After bringing Robin, Miss Double Fingers and Miss Golden Week to the room and closing and locking the door, Qingyun did not act in a hurry.

He first let Robin and the other two go, then walked slowly to the bedside table and poured himself a glass of red wine.

Robin, Miss Double Fingers and Miss Golden Week looked at Qingyun and realized what the baptism Qingyun was talking about, and they all panicked.

Because they have no experience yet. They haven't even tried holding hands with men, dating, kissing, etc.

They finally know why Nami and the others begged Qingyun for Miss Golden Week.

Miss Golden Week is very regretful now. Not only did she not appreciate it, but she even confronted Nami and the others.

It's really a case of a dog biting Lu Dongbin, not knowing the kindness of a man.

"Captain Qingyun, isn't this happening too fast?"

"We've only known each other for less than a day."

"You should at least make an appointment with us and confess your love, right?"

Miss pointed her fingers nervously and expectantly at Qingyun, and said with her red lips slightly parted.

Although Robin and Miss Golden Week did not speak, they still agreed with this point.

Although they all knew that the pirate world was very cruel, they were all girls and had imagined that there would be a prince charming pursuing them in the future.

They all knew that this was an unattainable luxury.

But they felt that at least confession and date were necessary.

Qingyun did not respond to Miss's fingers, which was also the expectation of Robin and Miss Golden Week.

After he poured the wine, he sat down on the sofa beside the bed, gently shaking the red wine glass, looking at Robin and the other two with a smile, and said:

"Since you have guessed what I mean by baptism, let's start it quickly."

As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun looked at Robin and the other two while tasting the red wine.

Hearing Qingyun's words, Robin and the other two were very disappointed.

Although Miss Shuangzhizhi has a cold personality and Miss Huangjinzhou is taciturn, they are actually afraid of death like Miss Valentine.

Otherwise, they would not agree to board Qingyun's ship like Miss Valentine after seeing Qingyun's strength and decisiveness.

They are worried that if they don't obey, Qingyun will kill them directly.

So after struggling for a while, they all chose to surrender and walked towards Qingyun reluctantly.

However, Robin did not choose to surrender. She stood there quietly with a calm face.

Because she had just thought about it and was ready to die.

Of course, she was also afraid of death, otherwise she would not choose to board Qingyun's ship. However, the reason why she chose to board Qingyun's ship was to see the main text of history.

But she never expected that Qingyun actually wanted to possess her.

She would rather die than obey.

And for her, death may also be a kind of relief.

She is already very tired.

Looking at Robin, Qingyun's eyes were full of admiration.

But it is not his style to not eat the meat at his mouth.

He asked Robin:

"very good"

"But do you want the efforts of those who are trying so hard to protect you to go to waste?"

"Don't you want to know what the lost history is that made the Navy launch the Demon Killing Order to destroy O'Hara?"

Robin was shaken after hearing this.


Her life no longer belonged to her alone.

She had to live desperately with those people.

She must find out the lost history.

And make it public to give justice to all the victims of O'Hara.


Miss Golden Week and Shuang Zhizhi looked at Robin curiously.

Although they had worked with Robin for several years, they didn't know Robin.

"Sauro didn't die that year."

Seeing that Robin was wavering, Qingyun gave her a strong prescription.


Robin was so excited and happy that tears welled up in his eyes:

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Is Sauro really still alive?"

Sauro is none other than Robin's best friend, and the one who tried his best to hold back Admiral Aokiji, allowing her to escape.

Robin saw with her own eyes that Sauro was frozen into an ice sculpture by Aokiji, and she always thought that Sauro was dead.

She didn't know why Qingyun knew about Sauro, and knew that Sauro was not dead.

But she was willing to believe it, and she hoped that Sauro was still alive.

"Who is Sauro?"

Miss's fingers and Golden Week were even more confused.

"I don't know if Sauro is still alive."

"But he didn't die that year, and he led the giants to transport all the books that O'Hara's scholars had tried so hard to protect and handed them over to Dr. Vegapunk."

Qingyun said affirmatively

"But I think Sauro should still be alive and keep an eye on your news."

Qingyun continued to guess.

"That's great, that's great."

Robin was already in tears

"Dr. Vegapunk!"

Miss Double Fingers and Golden Week were even more confused.

But they also realized that Robin was not an ordinary pirate.

"I will definitely do what I promised you."

Qingyun said confidently.

"But it depends on your performance"

"There is no such thing as a free lunch. I'm sure you understand this, right?"

He changed the subject and continued with a smile.

"I know."

Robin nodded, wiped the tears from her eyes, and walked towards Qingyun resolutely.

"I hope you won't be like other pirates who break their promises."


Five days later

"Sky Island really exists"

"I believe my navigator is the best navigator in the world and will definitely be able to take us to the Sky Island."

Nami was very happy because of Qingyun's words.

And Qingyun was not just talking, he really trusted Nami, and did not control the Poseidon to fly into the sky to find the Sky Island, but let Nami find a way to go to the Sky Island.

After several days of research, she finally found a way to go to the Sky Island.

At this moment, under the guidance of Nami, the Poseidon came to the sea area where upwelling currents could be generated.

Wait for the upwelling current to be generated, and then use the upwelling current to go to the Sky Island.

But waiting is really boring.

Qingyun took the opportunity to research and develop the devil fruit abilities of Nojiko, Makino, Vivi, Miss Valentine, Robin and Miss Two Fingers

"Does Qingyun not like girls with small breasts?"

"He hasn't taught me how to shoot for a long time."

Looking at Qingyun and Nokigo talking and laughing, Miss Golden Week was very envious.

After five days of getting along, Miss Golden Week, Robin and Miss Shuangzhizhi who boarded the ship later also liked Qingyun.

Looking at Qingyun and Nokigo with envy, Nami and Kalina looked down, saw their feet, and nodded affirmatively:

"Definitely is"

"He hasn't taught me how to shoot for a long time."

Although Kaya and Vivi are younger than Nami and Kalina, one of them is a princess and the other is from a wealthy family. They are well-nourished and have developed better than them.

Miss Golden Week is the same age as Kaya and Vivi, but due to genetic reasons, her development can be said to be terrible.

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