"Lava God!"

Akainu released lava with all his strength, and turned into a lava giant, emitting extremely hot heat.

The thick ice under his feet melted directly.

And the thick ice quickly melted around him.

However, the ground under Akainu's feet did not return to sea water, but was filled with the lava he released.

It turned out that Akainu was not blindly repelled by Qingyun, but deliberately led Qingyun to a distance so that he could use all his strength to deal with Qingyun without hurting his subordinates.


Qingyun's face was full of disdain.

Akainu led him far away, but wasn't he also forcing Akainu far away so that he could use all his strength to deal with Akainu?

200 million volts - Thunder God!

Crack! Crack! -

Qingyun first directly released all the"200 million volt lightning" in his body, and then surrounded himself with all the released lightning, thereby transforming into a huge Thunder God, exuding a sacred and terrifying aura of destruction. Has he also developed the Thunder Fruit to this extent!

Seeing this, Akainu was shocked and looked at Qingyun as if he was facing a great enemy.


He didn't say much nonsense, and directly raised his right hand, forming a fist to accumulate power, and at the same time used the Conqueror's Haki to entangle and strengthen it, with a fierce momentum.


Qingyun didn't say much, and directly raised his right hand to accumulate lightning, and turned the lightning into the shape of the Third Generation of Kitetsu, and at the same time used the Conqueror's Haki to entangle and strengthen it, and also added the petrification ability of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit to the Thunder Sword, with a fierce momentum.

""Lava Fist!"

After accumulating strength, Akainu swung his right fist with all his strength, and attacked Qingyun with a devastating force.

Fragrant Thunder God Slash!

Qingyun also accumulated strength, and swung the Thunder Sword with all his strength, and attacked Akainu with a devastating force.


Qingyun's Thunder Sword and Akainu's fist collided in the air, producing an extremely loud noise and an extremely powerful shock wave.

The sky and the sea trembled.

The ice surface not far away was cracked because of this.

People in the distance noticed this strong shock wave, knowing that Qingyun and Akainu must have fought with all their strength, and they all looked at the two of them at the same time.

"What is that posture?!"

Seeing the two people's current appearance, everyone was shocked and stared at them with wide eyes.

"Sakaski is finished!"

Seeing this, Aokiji remembered how he was defeated by Qingyun just now, and suddenly felt that Akainu was very likely to follow his old path.

He immediately ran towards Qingyun and Akainu, wanting to stop Qingyun and save Akainu.

Because he knew that once Qingyun hurt Akainu, he would definitely take advantage of the victory to kill Akainu.

At that time, Qingyun would be unstoppable.

Snap! Snap!

"Your opponent is us."

How could Nami and Hancock let Aokiji leave? They immediately continued to attack Aokiji, forcing Aokiji to continue to dodge with all his strength to prevent being petrified by Hancock.

How is this possible?!

Soon, Akainu widened his eyes, his eyes full of disbelief.

Because he personally felt that Qingyun was much stronger than himself, and he was now showing some signs of decline and could no longer withstand Qingyun's attack.

Although Akainu was stronger than Aokiji, he was only slightly stronger, otherwise he would not have fought with Aokiji for ten days and ten nights before the winner was decided.

Today's Qingyun is much stronger than Aokiji, and naturally much stronger than Akainu.

He did not consume too much energy in the battle with Aokiji just now.

Now he can still fight like... Just like he crushed Aokiji before, he suppressed Akainu.

Qingyun did not take advantage of the situation to knock Akainu away directly.

Instead, just like he did with Aokiji just now, he first forcibly cut off the Conqueror's Haki that was wrapped around Akainu's right fist, allowing his lightning sword to directly touch Akainu's right fist, and then used the petrification ability.

Akainu's face changed drastically on the spot.

Crack! Crack! Crack! -


But like Aokiji before, he was helpless and could only watch his right fist being petrified and then directly chopped into pieces by Qingyun.

Akainu was in great pain, and he immediately retreated backwards like Aokiji before, using the thrust of Qingyun's lightning sword.

But with the lesson of Aokiji, Qingyun would never let Akainu slip away, and he immediately rushed towards Akainu at a high speed.

""Lava God Fist!"

Akainu saw Qingyun chasing him quickly and knew he couldn't dodge, so he had to try his best to stabilize his body, then swung his left fist with all his strength and smashed it towards Qingyun.

Fragrant Thunder God Slash!

20,000 pounds!

Qingyun swung the Thunder Sword again and slashed at Akainu with all his strength.

When he was about to collide with Akainu's left fist, Qingyun used the ability of the Light Float Fruit.

Miss Valentine was able to freely control the ability of the Light Float Fruit to increase the weight of specific parts of her body.

And Qingyun had already conquered Miss Valentine.

Miss Valentine's strength increases, and the stronger her control over the power of the Light Float Fruit, Qingyun's strength will also increase accordingly, and the control over the power of the Light Float Fruit will also become stronger.

Naturally, he can now also increase the weight of specific parts of his body to 20,000 pounds.


- Bang!

This time, Akainu was completely unable to withstand Qingyun's attack, and was petrified and his left hand was chopped off.

How is this possible?!

Akainu's eyes were full of disbelief.


- Qingyun did not give Akainu time to react, and then swung the Thunder Sword, slashing at Akainu's neck with one sword, petrifying and chopping Akainu's neck directly.

Akainu also changed from the state of the God of Lava back to his original appearance.

However, his body was separated, and he died on the spot, with his eyes open, falling into the lava below and being burned to ashes.

"Admiral Akainu was killed!"

"How is this possible?"

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Seeing this, the navy officers couldn't believe it was true.

Because Akainu is recognized as the most powerful admiral in active service in the navy.

Nami and the others were a little surprised.

Because among these navy officers, there are two beautiful women, Momosuke and Tina.

According to past experience, they all thought that Qingyun would seriously injure Akainu and Aokiji, and then use them and other navy officers to threaten Momosuke and Tina to get on board.

【The host kills Sakaski, and his physical fitness is +80... and he gains the ability of the Lava Devil Fruit, as well as the Lava Devil Fruit.……】

The next moment, Qingyun had a Lava Fruit in his hand, and he also mastered the ability of the Lava Fruit, the same as the Devil Fruit ability he obtained after killing the enemy before, which was the ability of the Lava Fruit mastered by Akainu.

In other words, Qingyun can use all the moves that Akainu can use.

After he lets one of Kaya and the others eat the Lava Fruit in the future, his Lava Fruit ability will be further enhanced.

And as long as the person who eats the Lava Fruit develops the ability of the Lava Fruit, his Lava Fruit ability will be further enhanced.

He smiled slightly and immediately put the Lava Fruit into the system space.

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