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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Bang! ”
The door of the tavern was opened, and a group of pirates walked in quite arrogantly, but Reina, who was sitting in the corner, ignored it.
After digging the treasure from the uninhabited island that day, Reina chose a treasure map with the highest level to give to Whitebeard, hoping that the pirates would continue to search for the treasure.
Although Whitebeard was not interested in treasures, he knew that Reina needed funds to build the sky island, otherwise he would not come here to hunt for treasures, so he did not refuse.
After sailing towards the treasure location for three days, they came across a small island, so they all went to the island for a day to repair and buy some navigation supplies.
” Sorry, the drinks in our tavern have been sold out! ” The slender proprietress said to the pirate who had just come in with some fear.
” It’s sold out? Since it’s sold out … then what are they drinking? ” At this time, in addition to Reina’s table, there were several other tables in the tavern that belonged to their Whitebeard Pirates.
And the wine in the tavern was also bought by them.
” We bought all the wine, why? You don’t agree? ” Hansen stood up first and asked the pirate captain.
” How dare, what are you? Dare to talk to our captain like this? Knowing he is …”
” Boom! ”
Before the pirate could finish speaking, Reina kicked him out of the tavern.
” What nonsense are you talking about with these rubbish? See if there is a bounty on them. If there is, pack it up and give it to the boss. We apologize to her! Those who don’t have a bounty sink into the sea! ” Reina clapped her hands, Said indifferently.
Either don’t do it, if you want to do it, just do it directly. It takes half a day for BB to start a fight like this . He doesn’t like it the most, it’s a waste of time.
Sure enough, Reina’s words stunned the group of pirates for a while. They had never seen anything like this before. If they disagreed, they would start a fight. Shouldn’t they talk harshly to each other first, and then offer a bounty?
what is this? Don’t take them seriously?
Just as the pirate captain was about to draw out his weapon to fight back, he saw all the drinkers in the tavern stood up.
” Reina … Did I say you were too disappointing? ” Markola said dissatisfiedly with his eyes wide.
” Destroyer? There’s even more disappointment! I’ll leave it to you. I’m going back to the boat. I don’t even have the desire to do this garbage! ” After that, Reina walked out of the tavern, really ignoring it. thing.
However, after coming out of the tavern, Reina did not really return to the boat, but followed the road of the town to the mayor’s house.
” Gu la la la … The old man said it well, then I will take these children away! ” Whitebeard’s laughing voice came from inside, giving Reina a headache.
Now that there are more and more people in the Whitebeard Pirates, it is clear that Whitebeard does not have the idea of forming an elite crew, but wants to bring all those unfortunate children on board and become his family.
Before he reaches a place, he will take the orphans who are willing to go with him on the island and become his sons.
” I said big brother … If we continue like this, we have to replace the pirate ship! ” Reina said with a wry smile.
The current Moby Dick is not the kind of giant ship in the future. Its size is similar to the standard warship of the Navy. At present, the number of pirates in the pirate group is already in double digits. It’s just a matter of time.
” Gu la la la … Don’t worry, I have my own measure! ” Whitebeard patted Reina on the shoulder and said with a smile.
After leaving the island, after a few days of sailing, they finally arrived at the location of the island indicated by the treasure map, but it was different from last time, because they arrived at the burial site according to the indication of the treasure map. At that time, no treasure was found at all.
” Huh? Could it be a fake treasure map? ” Joz wiped the sweat from his forehead and said suspiciously.
This kind of hard work, Reina will not forget him.
” It shouldn’t be fake …” Reina held the treasure map and thought while rubbing her chin.
The treasure map is recognized by the system, then it means that this treasure map is absolutely true, but I don’t know what happened in the middle, either they found the wrong place, or the treasure was later transferred.
” jijijiji …”
Just when they were at a loss, a group of monkeys suddenly surrounded them and kept calling them ” jijijiji ” .
“What are these monkeys doing around us? ” Marko said angrily, looking at the monkeys that suddenly appeared around.
” This kind of monkey … I don’t know if it’s delicious! ” Hansen looked at the monkeys, hesitated, and didn’t catch them directly, because those monkeys didn’t look very delicious.
” Idiot … can you stop thinking about eating? ” Reina was a little speechless. This guy is simply a foodie, and he wants to eat everything he sees.
” Could this be the home of these monkeys? ” Bistan asked after thinking about it.
” This is impossible. Although there are some trees here, it does not meet the requirements of the monkeys to settle down, so it should not be their home! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Then what are they doing around us? They don’t want to attack us, right? ” Hansen said amusingly, looking at the grinning monkeys.
His words just fell out, and the monkeys took out the stones from behind and threw them directly at Reina and others.
” Fuck! You crow’s mouth, don’t follow me out in the future, or you will kill you sooner or later! ” Reina said to Hansen while holding Olga to dodge the stones.
After Hansen used his weapon to fend off the stone’s attack, he smiled embarrassedly at Reina, which he did not expect.
” Humph! ”
” Dong dong dong …”
Joz turned into a diamond directly, and then charged towards the monkey group under the rain of stones. The stones hit him along the way, making a tinkling sound, but it did not cause any damage to him.
” Boom ~~ Boom ~~”
When Joz broke several trees, the monkeys began to flee.
” Marko, follow that group of monkeys and see where they went in the end? I suspect that the treasure was taken away by them! ” Seeing the monkeys fleeing, Reina immediately said to Marko, who had the ability to fly.
” They? ” Marko was a little unconvinced. What did the monkeys want those treasures for?
But since Reina said so, he didn’t object. With his arms outstretched, he turned into wings and flew into the air, monitoring the monkeys from a height.
” Go, follow Marko! ” On the ground, Reina gave an order, and the crew followed Reina and rushed in the direction of Marko.
This time, only Reina, Olga, Marko, Joz, Bista, Hansen, and more than a dozen ordinary crew members disembarked to hunt for treasure.
The rest were resting on the boat. They were not interested in treasure hunting, so they all stayed on the boat.
” Huh … is this a ruin? ” Reina followed Marco in the air. When the woods disappeared, what they saw was actually a building entrance.
” I went in from where I saw the monkeys! ” Marko said, pointing to the entrance of the building ahead.
” It’s interesting ! Let’s go, let’s go in and have a look … After eliminating the danger inside, let the doctor come and take a look, maybe there will be something to discover! ” Reina said with a smile.
So a group of people followed behind Reina, walked towards the entrance of the building similar to the ruins, and walked in.
” Tsk tsk tsk … This place didn’t seem easy before! ” Marko said while walking, looking around.
” Yes, judging from the style and materials of the building, the people who live here should be quite rich! ” Reina nodded and said.
Marco’s face darkened, his words didn’t mean that at all.
Just as Hansen was about to speak, he was covered by the sharp-eyed Reina, and then said viciously: ” I told you, shut up! ”
” Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy ” Hansen pointed to Reina’s back with a worried look as if he wanted to say something.
Reina looked back and saw that countless monkeys came out from all directions and surrounded them again, and this time the monkeys were no longer stones, but sharp spears and bows and arrows.
” Damn it! Didn’t you tell me sooner!? ” Reina was startled. He didn’t expect that they would fall for a group of monkeys. It was a shame!
Hansen looked at Reina sadly. He wanted to say it earlier, but did you let it go?
” It seems that we can’t move on without defeating these monkeys! ” Reina squeezed his fingers and said with a strange smile.
” Jijijiji …” The monkey group slowly separated, and the monkeys who were covered in white hair all the time, looked very old, wearing clothes made of branches and leaves, walked out slowly, and then screamed at Reina and the others. He was dancing, as if he was dancing.
” What is he doing? Provoking us? ” Reina asked in confusion.
” However, they don’t seem to be provoking us, right? It should be said that they are frightening us, let’s take the initiative to leave! ” After thinking about it, Bista said.
” Hehehe … it’s thinking about eating shit? Pirates don’t come back empty-handed after entering Baoshan! ” Reina sneered and prepared to start.
The so-called catch the thief first catch the king, so Reina went straight to the old white monkey as soon as he shot, because it looked like the leader of the monkey group.
” Wowwowowo …” Seeing Reina rushing over, the white-haired old monkey did not dodge, but kept dancing on the spot, but the monkeys around seemed a little excited, but they were roared by the monkeys beside the white-haired monkey. , so there was no attack on Reina.
” Eh? Does it really mean anything else? ” The opponent didn’t want to fight, so Reina couldn’t continue to attack, so he stopped in front of the white-haired monkey.
” Or … let’s go back and call the doctor? He’s a smart guy, he should know something! ” suggested Marco on the side.
“That ‘s right, go back and ask the doctor to come over! ” Reina nodded and said.
So soon, an ordinary member went back the same way and went back to find Dr. Sière.
Strange to say, there are obviously a lot of passages here, but the monkeys are blocking them, not letting Reina and the others pass, the only road they come from is not blocked by the monkeys.
In desperation, Reina and others had to rest in place, waiting for the arrival of Dr. Sière.
Soon, Dr. Sière came along, as well as Lakeyo, Saatchi and others. Apparently, they heard the members of the returning members talking about what happened here, so they rushed over with some curiosity.
” Doctor, try … can you communicate with them? ” Renner immediately stepped forward and said when he saw Dr. Sière.
” Woooooooo ~~~ Jijijiji …” Seeing Dr. Si’e step forward, the white-haired monkey danced again and again, humming and not knowing what to say.
” You mean you don’t want us to move on? ” Dr. Ahsie listened for a long time, and then asked the white-haired monkey tentatively.
Unexpectedly, the white-haired monkey nodded, indicating that it was like this.
This time, Reina and others were startled. What does this prove? Prove that the monkey understands their words!

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