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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Hoo ~” Reina took a deep breath and slapped his little arms and legs.
Although it was just a simple chorus job, it still made Reina feel a little hard at the end of the day.
” Di … Today’s salary settlement …”
” You get base salary: 10 points ”
” Overtime Pay: One Earth Food Exchange Coupon ”
” Successful sign-in and punch-in for the first time, get a reward: primary gymnastics! ”
The mechanical system prompt sounded, making Reina extremely excited.
” Finally activated the system, and it didn’t cost me everything to get on this pirate ship! ” Reina couldn’t help clenching his fists excitedly, thinking a little excitedly.
A week ago, he was just an ordinary earthling, but somehow crossed into the world of One Piece.
After experiencing the confusion at the beginning, Reina had to accept the arrangement of fate and continue to survive in this two-dimensional world where there are many strong people like dogs.
The white light flashed by, and Reina felt warm on her body. The fatigue from a hard day seemed to disappear, and the strength in her body seemed to have increased.
Click on your character interface:
Name: Reina
Position: Pirate handyman
Combat Strength: 10
Skill: Primary Taijutsu ( 0/100 )
Credits: 10
Reina clenched his fist, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. With his primary physical skills, he finally increased his combat power from 5 to 10 .
Although he is still only a small person, he believes that with the system, he will definitely become stronger and stronger in the future.
His system is not complicated. Since the day he crossed over, the system has followed him, but it has never been able to activate. Today, he accidentally gave the pirate ship a chance to deliver goods, so that his system was activated and bound by itself. Pirates as a profession.
In desperation, Reina had to try his best to stay on the pirate ship and became a glorious pirate handyman.
According to the prompt of the system, he needs to work eight hours a day to complete the check-in and punch-in. Only when the check-in and punch-in is successful can he get the basic salary of the day! If he wants to get more rewards, he needs to work overtime. He can only get overtime pay if he works more than 12 hours a day.
In addition, the longer the continuous uninterrupted check-in time, the more wages and overtime pay per day.
In addition to check-in and punch-in, the system has three buttons, namely characters, items and mall. The currency in the mall is points. There are quite a lot of things in it, and there are a lot of miscellaneous things, but the things that really help him grow in strength, are quite expensive.
After feeling the body, Reina also checked the ” Earth Food Exchange Coupon ” in the inventory. Its function is to exchange any food from the earth, and there is no other function.
Reina, who was originally ready to rest because of fatigue, has now relieved the fatigue of his body because of learning elementary physique, so he plans to use it to practice elementary physique in the next time.
At eight o’clock the next morning, Rainer started the day with his cleaning tools on time.
In fact, if it weren’t for the system, he didn’t want to go to sea at this time, let alone board a pirate ship casually, but there was no way, if he wanted to become stronger, he had to rely on the system, and the condition given by the system was to become a pirate .
When I got on the boat yesterday, there were only the captain who was about to get drunk and a few pirates he didn’t know.
” Hey … boy, go get me a bottle of rum! ” A tall pirate with blond hair, wearing a kimono and two weapons hanging from his waist said to Reina.
” Hmm … ? ” Reina looked at the other in surprise, feeling a little overwhelmed for a while.
” Huh? Didn’t you hear it? ” Skye asked Reina slantingly.
” Sorry, I’ll get it right away! ” Reina quickly avoided the other’s terrifying eyes, walked to the cabin, took out a bottle of rum from the warehouse and handed it to Shiki.
He recognized the other party. As a pirate fan, although the other party didn’t have the funny rudder on his head, he would not admit the appearance of the golden lion Shiji.
” Speaking of which … where did you come from? Why did you appear on our ship? ” Skye took the rum, stared at Reina, and asked curiously.
” I’m the handyman who got on the boat yesterday! ” Reina said, raising the cleaning tool in his hand.
As soon as Shiji heard it, he didn’t want to chat, and left with the rum.
Reina took a deep breath, he knew that the other party did not look down on him, so he was not even interested in chatting with him.
” Speaking of which … why is the Golden Lion Shiki here? ” After he calmed down, Reina began to think while cleaning.
Although Gol D. Roger has not yet become the Pirate King, he has already made a name for himself in the world. It is considered a supernova pirate group. That is to say, the timeline he is currently on is more than 40 years away from the beginning of the plot. .
As for which pirate group this pirate ship is, after only half a day, Reina has completely figured out.
Because just now, he saw the future Whitebeard Edward Newgate , BIGMOM Charlotte Lingling and Beast Kaido on the boat!
Then the pirate group he was in was about to come out.
” Rocks Pirates …” Reina took a deep breath, suppressing the excitement and tension in his heart.
Not being excited is fake. As a pirate fan , he was almost excited to meet three of the future four emperors here, as well as the great pirate Golden Lion Shiki and the legendary pirate Rocks D. Run over and ask them for autographs.
But in addition to being excited, he was also a little nervous and scared. Except for Edward Newgate with the white beard, these people could be said to be murderers without blinking an eye. If he angered the other party, he could be killed at any time.
So although he really wanted to go over and hug his thighs now, he still endured it.
” Boom ~”
Just as Reina was cleaning, he suddenly heard the sound of an explosion coming from the cabin in front. Reina, who thought he was attacked, hesitated for a while or sneaked to the front to see what was going on.
” Dessert … I want dessert now! ” A beautiful woman with a cowboy hat and a seductive figure came out of the cabin, shouting unconsciously for dessert.
” Hey ~ Long bread, you should get some desserts for Lingling! Otherwise, she will really destroy the pirate ship! ” On the other side, a sturdy pirate companion said with a little fear.
” No way, Lingling broke the oven! Although my ability can make food, it doesn’t taste good! ” Behind Charlotte Lingling , a short dwarf man shook his head and said.
” Looks like the captain will be notified! ”
” Come on someone! Anyone can stop Lingling! ”
The surrounding pirates avoided Charlotte Lingling one after another. They all knew her strength, so they dared not approach Charlotte Lingling at all.
Reina knew what was going on when she saw it. Charlotte Lingling , the future BIG·MOM , was deeply impressed by her dedication to food, especially desserts.
So at this time, if you don’t have the strength to wrestle with her, the best choice is to stay away from her.
But just when Reina was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something, opened the inventory directly, and used the ” Earth Food Exchange Coupon ” obtained yesterday to exchange for a dessert from the earth – Rose Mousse Cake.
Reina thought for a moment, then walked towards the mad Charlotte Lingling .
” What does the handyman want to do? Looking for death? ”
” Who brought that aboard? Wasn’t anyone telling him not to come near Lingling when she was mad? ”
The surrounding pirates looked at Reina one after another, commenting in confusion.
Long Bread also looked at Reina in surprise, but his trust in Lingling’s strength made him not stop Reina.
” Lord Longbread, I have a cake here for Miss Charlotte Lingling , how about that? ” Reina said, taking out the cake that had just been exchanged from the system.
” Huh? You made it yourself? If this cake doesn’t suit Lingling’s taste, you know what’s going to happen! ” Long Bread pointed at the immobile pirate still lying on the deck, and said in a deep voice.
Reina swallowed and nodded, he believed that the food from the earth should be able to conquer Charlotte Lingling ‘s appetite.
It’s not that he wants to be in the limelight, but if the dessert he brought out can be liked by Charlotte Lingling , then at least on the boat, with Charlotte Lingling ‘s protection, no one should hurt him again. .
” Sniff ~~” Before Reina could speak, Charlotte Lingling, who seemed to smell the aroma of the cake, walked directly towards Reina.
” Hoo ~ Your Excellency Lingling, this is the cake I made, would you like to try it? ” Reina suppressed the fear in his heart, put the cake in front of Charlotte Lingling , and said calmly.
” Hmm ~ it looks delicious! I’ll start it! ” Charlotte Lingling first looked at the rose cake that Reina exchanged from the system mall, and then said with a satisfied expression .
” Ow! Uh … delicious ~~ Although it’s not a top-notch taste, the taste of this cake is really special! It’s delicious! ” Charlotte Lingling took the first bite, smash it, smash it Mouth, nodded with satisfaction, and said.
” Phew ~ You’ll be satisfied, if nothing else, I’ll continue to work! ” Reina said with a sigh of relief and nodded.
Charlotte Lingling ignored Renner , but Longbread nodded to him, then waved him away.
Many pirates looked at Reina curiously. After they saw that the cakes made by Reina really satisfied Charlotte Lingling , they left as if nothing was wrong. Edward Newgate, who was watching the sea on the side of the ship , glanced sideways at him.
However, Reina did not show any complacent or arrogant expression, but continued to do the handyman work with the cleaning tools.
He knew that he didn’t have any ability or qualifications to make demands now, but what happened today could at least keep him safe on the boat.
In the evening, Captain Rocks, who was sober from a hangover, held a banquet again. Reina, who was a handyman, had no right to participate, but hid in the corner and watched the pirates revel.
However, a figure appeared in front of him at this time, which made Reina stunned.

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