Navy G8 branch base.

It has been quiet for a long time since pirates came here.



"There are pirates!"

"Pirates are breaking in!"

But at this moment, as the Poseidon suddenly fell from the sky and landed in the bay inside the base, the entire base suddenly sounded an alarm. The navy, which was originally very loose, immediately became alert and rushed to the bay with weapons in hand. In less than three minutes, almost all the navy had come out in full force and surrounded the Poseidon.

However, without the order of Commander Jonathan, all the navy did not launch an attack on their own.

Jonathan looked at Qingyun on the bow of the Poseidon and hesitated to give orders to his subordinates to capture Qingyun and rescue Nami and others beside Qingyun.

Because he recognized Qingyun, He knew that although he had an absolute advantage in numbers, he was still no match for Qingyun.

He didn't want to let his men die.

But as a navy, he couldn't let Qingyun leave from under his nose.

He was in a dilemma.

The reason why Jonathan wanted to rescue Nami and the others was that almost all the navy now believed that they were forcibly captured on the ship by Qingyun, and they didn't know that they had fallen in love with Qingyun, and thought that they were not Qingyun's people yet.

Jonathan tried desperately to come up with a plan, but he knew that in the face of absolute strength, any plan would be useless.

"Qingyun, please don't kill these sailors indiscriminately, okay?"

Dashiqi hurried to Qingyun and begged Qingyun.

Although Dashiqi has fallen in love with Qingyun now, she still can't watch Qingyun kill these navy.

Because she believes that most of the navy are like herself in the past, wanting to punish evil and uphold justice.

However, due to their identity, status and strength, they can only obey the orders from above.

In fact, the place where the Poseidon originally landed from Xiaokong Island was not the G8 branch base of the navy, but the sea not far away.

But after seeing the G8 branch base of the navy, Qingyun directly controlled the Poseidon to fly here.

Dashiqi understood Qingyun and knew that his purpose was most likely not these navy, but the beauties in this base, or the treasures.

But the navy here would never let Qingyun get his wish.

Qingyun might have killed these navy for this reason.

Nami and the others also knew Qingyun very well, so they could naturally think of this.

But they didn't have a good impression of the navy, and they all liked Qingyun and were Qingyun's people, so they didn't follow Qingyun to beg

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Qingyun raised his hand, gently rubbed Dashiqi's head, and smiled.

Dashiqi smiled happily.

Qingyun retracted his hand and looked at Jonathan on the shore. Without saying a word, he glared.


The next moment, Qingyun's eyes lit up with a dark red light, and the extremely powerful dark red domineering aura was immediately centered on him. Under his accurate control, it swept towards the surrounding navy.

In an instant, except for Jonathan, the vice admiral of the navy, who barely held on, almost all the navy couldn't stand Qingyun's domineering aura, their eyes turned white, and they fell to the ground and fainted.

Although Jonathan held on, He couldn't help but break out in cold sweat, his clothes were quickly soaked, and his body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

What a terrifying Conqueror's Haki!

His strength must be just as terrifying!

Is the bounty of 320 million too little?

Jonathan was absolutely sure that Qingyun's bounty must be too little.

Qingyun's Conqueror's Haki has become much stronger!

Although they were not hit head-on, Nami and the others could feel Qingyun's Conqueror's Haki, which was even stronger than when it was released on Sky Island before.

Seeing Jonathan's shocked look, Qingyun smiled slightly, and directly used the ability of the Thunder Fruit to release lightning to amplify the sound, and said lightly:

"Jessica, come out quickly, or I will kill all the navy."

Qingyun remembered that there was a beautiful chef in the G8 branch base of the navy, and he came here just for her.

It was indeed for beauty!

Nami and the others were not surprised by this.

Conis, Laqi, and Aisha, who had just boarded the ship, were not too surprised.

After all, when they were on Sky Island, they already knew Qingyun's personality, hobbies and style of doing things.

Could it be that he wanted Jessica!

Jonathan was shocked and angry. He could no longer remain calm and could not stand:

"You stinky pirate, don't even think about touching Jessica, prepare to die."

Jessica is Jonathan's Achilles' heel, he won't allow Qingyun to get his hands on her.

Moon Step!


As soon as he finished speaking, Jonathan performed the Moon Step directly, and rushed towards Qingyun quickly, while using the Armament Haki to strengthen his hands, intending to use his hands to capture Qingyun, protect Jessica, and save Nami and the others.

Qingyun admired Jonathan's courage very much.

But he was determined to get Jessica.

Crack! Crack!


Qingyun directly transformed into lightning, and instantly came in front of Jonathan, and then used the Armament Haki to strengthen his right hand.

Jonathan was shocked to see Qingyun, who had transformed into lightning and instantly came in front of him. :

Could he be the user of the Thunder Fruit, which is known as the strongest natural devil fruit?!

Although he could see that Qingyun possessed the power of the Thunder Fruit, Jonathan did not back down.

Without saying much, he swung his right fist with all his strength and smashed it hard at Qingyun.

Qingyun also swung his right fist at Jonathan with all his strength without saying anything.


The fists collided, making a loud collision sound.

Although Qingyun did not use a knife, his strength was far superior to Jonathan. He directly broke Jonathan's right hand with one punch, causing it to hit the ground heavily, stirring up a large wave of smoke and dust.

Qingyun also fell to the ground


Jessica, who had just run out because of Qingyun's words, saw Jonathan being knocked down by Qingyun. She looked at Yanchen with great worry and shouted anxiously.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

Hearing Jessica's cry, Jonathan endured the pain and didn't scream. He gritted his teeth and responded to Jessica loudly.

Jessica felt relieved.

But she could also hear that Jonathan's voice was very different from usual. He must have been seriously injured, which made her feel distressed.

In addition, noticing the fainted sailors, Jessica was instantly furious.

She immediately looked at Qingyun with resentment and asked angrily:

"I am Jessica, what do you want to see me for?"

So beautiful!"

Nami and the others couldn't help but sigh in their hearts when they saw Jessica.

Jessica was wearing a navy, white chef uniform, which basically covered her body completely, but it couldn't hide her curvy, plump and slender figure.

Her face was delicate and beautiful, and she wore a white chef hat on her golden hair.

With her soft and masculine temperament, she looked extremely beautiful and moving.

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