"You bastard!"

Jessica was taken to the room by Qingyun. After seeing Qingyun locked the door, he poured himself a glass of red wine and sat directly on the sofa. While gently shaking the red wine glass, he looked at her with a smile.

Jessica knew what Qingyun wanted to do, and her face suddenly changed. She couldn't help but curse at him.

""It seems that you know what I want to do, so let's get started."

Qingyun said with a smile, and then he tasted the delicious red wine.

Jessica stared at Qingyun with bloodshot eyes, wishing she could rush up and beat him to death.

But she knew she didn't have the strength to do that.

She didn't want to serve Qingyun, a pirate, not to mention that Qingyun had severely injured Jonathan and made him faint.

But she knew even more that if she dared to say no, Qingyun would definitely rush back to kill Jonathan and the navy brothers in the G8 branch base of the navy.

She couldn't just watch them die.

"Madam, you don't want me to go back and kill all the sailors, right?"

Seeing that Jessica hesitated, Qingyun threatened with a smile.

Hearing this, Jessica was furious, but she could do nothing.

"You devil!"

"The Navy will never let you continue to do what you want. You can just wait to go to hell!"

Jessica gritted her teeth and cursed Qingyun.

However, she did not dare to delay any further and started walking towards Qingyun.

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"That depends on whether they have the ability."


In the evening, the sailors at the G8 base woke up.

They found that they were fine, but Jonathan was seriously injured, and they rushed to treat him.


Jonathan just woke up, and the first thing he did was not to care about his injuries, but to call Jessica.

""Sir Vice Admiral Jonathan, we are all fine, the pirates have all left, the chef was in the base before, she should be fine."

A navy officer next to Jonathan guessed and reported, and then advised:

"You are seriously injured. Let us treat you first."

"Jessica must have been captured by that bastard"

"Take me to the communication room quickly, I want to contact Akainu."

Before he finished speaking, Jonathan endured the pain, stood up desperately, and staggered towards the communication room.

Jonathan and Admiral Akainu have been friends for many years, but he has never asked Akainu to help him with anything or let him use the back door, otherwise he would not be assigned to this shitty naval base.

But now, in order to save Jessica, he no longer cares about what others will say about him trying to get connections behind his back, and plans to ask Akainu for help.

The navy still couldn't believe it, and worried about Jonathan, they still persuaded him:

"That shouldn’t be the case, right?"

"Chef Her……"

"Take me there quickly!"

"This is a military order!"

But Jonathan gave the order without waiting for the sailors to finish their words.

He knew Jessica and knew that since neither he nor the sailors had died, it meant that Jessica must have been captured by Qingyun.

He had to rescue Jessica as soon as possible.

Every second of delay would put Jessica in more danger.


Marine Headquarters, Marineford.

In the communications room.

Akainu heard that Jonathan had something urgent to talk to him about, so he rushed here.

Because he knew Jonathan very well, he would never contact him unless it was absolutely necessary.


"Jessica was captured by Qingyun!"

Akainu was furious.

He didn't expect that Qingyun would dare to capture a navy man, and his good brother's man.

Akainu knew that Qingyun had captured Tashigi before, so he emphasized that he must capture Qingyun to set an example, and he didn't stop until he saw that Zhan Guo sent people to the Water City, a must-pass place on the route chosen by Qingyun, to ambush.

"Sakaski, I beg you, please help me save Jessica.

Den Den Mushi imitated Jonathan, cried in pain, and begged Akainu.

Seeing this, Akainu was moved and vowed:

"Jonathan, don't worry, I will go there in person and will definitely rescue Jessica."


As soon as the voice fell, Akainu chose to hang up and set off immediately.

Jonathan just wanted to tell Akainu that Qingyun was the user of the Thunder Fruit, but found that Akainu had hung up, so he had to call again.

After hearing this, the signalman hurried to report to Akainu.

Akainu went to tell Zhan Guo again

"The user of the Thunder Fruit!"

"It seems that I have to increase Qingyun's bounty."

After listening to this, Zhan Guo immediately began to think about Qingyun's new bounty.

Because if Qingyun is really the user of the Thunder Fruit, a bounty of 320 million is obviously too low.

"There is no need to increase Qingyun's bounty."

Akainu said confidently as he walked out of the Marshal's office:

"I will catch him in Water City."

Watching Akainu leave, Zhan Guo was a little worried:

"Akainu, it's up to you, you must catch Qingyun!"


Although Qingyun didn't know about this, he could imagine it.

After all, he still remembered the relationship between Jonathan and Akainu.

But he didn't feel the slightest fear, but was extremely excited.

At night.

Jessica sat on the bed, looking at Qingyun who was sitting on the sofa, tasting red wine comfortably with mixed feelings.

She didn't know why, after Qingyun taught her how to shoot, her physical fitness became stronger, and she inexplicably had some good feelings for Qingyun, and she couldn't even hate Qingyun anymore?

But Qingyun was a vicious pirate who had seriously injured Jonathan. She would never succumb to Qingyun's tyranny.

She felt that if she couldn't control herself, she would fall in love with Qingyun sooner or later, so she might as well die to avoid bringing shame to Jonathan and the navy.

Qingyun sat on the sofa in the moonlight, gently shaking the red wine glass, looking at Jessica with a smile, and threatened:

"You are not allowed to commit suicide"

"I left my mark on Jonathan."

"If you dare to commit suicide, I will go find him immediately"

"But I won't kill him, and let you two become a pair of desperate lovers."

"Instead, they will torture him and make his life worse than death."

"And his subordinates."

Qingyun would naturally not leave any marks on the man, he was lying to Jessica.

With the previous experience of Dashiqi's suicide, Qingyun knew that Jessica, who had a strong personality, would also hang herself, so he took precautions in advance.

Hearing this, Jessica was instantly furious, but she could do nothing about it, and could only curse:

"You are a bastard!"

Qingyun was not angry, nor was he anxious.

Anyway, he had love to irrigate, and it was only a matter of time before Jessica was loyal to him.

"Get up quickly and go out to eat."

Qingyun gave the order directly.

"I can't get up."

Jessica said angrily, and a blush appeared on her pretty face.

She really couldn't get up.

Because she hadn't shot a gun for a long time.

Her recoil resistance was only slightly stronger than that of a young girl who had just grown up.

And the gun she played with before was a Desert Eagle pistol, which had little recoil and average power.

But the gun Qingyun taught her just now was a Barrett sniper rifle, which had a huge recoil and knocked her to the ground several times. She still felt sore all over.

But when she hit the target with the Barrett, she felt really good.

She finally knew what it meant to be in pain and happy.

She realized that the Desert Eagle pistol she played with before was just a toy for children.

Adults should play with Barrett sniper rifles.

"Madam, you don't want me to go find Jonathan and his men right now, right?"

Qingyun smiled and asked Jessica.

Of course he knew Jessica's current situation. He deliberately let Jessica do this, just like letting Nami and the others eat the devil fruit, in order to train Jessica and make her loyal to him as soon as possible.

Hearing this, Jessica's eyes widened in anger, but she was powerless and couldn't help but curse:

"You shameless bastard!"

But despite the scolding, Jessica gritted her teeth and took action.

After she put on her clothes, she staggered out to eat.

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