"Very good."

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"So from now on, Laqi, you are a fighter of my Sea King Group. As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun obtained all the positive and beneficial abilities of Laqi.


Although she was extremely reluctant, Laqi still answered affirmatively.

Why can she be a fighter, but I am a maid?

This is unfair!

Weiwei, Miss Valentine and Shuangzhizhi were more or less unhappy when they heard Qingyun let Laqi be a fighter. They couldn't help but pout slightly and looked at Qingyun with resentment.

But they didn't say it out loud.

Firstly, they didn't dare to, fearing that Qingyun would"punish" them.

Secondly, because they knew that although their positions were different from others and seemed to be the lowest, Qingyun treated everyone equally, and treated everyone equally well and badly.

At the same time, others did not bully or oppress them because they were maids. Instead, they treated them as good as sisters.

"Go and bring Aisha here immediately."

Qingyun then said in an imperative tone.


Laqi was shocked and confused.

It was the first time she saw Qingyun and she didn't know him at all.

But Qingyun not only knew her name, but also knew Aisha.


Nami and the others were puzzled. They didn't know who Aisha was.

But they knew that since Qingyun had said so, Aisha would definitely not be able to escape.

"You will definitely not want to be separated from her, and she will definitely not want to be separated from you"

"And I think she should have known the current situation and would definitely not refuse."

"You must want to see what the world below looks like, right?"

Qingyun continued.

He knew that Aisha was also from Shandia and was regarded as a biological sister by Laqi.

However, he also knew that Aisha was just a child and did not want to teach Aisha how to shoot.

After all, although he was very lustful, he did not have LTP and did not want to attack Aisha.

He was not completely kind-hearted and simply did not want to separate Laqi and Aisha and take them to see the world below.

In fact, the main reason was that he remembered that Aisha was a natural awakener of the observation Haki.

And her level was very high, and she could easily explore a large area. She can sense other people's auras.

But she often worries about this ability because she can't control it.

Secondly, he remembers that Aisha is very pretty and cute, a real beauty, and will grow up to be a great beauty.

Finally, it is for the good of Laqi and Aisha.

So he wants to bring Aisha along, firstly, to keep Laqi and Aisha together, and also to make Laqi more obedient.

Secondly, he can obtain Aisha's innate observation Haki.

Of course, he will definitely teach Aisha how to master the observation Haki.

Thirdly... hehe, Su Huo said it well, a wife must be trained from a young age

"Did you know that Aisha has a heart net?!"

Laqi looked at Qingyun in shock.

Qingyun did not answer directly, he continued:

"Don't think about running away"

"Observation Haki, or what you call the Heart Net, is not only possessed by the so-called gods and priests here."

"And you don't want to see other Shandians get into trouble, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun jumped up and jumped back to Nami and the others.

Laqi looked at Qingyun helplessly.

After turning the face-down guerrilla soldier over, she went back to pick up Aisha.

At the same time, Nami and the others were not surprised at all by Qingyun's actions.

But Conis and the others were very disgusted.

Conis said with some disappointment:

"Qingyun, I really didn't expect you to be this kind of person."

However, she was kind-hearted and still reminded him kindly:

"I would like to remind you that Nami's attack on Captain McKinley just now is a fifth-level crime. You will be sentenced to Yunfuliu, which is the death penalty."

"death penalty!"

"This is too heavy!"

Nami, Nojigo, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi, Carmen and Vivi were a little panicked.

But Kalina, Dezaya, Robin, Miss Valentine, Two Fingers and Golden Week were a little surprised, but not panicked.

Qingyun disagreed:

"thanks for your reminder"

"But it doesn't matter, anyway, that shit god Enel can't control me."

Then, Qingyun stared at Conis and directly invited her:

"Conis, are you willing to board my ship?"

Nami and the others were already used to this.

But Conis and the others were very panicked:

"You... you actually dared to blaspheme God Enel-sama!"

Boom boom boom ~

At this moment, the sky above Qingyun suddenly thundered and flashed.

Conis and the others looked up in the direction of the sound, and everyone's eyes were filled with fear:

"Divine punishment is coming!"

""Everybody, run!"

Before she finished speaking, Connies and the others all scattered like birds and beasts.

"Divine punishment?"

Nami and the others looked at the lightning in the sky, feeling very curious and ominous, and were ready for battle.


Qingyun calmly summoned the Sandai Kitetsu, held it tightly in his right hand, and said to Nami and the others with full confidence:

"Don't worry, I'm here."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun's eyes flashed red, and he used the armed color domineering to strengthen his right hand and the Sandaike Kitetsu, and at the same time wrapped his right hand and the Sandaike Kitetsu with the domineering color domineering.

Qingyun planned to directly chop the lightning.

But he had never tried it before, so he didn't know if it would work.

In order to ensure that he could chop the lightning, he used the domineering wrapping.

Hearing Qingyun's words and seeing the changes in Qingyun's right hand and the Sandaike Kitetsu, Nami and the others felt very relieved.

But Conis and the others didn't believe Qingyun at all, and continued to run for their lives.

Suddenly, a terrifying lightning fell from the sky, and it quickly attacked Qingyun with a devastating force.

Because of the light���The speed of propagation is faster than that of sound, so even if you see the lightning, you haven't heard the sound yet.


At the same time, Qingyun swung his sword with all his strength directly above, and a strong sword energy was formed immediately, and it flew towards the lightning with a force that could ignite and destroy everything.


The lightning and the sword energy collided head-on, and the former was directly cut in two.

Although the Thunder Fruit is known as the strongest natural fruit, according to the setting of the original work, Haki is superior to the Devil Fruit.

In other words, under the same combat power, the moves performed by Haki are stronger than the moves performed by the Devil Fruit.

This is also the reason why the Natural Devil Fruit ability user can be caught and attacked by people using Armament Haki even if he is elementalized. The reason why Roger can become the Pirate King without relying on the Devil Fruit; the reason why Garp can become a naval hero without relying on the Devil Fruit; the reason why Red Hair Shanks can become one of the Four Emperors without relying on the Devil Fruit; are all due to their unparalleled Haki.


The lightning was chopped off, and the sound came down

"He actually chopped off the lightning/divine punishment!"

After seeing this scene, Nami and Conis were extremely shocked. They were all stunned and their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

And Enel himself was shocked to the point of being dumbfounded, his eyes bulged out and his tongue stuck out.

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