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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Although he didn’t know what Reina was going to do, the navigator handed all the treasure maps to Reina.
Reina rummaged through the treasure maps one by one, and the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.
Almost one-third of the treasure map of the entire treasure chest is marked by the system, which means that when looking for these marked treasure maps, he can turn on the treasure hunt mode.
” Okay, I’ve taken these away. If you have a new treasure map in the future, please show it to me first! ” Reina happily took the treasure map marked by the system and left, leaving only a Navigator who doesn’t know the situation.
Reina’s abnormal actions didn’t cause much disturbance, it was just a treasure map, and Whitebeard didn’t care at all, so the members of the ship didn’t care much either.
But in the next few days, Reina devoted more time to practice, and even practiced swordsmanship, which puzzled the crew members who were familiar with him.
” What’s wrong with the vice-captain? ” Although Saatchi only met after Reina’s return, they got along very well. They also knew that Reina attached great importance to the work on the pirate ship and would work uninterrupted every day.
” Who knows!? ” Marco shrugged and replied.
He also didn’t know why Reina was so abnormal.
” Isn’t it because you didn’t practice with him that day, were you angry? ” Bista hesitated and asked with a smile.
” I don’t think so, it’s probably related to the treasure map! ” Joz shook his head and said angrily.
” Treasure map? ” Several people were a little surprised. What does this have to do with the treasure map?
So Joz recounted what happened that day, and he felt that Rayner seemed to take those treasure maps seriously.
” Forget it, it’s not a big deal anyway, just do whatever he wants! ” Marco pouted, so that everyone didn’t need to continue to pay attention to this matter.
A few days later, they arrived at the island marked by the treasure map. This is an uninhabited island. The process of taking out the treasure was not as difficult as Reina imagined. After finding the place, the treasure was easily found. Some gold and jewelry.
Although it is indeed very valuable, for them, these things are of little significance. What they prefer is the process of finding the treasure, and the joy after finding the treasure.
After letting the sky island descend and storing the treasure on the sky island, Newgate plans to have a feast on the island at night.
” Saatchi, is there enough food for the evening? ” Reina came from the sky island and asked Saatchi, who was preparing the banquet food, with a smile.
” There should be no problem, we have enough food in stock! ” Saatchi said with a smile.
” How about we go to sea and grab something? ” Reina asked with a slight smile, raising his brows.
The main thing he wanted was to let Sage take a little time so he could have a legitimate reason to help prepare the food together, and he still has a chef in his current position! In this way, he can not only attend the banquet, but also complete the work time, killing two birds with one stone.
” Oh? Does the deputy captain want to have a food hunting competition with me? ” Saatchi was also interested and asked with a smile.
” Competition? What competition? I want to participate too! ” Hansen, who happened to pass by, heard Saatchi’s words and immediately walked over and said.
” Okay ! We plan to go to the sea to get some food while we still have time. Let’s see who gets the biggest food volume and the most edible meat! How? ” , but the words have already been said here, he can’t admit it, can’t he?
” Let’s talk about it first, you can’t use your weird things, otherwise it’s no fun! ” Hansen already knew about Reina’s magical bait that was 100% capable of catching fish.
” Of course! ” Reina nodded and said.
” How about such an interesting game, how about us? ” Bista didn’t know when, and Marco, Joz and others also came over.
” Since that’s the case, let’s ask, who else wants to participate? If you want to play, let’s play bigger. I still have two pounds of liquor, which is a lucky draw for the winner, how? ” After thinking about it, Reina said, said.
So it was originally just a small excuse to delay Saatchi’s time, and it turned into a food hunting competition that the whole group participated in. Even Whitebeard became interested.
” Brother, it’s not interesting for you to participate, you should be the referee! How? ” Reina knew that Whitebeard was just greedy for the two pounds of liquor.
” Don’t worry, Dad, let’s see how I can help you get the liquor in Reina’s hands! ” Joz shouted with full of fighting spirit.
” Qi ~ people with mere ability, dare to say nonsense? Can you go into the sea to catch fish? Or can you catch sea kings? ” Reina said disdainfully.
” Hey … Since we are participating, the rules can’t be limited to the food in the ocean. There are a lot of beasts on this small island, so they should be able to count? ” Marko stood up and said dissatisfied.
Whitebeard nodded and said with a big laugh: ” Goo la la la … That’s right, from now on, the sunset will last! Whoever has the biggest prey will win! Whether it’s in the sea, on an island, or even in the sky It’s fine, as long as you can grab it and bring it over! ”
Seeing that Whitebeard had already spoken, Reina didn’t object, nodded and said, ” Alright, there are no large animals on the island anyway, so just wait and admit defeat! ”
” Gu la la la la … children … start! Give me some skills, don’t let that kid Reina take the good wine back! ” Whitebeard laughed and announced the start of the game.
To be honest, there are really no large sea kings in the waters near the island, and there are not even many large fish.
So if you want to capture large sea kings, you must stay away from the island.
” Chabes! ” Reina shouted, and the water lizard Chabes immediately stood up from Dr. Ahsie’s side and ran towards Reina.
” Everyone, I’ll go first! ” With that said, Reina rode directly on Chabes and ran out on the sea.
” Huh? The vice-captain is so cunning! ”
” Yes, yes! How can you ask Chabes to help? Doctor, let Chabes back quickly! ”
Many crew members shouted loudly, but Reina ignored them directly. He didn’t know how to walk, and he wasn’t as capable as Aokiji, and he didn’t have the ability to cross the sea at all.
Although Dr. Sière is usually on the empty island, everyone knows his existence. Occasionally, when the empty island falls, everyone will go to the empty island to stroll around, so Dr. Sière and everyone are not unfamiliar.
As for the abilities of Chabes and Elizabeth, they were unanimously praised by the entire crew, especially those with abilities like Marko and Joz, who were very envious.
” Hey, how about we cooperate? ” Olga rolled her eyes and shouted at Marco who was thinking about how to catch the prey.
” Oh? How do you want to cooperate? ” Marko was taken aback and asked curiously.
Although Olga’s strength is not strong, but she has a lot of tricks, but everyone thinks she is just a child, so everyone usually takes care of her.
” Elizabeth and I go out to sea to attract prey, then you will follow me in the air! We will divide the prey equally, how? ” Olga said with a smile.
” Die? But in that case, don’t we all lose the game? ” Marko shook his head and said, ” Why don’t we do this, according to the method you said, let’s catch two ends, and the first one can do what you say. Do it, after you catch it, it will be yours, and the second commander will return to me after you catch it! How about it? ”
Olga nodded, stretched out her hand and gave Marco a high five, and said, ” No problem, now let’s go to sea and find a place to talk about it! ”
” Those things on that mountain belong to me! ” Joz couldn’t go out to sea, so he had to choose a hill on the island. There were many beasts in it, but they didn’t find any huge beasts before.
Bista, Saatchi, Lakyo and others looked at each other, and each got a lifeboat and went to sea.
The rest of the ordinary crew members, like Joz, chose the beasts on the island, and some went straight to the sea to see if they could catch anything.
Over there, after Olga and Marco came to the distant sea, she looked around cautiously, and then took out a small jar from her arms.
” You want to cheat? ” Marco, who only turned his arms into wings, was stunned for a moment, and immediately recognized that the small pot was the kind of bait that Reina’s 100% can catch.
” Cheating? I didn’t cheat, I didn’t use this for fishing, I just dropped a little! ” Olga smiled slyly and said.
Marco was a little speechless. It was originally just a game of luck, so even if they won, it wouldn’t be much fun!
” Don’t worry, with Reina’s character, he will probably use it too! ” Olga said with a confident expression.
Marko thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.
Because what Olga said was quite reasonable, and even the reason she used just now, Marco felt that the tone was quite similar to Reina’s.
On the other side, Reina, who had left the island far away, took out a small jar, opened it and took out a few bait, then ” accidentally ” fell into the sea and said, ” Oh , it’s really bad, no Be careful! What can I do! ”
At the same time, in addition to Bista, several other members who went out to sea all took out the bait they usually left behind and threw them down beside them.
After a while, the white-bearded man who was sitting on the edge of the beach drinking a little wine frowned and looked at the sea in the distance. He noticed that something was wrong.
” These guys … it’s so messed up! ”
” Oh? What’s the matter? ” Dr. Ahsie asked curiously.
” It’s alright … Let them do whatever they want! Goo la la la la … Let’s drink! ” Whitebeard shook his head, raised the wine glass in his hand, and said with a smile.
” Come on! ” At the same time, Reina and Marco opened their eyes at the same time in different directions on the sea, and blurted out at the same time.

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