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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” hu ~ hu ~”
Early the next morning, Reina started training in Taijutsu. While the other pirates were still sleeping, he was already sweating profusely.
Although I spent 10 points in exchange for liquor last night, I kept the overtime pay, so I still made some money.
And the big guys on the ship already have a preliminary impression of him, which is not something that can be exchanged for just 10 points.
” Ah ~ Reina, are you working too hard every day? If you are like this, what should we do? ” When Reina finished her physical training and started cleaning, the crew slowly got up.
” Haha … Morning! You guys were hangovers last night, and I didn’t drink alcohol, so it’s normal to get up a little earlier! ” Reina said with a smile.
” By the way, when it comes to last night, are you really out of that kind of wine? ” The pirates who had just woken up immediately pricked up their ears, wanting to hear how Reina answered.
Although they didn’t get that kind of wine last night, they could smell the overflowing aroma of wine!
” It’s really gone, but don’t worry, I will secretly keep some when I brew next time, and share it with everyone! Anyway, the captain and the others have already drank it, so I’ll leave a little for everyone, so the captain won’t mind! ” Reina touched the back of his head and said with a smile.
” Enough loyalty! Come on, didn’t you get a new ability recently? Brother, I’ll accompany you to practice! That guy Ismail is too weak, it’s hard to be your sparring partner ! ” Thief, said happily.
As soon as Reina heard it, he immediately put the cleaning tools aside. This kind of good thing is rare. I didn’t expect that the mere liquor could have such an effect.
” Bang bang bang bang ~~~” There was a sound of fighting, Reina didn’t keep his hand, because he had seen his fighting power from the opponent’s head – 195 !
He really didn’t expect that any pirate on the ship would have such a high combat power. You must know that Ismail is also a true fighter! He has only a mere 48 combat power.
The two fought for a long time, and the big reason was that the other party was training with Reina. Otherwise, even if he had the ability of the Black Emperor, Reina would have been defeated long ago.
No way, he can absorb too little ability now, and each release requires a lot of physical strength, he doubts whether he will become a kidney deficiency like Trafalgar Law in the future.
” Hahaha … Reina, your ability is indeed very good, but every time you activate it, you need to consume stamina? Your stamina is not enough right now! Pay more attention in this regard, when your stamina can support you, use your ability to cope with it. In a battle, I guess I’m not your opponent! ” Simpson looked at Reina, who was already tired, and said with a big laugh.
In fact, Reina also knows that his biggest shortcoming now is physical strength, but he has not been in contact with primary martial arts for a long time, and when this body is still growing, his physical strength has not reached its peak, so during this time he even primary swordsmanship. I haven’t touched it, I’ve been exercising.
After sitting on the ground to absorb all the energy in his body and convert it into his own physical strength, Reina slowly stood up and said, ” No way, my body is indeed weaker. I was just an ordinary person in my hometown! ”
” Boy, in addition to exercising, you should eat more meat and drink some wine so that your body’s energy can be replenished, otherwise excessive exercise will only drain your body’s potential!
Didn’t that guy, Ske, drink a good bottle of your wine yesterday? Wait for him to get up and let him catch a sea king for you to replenish your stamina! ” Suddenly a voice came, and Rayner looked sideways, only to see Edward Newgate sitting on the side of the ship, speaking towards this side.
” Ah? That’s what it is! Many thanks to Big Brother Newgate! ” Reina was stunned. The strong people in his memory did eat a lot, especially the protagonist Luffy, who could be called a food destroyer, and his body was also It’s quite weird, no matter what kind of damage you take, as long as you eat it, it will recover immediately. It’s amazing.
Originally he thought it was the reason for the rubber fruit, but now it seems that Garp has helped Luffy to exercise since he was a child, so his body absorption is so abnormal.
” Jie ha ha ha … It’s just a mere sea king, what’s the problem? Brat, although you cheated me last night! But for the sake of the wine, I will forgive you generously! Jie ha ha ha ha …” I don’t know when, the golden lion Shiki also appeared on the deck.
Originally, because he drank too fast last night, he didn’t taste the taste of baijiu at all, but after hearing the talk from the crew members today, he realized that he only drank two bottles of fine wine last night, even if the captain wanted it. !
This made him extremely proud, so he didn’t bother to pursue Reina for the matter of being drunk last night.
” Whoo ~”
Reina quietly let out a sigh of relief, after all, being targeted by a strong man like the Golden Lion is not a good thing.
That evening, the golden lion Shiji really caught a sea king. After Reina asked the kitchen to cook, he generously invited the crew on the ship to enjoy it together. After all, he couldn’t finish eating such a big sea king by himself.
In the next time, Reina exercised his physical skills while using his abilities to learn from the crew, and then used it to strengthen himself after absorbing energy.
Now the long bread has not instructed him to train, because the long bread who is not good at fighting, even if the combat power is much higher than Reina, can not guide him as before, so now he is more with the combatants on the ship Learn from each other.
In addition to practicing, Reina is still accumulating points for checking in every day. Now his points are close to 500. Except for occasionally exchanging cakes for Charlotte Lingling , he has not used the points.
Because he has points and wants to buy the ” skill upgrade coupon ” in the mall , this item is priced at 1,000 points.
According to the above display, the skill upgrade coupon can be used to upgrade the skill after the skill level is complete.
Although his proficiency in primary physical skills is not growing fast, he will be full one day, so this coupon will be used sooner or later, and it is just needed.
In addition, he also found props in the mall to evolve his genetic lineage, but the price is a bit unaffordable, so it has not been included in the must-buy items by Reina for the time being.
In addition, there is another item on his must-buy list in the near future, and that is the weight suit.
The weight-bearing clothes he is wearing now have been completely adapted, and the exercise effect is not as good as at the beginning, so he wants to change to a set of weight-bearing clothes worth 100 points, so as to have a better exercise effect, he After I plan to receive the half-month gift package, I will check the situation before buying.
” Di … Check in for the 14th day in a row … Today’s wages are being settled …”
” You get base salary: 140 points ”
” Overtime pay: 20 million bery ”
” Fu ~ Finally, tomorrow will be the fifteenth day, and I don’t know what kind of reward I will get! I hope to have a strong ability! ” Watching the salary of the fourteenth day arrive, Reina exhaled deeply. Take a breath.
The recent overtime pay has been given to Berry many times. Fortunately, the money can be stored in the inventory, otherwise he would not know where to hide it.
Early the next morning, while Reina was still doing the cleaning work, the lookout suddenly shouted excitedly: ” Ahead, discover the island! ”
” Haha … I finally have something to do, and I’ve been rusty lately! ”
” Jie ha ha ha … Finally there is an island, Jie ha ha ha …”
When the crew heard the discovery of the island, they all walked out of the cabin, showing excitement, except for Reina …
“ma~mama~ is there a new island? I can finally eat a new dessert. If this island doesn’t have dessert that I’m satisfied with, I’ll ruin it! ” Charlotte Lingling licked her tongue , slightly Looking forward with anticipation, although only a small black spot can be vaguely seen now.
She hasn’t eaten Reina’s cakes very much recently. After all, no matter how delicious it is, you will get tired of eating it often.
So even if Reina could exchange more desserts from the mall, he didn’t exchange it, that’s what he wanted.
Looking at the happy crew members around, Reina was a little sad. In fact, Reina was very happy to see the new island!
But he didn’t like to find out at this time, because today was his crucial day, and he was about to get the half-moon gift package. If he also disembarked, then his work time would definitely not be completed, so he would hear the discovery of the island. When the voice is heard, his face is not good.
” Little ones … get ready for me and grab all their treasures! ” Rocks also seemed very excited, standing on the bow, loudly mobilizing the crew.
Rayner found that the whole ship, except him, was only the future white-bearded Edward Newgate sitting quietly on the side of the ship.
” Brother Newgate! ” Rayner walked over and greeted with a smile.
Newgate turned his head slightly and looked at Reina, as if asking him what he was doing with his eyes.
” That’s it, I’m almost finished brewing baijiu. When you go to the island, can you help me find it? ” Rayner had already thought of an excuse to talk to Newgate.
” Oh? The wine will be finished soon? ” Sure enough, after hearing Reina’s words, Newgate asked slightly happily.
” Yes, it’s almost there! But there are still some things missing! And these two days are critical moments, I have to take care of me, so I can only ask Brother Newgate for help! ” Reina smiled shyly and said.
Also, this is an excuse for him not to get off the boat. Only in this way can he complete enough working hours on the boat to ensure that his continuous clock-in time will not be interrupted.
” Don’t worry! Leave it to me, no problem! ” Newgate did not doubt Reina, and agreed very readily.
When the pirate ship docked, Rayner found Captain Rox again and said that the liquor was about to be finished, and only a bunch of fruits were needed, and he had already asked Edward Newgate to find it for him, so this was the case. The two will take care of them on the boat, so they won’t follow the captain to find the treasure.
For this reason, Rox was quite happy, let Reina take care of the wine, he will give him a part of the treasure he brought back, so that he doesn’t have to worry about not getting the treasure, he just wants to have a bowl of wine when he comes back cheer him up!
Reina agreed very readily, and would definitely welcome the captain’s return with fine wine.
So a group of pirates Rox led directly into the only town on the island.

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