
""How amazing!"

Nami saw the power of the Super Lightning Cannon and couldn't help laughing excitedly after catching the coin that was magnetized by lightning.

"Well done."

Qingyun raised his hand and gently stroked Nami's head, smiling and saying:

"You mastered it so quickly, you are worthy of being the woman I have my eyes on."

This move developed by Qingyun imitating Sister Pao seems simple, as if it only requires the ability to discharge electricity, but it is actually very difficult and requires a high level of control over lightning by the user.


Nami smiled happily, as bright and charming as a sunflower.

Snap! Snap!

Suddenly, Nami turned into a flash of lightning.

In an instant, she had hugged Qingyun's neck and hung on Qingyun's body.

"mua! mua! mua!——"

Nami didn't say anything and started to eat Qingyun.

She knew that if it wasn't for Qingyun, she would never have been able to eat such a powerful thunder fruit, and she would still be enslaved by A-Long.

Although her virginity was taken away by Qingyun, it couldn't cover up how good Qingyun was to her.

She was extremely grateful to Qingyun, but thousands of words could not express her gratitude, so she simply expressed it with actions.


Nami was not shy. Nokiko and the others who were watching were a little embarrassed for her.

Qingyun was very happy, but also a little disgusted. He quickly grabbed Nami with both hands and put her on the ground.

"Weiwei, Robin, you did a great job too."

Qingyun came to Weiwei and Robin, raised his hand and gently rubbed their heads at the same time, smiled and said:

"She is indeed the woman I have my eyes on."


Weiwei and Robin both smiled happily.


Vivi came to Qingyun, stood on tiptoes, and kissed Qingyun's lips.

Like Nami, she knew that if it weren't for Qingyun, she would never be able to eat such a powerful Sand-Sand Fruit, and would never be able to save the Kingdom of Alabasta from Crocodile.

Although her first time was also taken away by Qingyun, it could not hide how good Qingyun was to her.

She was also very grateful to Qingyun, but she was not as unrestrained as Nami, and only dared to kiss Qingyun.

After seeing Vivi also offer a kiss, Nami and the others all looked at Robin.


Robin also came to Qingyun and offered her a kiss.

Although her first time was also taken away by Qingyun, if Qingyun had not appeared in time, she would have been killed by Crocodile.

And the reason why she was able to use the"Thousands of Colors - Giant Tree·Clap Palm!" just now was due to Qingyun's contribution.

Because in addition to guiding her to come up with this move, Qingyun also used love to irrigate and strengthen her physique and other aspects.

Qingyun also gave her the best news, that is, Sauro was still alive back then, and he might still be alive now.

The most important thing is that Qingyun reminded her that her life did not belong to her alone, but to all O'Hara's compatriots. It also reminded her of her mission.

So she was very grateful to Qingyun.

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"Well, let's go to the Golden Country to search for gold and find the historical text."


Nami, Kalina, and Robin were immediately excited.

Nojigo and the others were also a little excited.

Soon, everyone came to the Golden City and looted the gold inside together.

Then they found the main text of history and waited for Robin to finish interpreting it.

After Robin finished interpreting it, she did not hide it from Qingyun and Nami and the others, and told them everything directly.

Robin did not want to use ancient weapons, nor did she want others to use ancient weapons, because she knew that it would certainly hurt innocent people.

Through her interactions with Qingyun and Nami over the past few days, she knew that they were not the kind of people who would use ancient weapons, even if they already knew where the ancient weapons were.

Sure enough, Qingyun and Nami's reactions moved Robin very much.

"I see"

"In this case, as long as we find all the historical texts and reach Raftel, the final destination of the Grand Line, we will not only be able to become the Pirate King, but also help Robin understand the truth of the past."

Qingyun and Nami all smiled slightly.

Then, Qingyun took Nami and the others to find the ark that Enel was building and searched for the treasures on it.

Especially the huge golden bell, Qingyun would never let it go.

Nami and Kalina were so excited when they saw the golden bell.

After looting the treasure, they returned to the Poseidon and hung the golden bell on the Poseidon. Then Qingyun took Nami and the others back to Angel Beach and picked up Conis and Lacy on board.

And successfully"invited" Aisha to board the ship and let her be a small fighter of the Poseidon.

After that, Qingyun was not in a hurry to leave Sky Island.

In order to solve the worries of Conis, Lacy and Aisha, he asked the residents of Angel Island and Sandy of Sky Island. The demi-human explained that he had killed Eneel and his priests, and asked them to live in peace and develop together. He also warned that whoever dared to disobey the five principles of peaceful coexistence he had set, he would come back and kill him.

Therefore, Sky Island finally had peace.

Although it was threatened by Qingyun.

Then, Qingyun asked Aisha to take Nami and the others to visit various places in Sky Island, to see the unique scenery of Sky Island, and to buy things they liked.

He himself took Conis and Lacy back to the room and let them accept his baptism.

After bringing Conis and Lacy back to the room, Qingyun did not rush.

Because he did not like to"force" the new crew members who had just boarded the ship, he still preferred to let them take the initiative

""I see!"

Conis and Laqi didn't know what Qingyun's so-called baptism was, but now they know.

The good impression they had just had on Qingyun because he restored peace to Sky Island disappeared in an instant.

Both of them looked at Qingyun with disgust.

Qingyun had expected this and didn't care at all.

He poured himself a glass of wine slowly, then lay on the sofa beside the bed, rocking gently, and said with a smile:

"Since you already know what I mean by baptism, let's get started."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun tasted the wine.

Conis and Laqi were indifferent to his words.

Because they didn't want to give their first time in this way, especially to someone like Qingyun.

Even if it meant death.

After tasting the wine, Qingyun saw that Conis and Laqi were indifferent, so he smiled evilly and gave them a strong medicine:

"We are still on Sky Island."

"Connie, Lacy, you don't want to……"

Qingyun didn't say the rest of the words, he continued to taste the wine.

But Conis and Laqi could guess what Qingyun was going to say.

They hesitated for a while, then bit their teeth, walked to Qingyun and squatted down...

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