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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” I have to say, will the efficiency of your navy be too low? ” Reina said a little bored while sitting in the office where the bounty was exchanged.
It’s not that he was deliberately looking for trouble, but the speed of the navy was really too slow.
” Sir, I’m really sorry, because there are too many pirates with a bounty, and it’s difficult to compare pirates with just one reward order, so we have to be cautious. In case of a mistake, the Berry given is a trivial matter. , but it’s not good to have an innocent person imprisoned! ” the Navy soldier replied very politely.
Reina nodded, thinking of Zhang Sanji’s bounty in the original book, didn’t he let a punk who had nothing to do with him change his whole life?
So although he has waited for a long time, Reina is still not impatient!
But as time went by, Reina slowly felt the difference.
” Boom! ”
The door to the office for the exchange of bounty was opened, and countless navy soldiers rushed in and surrounded Reina.
” ??? ” Reina looked at the navy who rushed in in confusion, not understanding what happened.
” Chitong Reina! Are you still pretending to be arrogant? Since you dare to come to the Naval Division to throw yourself in the net today, don’t blame us! Go to me and arrest him! ” Major General Franco led a large group of The navy surrounded Reina and said aggressively.
” Ah ~ ah ~ it’s really bad! I forgot, I’m also a bounty offender! Do you think I’ve never been here? ” Reina was stunned, then opened her mouth and said with a smile.
But obviously, the navy did not listen to his explanation, but swarmed directly.
In desperation, Reina had no choice but to fight back. Although the navy deceived him just now, he had a good impression of the serious attitude of the navy here, so he didn’t kill him.
” Bang! ” After Reina kicked a naval soldier away again, he finally ran out of the small room and came to the open space of the naval base.
” Oh , it’s really troublesome! ” Looking at the countless navy soldiers around, Reina also felt that he was playing too much.
” Shoot! Don’t let him run away! ”
” Quick, over here, he ran over here! ”
Due to Rayner’s messing around, the entire naval branch base began to fall into chaos.
” That bastard, I must catch him with my own hands! ” Major General Franco roared angrily, looking at the chaotic branch base.
” It’s really … a pity for my 16 million baileys! Next time I should let those bounty hunters come to collect the bounty first, and then I will grab those bounty hunters’ baileys! Hmm … That’s it, I really do It’s a genius! ” Reina, who was hiding in the corner, looked at the navy running around outside, but he was quietly calculating his plan to make a fortune.
” Here! Come on! ” a passing navy soldier suddenly spotted Reina hiding in the corner and shouted.
” Oops, was it discovered so soon? ” In desperation, Reina had no choice but to continue to run away.
” Damn it! I will definitely make you pay! How dare you underestimate our branch! ” Major General Franco was going crazy, Reina brought the pirates to collect the bounty, and made a scene in the naval branch If the matter of the Ministry was spread out, he would not need the face of the base chief.
It is a pity that the navy did not catch Reina in the end, and he escaped smoothly, and because there were too many people, he could not hide it at all. The helpless Major General Franco had to choose to report it to the headquarters.
When Reina returned to the hotel, the Mischi father and daughter had already woken up, and were sitting in the hotel lobby listening to the passengers outside telling about the major events that had just happened at the naval branch base.
“I heard that the pirate Chitong Reina is a man – eating demon. If he doesn’t eat a few girls every day, he will go crazy. This time I heard that after coming to our town, he was going to attack the girls in the town, but he was patrolled. The soldiers in the street saw it, that’s why it caused such a commotion! ”
” That’s right! His eyes are said to be extremely bright red because of the long-term intake of the girl’s blood! ”
When Reina heard the nonsense of those travelers, her whole face darkened, especially Olga was still listening intently and seemed very interested.
” Hey ~ I said … Have you seen Reina with red pupils? Are you talking nonsense here? ” Reina couldn’t listen anymore, and walked over to interrupt the gossip of the passengers.
” Hey … Reina, do you really have to suck the blood of beautiful girls every day? ” Olga saw Reina, and immediately ran to him and asked in a low voice.
Reina glanced at Olga and said, ” Is it true that you don’t know? ”
” Hee hee hee … By the way, why did you go to the naval base? Did the navy accidentally discover it? ” Olga asked curiously.
Reina’s face darkened, and he didn’t want to answer her at all, otherwise he would be laughed at for a long time.
” Since you are all awake, let’s go! I have everything ready! ” Reina ignored Olga’s questioning and said towards Miscina Ahsiere .
” Okay! Let ‘s set off then ! ” Mischina Acière nodded and said.
So the group of three went directly to the port and boarded the small sailboat that Reina bought. The boat is not big, it is a little smaller than Luffy’s Merry, but they only have three people and two water lizards, so it’s not a big deal. Considered small.
At the same time, the Marine Headquarters Marine Vando.
Zefa, who had just been promoted to general, was busy processing documents in the office.
The new world is not very peaceful recently. The newly emerged Whitebeard Pirates, Flying Sky Pirates, Beasts Pirates, and BIGMOM Pirates are not fuel-efficient lamps.
Garp didn’t care about anything other than chasing Roger all over the world. Sengoku had to chase the Whitebeard Pirates and prevent the Air Pirates from destroying them everywhere. He was almost too busy.
” Hey ~ This is … That kid really didn’t die so easily! I just didn’t expect to appear here! ” Zefa said in a low voice, holding a document on the table.
The above core is the document that Major General Franco sent to the headquarters, proposing to add the bounty of Akahito Reina.
After thinking about it for a while, Zefa directly stamped the word “Agree”.
” Dong dong dong … Lord Zefa , Marshal Kong asked you to come to his office! ” At this time, a navy soldier came in suddenly and said after saluting Zefa.
Zefa nodded, got up and went to the Marshal’s office.
” Zefa, I’m sorry, I’m calling you here at this time, mainly because a group of powerful pirates has recently emerged in the New World, and Garp and Sengoku alone are powerless, so I have to ask you! ” Marshal Kong said straight to the point. said directly.
” Don’t worry, Marshal, leave it to me! ” Zefa nodded and got up and left.
After arriving at the port, his warship was already ready to go out, waiting for Zefa to issue an order.
” Our goal … let’s set it here! ” Zefa hesitated for a while and directly chose a small island as his target.
” Yes! Your Excellency! ” The subordinate immediately saluted and informed the navigator to plan the route.
” My lord, why did we choose this place? Both the Whitebeard Pirates and the Flying Sky Pirates have been quite active recently, why don’t we go there? ” asked the adjutant Kaladan puzzled.
” No! Let’s go here! ” Zefa shook his head and said: ” Whether it’s Edward Newgate the Whitebeard or the Flying Pirate Golden Lion Shiki, they are not so easy to catch! But here, there are A person who is very suitable in terms of identity and strength, as long as we can capture him, it will be a big victory for us! ”
Kaladan looked at a small island on the map in confusion. He really didn’t understand that there was any important mission there?
Zefa smiled and looked into the distance, without explaining to Kaladan.
On the other side, Reina, who had already gone to sea, hung the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates on the boat. He didn’t expect that the system would acquiesce that his ship was also a pirate ship of the Whitebeard Pirates.
So at this time, he finally restored the function of checking in and punching in, and he could start working.
” Reina … so boring! When are we going to the next island? ” Olga asked Reina weakly as she slumped on the deck.
” Boring? Go clean for me when you’re bored! You bastard! ” Reina rolled her eyes while sweating through the training.
It’s not that he deliberately targeted Olga, it’s just that this child is too excited and curious when he first got on the boat, and the rest of the time is shouting boredom.
On the other hand , Miscina Acière helped take the helm and relieved Reina a lot.
As a scientist before, he was used to this kind of boring life, so he was not so bored with sailing.
” Rena ~~ Were you so boring when you were pirates before? ” Olga shouted, rolling on the deck.
” Of course not, isn’t there no one on board now? Just the three of us, of course you’ll be bored! If there are many people, we can have a banquet. It’s fun for everyone to drink and sing together! ” Reina wiped his forehead sweat, said.
” Eh? Let’s have a banquet too? How about it? ” Olga sat up immediately and said happily.
” Just the three of us, what a banquet! If you’re bored, go fishing! If you can catch a big fish, I’ll cook you grilled fish at night! ” Reina pointed to the sea and said.
” Eh? Grilled fish? That’s great, watch me catch a super invincible, huge and delicious fish! ” When Olga heard this, she immediately fired up the cabin, grabbed a fishing rod and started fishing.
” Sorry, Olga has troubled you! ” Miscina Acière said with a smile at Reina.
” It’s okay, sailing is a very boring thing to do. If we are too small, she will feel even more boring! ” Reina shook his head and said.
In fact, Reina’s goal has always been Miscina Acière . Compared with Olga , her father is more talented. He can research pure gold by himself, proving Miscina Acière ‘s ability. not bad.
Even the future Whitebeard Pirates do not have such scientists, so Reina hopes to recruit such talents for the Whitebeard Pirates.
Don’t underestimate the scientists in this world, whether it’s Vega Punk and M. Caesar Courant of the Navy , or the Vinsmoke family of Germa 66 , they all tell the world that scientists can also be very powerful.
In the evening, Reina grilled a small fish that was not big enough to slap, looked at Olga, who had no love on his face, and said, ” Is this the super invincible, huge and delicious big fish you said? ”
” Bastard Reina … Fishing is very difficult! Not everyone can catch fish, I can catch it very well! ” Olga said through gritted teeth.
” Really? ” Reina said with a smile, the corners of her mouth twisted slightly.

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