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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After dinner, the three of them went to buy food and drinks for the sailing together. Basically, Reina was busy, and Marco would also help with the things.
When the sky was about to darken, the three returned to the new boat.
” Brother, how is the new boat? ” Reina asked with a smile when Newgate looked at the new boat carefully.
Newgate nodded and smiled, but did not speak.
After Reina showed the two of them around the new ship, Newgate said, ” Thank you for your hard work, you are all alone! ”
Reina asked the boss to renovate the whole ship. It doesn’t need to be very luxurious, but the overall decoration style is more warm. If it weren’t for the pirate flag hanging above the head, ordinary people would not be able to see that it was a pirate ship after coming up.
Newgate likes this style very much, and knows that it was arranged by Reina carefully, so he said it was hard work to Reina.
” By the way, big brother, look at the pirate flag I designed, are you satisfied? ” Reina asked with a smile, pointing to the pirate flag drawn from memory.
” Huh? This mustache is really obvious! ” Marko nodded solemnly and said in approval.
” Nonsense, Big Brother’s nickname is Whitebeard, our pirate flag must be reflected, and I have already thought about the name of the Pirates, so it’s called Whitebeard Pirates, Big Brother, what do you think? ” Lei Na grinned and said with a smile.
” Then what do you think of painting the skeleton’s eyes red? ” Newgate said after thinking about it.
Although he was very satisfied with the pirate flag, this pirate group was established by him and Reina together, so adding Reina’s characteristics was such a thing.
” Because of Chi Tong? ” Pineapple head Marco whispered.
But Reina shook his head and said: ” Thank you, big brother! But a pirate group only needs one soul! This pirate flag represents the soul of a pirate group, which is our Whitebeard Pirates. The soul of the regiment, so only one feature is needed on this flag, and that is that of Whitebeard, and the rest are superfluous! ”
Newgate and Marco were both stunned, but Reina was right, the pirate flag is the soul of the pirate group.
” Skulls with red eyes are pretty cool too ~ But you seem to be right! ” Markola said with a cowardly look at the corners of his eyes, pretending to be an old man.
” Okay, if you don’t have any other opinions, then I’ll paint it on the mainsail according to this pattern! ” Seeing that Newgate had no objection, Reina ignored Marko and said.
” Whitebeard … Chi Tong … Then what’s my nickname in the future? Blonde? ” Marco touched his yellow hair and fell into a fantasy.
” Qi ~ Blonde? You can be considered a yellow-haired at most! Hmm! The yellow-haired Marco is not bad! ” Reina said to Marco, who was completely black-faced, looking like I was a senior.
” Gu la la la la …” Watching Reina molesting Marco, Newgate laughed and didn’t mean to intervene. He knew that Reina would handle it well. In terms of getting along with others, he even thought that Not as good as Reina.
Reina’s painting skills are not bad, mainly because the overtime pay has given him a lot of ability exchange coupons. Now he not only has F -level music, painting, calligraphy, chess and other skills, but also D -level chef, sailing, construction and other skills. , medicine and other skills have been learned.
These skills are of little help to his combat, so they are collectively referred to as life skills by Reina.
And these skills have no proficiency, as long as Reina is willing to buy the skill upgrade volume in the mall, he can upgrade directly.
However, Reina believes that the strength of the life skills he has mastered is enough, so he did not upgrade any life skills. After all, a primary skill upgrade roll requires 1,000 points.
” Dangdang … finished! ” Rayner was very satisfied, looking at the masterpiece he had spent half the night on the mainsail.
” Everything is ready now, and we can officially set sail tomorrow! ” Reina clapped her hands and said proudly.
” Why don’t you set sail now? ” Marko asked in confusion.
” Who set sail in the middle of the night? And there is no launching ceremony yet! After the captain announces the establishment of the pirate group tomorrow, we can officially set sail! ” Reina rolled his eyes at Marco and replied.
After a night of silence, the next morning, Edward Newgate the Whitebeard and Reina plus Marco, the three of them held a simple sailing ceremony together, Edward Newgate the Whitebeard officially announced the Whitebeard Pirates established.
This pirate group, who ruled the second half of the great route like an emperor in the future, was quietly established.
” Big brother will be the captain in the future, so I will be the deputy captain, right? ” Rayner looked at Newgate and asked tentatively.
In his impression, the Whitebeard Pirates did not have an official deputy head, and the position of the deputy head was Marco, the captain of the first team, so he did not know how Newgate planned.
Sure enough, after listening to Reina’s words, Newgate hesitated for a while, and finally nodded and said, ” This pirate group was established by me and you, and you have no problem being the deputy captain! ”
” Hee hee hee … then Marco kid, you are now the only crew member on our ship … No, it’s a trainee crew! ” Reina pointed at Marco and said triumphantly.
” Qi ~” Marco pouted, although he was a little upset, he couldn’t refute it at all.
” Besides that, I am now a navigator, helmsman, boatman, ship doctor, cook, sailor, musician, and fighter! As for you … just be a sailor and a lookout! ” Reina nodded, Go on.
Marko looked at Reina with his mouth open, a little unbelievable, what is this person doing? One person holds so many positions? Interesting?
Whitebeard Edward Newgate was also a little speechless, but he knew that Rayner was very serious about the position and work of the pirate group, so he did not refute it. After all, he was the most serious pirate even praised by Captain Lockes. .
” You … you hold so many positions concurrently? Can you do all of these? ” Marko asked in confusion after he regained his senses.
“That ‘s right! I can do all of these. After the talents in this field come on board in the future, I won’t have to hold so many positions, and if you want to learn, I can teach you! ” Reina nodded and said seriously .
Although Marco didn’t believe it, but seeing Newgate did not object, he no longer questioned.
Seeing that the matter was settled, Reina nodded in satisfaction.
He doesn’t care about this, but the problem is that the system doesn’t agree!
If he didn’t have these positions, he would not count as working time to do these things. Now that he holds these positions concurrently, then doing these jobs would count as working time!
After setting sail, Reina was busy again. Marco was inexperienced, so he couldn’t help much. Although the operation of the dhow was not difficult, Reina still had a lot to do.
Glancing at the recording pointer next to the rudder, Reina waved to Marko, who was a little overwhelmed, and said, ” Little guy, come here! ”
” Co -Captain, what’s the matter? ” Marco walked over and asked cautiously.
It really frightened him just now. It turned out that what Reina said was true. Captain Newgate said something and set sail. He sat on the side of the boat and looked at the sea. Reina did everything alone.
” You don’t have to call me deputy captain, you can call me second uncle, I don’t mind! ” Reina teased with a smile.
” Okay, co-captain! ” Marko replied, bowing his head.
” Okay ~ It’s up to you, do you know this? ” Reina shrugged indifferently, then pointed to the recording pointer next to the rudder and asked.
” Yes, this is the record pointer, telling us the direction of the next island! ” Marko nodded and replied.
” Very well, I’ll leave the rudder to you, and let the boat keep moving in the direction of the pointer. I’m going to do other things. If there is anything I can’t figure out, just call me! Do you have any questions? ”
” No problem! ”
Marco pursed his lips and said firmly.
He needs to show his worth.
” Very good, boy, I’ll leave it to you here! ” Reina patted Marco on the shoulder with satisfaction and said with a smile.
He still has other work to do, and finally set aside two hours for exercise.
Just when the Whitebeard Pirates officially set sail, on a small island not far from them, the Roger Pirates were also ready to set sail.
” Shanks, come and see! ” Red-nosed Bucky, holding a stack of bounties, found his little friend Shanks and shouted loudly.
” What’s the matter, Bucky? ” Shanks replied in a low voice.
” Look, it’s that guy! ” Bucky handed Shanks the top palm reward, which was exactly Rayner who had opened the wheel.
” Red pupil … Reina! It’s that guy … but why are his eyes red? ” Shanks recognized Reina who defeated him at a glance, but he was still a little puzzled when he saw Reina’s eyes. .
” I asked, and it seems that this is also the ability of that guy. This shows that when he fought with us that day, he did not use all his strength! The first bounty was 30 million Berries , that guy is very strong! ” said worriedly.
Shanks squeezed his fist, gritted his teeth and said, ” Next time I see him … I will definitely beat him! ”
” That’s right, next time I see him, I’ll have to take his head. How dare I humiliate this uncle like this! ” Bucky nodded, feeling a little jealous.
” Oh? Do you want to kill him? I heard that the Rocks Pirates have been disbanded now, and he left with Edward Newgate the Whitebeard ! This time the reward was placed because he solved a naval warship alone. , defeated a navy captain who had a fruit ability! ” Deputy Captain Rayleigh just happened to pass by, saw the reward order in Bucky’s hand, and said with a smile.
” What? Solved a warship alone? ” Bucky and Shanks said in surprise at the same time.
Rayleigh nodded and said, ” He is an enemy not to be underestimated. If you want to defeat him, you need to work harder! ”
” Hoo ~ I will definitely beat him! ” The first time he was beaten so badly by his peers, Rayner left a deep impression on Shanks.
In another sea area, the golden lion Shi Ji was sitting on a pirate ship transformed from a warship, drinking red wine and smoking a cigar.
” Captain … This is the latest reward order! ” A pirate sent a stack of reward orders.
Shiji didn’t intend to read it at first, but after seeing the top reward order, he put down the quilt in his hand and picked up the reward order.
” Thirty million? Reina! Have you become famous all over the world? Jie hahaha … It seems that the sea in the future will not be too boring! ” Shi Ke took Reina’s reward and laughed out loud.
As Reina’s bounty was spread all over the world, the crew members of the former Rocks Pirates were extremely surprised. Although they knew that with Reina’s strength, it was a matter of course to be rewarded, but they did not expect it to be so fast.
“ma~mama~~ Reina! It’s not a bad guy I like, it’s not easy! ” Charlotte Lingling said with a big laugh while holding Reina’s reward.
” Hmph ~ Just a stinky brat who doesn’t know what to do! Lingling, it seems that Newgate has already started to act. I will part ways with you here! ” Kaido glanced at Reina’s reward and said disdainfully.
What he saw in his eyes was Whitebeard Newgate, and Reina couldn’t get into his eyes. Although Reina’s talent was good, it wasn’t enough to threaten him now.
” Kaido ~ are you really not with me? If we join forces, we can conquer this sea very soon! ” Charlotte Lingling asked with a smile .
” Guru … Guru … I’ll be the captain! ” Kaido said after taking a sip of his drink.
” Okay! I wish you a happy sailing …”

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