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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
To Reina’s surprise, Newgate and Marko didn’t know each other.
” You mean … you don’t know him? Then why did you pull him on board? ” Reina asked Marko speechlessly.
When he met this dual-blade swordsman before, he guessed that the other party might be the future captain of the fifth team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Foil Bista.
It turns out now that it wasn’t.
” That … I’m sorry! My companion pulled you onto the boat without your consent. If you don’t want to, we’ll take a detour and send you back to the island! ” Reina knocked Marko’s head, after showing punishment, said to the swordsman with two swords.
” Don’t be so troublesome! Little guy … are you willing to be my son? ” Newgate asked directly to the swordsman.
” Isn’t this a pirate group? ” asked the six swordsmen with double swords in surprise.
” Yes, we are indeed a pirate group, but my eldest brother’s dream is to build a family at sea, and all members of the ship are family members! ” Reina explained with a smile.
” My name is Bista, I want to be a pirate! ” Bista hesitated and said.
Reina’s eyes lit up, it really was Foil Bista, this is the future swordsman with eagle eyes!
He was about to open his mouth to promise him to stay, but Newgate said, ” You can stay as a trainee crew, but if I don’t think you’re qualified to be my family, then I’ll throw you off the boat! How about it! ? ”
After thinking about it for a while, Bista nodded and said, ” Okay! ”
In order to celebrate the joining of the new members, Newgate originally wanted to hold a banquet to celebrate, but in order to rescue Reina, the supplies they went to buy this time were nothing but drinks, so let’s not talk about the banquet. Next food is a problem.
” Forget it, let’s take a rest today, I’ll figure out a solution for the food issue! ” Reina first introduced the three to Bista before saying.
” Why don’t we go back now? Anyway, we haven’t gone very far. This time we act together, I don’t believe those navies dare to do it! ” Marco said slightly arrogantly.
Although it was the first time to do it today, he relied on his own ability to knock down quite a few navy soldiers, which gave him great confidence.
” Forget it! Zefa is not that easy to deal with! ” Reina said after thinking about it, shaking his head.
” Then what are you going to do? We only have enough food for three days! ” Marko asked, rolling his eyes.
Reina smiled and took out the bait he had just exchanged from the mall, and said, ” It’s simple, the task of your two trainee crew members today is to fish! ”
Newgate frowned when he saw Rayner taking out the bait.
It’s nothing else. It was because of Rayner’s bait that everyone ate fish for a long time on the Rox boat. Now he sees these bait and it’s a little shadowy.
” Fishing? It’s too much fun, isn’t it? If I don’t catch it, wouldn’t I starve to death? ” Markola said in disbelief.
” Don’t worry, this is my special bait. Even an idiot can catch fish. If you don’t believe me, try it! ” Reina put the fishing rod into Marco and Vista’s hands and said with a smile.
Although it felt a little unreliable, after Reina handed them the fishing rod and bait, he took Newgate and left, so Marco and Bista had to try it.
” Brother Newgate … Look! ” Reina stretched out his right arm with some excitement and showed Newgate the armed color covered on it.
” Oh? I can already use the armed color? What about the familiar color? Awakened? ” Newgate asked with a smile when he saw the armed color on Reina’s right arm.
He had already told Reina of the domineering cultivation method. Although Reina’s physical fitness had reached the standard, he had been unable to cultivate his armament for a long time. He thought that Reina had no talent in this regard.
Unexpectedly, it was a blessing in disguise this time, allowing Reina to master the use of armed color.
” After fighting Zefa before, I somehow got hold of it! As for seeing and hearing … I haven’t awakened yet! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Since you have mastered the armament color, you only need to exercise step by step, but don’t forget that the body is the foundation of everything. Without a strong body, no matter how good your talent is, it is useless! ” Newgate warned said.
” Well, I got it, big brother! Don’t worry, I won’t let go of my physical training! ” Reina nodded and said.
Here, the two were still chatting about their experience of cultivating domineering, when they heard Marco yelling on the deck outside, Newgate gave a wry smile and said, ” It seems that we really have to eat fish for a while. ! ”
” Don’t worry, big brother, I will make a new way of eating at night, maybe you will like it! ” Reina smiled mysteriously, and then walked out of the cabin to pick out the fish that Marco and Vista caught.
” Reina ~ Come and see! Hahaha … I caught a lot of fish! I just found out that I also have the talent for fishing! ” Marko said proudly, pointing to a group of lively people on the deck.
He and Bista caught this place just now. This was the first time he had discovered that fishing was such an interesting thing.
But Rayner ignored him at all, and after picking some fish on the deck, he said, ” Didn’t I tell you not to throw things around? I’m going to prepare dinner now, if I come back It’s not sorted here, I’ll give you a taste of hell! ”
Looking at Reina’s deep expression, Marco’s proud look was instantly frozen on his face.
He had tried what Rainer called hell, so he didn’t want to try any more.
Speaking of this, Marko can literally write a history of blood and tears.
After he offended Reina, he was tied with a rope by Reina and thrown into the sea. God knows how suffocating he feels after being thrown into the sea as a capable person.
He was also tied to a kite by Reina and flew into the sky, and then Reina practiced archery under the ground, helping him to practice the ability to fly. You must know that those arrows don’t have eyes, if not for his self-healing Ability, I don’t know how many times I have died.
In short, every time Reina punishes him for a different project, what Marko is most afraid of now is Reina after this blackening.
Without waiting for Reina to leave, Marco stopped catching fish, and immediately cleaned up. In just one effort, not only the fish caught were stored in a large fish tank, but he also took care of the hygiene on the deck. .
In the evening, the four of them sat on the deck, but Reina, the chef, planned to make grilled fish for the other three today.
It’s not the rude grilled fish in this world, but the grilled fish in the barbecue shop that is popular in the motherland on earth. With the seasoning exchanged from the mall, Marco almost ate his tongue.
” Gulugulu … It tastes good! It’s a pity that there is no good wine! ” Newgate sighed after taking a gulp of the wine he bought and eating another fish.
” Dad, this is the best drink on the island. We didn’t buy anything when we went to the island. Most of the Berry was spent on it. Isn’t it a good drink? ” Marko was eating grilled fish, while asked in surprise.
Over there, Bista ate the grilled fish silently and didn’t speak.
” Hey hey hey … I see, I’ll go get it for you right now! ” Reina, who had just finished grilling the grilled fish and had not had time to take a bite, stood up a little helplessly and said.
Newgate was a little embarrassed. Although he didn’t know where Reina got the liquor from, he also vaguely knew that what Reina got came at a price.
Because several times when he took out these things he had never seen before, he always looked like he was in pain, and it was not something that mere Berry could compare to.
Soon, Reina, who came back from the cabin, threw two bottles of white wine directly to Newgate and said, ” Brother, save it, I really don’t know when it will be available next time! ”
” Gu la la la la … I have enough here to drink for a while! ” Newgate said happily immediately after receiving the white wine handed over by Reina.
Both Marko and Bista looked at Newgate curiously. What kind of wine made Newgate so mad?
” What are you looking at? You two are still young, so don’t drink this, haven’t you seen Reina? ” Newgate took out a small cup from behind, which Reina specially prepared for him, just for drinking white wine.
The alcohol content is too high, and if you drink too much at one time, it will still be harmful to the body.
After Newgate opened the baijiu and poured out a glass, Marco couldn’t sit still any longer. The aroma of this wine was too strong.
” That … Vice-Captain? Do you have any more? Give us a share too! ” Marco asked Reina slightly in a pleasing manner.
” Humph! I’m the vice-captain at this time? ” Reina snorted coldly, but still took out the wine gourd hanging on his body, unplugged the stopper, and poured a glass for Marco and Vista each. ” This wine is stronger. , you two drink slowly! ”
Marco ignored Reina at all, and drank the white wine in the glass in one sip. Instead, Bista, following Reina’s suggestion, only took a sip at a time.
” Cough cough … It ‘s so spicy! ” Marko drank all the liquor in one breath, and his tears were almost choked out.
Looking at Marco’s miserable appearance, Newgate felt a little distressed, not because of Marco, but because that glass of liquor was wasted.
After dinner, Marco and Bista were really drunk and threw them into the room. Reina continued to work while sorting out the gains and losses after today’s battle.
Generally speaking, although his current strength is good, he lacks battle experience. It can be seen that he did not cause any damage to Zefa when he fought with Zefa today.
In addition to the battle experience, he also lacks the kind of tricks that can save his life or fight people. These are the most important things for him next, developing his own moves.

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