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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Rayner did not expect that a move on his own whim caused the crew to put down their work and start a banquet, which was initiated by Rox, the captain.
This can be regarded as letting him know how much the pirates like to hold parties.
” La ~ la la la ~ la ~ la la ~ la ~ boy, I didn’t expect you to have such a hand! Awesome! ” Shikey put his arms around Reina’s shoulders, singing songs and drinking wine at the same time. Na said.
Reina also smiled bitterly. The golden lion Shiji has always been especially wary of him. Unexpectedly, after he played music on the violin, he seemed to suddenly put down his prejudice and began to become friendly.
According to his own words, a guy who can play “Binks’ Wine” on an instrument is definitely not a badass.
Reina didn’t know what was the connection between the two, and he didn’t understand what was going on in the other’s brain circuit! However, it was a big problem for him to be able to stop the Golden Lion Shiki from targeting him.
Watching the crew members play happily on the deck, Reina silently picked up the tools and continued to work. He didn’t get the overtime pay yesterday, and it can’t be like this today!
At the end of the night, Rayner got his base salary and overtime pay as he wished.
In the following time, Reina focused all his attention on cultivating physical skills and training the bloodline ability of the Black Emperor, and his strength was also steadily increasing.
The most speechless thing happened to him on the 24th day of consecutive check-in. After the day was over, the check-in system was actually reset!
According to the explanation given by the system, the longest time to check in is one month, and it will be reset on the first of every month.
That is to say, on the first of every month, it is a new beginning, and he breaks once in the first month, so he did not get the full attendance package for that month.
For the first time, I didn’t get the gift package for 30 consecutive days. Fortunately, this gift package will not disappear because of the reset, but it will always be there. When he meets the conditions, he can get it at any time.
As for the first one-day, three-day, seven-day and half-moon gift packs, because he has already received them, they will not appear again.
” Blublu ~~ Blublu ~~~” Just as Reina was exercising her body skills in the stern, the phone bug beside Rox on the second floor rang.
” Hey ~ what’s the matter? ” Rox picked up the phone bug and asked lazily.
” I already have the information you want, and the map is in my hands. When you want it, come and get it! ” A deep voice came from the phone bug, and after he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.
After Rox heard the opposite, he slowly got up, and his eyes released an astonishing light.
” Hahaha … It’s finally here! Very well, this world … belongs to me after all! ” After putting down the phone bug, Rox looked out the window with an ambitious smile.
The next day, Reina found that the way the pirate ship moved forward seemed to have changed, but he didn’t care. There were navigators on board, and he would control the direction of the pirate ship.
His main purpose now is to train himself. Now he has enough points to buy a skill upgrade roll, but his proficiency in primary physical skills is not yet full, so he is not in a hurry to buy it.
Maybe when the overtime pay will be sent to him! ?
” Bang bang bang …”
” Hu ~ hu ~ stinky boy, the ability is getting more and more proficient, everyone, can’t let the water, or we will lose face! ” Simpson was besieging Reina with the other two crew members at this time.
This can be regarded as they helped Reina to train. Judging from their strength, it is not easy to say that Reina will play one-on-one. If there are three people, Reina will definitely lose.
However, he is now very proficient in using the abilities of the Black Emperor, including when to release the absorbed energy and how much to release, he can accurately grasp it.
” Ha ~ be careful everyone! Shakers, open! ” Reina’s eyes turned red as he spoke, and there was an extra black hook in his eyeballs.
” It’s this damn ability again, everyone be careful, and attack separately! ” Simpson said directly when he saw Rayner opening the Shaker.
After opening the Sharinyan, with the ability of the Black Emperor, Reina has been able to easily defeat him. Even if the three of them join forces, if they are not careful, they will capsize.
The first to strike was Simpson, who attacked from the front. He bowed and rushed towards Reina quickly, and then suddenly punched directly at Reina.
At the same time, the other two crew members approached Reina from both sides, ready to attack at any time.
Reina was not flustered, the writing wheel turned quickly in the eye socket, and then took a step back, punching to block Simpson’s fist.
However, just when Reina’s fist was about to touch Simpson’s fist, he suddenly closed his fist, and then turned around and whipped at Reina.
Before Reina could react, the crew on both sides also punched at the same time, directly hitting Reina.
The corners of Reina’s mouth twitched slightly, and while his left and right hands crossed each other to block the attacks on both sides, he kicked Simpson.
While blocking the attack of the two crew members with his left and right hands, he directly absorbed the kinetic energy generated by the two of them, and then kicked Simpson’s feet to release the energy.
” Boom ~~”
Seeing that Simpson had just made contact with Reina, he was kicked out and smashed the wooden cabin of the pirate ship.
” Good chance! ” The crew who attacked from both sides ignored Simpson who flew out. They knew that every time Rayner absorbed energy, there was an interval. Although their plan just didn’t achieve the expected effect, it’s not bad now.
” Bang bang bang …” The three of them fought fast, and Reina’s wheel-shaking eyes turned quickly, completely seeing through the two’s moves. Can beat both of them.
” This kid’s progress is really fast! And the ability is also strange, it doesn’t seem to be the ability of the devil fruit! ” Golden Lion Shiji, holding a cigar, sat on the guardrail on the second floor, watching the fight below, softly said.
” Everyone has their own secrets, there is no need to know too much! ” Edward Newgate also looked at the battle below, but after Shikey spoke, he also said.
” Jie hahahaha … Are you afraid that I will shoot at him? Don’t worry! As long as he doesn’t provoke me, I won’t be making fun of myself! ” Golden Lion Shiki glanced at Newgate with a little dread and replied.
He knew that Reiner had been calling about Big Brother Newgate, and Newgate didn’t seem to object. For the sake of a mere trainee crew, he went to offend a strong man like Edward Newgate . It’s not a fool. .
And Charlotte Lingling , a madman, seems to value this kid a lot.
Shiji the Golden Lion touched his chin, wondering if he should do something too …
The battle below continued, and Reina fought one against two. Although he was suppressed, he did not lose quickly.
At this moment, Simpson, who was knocked into the air, suddenly rushed out of the cabin, but the time for Reina to absorb the energy had also arrived. Before Simpson arrived, he punched a crew member and directly knocked him into the air. , fell into the sea.
“I can’t let this kid continue, use all his strength! ” Simpson gritted his teeth and continued to rush towards Reina. He just released energy, which proves that he can’t continue to absorb energy in a short time.
Now with Simpson in, they’re still two-on-one, and they still have a chance of winning.
But at this time, Reina stepped back a little, and Emi had the choice to fight with the two of them, but instead fought with the two of them.
” They lost, they didn’t get Reina immediately, they already lost the chance to defeat him! ” The golden lion Shikey on the second floor suggested that Reina chose to fight, and knew that he was planning to delay time.
” Not necessarily, if the two can force Reina to fight, there is still a chance! ” Newgate shook his head and said.
Sure enough, Newgate’s words fell silent, and the two actually gave up their defense at the same time and went straight to Reina, intending to drag Reina back into the battle circle in exchange for injury.
Reina was forced by the momentum of the two and had to choose to fight recklessly. As a result, before the ability time was restored, Simpson and both of them were directly put to the ground.
” I lost! ” Reina said, lying on the deck, panting.
His real strength is not enough for him to have a one-on-two. Although his ability has been restored at the last moment, he has not used it. This is just a learning experience. It is meaningless to use it. If you lose, you lose.
From the time he was dragged back into the battle circle by the two, the result had been decided.
” Your kid’s ability is really troublesome! ” Simpson stretched out his hand, pulled Reina up, and said with a smile.
” No, my strength is still far behind! ” Reina shook his head and said.
After seeing the top battle with the Navy last time, Reina knew how different he was from the top combat power in this world.
The fighting between Locks and Garp is stronger than he imagined.
On the contrary, including the future three emperors and the golden lion Shiji, their strength should not have reached the peak.
When looking at war in the future, Edward Newgate with the white beard , although he is no longer at his peak due to his health and age, the damage caused by his gestures is greater than now.
At that time, he could not fight for a long time because of the decrease in physical strength, but his fighting power should be stronger than now.
And the top powerhouses at this time are none other than Rocks and Karp.
Although Reina wasn’t sure if the two of them had fought with all their strength in that day’s battle, the damage and power they caused were no worse than Whitebeard’s during the war.
” Hey , Rainer, where’s your violin ? Play “Guests’ Wine”! ”
After a rest, when Reina was about to get up to repair the cabin damaged by their battle, several drinking crew members shouted at him.
Ever since they knew Rayner could play an instrument, these guys let him play when he was okay.
” I have to repair the cabin first! Otherwise, Winsmore will never let me go! ” Reina reluctantly pointed to the damaged cabin with the tool in his hand, and said with a smile.
” Let Simpson do it! Didn’t he break it? ” said the crew member, who was drinking.
Obviously, they were also paying attention to Reina’s battle just now.

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