
"Kill that lunatic!"

"Don’t let him kill Lady Xia Lulia too!"

The King of the Bakayal Kingdom gritted his teeth and gave the order.

Although he knew that his army would most likely not be able to stop Qingyun, he couldn't let Qingyun kill the only remaining Xia Lulia.


Hearing the king's order, the soldiers rushed towards Qingyun.


Qingyun's eyes glared, and a red light flashed in his eyes. The strong domineering aura swept in all directions.

The next moment, except for Nami and Xia Lulia, who were deliberately avoided by Qingyun, everyone in the port had their eyes rolled up, collapsed to the ground, and fainted.

"Qingyun's Conqueror's Haki is so strong!"

It was the first time that Hancock saw Qingyun display Conqueror's Haki. She was very surprised and puzzled:

"With such a strong domineering domineering aura, his bounty should be more than 320 million, right?"

Nami and the others smiled slightly:

"Qingyun has become stronger again!"

Although she was not directly hit by Qingyun's domineering aura, but only felt the aftermath, Xia Lulia was still shocked and felt deeply frightened. She couldn't help but tremble even more violently, not daring to move at all.

"Nami, go to the kingdom and get all the treasures in the treasury."

"The others come down and take the treasures on the ship."

Qingyun loudly ordered Nami and the others.


Nami's eyes lit up immediately, and she turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed to the palace of the Bagayal Kingdom.

"No problem."

Kalina was also very excited. She immediately jumped down and landed on the boat, then disappeared in a flash.


Nojigo and the others all nodded, then jumped onto the boat and went to search for treasures together.

Watching this scene, Xia Lulia was unhappy, but she didn't dare to speak out to stop it. She could only let everyone take the treasures they had 'taken' along the way.

Let me go!

You must let me go!

Xia Lulia knelt on the ground trembling, and kept praying in her heart.

"Stand up.

Qingyun looked at Xia Lulia and said lightly

"Yes... yes."

Xia Lulia replied tremblingly, and then stood up tremblingly, not daring to disobey in the slightest, let alone delay.


Xia Lulia had just stood up, and before she could stabilize her body, Qingyun swung the Sandai Kitetsu and directly chopped her protective suit, glass cover and eye mask into pieces, revealing Xia Lulia.

Qingyun then saw that Xia Lulia was wearing a black lace long skirt, black suspender stockings on her legs, with a curvy figure and fair and tender skin.

Her facial features are also very delicate and beautiful, and her earthy brown hair is also unique.

However, her hairstyle is a bit hard to describe. It doesn't match her face and figure at all, and it looks weird.

Xia Lulia found that her protective suit, glass cover and eye mask were chopped into pieces by Qingyun, and immediately raised her hands to cover her mouth and nose, for fear of breathing the same air as the world.

"Looks OK"

"As a celestial dragon who has been hybridized for generations, it is a miracle that he can grow up like this."

"But this hairstyle is really ugly."

Qingyun disliked Xia Lulia's hairstyle very much, and immediately swung the Sandai Kitetsu again, accurately cutting off Xia Lulia's headband and hairpin, but did not hurt Xia Lulia, not even a hair of hers.

Despite this, Xia Lulia was still frightened.

However, without the fixation of the headband and hairpin, and Xia Lulia's hair was very smooth.

Her hair suddenly bloomed like a flower, naturally hanging behind her and on her shoulders, complementing her pretty face and clothes, and she looked much more beautiful and charming.


Qingyun nodded:

"It looks much better this way."

Feeling that her head was still there and that she was not injured, Xia Lulia's beautiful eyes could not help but show a trace of suspicion:

Doesn't he want to kill me?

Qingyun didn't say anything until he asked Hancock to kill Rozward. Xia Lulia thought Qingyun would kill them all and would not let her go.


Suddenly, Xia Lulia couldn't hold it in any longer, so she let go of her hands and breathed heavily.

Although she only held her breath for 30 seconds, she rarely practiced it.

30 seconds was already close to her limit.

"Xia Lulia, are you willing to board my ship and be my slave?"

Qingyun did not beat around the bush and asked Xia Lulia directly.


Xia Lulia was caught off guard and full of surprise.

She never thought that Qingyun would actually invite her to board the ship and be his slave.

Normally, no one would dare to say this to her. Even if someone did, she would never agree to it and would even have someone kill him.

But now, she could imagine that if she dared to refuse, Qingyun would definitely kill her and let her go find her father and brother.

As a Tianlong, she naturally didn't want to be a slave to others.

But she didn't want to die even more, and was afraid of death.

So after she reacted, she still gritted her teeth and answered reluctantly:

"I...I do"

【Congratulations to the host for taming Xia Lulia and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Xia Lulia's position. 】

Qingyun smiled slightly:


"But you seem reluctant, don't you?"

"That’s right, you are a celestial dragon, how could you be willing to be my slave?"

"Forget it, I'll let you go find your father and brother."

Upon hearing this, Xia Lulia was horrified and said in panic:

"I do"

"I really want to"

"Please give me your orders, Master. I... will do it well."

In order to prevent Qingyun from killing her, Xia Lulia even changed her words and called herself a slave.

She naturally did not want to be a slave to Qingyun for her whole life, but wanted to be a slave to Qingyun for a while and wait for the World Government to send someone to rescue her.

At that time, she wanted to let Qingyun see the price of enslaving herself and killing her father and brother.

"Very good."

Qingyun smiled with satisfaction:

"Then from this moment on, Xia Lulia, you are the servant of my Sea King Group."As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun obtained all the positive and beneficial abilities of Xia Lulia.

Although this improvement is as small as adding a drop of water to the ocean, it is better than nothing.

And the main purpose of Qingyun letting Xia Lulia on board was not to obtain her abilities. It was not to use Xia Lulia as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the World Government and the Celestial Dragons.

After all, with his current strength, coupled with the system's supernatural ability, he is not afraid of the World Government at all, let alone the Celestial Dragons.

He invited Xia Lulia on board because Xia Lulia was beautiful enough and worthy of his training.

"Yes Yes"

""I will obey any order from my master."

Xia Lulia replied hurriedly.

Snap! Snap!

At this moment, Nami came back with a big bag of treasures and a devil fruit in her hand.

"Qingyun, look what I found?"

Nami handed the devil fruit to Qingyun and said with a smile.

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