"This is a detailed report on Qingyun and his gang compiled by Vice Admiral Jonathan."

Brannew handed a pile of thick reports to Sengoku, which recorded in detail the abilities of Qingyun and Nami that Jonathan had observed.

Crane and Kizaru stood up immediately and checked with Garp and Sengoku.

After reading it, Sengoku and the other four felt extremely unbelievable.

Especially Qingyun's ability.

And Nami was also a Thunder Fruit ability user. And Hancock, the Sweet Sweet Fruit ability user, was clearly not dead yet, but Qingyun actually had the same petrification ability as Hancock.

But they knew that Jonathan could not have fabricated it out of thin air.

No matter how incredible it was, it was a fact.

They immediately decided to increase Qingyun's bounty.

It was directly increased from 2 billion to 3.5 billion.

It was also decided to reward Nami and others who showed strong combat power and strange abilities in the battle.

Nami was able to suppress Aokiji together with Hancock because she had the strongest natural Thunder Fruit ability, and the bounty was set at 1 billion.

Nojigo has the ability of the Explosion Fruit, and can defeat Vice Admiral Jonathan in seconds with the cooperation of the team members. The bounty is set at 150 million.

Tashigi is a high-level swordsman who has mastered the Armament Haki and can cut out sword energy. The bounty is 230 million.

Vivi has the ability of the Sand-Sand Fruit, and can easily suppress Smoker. The bounty is set at 500 million.

Miss Valentine Michita has the ability of the Light Float Fruit, and the bounty is set at 88 million. Miss Two-Finger Pola has the ability of the Thorn

Fruit, and the bounty is set at 160 million. Nico Robin has the ability of the Flower-Flower Fruit, and the bounty is set at 180 million.

Miss Golden Week Mariannu has a strange control ability, and the bounty is set at 170 million.

Hancock's bounty remains unchanged.

After announcing the bounty for Qingyun's group, Sengoku did not send Garp and Kizaru to capture Qingyun's group and rescue Taotu and Tina.

He was not worried that Garp was too old and could not be Qingyun's opponent.

It was because there were more than just Qingyun in Qingyun's group.

Sengoku felt that Garp and Kizaru alone could not deal with Qingyun.

And according to the route of Qingyun's group, even if Garp and Kizaru sailed through the navy's exclusive sea route, they could not stop Qingyun in the Water City.

Sengoku decided to wait in the Sabaody Archipelago with Crane, Garp and Kizaru, waiting for Qingyun's group to arrive.

At the same time, he ordered to recruit soldiers from all over the world.

He wanted to expand the navy's power and see if he could find a strong person to replace Akainu and Aokiji.

While the new bounty of Qingyun's group spread rapidly, the news that Qingyun killed Akainu and Aokiji, as well as his new title, the fifth emperor of the pirate world, also spread rapidly.

The person who spread it was none other than Morgans.

The whole world was shocked by this.

Countless people were amazed at Qingyun's strength.

However, some people think that the Navy and Morgans exaggerated Qingyun's ability. After all, they have never seen anyone who can possess more than two devil fruit abilities.

Whitebeard with various needles stuck all over his body:

"Interesting young man.

Kaido, who just attempted suicide but failed:

"The fifth emperor?"


"What a joke"

"You haven't even entered the new world yet, and you dare to call yourself the fifth emperor?"

Charlotte Lingling, who was eating dessert, said:

"mama, mama!"

"Another ignorant brat has appeared?"

Blackbeard, who was looking for a pirate worth over 100 million, was looking for a bounty order:

"Thief hahahaha~~"

"What a perverted ability."

"He even killed two admirals."

"If what the Navy said is true, this guy must have become even more powerful"

"Forget it, let's not continue to hunt him."

The Straw Hat Pirates have just entered the Grand Line.

Except that the navigator is not Nami, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates is still Luffy, the swordsman is still Zoro, the sniper is still Usopp, the chef is still Sanji, and the ship is still the Merry.

However, Luffy, relying on the protagonist's halo, invited another navigator

"It’s...too high!"

"And he even killed two admirals!"

Usopp looked at the latest bounty order of Qingyun's group, especially Qingyun's bounty order, and was directly frightened to tears and collapsed.

Except for Luffy, everyone else was also shocked.

Luffy didn't think it was a big deal, and even thought it through:

"This guy is really amazing"

"No wonder he was able to deceive me and take Makino away from under my nose."

"It doesn't take much to deceive you, okay!"

Everyone was speechless and said in unison:


Luffy was extremely unbelievable.

"Luffy, why don't we just forget it and stop chasing Qingyun and his gang?"

"Qingyun is now the fifth emperor of the sea. We alone cannot rescue Kaya and Makino from him."

Usopp cried and persuaded Luffy.

In this regard, no one else said anything and chose to default.

Let's not talk about Qingyun. The bounty for any person in Qingyun's group is much higher than the bounty for Captain Luffy.

"So what if Qingyun is the fifth emperor of the sea?"

"I want to be the Pirate King."

"I will definitely rescue Makino and Kaya."

Luffy was fearless and confident.

Red-haired Shanks, who was drinking with Hawkeye:

"I didn’t expect that such a person would emerge from the East China Sea!"

Hawkeye was very surprised:

"This kid actually has so many abilities!"

"Then why didn't he use it at that time?"

Shanks looked at Hawkeye:

"Have you seen him?"


Hawkeye nodded:

"When he first arrived at the Grand Line, he woke me up and I killed him easily with one strike of my sword."

"But instead of dying, he was resurrected in an instant, and he also possessed the powerful strength of a swordsman."

"I suspect that he can not only kill the power user to obtain the power of the devil fruit, but also be killed by others to obtain the power of the person who killed him."


Hearing this, Shanks was shocked.

He knew that Hawkeye would not make up stories, and this was probably true.

"If my guess is correct, this Qingyun can basically be said to be invincible."

"And according to his style of doing things, he should want to recruit all the beauties in the world."

Hawkeye continued lightly.

Shanks was immediately shocked and asked:

"Did you see Makino on Qingyun's ship?"

Hawkeye asked with a question mark on his face:

"Who is Makino?"

"Makino is a good friend of mine in the East China Sea, and she is very beautiful."

Shanks thought for a moment, then said anxiously:

"She has beautiful green hair."


Hawkeye understood and began to recall carefully.

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