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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Puff! ”
Reina kicked back and kicked the navy that attacked him just now, and fell directly into the sea, before retreating to the corner panting heavily.
The navy attacked from behind just now. If it weren’t for the fact that the Black Emperor’s ability was passively triggered, he would already be dead.
” Boom boom ~~~”
Reina looked sideways at the navy warship that exploded. It was the main battlefield, and the entire warship had been destroyed. The navy soldiers above either came to the pirate ship to attack, or they had already gone to the other side. Two warships went on defense.
From the discovery of the navy to the start of the war between the two sides, it can be said that it is quite fast. When Reina is not ready at all, the battle has directly entered the white-hot.
Locks took the people straight to the front navy warship, and then began to fight with each other. Then on the other two warships, Karp and Sengoku each rushed over with a navy ticket, so that warship directly became main battlefield.
If the navigators were not moving fast here, it is estimated that the pirate ship would also be affected by the battle there.
” Block me and clear all these navies out! ” The one who was left on the ship by Captain Lockes was his confidant – John.
At this time, he has taken over the battle command of the pirate ship, and instructed the pirates who stayed behind to completely kill the navy who boarded the ship.
” Ismail! ” Reina, who was hiding in the corner and didn’t intend to go out, happened to see Ismail’s arm cut off by a sergeant, so he rushed out to save him.
” Boom! ”
” Huh? Capable? I didn’t expect there to be capable here! ” The sergeant and Reina punched each other, and immediately noticed that something was wrong, and the eyes he looked at Reina changed.
” Huhhh ~~ Reina , you’re just a trainee crew, you don’t need your help here! ” Ismail said to him, covering his broken arm with one hand, enduring the pain.
” Fuck off! You can’t beat me with two hands, let alone now! Leave it to me here, you can go somewhere else! ” Reina kept staring at the sergeant, not daring to be careless.
Although it was only a slight fight just now, the opponent’s 300 -point combat power still appeared in Reina’s eyes.
” Be careful, brat, this is not a discussion, don’t be merciful when you can kill! ” After looking at him, Ismail chose to leave, because he knew that staying here would only hinder Reina , does not help him.
However, he has been in contact with Reina for a long time, knowing that Reina is not the kind of ruthless pirate, so he is afraid that Reina will die here because of the kindness in his heart.
” Writing Wheel Eyes ~ Open! ”
Reina’s eyes turned red directly, and a black hook jade appeared in the eyeball.
” Huh? What a strange ability, is it an eye mutation or an eye-related fruit ability? ” The sergeant saw Reina’s change, and did not rashly choose to attack, but carefully observed Reina.
” Since you don’t attack, then I’m welcome! ” Renner knew that the quicker he explained the battle now, the better it would be for him, so he charged directly with his weapon.
” Dang! ” The two swords clashed, sparking some sparks, but the sergeant always felt something was wrong.
Reina didn’t give him time to react. The basic sword moves in elementary swordsmanship were used continuously, forcing the opponent to fight him recklessly.
” Boy, if you only have this ability … then go to hell! ” After the two played a few tricks, the sergeant didn’t notice anything unusual, so he slowly put down the guard in his heart and took the initiative to launch directly towards Reina. attacked.
” His shoulders moved, and his thighs and knees tended to start. He was going to step forward and slash at me from the left! ” Rayner’s writing wheel quickly observed the opponent’s movements, and analyzed the opponent’s movement. step by step plan.
” It’s now! ” Reina turned sideways, dodged the opponent’s slash in advance, and then threw the weapon in his hand before the opponent made the change, like a flying knife.
” Huh? You can actually see through my actions one step ahead? But boy … it’s not a good idea to give up your weapons in battle … ” The sergeant noticed from Reina’s position that the other party had seen through him. action.
But he didn’t care about Reina’s practice of throwing the weapon as a hidden weapon. Losing the weapon in battle was like a tiger without minions, and the danger was reduced by more than half.
” What I’m good at … is n’t swordsmanship! ” Reina, who threw away his weapon, followed behind the long sword and punched him.
The sergeant slammed Reina’s weapon into the air with a sword, then raised his foot to block Reina’s fist.
From their battle just now, he had already judged Reina’s strength. With his feet and the opponent’s fists, it was impossible for him to break through his defense.
” Boom! ”
Under the surprised eyes of the sergeant, he was knocked back several steps by Reina’s punch, and because he was standing on one foot, he fell directly to the ground.
” Pfft! ” Reina, who followed closely, stabbed the dagger in his hand directly into the opponent’s body.
” This … it’s impossible …” The sergeant didn’t understand until he died, why Reina had such power and didn’t use it before. If it was used earlier, the two would definitely not be evenly matched.
” hu ~ hu ~ hu ~”
Reina gasped heavily, wiped the blood off the dagger, and inserted it into the scabbard behind his waist.
Although the fighting time just now was short, Reina had already used all his means, and this was how he successfully killed the opponent.
That’s right, when the two of them collided with each other with their swords, he was quietly absorbing the energy of the collision. After absorbing it to his limit, he deliberately threw the long sword out of his hand, and then released the energy directly. Opponent knocked down.
The last dagger on his waist was exchanged from the system mall with the ” Universal Weapon Exchange Coupon ” before the battle began .
Reina, who killed the first time, did not vomit as described in the book, and he didn’t even feel anything at the time.
Not because he was cold-blooded, but because he didn’t have time to think about it during the battle.
” Okay, your kid is so powerful now! ” Ismail, who was hiding on the side, saw the end of the battle, and immediately came out and said to Reina with a smile.
” Are you all right? ” Looking at Ismail with only one arm left, Reina asked with a pale face.
” Don’t worry, it’s just an arm, but you … don’t look very good! ” Ismail hurriedly helped Reina and hid in the cabin together.
After closing the wheel, Reina realized that his hands were shaking slightly uncontrollably. On the one hand, it was caused by the consumption of a bit too much and his physical strength declined. On the other hand, after the first murder, he felt uneasy and hesitant in his heart. .
” Hey ~ it’s okay, this is the second dimension world, they are not real! ” Reina tried to convince himself, but he also knew in his heart that he was just lying to himself.
After he recovered a little, Reyna planned to go out to take a look. Ismail couldn’t wait. If Reina didn’t look bad, he would have gone out long ago.
The two came out of the cabin and found that the battle showed no sign of ending.
” Let’s go, look for those weak navies to kill, don’t look for those navy officers, they are all stronger! ” The one-armed Ismail just went through a simple explosion, but he looked around like no one, trying to find A weak navy sneak attack.
This is the most incomprehensible part of Reina, is this the so-called two-dimensional physique?
But there is no time to think about this now, because Ismail has already rushed out to fight the naval soldiers, and Reina dare not be careless.
Although he has the ability of the Black Emperor, he has a good life-saving ability, but now his physical strength is exhausted. If he encounters a formidable opponent, he may die here.
” Boom! ”
” Puff! ”
After kicking a navy into the sea again, Reina quietly hid again. He had just wandered around outside, and the energy accumulated in his body was already enough, so he just found a place to convert it into his own power.
This is already the third time he and Ismail have hid and transformed energy after they came out. I don’t know if it was an illusion. He felt that the speed at which he transformed energy had increased.
But there is no time to deal with this now. After converting the energy in the body, Reina strikes again.
After several transformations, he has recovered most of his physical strength now, and even if he faces the previous sergeant again, he is sure to defeat the opponent.
” Boom boom ~~~” At this moment, the navy warship that was the main battlefield finally couldn’t bear the persecution of those powerhouses, and turned into a pile of debris and sank to the bottom of the sea.
” Navigator … get ready to sail! Everyone … drive the navy out and meet the captain and them! ” John saw the warship over there being destroyed, his eyes lit up immediately, and he shouted loudly.
In fact, there is no need for Reina and the others to continue to attack. After seeing the sinking of the warship, the navy still on the pirate ship jumped into the sea. They knew that the battle was over. , they really can’t go away.
Perhaps because of some mutual agreement, the pirates did not pursue the navy who jumped off the ship.
” Jie ha ha ha ha …”
The iconic laughter of the Golden Lion Skir sounded, and Locks landed on the deck of the pirate ship with the attacking pirates at the same time. At this time, there was no navy on the pirate ship.
” Oh ~~~”
” Haha … Victory! ”
” Navigator … you fucking hurry up and start the boat! Don’t run now … wait for the navy to catch up? ”
The deck became a sea of joy, the pirates celebrated that they had beaten the navy, and only John was still cursing the navigator at this time.
The navy has not lost its combat effectiveness. They still have two warships. If there were too many navy soldiers around the destroyed warship, those two warships would have come by long ago.
If you don’t run now, wait until the navy has finished cleaning up, and I’m afraid they will fight again.

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