
Maya ran to Saka and felt very sad when she saw the dead Saka.

However, she did not hate Qingyun because she knew that Qingyun came to deal with Saka for her.

Saka did not hate Qingyun, but was grateful to Qingyun.

"Let's go bury him, shall we?"

Nami came to Kaya.


Maya nodded slightly with tears in her eyes.

Nami looked at Qingyun.

Qingyun nodded tacitly.

Nami smiled and helped Kaya with Nojiko and the others to bury Saka.

"Keya, you should agree to board Qingyun's ship later."

"Otherwise he will definitely threaten you with the lives of the villagers."

"Until then, you still have to agree"

"But unlike you actively agreeing, the villagers will be extremely worried about your safety."

After helping Maya bury Saka, Nami persuaded Maya.

Hearing this, Ke Ya was shocked and looked at Nami in disbelief.

Because from her interactions with Qingyun, she could not imagine that Qingyun would do such a thing.


"Nami is right, that's how we all got on his ship."

Nojigo and the others all nodded.

"But you don't have to be too scared. Qingyun is very kind to us. He not only teaches us……"

Immediately, in order to reassure Maya, Nami and the others told her about Qingyun's kindness to them.

"I see."

Maya nodded:

"I understand."

After returning with Nami and the others, Maya came directly to Qingyun and said:

"Qingyun, I am willing to board your boat"

【Congratulations to the host for subduing Maya and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Maya's position.】

"Very good."

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"So from now on, Maya, you are the witch of my Sea King Group."As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun obtained all the positive and beneficial abilities of Maya.


Maya answered with certainty despite her reluctance. Seeing that Maya agreed, and Qingyun had helped Maya solve the Seven Star Sword, Lakos could not say anything.

"Let's go to your village tonight and bother you for a night."

Qingyun then smiled at Maya.


Maya nodded happily. She knew that Qingyun wanted her to say goodbye to her grandmother and the villagers properly, and she really needed it.

Maya immediately led everyone back to the village.

When Maya's grandmother heard about it, she supported Maya very much.

Because she knew Maya very well and knew that she was full of longing for the outside world.

Since the Seven Star Sword was destroyed, there would be no problem even if Maya was not in the village.

"Qingyun, Maya is now in your care. You must protect her for me.

Maya's grandmother said to Qingyun solemnly.

"Don't worry, I will.

Qingyun answered confidently.

The next day,

Qingyun, Nami and the others boarded the Sea King with Maya, and set off for Daughter Island under the farewell of the villagers.


As soon as they left Askah Island, Qingyun couldn't help it anymore and directly hugged Maya in a princess hug, which caught Maya off guard and made her scream. A blush appeared on her pretty face.

Although Maya liked Saka before, Saka also liked Maya, but before the two of them had time to do anything intimate, Saka was controlled by the Seven Star Sword.

Nami and the others were already used to this.

Laqi quickly covered Aisha's eyes.

""What are you doing?"

Maya asked in shame and anger, struggling constantly.

But Qingyun was too strong and she couldn't break free.

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"Of course, I will take you to accept the baptism that every member must accept immediately after boarding the ship."


Maya was very confused and became curious.

"Nami, this is the permanent pointer to Daughter Island. Let's go to Daughter Island first."

Qingyun took out the permanent pointer to Daughter Island and said to Nami


Nami nodded and took the permanent pointer from Qingyun.

Click! Click!

The next moment, Qingyun turned into lightning and took Maya into his room and locked the door.

He still did not rush, but he did not pour two glasses of wine for himself as before.

Although Maya was inexperienced, she still had some knowledge. She realized what Qingyun wanted to do and became nervous. She said in a panic:

"Captain Qingyun, isn't this development too fast?"

"Can you not be so anxious and let me like you first?"

Qingyun walked towards Maya with two glasses of fine wine, and said sincerely:

"The reason why I am so anxious is not only because you are as beautiful as a fairy, but also because of my own selfish desires, but also for your own good."

"For my own good?"

Maya looked incredulous.

She didn't expect Qingyun to be so shameless. He not only admitted that he did it for his own desires, but also said it was for her own good.

She really couldn't think of how letting Qingyun satisfy his selfish desires would be good for her.

But she was still very happy to hear Qingyun praise her beauty.

"You will know in the evening."

Qingyun handed a glass of wine to Maya and said with a smile.

Looking at the glass in front of her, Maya pondered for a while and chose to take it.

There was no way, people had to bow their heads under the eaves.

Maya was worried that if she dared to refuse, Qingyun would threaten her with the lives of the villagers.

After all, they had just set out to sea and were still very close to Aska Island. It would not take long for Qingyun to go back.



Qingyun clinked his glasses with Maya's with a smile.


Maya responded reluctantly.

The two of them drank the wine in their glasses.

Qingyun still did not rush.

After taking Maya's glass back and putting it back on the table, he held Maya's hand, slowly pulled her to the bed, and sat on the bed.

"How far have you and Saka developed before?"

Hearing Qingyun mention Saka, Maya couldn't help but feel a little sad, but she still said truthfully:

"We were just good friends before. Before I could confess my feelings to him, he was controlled by the Seven Star Sword."


Qingyun was overjoyed:

"So, I'm your first boyfriend."


At noon, Qingyun walked out of the room comfortably and saw Nojiko and the others training together in the training ground as usual.

But Nami was not there.

Qingyun could imagine that she must be studying the meteorological research that she had just"bought" from Xiaokong Island, and he did not intend to disturb her.

"Qingyun, I want you to teach me how to shoot?"

"You haven't taught me for two days and two nights."

Seeing Qingyun coming out, Dezaia immediately stopped training, ran to Qingyun with a smile, and asked expectantly

"And me."

Carmen, Miss Valentine and Shuangzhi followed to Qingyun and looked at him expectantly.


Qingyun agreed with a smile.

"Anyone who wants to learn can come and find me."

Qingyun said to Nojigo and the others with a smile, and then took the four girls of Dezaia to Dezaia's room.

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