
"Don't meddle in other people's business."

Bard stopped the furious major general and left with all the navy.

He could feel that the three people in front of him were stronger than him and were not ordinary CP0s at all.

Moreover, CP0s were directly under the Celestial Dragons, so they could not interfere with their work and even had to cooperate with them.


Marinford, Navy Headquarters.

Inside the Admiral's Office

"Garp, you bastard, you actually brewed so much, what a waste!"

Zhan Guo saw Garp wasting his precious tea leaves, and he shouted in pain.

He had bought these tea leaves from the Kingdom of Flowers with great difficulty, and they were very valuable. He was only willing to brew a little bit each time, but it was fragrant and rich enough to satisfy him for the whole day.

But Garp actually took advantage of him going to the toilet and ran away with a lot of tea, which was enough for him to brew ten times.

"Hahaha, Zhan Guo, don't be so stingy. I'm not eating your food for free."

"Come, I'll treat you to something"

"This is a top-grade product."

Garp laughed and hugged Sengoku's shoulders, handing the senbei in his hand to Sengoku.

"Am I a stingy person?"

"I just can't stand you wasting the gifts of nature."

Zhan Guo said angrily, snatching the bag from Garp's hand, pouring all the senbei in it into his mouth, and started chewing it.

Garp was so angry that he blew his beard and glared:

"You bastard, you ate it all!"

Kizaru was sitting on the side watching this scene, and he was no longer surprised.

At this moment, Brannew ran into the office and reported in a panic:

"Marshal Sengoku, Vice Admiral Bad sent a message, confirming that Saint Charlos was killed by Qingyun, and Saint Rozward was killed by Pirate Queen, Boa Hancock."

"Lady Xia Lulia is missing and is suspected to be held hostage by Qingyun"

"In addition, the three guards of Saint Rozward and CP0, as well as the king and ministers of the Kingdom of Bakayal were all killed by Qingyun."


Upon hearing this, Zhan Guo spat out all the senbei in his mouth and looked at Branny in surprise:

"You said Qingyun and Hancock killed the Celestial Dragons?"


"During the Warring States Period, weren’t it just the deaths of two pieces of trash?"

"Why did you spray me in the face?"

Garp didn't care about what Brannew said. He spit out the senbei in his mouth with disgust and cleaned the senbei on his face.

However, Kizaru on the side was also a little upset.

It was not because Garp said that the Celestial Dragons were garbage.

But because he heard the information reported by Brannew.

Celestial Dragons are garbage?!

Brannew was shocked.

"What did you say?"

Zhan Guo's face turned pale

"Haha, I just said something wrong, just pretend I didn't say it."

Garp laughed and laughed.

Zhan Guo glared at Garp and yelled at him:

"Cap, watch your words"

"Even if you think the Celestial Dragons are trash, you can't say it, especially when there are people around."


Marshal Sengoku, you...

Branny was very helpless.

Kizaru still didn't feel the slightest bit of surprise.

"Qingyun shouldn't be on his way to Water City at this moment, and Hancock is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. How could they appear in the Kingdom of Bakayal and kill the Celestial Dragons?"

After venting his anger, Zhan Guo continued to think, but he couldn't figure it out.

The people present also couldn't figure it out.

"By the way, according to the information sent back by Vice Admiral Bard, Qingyun seems to be a powerful swordsman who can transform into lightning."

"In just a moment, they protected Saint Rozward and his three CP0s and guards and killed them all."

Brannew then reported

"Could it be that Qingyun is the user of the Thunder Fruit?!"

Hearing this, Sengoku, Garp, and Kizaru all thought of this.

They knew that the only thing that could transform a person into lightning was the Thunder Fruit.

And the Thunder Fruit is known as the strongest natural devil fruit.

And Qingyun also possesses the Armament Haki, Observation Haki, and Conqueror Haki.

""Tsk tsk, Sengoku, you're in big trouble."

Garp said in amazement, gloating over the misfortune.

But he was also in a headache now.

Because he had learned that Qingyun had also captured Makino on the ship, and Luffy had already set out to sea to chase Qingyun in order to save Makino.

"Hancock is now stripped of his title of Shichibukai"

"Garp, Kizaru, what do you think is a suitable bounty for Qingyun and Hancock?"

Ignoring Garp's attempt to add insult to injury, Sengoku asked.

He would definitely tell Akainu to bring people to help Aokiji capture Qingyun and Hancock, but he still had to set a suitable bounty for Qingyun and Hancock to deal with the Celestial Dragons above.

"This time two scumbags died, another scumbag was captured, and the king and ministers of a kingdom were killed."

"Considering the abilities of Qingyun and Hancock, let's set a price of 2 billion for Qingyun and 1.5 billion for Hancock."

Karp said nonchalantly while picking his nose.

"The strongest natural devil fruit, the sweet fruit that can petrify men and women, is worth the bounty."

Yizaru on the side finally spoke, and he agreed with Garp's proposal.


Zhan Guo nodded repeatedly:

""That's it."

Sengoku ordered Brannew. Suddenly, the Den


Mushi on the desk rang.


Sengoku walked over and picked up the Den Den Mushi.

"Zhan Guo, you should have known the news, right?"

"Hurry up and get someone to capture Qingyun and Hancock, and rescue the garbage they took away, so that I can give an explanation to the Five Elders."

Cyborg's voice came


Zhan Guo answered, and then hung up the phone.

Bloopers, boom boom~~

Zhan Guo had just hung up when the Den Den Mushi rang again.

Pinching his forehead, Zhan Guo was even���He picked up the Den Den Mushi with a headache, causing Garp beside him to laugh so hard that he couldn't stop.


"Sengoku, you should have known about the killing of the Celestial Dragons by Qingyun and Hancock in the Kingdom of Bakayal, right?"

As soon as Sengoku picked up the Den Den Mushi, the roar of the Five Elders came out immediately.

"I understand.

Zhan Guo frowned.

"A small pirate and one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea actually dared to attack the Celestial Dragons!"

"Moreover, these two bastards not only killed the Celestial Dragons, but also killed the king and ministers of the Kingdom of Bakayalu, and even captured a Celestial Dragon."

"Lord Yim was very angry about this."

"The Five Elders order you to immediately send someone to capture Qingyun and Hancock and hand them over to us for disposal."

The previous voice came out from the Den Den Mushi again.


Zhan Guo replied, then quickly hung up the phone and ordered Branny:

"Brannew, go and publish the new bounties for Qingyun and Hancock, and tell Akainu and Aokiji the details, tell Aokiji to be careful, and have Akainu bring people to support Aokiji"


Branny immediately went to execute the order.

In the early morning of the next day, the bounty order for Qingyun and Hancock spread throughout the world.

And their titles:

The God-killing Twins!

Of course, this was not given to them by the Navy.

It was given to Qingyun and Hancock by Morgans, the president of the World Economic News Agency.

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