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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Hey … Reina, I heard that you were sleeping with a little girl in the spa? Is it true? ” Sure enough, when Reina returned to the ship, the crew on the ship already knew about it.
He didn’t respond to those guys because he knew that the more you cared, the happier they were, and if you just ignored them, they’d lose interest very quickly.
Sure enough, the next morning, no one mentioned it again.
” Marco, where’s my eldest brother? Didn’t we say we set off today? ” Early in the morning, Reina ordered to go down to prepare for the voyage, but found that Newgate was not on board at all.
” I don’t know! It seems that I didn’t see Dad last night! ” Marko shook his head and said.
” Ah ~~ Really … you guys are waiting for me on the boat, I’ll go look for it! ” Reina said, jumping directly from the boat, turning on his knowledge and looking for Whitebeard.
It’s just that the coverage area of his knowledge color is too small, so he has to go forward and search at the same time.
Fortunately, he is quite familiar with the life energy of Whitebeard, and as long as he meets him, he will definitely find it.
After walking around the city for a long time, Whitebeard couldn’t find it, but he met the person Reina didn’t want to meet.
” General Zefa … I didn’t expect to meet you here! ” Reina said with a dark face.
” Hahaha … Reina, according to what you said … By the way, where do we not meet in life? This time … I see where you are going! ” Zefa waved his hand, and the navy under his command immediately surrounded Reina. stand up.
” It’s really a headache! General Zefa, this is the center of the city. It really doesn’t matter if the fight starts here? ” Reina looked around at the residents who seemed a little flustered because of the events here.
” Karadan, contact the stationed branch, and immediately evacuate the surrounding residents, Reina … Leave it to me to deal with! ” Zefa took off his sunglasses and looked at Reina with a smile.
” Then there is no way! Thousands of miles frozen! ” Reina pulled out Muramasa from his waist and slashed at Zefa.
” Bang! ” Zefa, who had already covered the armed color with both hands, shattered Reina’s slash with one punch.
” Sure enough, you destroyed the warship of the branch, right? Good boy, he has a new ability! ” Zefa said solemnly, feeling the icy energy in the slash.
” You don’t know, there are many more! ” Reina disappeared from the spot in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Zefa.
” Hey … When did you speed up too? Didn’t you wear your weird clothes today? ” Zefa smiled and avoided the spot without contacting Reina.
After dealing with the Whitebeard Pirates so many times, they are already familiar with Reina’s abilities.
” Quick, this way! Everyone, immediately evacuate the surrounding residents! This time, we are facing the most vicious big pirates! ” Just when Reina was concentrating on fighting Zefa, he suddenly heard a familiar voice.
” Is it her? ” Lena looked sideways, and saw Liya, who she had seen yesterday, wearing the uniform of a naval officer, and was instructing the soldiers of the naval division to evacuate the surrounding residents.
Her valiant appearance was completely different from the confused timid girl from yesterday.
” Hey , hey … you were looking around when you were fighting with me, boy … are you too arrogant? ” Suddenly Zefa’s figure appeared beside Reina.
” Damn it! ” Reina wanted to dodge, but it was too late. Zefa punched him in the cheek, and suddenly he flew out.
” Boom …”
Reina directly smashed the surrounding buildings and fell in.
” Okay, stinky boy, I know you’re not so easy to be knocked down, come out! ” Zefa didn’t chase, but stood on the spot and shouted in the direction Reina flew out.
At this time, the surrounding navy has also surrounded the place, and only a few naval soldiers of the branch are still quickly evacuating the crowd.
” It’s really … not at all insecure! When you got married, I even gave you a big gift! You didn’t show mercy at all! ” Reina slowly walked out of the broken building.
At this time, the clothes on his body have changed, a set of pure black close-fitting combat clothes, with the demon sword Muramasa on his back, and there is no trace of the attack on his face.
Just now Reina just used the impact of Zefa’s fist to stay away from Zefa. Otherwise, it would be really bad if the other party continued to follow up and attack.
The black battle suit on his body was specially exchanged from the mall. Usually, he wears a heavy-duty suit outside. After the battle is carried out, the heavy-duty suit is put into the inventory, which can facilitate the battle.
This is the last time he fought in big pants, and only exchanged it from the mall. After all, no one wants to fight in pants.
” Hahaha … Boy , that’s not bad! The ability has increased again, and it can actually absorb the power of my blow!? ”
He could feel that his attack just now didn’t hurt the opponent. He thought that when he first saw Reina, the opponent couldn’t even take a punch from him.
” It’s you!? ” Lena, who surrounded him, recognized him as Reina walked out slowly.
However, Reina ignored Liya. This is not the time to reminisce with her. If he is not careful, he may be killed by Zefa today.
” Sharing eye … open! ” Reina opened the wheeling eye directly, and then attacked Zefa.
To deal with an enemy of Zefa’s level, he must go all out!
” Red eyes … ? It’s the red-eyed Reina with a bounty of 100 million Berry! ” Liya looked at Reina who was fighting Zefa with an ugly face.
Rayner’s bounty was raised to 100 million bergs after the last battle with Garp’s lieutenant, Pocato.
“You were still such a gentle person yesterday … why … why are you a pirate? ” Liya bit her lip, stared at Reina, and whispered.
After returning to the Naval Branch from the Hot Spring Pavilion last night, Liya was still recalling her experience in the evening. She could feel the tenderness in Reina’s heart, and she was thinking of going to the Hot Spring Pavilion to try her luck today to see if she could meet her. Reina, I didn’t expect the two to meet in this way.
” Boom! ”
” Collection · Elbow! ”
Blocking Zefa’s attack with one hand, and after absorbing the impact again, Reina released more than half of the energy absorbed in the body directly using a cohesive strike.
It’s not that he doesn’t want to release all of them, but that it takes time to release them all, and he’s not very proficient in mastering them, so using most of the energy to release them is the best choice.
” Bang! ”
Zefa’s fist covered with armed color collided with Reina’s elbow, and the scattered energy blew away the surrounding dust, forming an explosion-like airflow circle.
” Hahaha … Boy, you’re making great progress! Here you go! ” Zefa laughed, followed by another punch.
” Gathering strength , one slash! ” This time, it was Muramasa in Reina’s hands who came into contact with Zefa’s fist.
He released all the remaining energy he had absorbed before, but Zefa was no less than Zefa. Even in the face of Yaodao Muramasa, his fist still didn’t even break the skin.
” Boy … Didn’t you find it? Your ability is flawed! ” When the two were fighting, Zefa suddenly smiled and said: ” Every time you attack, your ability to absorb energy can’t be used. So … every time you attack, it’s also the best time to beat you! ”
Reina’s face changed, and he was about to make a move, but Zefa took a step ahead and put his knee on his stomach.
” Boom! ”
” Hey ~”
” Boom ~~~”
Reina, who was hit by Zefa, directly crashed into a building.
” Hahaha … How is it! Boy? ” Zefa looked at the blood on the ground and asked with a big smile.
” It’s not bad that he is an admiral of the navy, his strength is really different from that of ordinary trash! ” Reina walked out of the ruins of the building again, this time there was blood on the corner of his mouth.
“That’s it … Red pupil Reina! ” Zefa rushed towards Reina again.
” Goo la la la … Zefa! What’s the point of bullying my brother? ” Whitebeard’s voice suddenly sounded, and then his figure appeared in front of Reina.
” Hey … why don’t you be so embarrassed! ” On the roof next to him, Marco with his arms turned into wings stood there and asked Reina a little worriedly.
Around Bista, Joz, Hansen, Saatchi, Lakyo and others all appeared one after another.
” Qi ~ Big Brother, you guys showed up too early! If it’s a little later, let’s see how I blow up the guy on the opposite side! ” Reina said happily, as if I hadn’t used my real skills yet.
After all, the help of his partners made him very happy.
” Really? Then let’s wait for the next time! Let me try my new weapon this time! ” Whitebeard waved the Naginata in his hand and said irrefutably.
Only then did Reina realize that the naginata in Whitebeard’s hand was different from the previous one, but very similar to the future naginata ” Cong Yunqi ” , one of the twelve great swordsmen of the future .
” Oh? Big brother got a new weapon? ” Reina asked in surprise.
“The name of the knife is Cong Yunqi, and it is one of the twelve masters of the supremely fast knife! ” Whitebeard seemed to be talking to Reina, but it was also for Zefa.
Sure enough, after Whitebeard finished speaking, the surrounding navies all changed color. It is also the top existence in the whole world!
Hearing Cong Yunqie’s name, Reina’s eyes lit up, knowing that this was the weapon that accompanied Whitebeard all his life.
” Come on! Zepha … ! ” Whitebeard got the new weapon, looking more excited than usual.
” Whitebeard … As you wish, today … you guys go to advance the city together! ” Zefa squinted his eyes, the aura on his body has become completely different from just now.
” Everyone, don’t let anyone from the Whitebeard Pirates go! ” Karadan waved his hand, and the navy soldiers began to attack here.
Although he is not the highest-ranked existence other than Zefa, as Zefa’s deputy, he still speaks with considerable weight.
” Oh ~~ The navy has seen the power of pirates! ” Marco spread his wings and flew into the sky, then quickly descended, landing directly in the formation of the navy soldiers, disrupting their perfect formation.
” Reina …” Liya looked at Reina in the crowd who was fighting with the branch lieutenant, and rushed over with gritted teeth.
Normally, a battle of that level is not something that non-commissioned officers like them can intervene in, but she had something to ask Reina, so she rushed over.

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