"I'll help you too."

Tashigi and Jessica affirmed in unison.

They had just decided to stand on Qingyun's side.

Because they had completely fallen in love with Qingyun and couldn't leave him.

But they still couldn't bear to see Qingyun and the navy killing each other.

But they knew it was unavoidable.

So they chose to help Qingyun, not only to help Qingyun, but also to defeat the navy themselves, rather than letting the navy be killed directly by Qingyun.

After that, they would ask Qingyun to spare the navy they defeated.

Upon hearing this, although Qingyun could guess what the two were thinking, he still felt very happy and couldn't help but smile slightly.

Nami and the others were also very happy.

After this period of getting along, they all regarded Tashigi and Jessica as their own people, and none of them wanted to be enemies with them.



But seeing that Tashigi and Jessica actually chose to stand on Qingyun's side and said they would help him, the navy who knew the two women were stunned.

Especially Smoker and Jonathan

"Jessica, why...why did you help him?"

Jonathan couldn't accept this fact. He looked at Jessica in disbelief, and tears welled up in his eyes.

""Dashiki, you idiot, do you know what you are doing?"

Smoker couldn't accept this fact, staring at Dashiki and shouting angrily

""I'm sorry, Jonathan, I... I'm no longer worthy of returning to you, please forget me."

Jessica said with deep guilt.

At first, Jessica was forced to let Qingyun teach her how to shoot.

But later, she basically took the initiative to ask Qingyun to teach her, and she also fell in love with Qingyun.

She felt guilty about Jonathan and no longer dared to return to Jonathan.

""Colonel Smoker, I know exactly what I am doing."

Tashigi was also deeply ashamed, but she was also very determined.

She knew Qingyun was not a good person, but she also knew that the World Government was not as righteous as it seemed. It was just a lackey of the Celestial Dragons.

She wanted to pull the Celestial Dragons off the altar like Qingyun and build a new world.

"Jessica, are you……"

Jonathan realized what happened to Jessica. He was so sad that he burst into tears. He was also so angry at Qingyun that he wanted to bite Qingyun to death.

"Qingyun, you bastard, what did you do to Dashiqi and others?"

"How could they all stand on your side without thinking?"

Smoker's eyes were full of anger, and he shouted at Qingyun.

"Shut up, you rude fellow."

As soon as Smoker finished speaking, Qingyun hadn't said anything yet, but Hancock couldn't stand it anymore. She raised her head, puffed out her chest, spread her legs, and pointed her chest at Smoker and scolded him:

"I am not standing on Qingyun's side without thinking"

"I chose to stand on Qingyun's side."

"Me too"

"I am the same."

Nami and the others followed suit and said affirmatively.

Hearing this, Smoker, Jonathan, and the other marines found it very difficult to accept.

"I see"

"Since you have all chosen to stand on the side of evil, I will send you off together."

Akainu stared at Qingyun and Nami with grim eyes and said in a cold tone.

"Meteor Volcano!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Akainu clenched his fists, turning his hands into lava, and continuously released a large number of huge lava fists into the sky, making them like a meteor shower, with the momentum of black clouds pressing down on the city, constantly falling towards Qingyun and Nami.

"Sakaski, Jessica is still there."

Jonathan was caught off guard and refused to give up, so he quickly reminded Akainu.

Although Smoker felt sorry for it, he did not persuade Akainu.

Because he knew Tashigi very well, if Tashigi did not volunteer, no matter how Qingyun threatened her, she would not stand against the navy and attack the navy.

"Didn't you hear?"

"Jessica chose to stand on the side of evil. She has fallen into depravity."

Akainu glanced at Jonathan and said coldly.

Jonathan was speechless.


"You are worthy of being the admiral of the navy!"

Nami and the others were shocked by the many huge lava fists that were falling.

"You bastard, do you want to kill me too?"

Xia Lulia suddenly panicked and couldn't help cursing.

"Leave it to me."

Qing Yun said confidently, and raised his left hand, gathering a large amount of lightning.

Boom! -

Then, he released dozens of powerful lightning bolts, and with overwhelming force, he quickly attacked the huge lava fists that were falling.

Bang! Bang! Bang! -

All the huge lava fists fired by Akainu were shattered by the lightning bolts fired by Qing Yun.

""So strong!"

Seeing this scene, not only the navy was shocked, but even Nami and the others were also shocked.

Especially Nami.

Because Nami knew very well that she could not emit such strong and numerous lightning like Qingyun.

"Leave Qingyun to me"

"Kuzan, I'll leave the Empress Boa Hancock to you."

"The others will capture the rest."

Akainu ordered, and then he took the lead and rushed towards Qingyun at a high speed.


Aokiji nodded and rushed towards Hancock.


The others rushed towards Nami and the others.

"Don't hurt the two female navy too badly."

Qingyun did not send any of Nami and the others back to the Sea King, but said to the women, and then rushed directly to Akainu.

Because the women were nurtured by Qingyun's love and his patient and targeted teaching,���, their strength has been greatly improved.

And Nami and the others are together day and night, and they often train together. They are not scattered at all.

He is not worried that they will be injured by the navy, but he is worried that Taotu and Tina will be injured by the girls.


The girls answered in unison, and then rushed towards the attacking navy.

""Leave Aokiji to me."

Hancock said, and then rushed directly to Aokiji.

She knew that Aokiji's strength was extraordinary, and she had to stop him alone.

"I'll go help Hancock, you guys deal with the others."

Nami said, and then followed Hancock directly towards Aokiji.

"Formation A."

Nojigao gave the order and rushed to the front.


Ke Ya and the others nodded.

Immediately, Tashigi, Vivi, Miss Valentine and Two Fingers rushed to Nojigo's side and served as the first battle echelon with Nojigo.

Kalina, Dezaya, Laqi, Aisha, went behind Nojigo and the others and served as the second battle echelon.

Robin and Miss Golden Week came to the third echelon to serve as auxiliary.

Ke Ya, Makino, Carmen, Conis, Maya and Jessica came to Robin and Miss Golden Week to protect them and prevent them from sneaking up on them.

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