocent little princess with Qingyun's help.

However, Cobra saw Qingyun's actions and Weiwei's reaction and could tell that Weiwei had fallen in love with Qingyun.

Qingyun ignored Weiwei and said to Nami and the others:

"Guys, I've captured Princess Weiwei, it's time for us to leave."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun hugged Weiwei and ran out of the banquet hall.


Everyone was shocked when they saw Qingyun's words and actions, and some were confused.

However, Weiwei, who had already had a deep understanding with Qingyun, quickly realized that Qingyun had made his decision. He wanted to continue to take her out to sea instead of leaving her in Alabasta.

And in order not to implicate Alabasta and let the navy deal with Alabasta because of her, he deliberately"kidnapped" her.

Weiwei was very happy.

This showed that Qingyun was reluctant to part with her.

She also knew that once Qingyun made a decision, no one could change it.

She herself was reluctant to part with Qingyun and Nami, so she did not resist or struggle, nor did she ask Qingyun to leave her in Alabasta.

Instead, she lay in Qingyun's arms with a smile on her face and happiness.

"So that's it."

Nami, Nojigo, Kaya, Makino, Carmen, Tashigi, Kalina, Dezaya and Miss Valentine, who also had in-depth discussions with Qingyun and Weiwei, soon figured out why.

"Everyone hurry up and follow."

Nami and the others immediately followed Qingyun and Weiwei and headed out of the banquet hall.���go

"What's going on?"

Robin, Miss Double Fingers and Golden Week were very confused.

But they had already agreed to board Qingyun's ship, so they immediately followed.

"Qingyun, what are you doing?"

Cobra was a little confused for a moment, and he followed immediately.

But he still knew Vivi very well. After thinking carefully, he still figured out why Qingyun did this.

Instead of being angry, he was very happy.

Because he knew that although she was very capable, with her in Alabasta, she would definitely be able to recover faster and become stronger.

But Vivi also yearns for freedom. She staying in small Alabasta would only limit her development.

Qingyun carried Vivi on board the Poseidon.

Nami and the others followed closely and boarded the Poseidon.

Qingyun immediately controlled the Poseidon to slowly rise into the air

"Qingyun, if you dare to hurt my baby daughter, I will never let you go."

Cobra shouted at Qingyun.

Weiwei could naturally hear the hidden meaning of Cobra's words. She couldn't help but burst into tears and shouted at Cobra:

"Father, you must take care of yourself."

Qingyun could also hear the hidden meaning of Cobra's words, and he shouted to Cobra:

"Then you have to live another two hundred years."

Cobra couldn't help but smile when he heard Qingyun and Weiwei's response.

Weiwei and Nami also smiled.

""I see."

Robin, Miss Double Fingers and Golden Week finally understood that Qingyun, Weiwei, and Cobra were acting together.

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