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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Island found ahead! ” On the mast, Marko shouted excitedly towards the bottom.
” Okay, got it, you come down and take the helm, I’m going to record the logbook! ” Reina, who was at the helm, nodded and replied to Marko.
After sailing for a while, they finally came to the next island.
” Brother, this is the list of food that needs to be purchased. When we arrive on the island, I will trouble you and Marko to buy it! ” Reina took out a note and handed it to Newgate when he returned to the cabin.
” Huh? Aren’t you going to get off the boat? ” Newgate asked, turning his head.
” No, there is still some work to be done on the ship. Besides … boy, this is for you! ” After Reina shook his head, he threw a weight suit to Marko.
Marko, who was at the helm, immediately became happy when he saw the weight suit, and hurried forward a few steps to catch it.
” Thank you … Vice-Captain! ” After hesitating for a while, Marco still didn’t call out the two words that Reina expected.
Although Reina is called Big Brother Newgate, he is about the same age as Marko, and he is basically the same age, so when Marko calls him uncle, Marko can’t speak at all.
But Marko knew that Reina usually did everything on the ship, and he still needed to practice on his own, so this weight suit was made by Reina in the cabin every night after they all slept.
These were all told to Marko by Newgate after he found out, so he was very moved himself. He was an orphan since he was a child, and he was excluded because of the Devil Fruit, so he never experienced this kind of concern. Feel.
” Okay, put it on and see if it fits. If it doesn’t fit, I’ll change it! ” Reina waved and said with a smile.
This weight-bearing suit was naturally exchanged by him. He threw the previous one, so he exchanged another one a few days ago.
However, this weight-bearing suit was made based on his figure, and it didn’t match Marko’s figure, so after the exchange, he still needed to process it himself, otherwise Marko wouldn’t be able to wear it at all.
Newgate found out when Rayner was reworking the weight suit, and then quietly told Marco.
” Appropriate! Appropriate! Very suitable! ” Although he hadn’t put it on yet, Marco nodded and said.
” You know it’s appropriate even if you don’t wear it? ” Reina ignored him, forced Marco to wear it, and then made him perform a few movements to see if it hindered his movement.
” Looks good, how do you feel about it? If there’s something that doesn’t fit, be sure to say it, it’s no joke! The weight of the weight suit is designed everywhere, and if it doesn’t fit, it will strain your muscles. If you become uncoordinated, wearing it for a long time will have a very big impact on you in the future, so you must say it, you know? ” Reina said seriously.
” This … well, the left arm seems to be a little tight on this side, which makes it a little inconvenient for me to move my arm! ” Marko pointed to an obviously altered part of his left arm and said.
” Okay, don’t move, I’ll measure it again, because it’s the first time I made it for someone else, so it’s not so perfect, okay, take it off, I’ll change it for you at night! ” Reina marked the weight-bearing suit After that, said.
Marco reluctantly took off the weight suit and handed it to Reina.
” Okay, after landing, you and the captain go to buy food and drinks. Don’t waste money on me! We haven’t even encountered a pirate ship in the past few days, and we don’t even have any income, captain, Isn’t it time to think of something? ” Rayner took out a stack of berries from his arms and handed it to Newgate, saying.
Marco on the side looked like he wanted to laugh but didn’t dare to laugh, his face flushed red.
When Newgate saw this, he punched Marko directly on the head, and immediately a big bag swelled up on Marko’s head.
No way, everything on the ship was handled by Reina, and Berry was naturally in charge of Reina, because when the two of them went to sea, there was nothing, and these Berrys were Reina’s own.
Fortunately, in the daily overtime pay, some Berry is occasionally given, otherwise they will starve to death sooner or later because they have no money to buy food.
” Didn’t the warships sold before were given to three million Berries? ” Newgate said after thinking about it.
” Big brother … why is three million enough? We already spent almost the same amount on food and drinks before we set off! ” Reina said helplessly.
No way, Newgate likes to drink, and Reina likes to drink now, but it’s not cost-effective to exchange liquor from the mall, so naturally you have to use Berry to buy some good wine.
More than half of the last three million berries were purchased wine.
” Okay, I’ll figure it out! ” Newgate said helplessly.
After arriving on the island, Newgate took Malco to the island, and Reina stayed on the boat. Although the working hours were completed today, the overtime hours were still a little short, so he simply didn’t bother to disembark.
Last month’s check-in was interrupted for a few days because of the Battle of the Valley of God, so I couldn’t get the full attendance package. This month, Reina will never allow the interruption to happen again, otherwise he really even has the heart to kill. .
It’s just that Reina didn’t know that not long after Newgate and Malcolm Island, a naval warship appeared on the sea in the distance.
” Lord Zefa, I heard that Marshal Kong intends to promote you as a general? ” On the deck of the warship, next to Lieutenant General Zefa, a navy captain asked with a smile.
” If there is no certain thing, it’s better not to talk nonsense! ” Zefa shook his head and said.
Zefa, in order to become a hero, joined the Navy at the age of 14 , and entered the naval school at the same time as Karp, Sengoku, Crane and others.
At the age of 34 , because of his powerful armament, he got the title of ” Black Wrist ” and is a very powerful lieutenant general in the Navy.
Some time ago, Garp eliminated the Rocks Pirates, known as the hero of the navy. After the navy assessment at the end of the year, it is estimated that he and Garp can both be promoted to generals. It is estimated that you will not be promoted until you have enough records.
” Report, an island is found ahead! Do you want to land? ” During the Warring States Period, a soldier ran over and asked.
” Well … let’s dock! There are not many supplies on the ship, dock to replenish supplies! ” After thinking about it, Zefa nodded and said.
Soon, Zefa’s warship came to the island and stopped in the port.
” Lord Zefa, look, it’s a pirate ship! ” As soon as they entered the port, they found a dhow, very arrogantly hanging the pirate flag, and docked in the port generously.
” I’ve never seen a flag before! I’m afraid who’s prank? How can a pirate dock at the port so generously? And you see, there is no sign of the port being attacked at all! ” Zefa’s adjutant looked around. After watching, he said with a smile.
In fact, this is Reina’s mistake. His world of One Piece comes more from the anime world in his memory, which is already the world of the era of the Great Pirates.
In fact, he didn’t know that if the pirates in this era were not attacking the island, they would stow the pirate flag before entering the port. Although the mainsail would not be replaced, the mainsail was also stowed because of the docking. Up, most people will not find the pattern on it if they don’t look carefully.
After he came to this world, he was basically in the Rocks Pirates, and the Rocks Pirates never put down their flags when they entered the port. That was because they were strong enough, which caused Reina to be like this. illusion.
As for Whitebeard Newgate, he was also used to everything that Rayner had arranged, so he also forgot this unwritten rule, and in his heart he didn’t bother to lower his pirate flag, let alone not seeing it. Even if he sees it, he won’t remind Reina.
Adjutant Zefa’s words were unanimously agreed by the rest of the navy, who all thought it was a prank, so they didn’t plan to pay attention.
But just at this time, Reina finished writing the logbook and planned to come out to practice physical skills for a while. As a result, as soon as he came out, he saw a naval warship parked not far away.
” That’s … Black Wrist Zefa? ” At first glance, Reina recognized Zefa. After all, it is one of the three major naval forces at present, and Zefa is still highly recognizable.
” Huh? Little guy, are you a pirate? ” Zefa was about to leave, but his adjutant laughed and teased after seeing Reina.
Reina, who heard the question, couldn’t laugh, because he didn’t dare to deny it. This is a strange rule set by the system. If he denied the identity of a pirate himself, it would mean that he gave up his career as a pirate. If nothing else, the check-in card for the day is definitely gone.
If this happened a few days earlier, Reina would deny it!
But now the new month has only just started a few days, so this is broken? And then this month’s full attendance is gone?
As soon as he thought of the full attendance package, Reina became angry and shouted directly to the opposite side: ” Who said that? I’m a pirate! ”
After shouting, Reina regretted it, he was really damn it! Judging from the situation just now, the navy clearly misunderstood something, so he did not think he was a pirate.
As long as you pretend to act, there is a great possibility to cover up the past. Now that you go out with such a voice, it will definitely attract the attention of the navy. If you are recognized, it will be bad.
He doesn’t think that he is Zefa’s opponent now, especially when Newgate is not here.
” Oh? Little guy? Are you really a pirate? Then tell me, who is your captain? What pirate group are you? How many people are there ? ” Reina is only a teenager, that’s why he said this.
Zefa over there also smiled and looked at Reina. He and the adjutant had the same opinion, but he thought more. This child actually had the idea of wanting to be a pirate. If it is possible, it is best to persuade the other party to give up this plan.
” Wait … that guy … is a real pirate, I seem to have seen his bounty! ” Before Reina could reply, someone in the navy suddenly pointed at Reina and shouted.

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