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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Yo ~ Hansen … Come on, drink! ”
In just a few days, the neurotic Hansen became acquainted with the people on the Whitebeard pirate ship. If Newgate invited him to board the ship at this time, he would definitely agree.
But Newgate didn’t know his relationship with Reina, so he didn’t speak. The same was true for Marco and others. They planned to ask after seeing Reina. If possible, it would be better for the returning Reina to invite Hansen on board.
During this period of time, he and Bista have often exchanged views, and their strength has long been recognized by everyone. After all, a swordsman is not a weakling that can be seen everywhere.
Now he already knew that Reina was the great pirate who had been offered a reward of 80 million, Chitong Reina , who was also the vice-captain of Whitebeard’s Thief Detective.
In the letter he handed to Newgate, Rayner not only explained what happened to him, but also told Newgate that there was a wine gourd in his room, and there was a lot of liquor in it. For Newgate.
It’s just that Rayner didn’t know that Newgate not only drank all the liquor on the boat, but even the liquor in his gourd.
” It’s the front! I met Reina on that island, my hometown! I also regarded him as a bad guy and wanted to teach him a lesson, but he beat him up! ” Hansen Pointing to a small island not far away, Bista said with a big smile.
But before they could get close, an alarm sounded from the island, and three warships drove over in a while.
” Whitebeard … How did that guy suddenly come here! ” Lieutenant General Adruto Meade stood in front of the warship with an ugly face, looking at the pirate ship of the Whitebeard Pirates not far away, said .
” This … Lieutenant General, what should I do now? ” The navy soldier beside him also asked with a little trembling.
After all, the reputation of the Whitebeard Pirates is outside, and they are really timid.
” I have contacted the surrounding branches, and I have also sent information to the headquarters. Everyone will support me and wait until the reinforcements arrive! ” Lieutenant General Adruto Meade said in a deep voice.
” Yes! ”
On the other side, on the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco naturally discovered the naval warship early and immediately notified Newgate.
” Dad, it’s the Navy! What to do? Are you going to defeat them? ” Marko asked nonchalantly, looking at the warship ahead.
Obviously, he did not take the three warships to heart.
” What the hell is that stinky boy Rayner so tall? ” Newgate asked unpleasantly when he came to the bow.
He wasn’t here to attack the navy.
” Why … why is this happening? The navy came out like this? Dad, don’t get me wrong! They are definitely not here for us! ” Hansen, who was originally very happy when he returned to his hometown, was immediately dumbfounded and ran to New Gai beside him, he said.
” Gu la la la la … Idiot … I’m a big pirate with a white beard. We’re here. Isn’t it normal for the navy to be dispatched? ” Newgate was amused by Hansen. This guy didn’t realize that he was On the pirate ship of the Whitebeard Pirates.
” Then … then am I the bastard who attracted the pirates to attack my hometown? ” Hansen slumped on the ground and muttered to himself.
” Hey … you won’t forget why we came here, will you? ” Marco couldn’t stand it any longer and said, standing aside.
” Right, right … Reina! It’s that guy! He deceived me! That bastard …” Hansen said through gritted teeth.
All of this is Reina’s conspiracy, allowing himself to lead the Whitebeard Pirates to attack his hometown.
The crew members on the side were a little dumbfounded. You said that this guy is usually a little stupid … but he is not so stupid!
” Idiot! We’re here to find Reina, not to attack your hometown. What are you worried about? ” Marko put his hand on his forehead, shook his head and sighed.
” Eh? That’s right! We’re not going to attack the island! No , why did the navy rush out? ” Hansen was spared by himself, and he couldn’t get out for a while.
Marco had completely given up and didn’t want to talk to him at all.
At this moment, a small black spot appeared on the sea in the distance, and ran straight towards the Whitebeard Pirates!
” Big brother … hahaha … it’s finally time for you! ” Rayner rode on Chabes and ran to the Moby Dick with a big laugh .
” Yo ~ Dad, it’s Reina! ” Marko called to Newgate, pointing to Reina who was approaching here.
” Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo together, you don’t look bad boy! Turn around… go over there ! ” .
Joz immediately turned the rudder and drove towards Reina.
The navy that was waiting there, saw the Whitebeard Pirates turn and leave suddenly, all of them were a little baffling, they suddenly ran over to show up and left, was there any special intention?
” Hahaha … Big brother, you want to kill me! ” After jumping on the Moby Dick directly from Chabes, Reina directly gave Marco and others a hug, and then came with Newgate. A warm hug!
” Goo la la la … stinky boy, are you alright? ” Newgate patted Rayner on the shoulder and said with a big laugh.
” It’s okay, it’s just that I haven’t seen Big Brother for a long time. I miss it a little! ” Reina sat on the deck, took out two bottles of liquor from behind, and threw them directly to Newgate, saying, ” Big Brother misses this thing more than me. Huh!? ”
He had seen the wine gourd on Newgate’s waist just now, and knew that the other party must have drank all the liquor.
Newgate took the baijiu thrown by Reina and opened the bottle cap directly, but instead of drinking it, he took out the wine gourd, poured the baijiu into it, and said, ” This is a good thing, you are very bad! I never saw you take it out for me to use! ”
” Isn’t it still in Big Brother’s hands now? ” Reina said, throwing a few bottles of white wine towards Marco and the others, and said, ” Yo ~ Marco, can I drink now? ”
” Hey ~~ Ha! Still this wine is cool! ”
Marco snorted, caught the wine bottle that Reina threw over, took a sip, and said with satisfaction.
” Thank you, you really helped a lot this time! ” Reina patted Hansen on the shoulder and said.
” Fortunately not to be humiliated! ” Hansen had already figured it out at this time. The Whitebeard Pirates, no matter which branch they go to, the local navy is afraid that they will be ready!
It’s just that he hasn’t turned his identity into a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, so he can’t turn around for a while.
” How is it? How are you getting along with Marko and the others? Bista, have you discussed each other? How was your time on the boat? ” Reina asked with a smile.
” Well! Everyone is a very good person, and it’s great here! ” Hansen nodded and replied slightly shyly.
” That’s good, I’m afraid you won’t get used to it in the future? ”
” Eh? Later? ”
” What? Didn’t you get on the boat? ” Reina asked in surprise.
But after seeing the expressions of Marko and the others, he immediately understood, and asked the white beard with a smile, ” Brother, this guy’s strength and character are not bad, how about letting him stay on the boat and become your son? ”
” Gu la la la la … Such a stupid guy, if he goes out to sea alone, it’s really uneasy, how about it? Be my son!? ” Whitebeard stretched out his hand to Hansen with a big smile and said.
This is even an official invitation to board the ship, and he will be a member of the Whitebeard Pirates in the future.
” Yes, Dad! ” Hansen replied excitedly.
Although he has long called Whitebeard his father, but now, it is the real family.
The crew members shouted happily, and Marco even clamored for a banquet, but Reina stopped him and asked him to introduce the other members.
Although he could recognize some of them, such as Lakyo, one of the future captains, it was the first time they had met, so Reina couldn’t show that he knew each other, otherwise it would be too strange.
” Okay, let’s talk about the old things later, come and tell me what happened to the empty island? It’s not clear in the letter! ” Watching Marko pull Reina to introduce him to the crew who boarded the ship behind , Newgate quietly took a sip of white wine before asking.
” Move this way, you can see it soon! I will explain in detail when I get to the island! ” Reina pointed to the direction ahead and said.
Soon, after getting away from the island, they found that there was another small island in front of them. It wasn’t even a small island, because the area was very small, about the size of four or five football fields on Earth.
The Moby Dick was driven into the bay that Rayner had previously equipped, and Rayner used the phone bug to lift Dr. Ahsière into the air.
After a slight vibration, the sky island began to lift off slowly.
” Oh ~~ really flying! ”
” Wow! This little island can fly? How cool! ”
The crew had just disembarked from the Moby Dick , and they were amazed that the Sky Island had begun to lift off.
” It turns out that it’s no wonder that the residents of the island don’t know where you and Olga live. It turns out that you live in the sky! ” Hansen was surprised when he saw the sky island lift off, and said.
” Okay, this is my savior Olga, Olga, these are my family, you take them around first! Brother, come with me! ” Reina said to the man who ran from the control room. Olga beckoned and said with a smile.
Marco knew that Reina had something to talk about with Daddy now, so he took the members and followed Olga away, hanging out on the empty island.
Olga was also crazy by herself. She was very happy to see so many people, and Marco and the others knew about her relationship with Reina, and she was a little girl.
” That is to say, this empty island is probably the legacy left by the moon people? ” After listening to Reina’s explanation, Whitebeard asked after a moment of thought.
” It’s very likely, because we were launched from the relics of the moon people to the sky island! This is Dr. Sière, Olga’s father, after I was swallowed by the huge lantern fish, The benefactor you met! ” As they said, the two came to the door of the control room, and Reina pointed to Ahsie, who was waiting at the door, and introduced.
” Thank you, this stinky boy likes to cause trouble! ” Whitebeard took the initiative to greet Dr. Ahsie.
Ah Dr. Sière quickly shook his hand and said, ” Where, Reina has always taken care of me and Olga! ”
Whitebeard smiled undeniably. He had been with Reina for the longest time, and he naturally knew that Reina was a thoughtful guy.
” Brother … Wait, don’t go in yet, Doctor, is that covered up? ” Reina asked Ah Siere, grabbing the white beard who was about to enter the control room.
” Don’t worry, it’s covered! ” Dr. Ahsie nodded with a smile.
Whitebeard looked at Reina with a puzzled expression, not understanding what he had done.
” That’s what I’m going to introduce to my eldest brother. Ah, the treasure that Dr. Sière refined more than 170 years ago, but that thing is a bit of a loss for us now, so it’s better not to be illuminated by it now! ” Reina said with a smile.
“More than 170 years ago? ” Whitebeard was stunned for a moment, and then he began to carefully look at the man Rayner called the Doctor.

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