"That's great!"

Hancock threw herself into Qingyun's arms and cried with joy:

"I thought you……"

"It's really great"

"Don't worry."

Qingyun smiled happily, raised his hand, and gently rubbed Hancock's head:

"The person who can really kill me in this world has not been born yet."

Hancock and Nami smiled and were very happy.

Only Xia Lulia was extremely scared.

Soon, Qingyun brought Hancock and Nami back to Nokiko and the others.

At this moment, Nokiko and the others had already knocked down all the remaining navy who had not been knocked down. Only

Taotu and Tina, who were still controlled by Miss Golden Week with the Black of Betrayal, were left.

"Everyone has done a good job. You have all put into practice what I taught you."

Qingyun smiled and praised the girls.


Nami and the others all smiled happily.

"Mariannu, release the control over Taotu and Tina.

Qingyun gently rubbed Miss Golden Week's head and said with a smile.


Miss Huang Jinzhou nodded, and immediately stopped hypnotizing Taotu and Tina.

Taotu immediately picked up the Jin Kunluo that fell on the ground, then left the Black Betrayal Symbol, raised the Jin Kunluo, entered combat readiness, and stared at Qingyun.

Tina also immediately resurrected the Black Betrayal and stared at Qingyun vigilantly.

""Gion, Tina, are you willing to board my ship?"

Qingyun asked Taotu and Tina directly with a smile on his face.

Nami and the others were already accustomed to this.

Xia Lulia, who had just boarded the ship, was a little surprised.

She felt that according to Qingyun's character, he should have directly captured Taotu and Tina on board. How could he invite them on board so formally?

Most of the sailors who fell to the ground and could not move were stunned.

Only Jonathan realized what Qingyun wanted to do. He felt extremely angry, but also extremely helpless. He hated his own incompetence, and had to watch his people being forced on board by Qingyun.

"Do not make jokes"

"I absolutely cannot board a pirate ship."

Taotu refused Qingyun's invitation without hesitation.

"Tina didn't want to."

Tina didn't hesitate at all and firmly rejected Qingyun's invitation.

Qingyun was not surprised at all.

Nami and the others, Xia Lulia, and the navy were not surprised at all.

However, Nami and the others, as well as Jonathan, knew that Taotu and Tina's objections were unnecessary.

Crack! Crack!

Qingyun slowly raised his hand and began to accumulate lightning, and said coldly:

"In that case, I will……"

Hearing this and seeing Qingyun raising his hand to gather strength, Taotu and Tina thought that Qingyun was going to attack them, and immediately prepared to fight.

"They had no choice but to kill the marines lying on the ground one by one."

Taotu and Tina were both stunned when they heard this.

Soon, after they reacted, they couldn't help but show embarrassment and anger on their faces, and couldn't help cursing:

"You shameless bastard"

"If you have the guts, come after me/Tina"

"Don't hurt others."

Nami and the other women who were threatened by Qingyun to board the ship all agreed with Taotu and Tina's words and felt the same way.

But they didn't speak for Taotu and Tina.

Because they knew that it would be useless even if they spoke, and they would be punished by Qingyun.

Besides, although they would be baptized by Qingyun before boarding the ship, there were many benefits.

"That's the right way to do it."

Seeing Qingyun threatening Taotu and Tina, Xia Lulia nodded immediately, thinking that this was the way Qingyun should do it.

"Damn guy!"

"They actually used us to threaten Commodore Taotu and Colonel Tina!"

The sailors were extremely angry, but helpless.

Damn it!

Damn it!

Damn it!

Jonathan's back teeth were almost broken, and he hated his own incompetence.

First, he watched Qingyun threaten Jessica with his own life and took Jessica away.

Just now, he watched his good comrade, Akainu, die under Qingyun's knife.

Now he can only watch Qingyun use his own life and the lives of the sailors to threaten Taotu and Tina.

"Let's start with that guy first."

Qing Yun looked at a spirited young man not far away and said lightly.

Crack! Crack!

As soon as he finished speaking, Qing Yun turned into lightning and came to the spirited young man in an instant, aiming his right hand at his head.

"Discharge - 30 million volts……"


"I/Tina is willing... I/Tina is willing to board your boat!"

""Don't kill the navy indiscriminately!"

Just as Qingyun was about to discharge, Taotu and Tina desperately shouted to Qingyun.

Seeing that they were too late to save the navy, Taotu and Tina knew that they could not stop Qingyun from killing other navy.

They could not bear to see the navy being slaughtered by Qingyun, so they could only reluctantly accept Qingyun's invitation.

【Congratulations to the host for conquering Gion and Tina to join the Sea King Group. Please choose the positions of Taotu and Gion.】

"Your Excellency Brigadier General Taotu, Your Excellency Colonel Tina, I am not afraid of death, you don't have to worry about me, don't agree to this guy"

"He must be coveting your beauty, so you must not let him succeed.

Although the spirited young man was very scared, he still suppressed his fear and shouted desperately to Taotu and Tina.

"That's right"

""Commodore Taotu, Colonel Tina, I am not afraid of death either. You don't have to worry about me. Don't agree to this guy."

The other navy officers followed suit.

There were few female navy officers.

The powerful and beautiful Taotu and Tina were the goddesses in their and countless navy's minds.

Rather than watching Taotu and Tina board Qingyun's ship for themselves and benefit Qingyun, they would rather die.


Taotu and Tina were very moved when they heard this.

Even Nami and the others were moved.

Qingyun smiled slightly:


"You are really righteous."

Qingyun looked at Taotu and Tina:

"You look like you're reluctant to get on my boat?"

"That's right, you are a righteous navy, how could you be willing to board my ship."

Qingyun turned to the spirited young man on the ice:

"Forget it, in this case, I will grant your wish."

Hearing this, Taotu and Tina were horrified and hurriedly said affirmatively:

"I/Tina is willing"

"I/Tina is willing"

"I/Tina really want to board your boat"

"Don't hurt them."

The spirited young man saw that Taotu and Tina were ready to sacrifice themselves to save him, and immediately said:

"Brigadier General Taotu, Colonel Tina……"

"Shut up, Tina"

"It is not your turn to comment on what I/Tina decides."

However, before he could finish his words, Taotu and Tina shouted at him.

Qingyun smiled with satisfaction:

"very good"

"Gion, from now on, you are the swordsman and geisha of my Sea King Group."

"Tina, you are now the maid of my Sea King Group."

Qingyun then obtained all the positive and beneficial abilities of Taotu and Tina, including Tina's ability of the Kankan fruit.

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