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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” I still have to go there in the end! It’s really unpleasant … I don’t want to go at all! ” Garp stood on the bow, sighed, and said.
” That’s because your excuse is too … too casual!? ” Pocato looked at his superior helplessly, sighed, and replied.
” Eh? Really? But that’s what I thought! ” Garp picked his nose, and then flicked a lump of booger out.
Pocato’s mouth twitched involuntarily. He really didn’t expect that Garp actually told Marshal Kong that he was lost and couldn’t find the island.
Then he was decisively scolded by Marshal Kong, and now he is honestly rushing towards the island.
” I’m busy next time. Whether it’s Roger or Rox, it’s not an easy opponent to deal with! ” Garp said seriously, looking at the island in front of him, who finally regained his strength as a strong man.
” Yes! ” All the subordinates saluted and replied.
But Garp was still thinking about what Marshal Kong said to him just now. The other party knew that he didn’t want to help the Tianlong people, so he explained it to him specially. This time is not an ordinary incident. If the Tianlong people are there The island was killed by Locks, so for the world government and the navy, the problem would be big.
Now that the Rocks Pirates can kill the Tianlong people and retreat, then people all over the world who hate the Tianlong people will follow suit.
At that time, their navy will be unable to deter the whole world, and the prestige of the navy will be wiped out, which is not a good thing for the world!
And when the time comes, the Tianlong people will definitely order the world government to retaliate against the Rocks Pirates. In this way, the world that has been peaceful for hundreds of years may really fall into war again.
And this is the last thing Garp wants to see, so he has no choice but to rush to rescue the Tianlong people.
At this time, the Rox Pirates who had already logged in did not move on, but came to a valley.
” Everyone … long time no see! ” After coming to the valley, the one who appeared in front of everyone was John who had defected before .
” John! You still dare to appear here? ” Shikey immediately stood up and yelled at him with a bad face.
” Don’t worry, Scy! If I really betrayed the captain, do you think I’d be here? ” John said with a smile.
Reina understood the first time John appeared, he did not betray, it should be Captain Lockes doing this deliberately, but he didn’t understand why Captain Lockes did it.
” Okay! I know you are a little confused, but it doesn’t matter, I’m here, I can tell you! My purpose is not gold and slaves at all! It’s … Tianlong people! ” Rox grinned . , said to the bewildered crew.
” What is the relationship between Tianlong and John? Captain, please explain it directly! ” Shi Ke asked a little puzzled.
” It’s very simple, because we have navy spies on board! So I let John go ahead of time, pretending that our treasure was stolen, and then come here to rob the Tianlong people! ” Rocks explained with a smile.
” What? We have people from the Navy on board? ” Everyone looked at each other and couldn’t believe it.
” Hahaha … It doesn’t matter, by now, it doesn’t matter who it is, because … the world will soon belong to us! ” Rox said confidently.
The smile at the corner of his mouth made Reina a little shocked. His captain seems to have planned a big plan!
” In this valley behind me, there are a few Tianlong people, and there are only some bodyguards and slaves around them. When we go in and kill them all, as soon as the news spreads, what will happen to those who have lost their lives because of the Tianlong people? think?
Why can the Rocks Pirates retreat after killing the Tianlong people? Because we are stronger than anyone! Therefore, those people will gradually gather under my command, and because of the shock of the navy, the guys who dare not attack the Tianlong people will also take action against the Tianlong people!
At that time … the Tianlong people will definitely suffer heavy losses, and the world government will not let it go! So what will happen? There are wars all over the world, and the whole world is full of wars, and we, who are strong and strong, are the best chance to dominate the world! ” Luox opened his arms and said loudly with a frantic look on his face.
All the members of the pirate group below were shocked by Rox’s amazing idea.
” Hey … Captain, aren’t you serious? I have no opinion on the Tianlong people, but just because of a few Tianlong people, can it really have such a big impact? ” Shi Ke said in a dumbfounded manner.
” Ski … Vision … Take a long-term view! Do you think this action is just for us Pirates? We … just made the most critical step! Hahaha … I, Rocks D. Jibek, let the brilliance of the D family shine on the whole world again! ” Rox opened his hands, made a gesture of embracing the world, and said loudly.
When Reina heard Rox’s words, his heart trembled slightly, D’s family, it seems that the captain should know something.
Even Reina, who knows the direction of the world, is not sure now. If it is true that according to Rox, after killing the Tianlong people here today, what the world will look like.
” Reina! You’re right, the captain is crazy, we can’t let him succeed! This world … can’t be in war! ” Edward Newgate said softly , standing beside Reina.
” Brother, don’t worry, there should be experts around the Tianlong people, and since the captain said that there are naval spies on board, then there are probably naval warships around! As long as we put some water, the navy will stop the captain! ” Rainer grabbed Newgate, shook his head and said softly.
” Okay, then we’ll see what the situation is! ” Newgate hesitated, nodded and said.
At the top of the valley at this time, the Roger Pirates were stunned when they looked at the Rocks Pirates gathered below.
” Are you sure? Rocks really said that just now? ” Riley looked at Roger in shock and asked in disbelief.
Roger nodded solemnly and said: ” I am very sure that he wants to kill the Tianlong people and detonate all those who are dissatisfied with the Tianlong people! Then drag the world into a huge quagmire of war, so as to realize his dream of dominating the world! ”
” This … this guy is simply a lunatic! But even so, the world will not develop according to his arrangement so easily! ” Jabba shook his head and said in disbelief.
” According to Rocks, this operation is not only about their Rocks Pirates, but many other forces should also participate together, so as long as he can escape smoothly after killing the Tianlong people, then the world really It is very likely that it will become what he said! ” Roger replied seriously.
” Captain, no! You can’t let such a thing happen! Let’s stop him! ” Rayleigh said a little excitedly.
“On our strength … we ca n’t beat the Rocks Pirates! ” Jabba shook his head and said.
Although they are very strong, there is a reason why Rox is called the world’s No. 1 pirate group. There are a lot of strong people on board, especially Rox, who is the captain. Even Roger’s players may not be able to fight. pass.
” How about … let’s contact Karp? Are they not the navy? We will tell them the news, they should be more anxious than us, right? ” Bucky, with a big red nose, said suddenly.
Roger and the others looked at each other and suddenly felt that this method was surprisingly good!
“I didn’t expect it! Bucky with red nose also has such times. It’s rare that you have a good attention! ”
” Hahaha … Bucky is also someone who can make plans! ”
The crew members praised Bucky while kneading.
” Bastard! Who are you calling the big red nose? ” Bucky, who was bullied, couldn’t resist at all. In this group of people, he was the target of bullying.
” It’s not too late, let’s contact Karp immediately to see what the other party has to say! ” Reilly said to Roger after the joke.
” Well! I’m going to tell Karp about this in person, otherwise he won’t believe it if you go! ” Roger nodded and said.
” Okay, let’s choose the location of the ambush first! Barrett, you accompany the captain! ” Rayleigh nodded and said.
The burly Barrett nodded silently and walked behind Roger.
” Hahaha … Thank you for your hard work, Barrett! ” Roger nodded towards Barrett, then strode towards the shore, he had already seen the naval warship that was docking.
On the other hand, after being inspired by Rocks, the crew members began to shout slogans one after another. On the surface, they seemed excited, but in reality, no one knew what they thought.
Just as Rayner and Newgate were discussing quietly, Charlotte Lingling and Kaido also looked at each other, as if they had reached a tacit agreement with each other.
In this way, everyone had their own plans, but under the pressure of Locks, they had to move towards the valley together.
Rocks naturally knew that the crew did not really intend to follow him at this time, but as long as the Tianlong people were killed, they would have no way out. The world government and the navy would not let them go, and they could only surround themselves in his world in the future. The subordinate of the king Lox.
So he doesn’t care what these people think now, as long as he completes the feat of killing the Tianlong people, he will be very close to the king of the world.
At the same time, when the Rocks Pirates were heading towards the valley, the Roger Pirates had already been ambushed ahead.
And Roger also came here with Karp, and explained to him the reason for his actions.
” That is to say … Rocks intends to plunge the world into war? ” Garp asked with an ugly face.
” That’s right, although I’m a pirate! But Garp … I hope you can join hands with me this time to defeat Lox’s plan! This world … can’t fall into war! ” Roger said seriously.

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