Two days later, around 10 a.m.,

Qingyun controlled the flight of the Sea King and quickly led Nami and the others through other routes of the paradise, flew through the doldrums, and arrived above the sea area of Daughter Island.

"What kind of ship is that? It can actually fly?!"

"And that ship is so big, it's actually much bigger than Lady Snake's ship!"

In the Daughter Island, the people who noticed the Sea King were very surprised.

However, because they were facing the sun, they couldn't see Qingyun and Nami on the ship.

But Qingyun and Nami could see everyone in the port clearly.

"Is this Daughter Island?"

"There are really only women!"

Nami and the others looked down at the port and were shocked to see that it was full of women.

So many people?

The Nine Snakes!

Seeing the Nine Snakes Pirates' ship, Qingyun realized why there were so many people at the port of Daughter Island.

"What a beauty!"

""That woman is so beautiful!"

Qingyun and Nami couldn't help but sigh when they noticed Hancock on the bow of the Nine Snakes.

Hancock was wearing a pair of gorgeous high heels, a high-slit red cheongsam skirt on her lower body, a deep V red top on her upper body, and a white cloak on her shoulders.

Her skin, which was white with pink, like warm jade, and her tall, curvy, delicate and plump figure were fully displayed.

Her face was delicate and soft, and her deep blue eyes were as crystal clear as sapphires.

With her black and shiny Ji hair and the noble temperament that naturally exuded from her body, she looked extremely sexy, charming, domineering and charming, and extremely moving.

Regardless of whether they were men or women, they all couldn't help but want to kneel down at her feet, willing to help her, even if it meant sacrificing their lives for her.

"It seems that Hancock is about to leave Daughter Island, and the people of Daughter Island are seeing her off."

"It seems we have come at the right time."

Looking at Hancock on the Earth Nine Snake, Qingyun smiled slightly.

"Daughter Island does not welcome outsiders, please leave quickly, otherwise we will not be polite."

At this time, Hancock's third sister, Marigold, warned Qingyun and Nami loudly.

"You all stay on the boat and don't get off no matter what happens."

Qingyun did not respond to Marigold, but solemnly said to Nami and the others.


Nami and the others nodded affirmatively, and none of them wanted to follow secretly.

Because they had heard of the reputation of the Pirate Queen, and even heard about Hancock's ability from Qingyun.

Now that they saw Hancock with their own eyes, they believed it without a doubt.

They didn't want to turn into stone.

"Qingyun, be careful."

Except for Jessica and Maya, the other girls all warned Qingyun.

"Don't worry, if I wasn't sure, I wouldn't have come here."

Qingyun said confidently, and then jumped down directly onto the shore.

The Daughter Island soldiers on guard immediately surrounded Qingyun with weapons, staring at him vigilantly and curiously.

The women who saw Hancock off were also looking at Qingyun curiously.

"Why does she look different from us?"

There are no men on Daughter Island, and men are not allowed to enter.

Therefore, most women on Daughter Island have no chance to see men, let alone contact with men.

Unless they become female warriors, get Hancock's approval, and join the Nine Snakes Pirates, they can go out to sea with Hancock from time to time, and have the opportunity to see men.


When the Nine Snakes Pirates saw Qingyun, they immediately knew that he was a man. Their eyes were full of hostility, but they were also very curious.

The same was true for the women on Daughter Island who had never seen a man.

Because the women on Daughter Island were taught from childhood that men were extremely dangerous and should never be approached. If they were seen on the island, they had to be killed immediately.

But women are very curious, and the more this happened, the more curious they were about men.


Hancock and her two sisters recognized Qingyun, and they all became more or less alert.

Because they often robbed other pirate groups, and even robbed the navy, they knew all the pirates and navy, so they also knew Qingyun.

Hancock came to the head of a snake on the Nine Snakes.

Her two sisters, as well as her pet black panther and pet snake, followed.

Hancock's inseparable pet snake, Salome, immediately turned into a chair. Hancock sat on Salome, crossed her legs, put one hand on the snake, and supported her pretty face with the other hand. She looked at Qingyun like a king looking down at his subjects, and asked lightly:

"What do you want to do by breaking into my daughter's island?"

"Hancock, get on my boat"

"I will lead you to overthrow the World Government and pull the Celestial Dragons off the altar."

Qingyun did not beat around the bush and went straight to the point.

Everyone was shocked when they heard his words.

After reacting, Nami and the others thought that he was not talking nonsense when they remembered Qingyun's ability.

However, Hancock and the people of Daughter Island all thought that Qingyun was dreaming.

"Although I hate the World Government and the Celestial Dragons, I also hate you."

"But I like your big spaceship very much, and I also want the treasure on your ship."

Hancock smiled slightly, and said slowly, her pretty face full of confidence.

It was as if Qingyun would offer the spaceship and treasure even if she didn't ask or rob them.

Hearing this, looking at Hancock, Qingyun couldn't help but feel the urge to hand over the Poseidon and the treasure on it to Hancock.

But fortunately, his desire is stronger than that of ordinary people.

Others just want to please Hancock, let Hancock look at themselves more, and talk to themselves more.

But Qingyun wants Hancock to submit to himself.

It's Hancock after all!

I guess except for Luffy and Fujitora, I'm afraid no one can not be moved by her?

Qingyun couldn't help but sigh in his heart

"What a beautiful person!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, go get the treasure."

On the Sea King, except for Nami and Kalina who love money like their life, Tashigi who is obsessed with swords, Robin who has experienced countless life and death, and Miss Golden Week who is the only one who has mastered the spiritual system and is only a little tempted, everyone else can't help but act for Hancock.

Crack! Crack!

Nami immediately turned into lightning, blocked in front of Nojiko and the others, and shouted:

"You guys should be more sober and don't be fooled by her."

Noqi Gao and the others finally reacted:

"Oh no, I was fooled by her before I knew it."

Nojigo and the others came to their senses and were shocked. They all became very alert.

"I heard that your charm is unparalleled and can petrify anyone."

"In this case, how about we make a bet?"

Qingyun looked at Hancock and said provocatively


Hancock heard that Qingyun wanted to challenge her charm and ability. She was extremely confident about this and became interested:

"What to bet on?"

"How to bet?"

Hearing this, Nami and the others and everyone on Daughter Island looked at Qingyun curiously.

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