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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After exiting the battle circle, Reina looked at Pocato, who was panting softly, with an ugly face.
The opponent’s way to deal with him is very simple. Use fast slashing at close range to continuously cause damage to him until it reaches the limit that he can absorb.
Before that, he did not make any contact with Reina, so that Reina could not release the energy even if he knew that the energy he could absorb had reached the limit.
“I didn’t expect you to have such a way. I underestimate this world! But you didn’t cut off my neck just now, and now there’s no chance! ” Reina looked at the scar on his shoulder and said softly.
” Really ? ” Pocato disappeared from Reina’s eyes again, as if planning to repeat the same trick.
” I said, you won’t have a chance! ” Reina punched the floor of the warship and released all the absorbed energy.
” Boom! ” Reina punched through the floor of the warship, and the scattered floor fragments not only blocked Pocato’s sight, but also blocked his attack.
” Found you! ” Pocato was shocked, and found that Reina had come to him at some point, and the other party was actually not wearing clothes, only a pair of big pants.
” Collection · Elbow! ”
” Pfft! ”
Reina hit Pocato’s chest with an elbow.
This time, Reina did not continue to wait outside, but stepped a little and rushed into the cabin.
” Ping ping pong pong …” Pocato just got up from the sawdust, and Reina’s attack arrived.
The two kept attacking each other, smashing the surrounding wooden walls.
Reina absorbed energy while attacking, and immediately released energy after finding an opportunity to give the opponent a heavy blow. But he also found that his ” cohesive strike ” could not be launched in this fast-paced battle.
Because the distance energy needs to pass through a specific route, while fighting fast, Reina can’t be distracted to gather energy, let him know that his control of this move is not enough, and he needs to practice more in the future.
Pocato is quite uncomfortable. Reina can absorb the energy in the battle, but he has to bear the damage. Although he is stronger than Reina in both physical skills and swordsmanship, but In the battle, he was still suppressed by Reina.
” Boom ~~~”
Two figures shot up from the cabin, and then quickly separated.
Reina, who was only wearing big pants, looked at each other with a smile on his face, but the arm behind him was shaking slightly, and the battle just now quickly consumed his physical strength.
On the opposite side, Pocato was covered in scars, panting and staring at Reina.
” Cough cough cough … It seems that the headquarters’ reward for you is still low, I really underestimate you! ” Pocato coughed out a mouthful of blood, then wiped it with his hands at will, and said.
” Reina! Are you okay? The rudder has been destroyed! ” Marco asked, looking at Reina who was only wearing big pants.
” Don’t worry, it’s alright! Let’s go, let’s retreat! ” Reina smiled, turned around, and jumped directly in the direction of the pirate ship.
Pocato looked at Reina who was leaving, unable to catch up at all. If the other party insisted on killing him, he might die here today.
Back on the pirate ship, the navy here has been killed by Joz and Bistan, and Reina put the weight suit back on from the inventory.
” Captain, they really fought! ” On the island, Bing Jack, the vice-captain of the Ward Pirates, said to Bundy Ward with a smile .
” It’s time for us to set sail too! ” Bundy Ward glanced at the navy and the Whitebeard Pirates who were in fierce battle, and turned to leave.
On the other side, Reina, who had already returned to the ship, checked the state of the pirate ship and quickly came to the bow.
” Lieutenant General Garp … If your adjutant doesn’t heal, I’m afraid he won’t be able to hold it! ” Looking at Whitebeard and Garp who were still fighting, Reina shouted towards the other side.
” Boom! ” After Naginata and fists fought for a while, the two separated directly.
” Humph! Newgate, you are lucky this time! ” Garp looked back at Pocato, who was being supported by the soldiers, and then said to Whitebeard.
” Gu la la la … Karp, if you want to arrest me, I’ll be waiting for you at any time! ” Whitebeard laughed a few times and returned to the pirate ship.
After leaving, Reina discovered that not only was the pirate ship damaged, but almost everyone on the crew except himself and Marco was injured.
He and his adjutant were not the only ones on the ship. There were also some more powerful generals who were strong enough to fight against Marco and the others.
So Reina was very busy in the next time, not only had to cooperate with Marco to treat the injured crew, but also had to instruct the crew to repair the Moby Dick .
What they didn’t know was that while they were fighting fiercely with the navy, the Ward Pirates quietly retreated from the other side of the island.
And as soon as they went to sea, they met Zefa who was chasing the Whitebeard Pirates. As a result, the two sides fought a battle and ended in a tie.
” Kapp, I heard that you and Whitebeard met? ” On Ross Island, Zefa met Karp who was also grooming here.
” Well, Pocato was injured by Chi Tong Reina, and his bounty is low! ” Garp nodded and said.
” Oh? Has it reached the point where he can defeat Pocato? ” Zefa asked solemnly.
” His strength should be a little worse than mine, but his ability is very strange, so if he really fights, I shouldn’t be his opponent. If he didn’t care about Lord Garp, he should have the ability to kill me ! ” The bandaged Pocato nodded and said.
Zefa and his adjutant Karadan looked at each other. This information is very important, because in terms of strength, Karadan is not as good as Cato, and he has to be careful when facing Reina in the future.
” By the way, your warship is actually fine this time? ” Zefa said to Karp with a smile.
Every time Garp fights with Roger, basically the warship will not be kept. This time the warship is still parked at the port, so Zefa is a little curious.
” Wow hahaha … I’m fighting carefully this time! ” Garp said triumphantly.
” That’s because our rudder was destroyed by Reina, so the Whitebeard Pirates left easily before Lord Garp showed his power! ” Pocato said expressionlessly.
” Hahaha … So that’s the case, I’m afraid that kid Reina still doesn’t know your fighting style. This time, thanks to him, we have reserved a warship for us! ” Zefa laughed and said: ” But then The boy still likes to play tricks so much! ”
” That kid is not a simple character, I can feel that he doesn’t seem to have a strong desire to fight, he is just trying to find a way to leave! ” Garp shook his head and said.
” Hehehe … you guys stay here to repair the ship! We won’t accompany you. After I capture Whitebeard and the others in the push city, you can find him to catch up with the old days! ” Zefa smiled and got up and said.
His warship is not too damaged, so after a little repair, he can continue to set sail. This time he does not intend to lose the target.
Here, Reina and the others don’t know yet, Zefa has followed them and chased after them.
After the battle with Garp’s deputy general Pocato, Reina also discovered some of his own shortcomings. He concluded that the most basic thing is his physical fitness.
Although he has been exercising his physical skills, his physical fitness has grown rapidly, but compared to these two-dimensional powerhouses, his physical fitness is really nothing.
In addition to his physical quality, his mastery of his own abilities is not enough. The Black Emperor’s abilities are very powerful. Although he feels castrated, it has grown a lot with his development and exercise.
Also because of the increase in ability, his control over ability has dropped a lot.
In this battle, Pocato used quick slashes, and under multiple attacks, he broke his Black Emperor ability. If the opponent was not strong, he might be the loser.
Therefore, his main cultivation direction now is physique, swordsmanship, and the ability to exercise the Black Emperor.
As for why swordsmanship is also included in the compulsory course, it is because the practice of swordsmanship also adds to his physical quality, just like the Sixth Naval Form.
The same is true of his swordsmanship. If his physical quality cannot keep up, then his swordsmanship will not improve.
Now because of the system, his swordsmanship is much simpler than that of ordinary people. The most important thing is to achieve the purpose of enhancing his physical fitness through ordinary exercise. As long as his physical fitness keeps up, his swordsmanship can be improved.
” Joz, it’s just a little bit, another punch! ” After finishing the day’s physical and swordsmanship practice, Reina found Joz again, hoping that he could absorb a little impact energy for himself.
Joz didn’t talk nonsense, and once again hit Reina with a fist that turned into a diamond.
” Bang! ” Reina blocked Joz’s fist with one hand, but his body was knocked back a few steps. This was because the energy he could absorb had reached the limit, so the extra impact knocked him back.
” Phew ~” Reina closed her eyes and began to gather strength.
” Cut! ” Suddenly, Reina opened his eyes, pulled out Muramasa from his waist, and slashed towards the sea on one side.
” Boom ~~~” A huge sword energy flew out, separating the sea water on both sides.
” This kind of powerful slash is not common even among swordsmen! ” Bista sighed as he looked at the slash from Reina.
” This is not my true strength, and it takes too long to gather strength, and it is impossible to complete the battle! ” Reina shook his head and said.
He found out when he fought Pocato before that it takes time to gather force for a single blow, and as he absorbs more energy, it takes longer to gather force.
His proficiency in this move is not enough, and he cannot do it while fighting and gathering strength at the same time.
Just now he also experimented with the absorption to the limit, and then used the cohesive strike, the destructive power is indeed very impressive, even the white beard on the side approved the attack just now.
But this is not a means that he can come up with in battle, so it is not his own strength at all.
If one day after absorbing the energy in the battle, he can release this move at will, he will have the capital to hurt those strong.
Because Newgate just said that if he didn’t defend, Reina’s slash just now would have hurt him enough.
” Bang! ”
” Come again! ”
” Bang! ”
” Wait … let me slow down …” Reina covered her nose, reached out to stop Joz, waved her hand, and said.
As for the ability of the Black Emperor, what he mainly exercises now is to concentrate one blow, quickly gather strength in battle, and then release it.
” I said Reina, have you rested enough, is it my turn next? ” Hansen over there asked eagerly.
Marco, Vista and others on the side were all waiting in line to discuss with Reina.
They were both the ones who were beaten before, so everyone was reluctant to discuss with Reina, but now it’s different. They like to do this kind of beating, so they all wait in line. Chat with Reina.
Thanks to them, Reina’s mastery of the cohesive strike is also growing rapidly.

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