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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” That … Reina, do we really have to go in again? ” Hansen asked with some resistance as he slowly moved towards the windless belt.
” Nonsense, if you talk again, give Muramasa back to me! ” Reina rolled his eyes and said directly: ” I said, this time we are on the edge, if there is danger, we will withdraw immediately, there will be no problem. ! ”
Hansen glanced at Reina resentfully, and swam slowly toward the windless belt again. He should have thought long ago that Reina’s things are not so easy to handle.
The two had actually hunted enough food for a banquet just now, but Reina wanted to try to find a sea king contract, so he forced Hansen to come.
Soon, the two came to the edge of the windless belt again. Under the seemingly calm sea, Hansen knew what kind of terrifying creatures were hidden there.
Swallowing his saliva, Hansen cautiously swam over in Reina’s urging eyes.
After entering the windless belt, he could feel that he was being watched by countless pairs of eyes.
The movement in the sea cannot be seen on the sea surface, and facing unknown dangers is the most dangerous, so Hansen took a deep breath and dived directly.
Not far away, Reiner had already opened the wheel and dived ahead of Hansen.
With the help of Sharinyan, even in the dark sea, he can see farther than ordinary people.
Just after the dive was left, Reina found a place not far from him. It seemed that several huge black shadows were approaching. Before thinking about it, Reina swam directly towards Hansen.
As a swordsman, Hansen’s eyesight is not bad, but at the bottom of the sea, he is still not as good as Reina, who has a writing wheel, so he did not find that the danger was approaching, although at this time his whole body was almost standing. He got up, but he could only feel the danger approaching, but he didn’t know what the specific danger was.
Suddenly, Hansen, who was acting as a bait, felt a force on his back pulling him away from the place. Before he panicked, a huge black shadow passed in front of him.
Hansen, who came back to China, found that it was Reina who had just pulled him away. While he was relieved, he also realized that a sea king should have attacked him just now.
Looking at Reina’s gesture to let him go up, Hansen nodded and started swimming towards the sea.
However, when he just arrived at the sea, a force came from his feet again. He knew that Reina was helping him to leave, so he did not resist. Instead, he used this force to rush out of the sea and headed towards the outer edge of the windless belt. flew out.
Just as Hansen left the sea, Reina’s head popped out, but he didn’t stop. He stepped on his feet in quick succession, and jumped out of the sea, and behind him was the crocodile’s head. The same Neptune class.
” Moonstep! ” Reina, who left the sea, did not flee immediately, but used the moonstep to advance at a low altitude on the sea, and he was inducing the sea kings to attack him again.
” Wow! ” Sure enough, when Reina didn’t escape immediately, the sea king with the head of the crocodile poked out half of the body directly from the sea, staring at Reina with a pair of blood-red eyes, slightly open. The open crocodile mouth looks quite hideous.
” Good guy … this length … I’m afraid it’s not less than thirty meters! ” Reina guessed the length of the sea kings from the part sticking out of the sea.
The appearance of the other party is somewhat like the king of the near sea when Luffy went out to sea, but both in size and length, they are far more than the kings of the sea in the East China Sea.
Seeing the other party’s appearance, Reina couldn’t help but think of some stalks that were very popular in the sea fan circle at the time.
” If it wasn’t for Luffy’s obstruction back then, Hawkeye would have died at the hands of Sword God Joseph and Sword Saint Johnny! ”
” Axe Monka, kill Garp in one move! Boxer Dadan beat Garp! ”
” The overlord of the East China Sea who ate pirates and pirates – the king of the offshore sea! ”
And the most exaggerated Bandit King: the four emperors in the wine bottle, and the Pirate King on their feet, who can compare?
Of course, these are just some self-entertainment of the sea fans. Among them, the sea king that only ate the pirates and ate the pirates was somewhat similar to the sea king in front of Reina.
However, the one in front of Reina has at least five kings of the sea. As for the length Reina is not sure, because the other party only shows part of his body outside.
Before the other sea kings came over, Reina quickly stomped in the air, and then the whole person rushed directly to each other.
” roar ~”
The sea king with a crocodile head roared and rushed towards Reina.
” Bang! ” Before the opponent bit himself, Reina kicked the opponent’s chin and kicked the opponent’s body upright.
Seeing that the opponent did not fall backwards, Reina was a little stunned. He thought that the blow just now could knock the opponent down, but he did not expect the opponent to completely withstand his attack.
” Roar! ” The opponent seemed to be provoked by Reina’s attack. After a roar, a pair of blood-red eyes stared at Reina like this.
Reina was naturally unwilling to be outdone, and Sharonyan looked at each other calmly.
Slowly, Reina felt a different feeling, and he found that he seemed to be gradually controlling the other party.
” Reina! What are you doing? Hurry up! ” Not far away, the anxious Hansen shouted loudly at Reina.
After being interrupted by Hansen from that state, he discovered that there were already countless sea kings gathering around quickly.
But the crocodile head sea king in front of him looked at Reina in horror. It also felt that Reina seemed to control it just now, so its first reaction at this time was to escape.
Not caring about the feeling before, Reina broke out directly, and after quickly approaching the crocodile head, the sea king, punched the opponent’s chin, knocking more than half of its entire body out of the sea.
” Bang bang bang …” A few consecutive kicks directly on the opponent’s body, before the rest of the sea kings came over, the crocodile head sea kings kicked out the windless belt.
” Nice job! ” Hansen, who was already riding on Elizabeth outside the windless belt, immediately shouted excitedly when he saw that Rayner had actually produced a sea king.
Because of this, it means that he no longer has to be a bait.
The crocodile-headed sea king who was kicked out of the windless belt by Reina, after returning to the sea, shook his head and tried to escape, but was followed by Reina and hit the head again.
” Boom ~~~”
The crocodile head was in contact with the sea, like a shell exploding on the sea, and a large amount of seawater was splashed, which surprised Hansen beside him.
Didn’t they say they were caught alive? This is all caught, why do you still come here? Are you afraid your head will explode?
” Huh, what are you looking at? Hurry up and help! ” Reina shouted to Hansen who was in a daze, standing on the sea king’s body floating on the sea.
Hansen, who had just woken up from a dream, immediately stepped forward and found that the Sea King in front of him was not dead, but was knocked unconscious by Reina’s punch!
” The defensive power of this thing is really amazing! After being punched so hard by you, I just fainted! ” Hansen sighed after seeing the intact Sea King.
After tying the sea kings with ropes, Reina and Hansen pulled one by one, riding two water lizards, and ran towards the location of the empty island.
On the way back, Reina was lost in thought.
If it wasn’t for that strange feeling just now, it would be impossible for him to catch the opponent alive. The defense of this crocodile-headed sea king is as Hansen said, very powerful, and it also occupies a favorable location. run away.
The opponent’s snake-like body allows it to swim fast in the sea, faster than most creatures in the sea. Once it wants to escape, Reina will definitely not be able to stop the opponent.
But why did that happen just now? Reina doesn’t seem to be able to use control abilities, it just felt like he was trying to control the opponent.
From the fearful look in the other party’s eyes before, Reina was sure that it was right.
” Could it be Sharinyan? ” Thinking of the powerful ability of Sharinyan to control tailed beasts in Hokage, Reina looked forward to it.
When I opened my character interface, I found that the system’s description of my writing wheel eyes had changed.
” Sharing Wheel Eye: It has powerful abilities such as observation, copying, and shocking. The holder has extraordinary insight, and can copy the other’s physical skills by observing the other’s actions. It has shocking and short-term control over beast creatures. ability. ”
Compared to before, Sharonyan now has an additional shocking ability, which should be the ability he used unconsciously just now.
After returning to the empty island floating on the sea, the news that the two caught a large sea king immediately spread to the entire pirate group, and the crew came to visit the unlucky sea king.
With Whitebeard in charge, Reina was not afraid that the other party would run away, leaving Hansen to brag, while he began to try whether he could sign a contract with the other party.
The sea kings who woke up were fierce for the first time, but with a cold snort from Whitebeard, it became completely honest.
” Big brother … Is that kind of power just like a tyrannical domineering? ” Reina felt a very special energy and asked curiously.
Whitebeard nodded and said: ” Yes, this is the domineering arrogance of the overlord, a special kind of domineering hidden in the human body. This ability is innate, and it is different from the armed lust and the familiar lust. He did not cultivate it through cultivation. Awakened, not everyone has this ability! ”
” That is to say, only people who are born overlords can have this kind of overlordism! ” Reina shrugged and said with a smile.
There are already four pieces of Domineering Shards in his inventory, and he only needs the last one to awaken Domineering, so he is not worried that he doesn’t have it.
Whitebeard smiled and didn’t continue talking.
Reina also began to try to communicate with the Sea Kings, but the other party ignored him at all.
No way, Reina had no choice but to open the writing wheel and look directly into the eyes of the other party.
Slowly, that wonderful feeling reappeared.
” Sign a contract with me! ” Reina said in a deep voice.
The crocodile-headed sea king is like a puppet, slowly rolling up its tail and biting the skin on the tail with its teeth, but it seems that the pain stimulated it, and it instantly retreated from the state controlled by Reina. .
After finding that they were controlled by the tearful man in front of them again, the crocodile-headed sea kings began to struggle desperately, trying to escape from here, and even broke free from the domineering suppression of the white-bearded overlord.
But just as he was about to escape back to the sea, Whitebeard jumped and punched the Sea King.
” Boom! ”
The crocodile-headed sea king was directly punched into the ground of the empty island by Whitebeard. Although it was still struggling, Whitebeard suppressed the opponent with one hand.
” Do you want to try again? ” Whitebeard asked, looking at Rayner.
He was a little interested in what Reina had just shown. He could faintly feel Reina’s swollen eyes releasing a strange energy that he had never seen before.
” Troublesome brother! ” Reina took a deep breath and looked directly into the eyes of the crocodile-headed sea king again.
The other party seemed to know what Reina wanted to do, and kept struggling to escape, but after being held down by Whitebeard, it couldn’t resist at all.
Gradually, after meeting Reina’s eyes, its struggle began to weaken, and finally it turned into a motionless puppet.
” Sign a contract with me! ” Reina said in a deep voice again.
The crocodile-headed sea king slowly rolled up his tail and pressed it in the circle vacated by the scroll.
After the scroll absorbed its blood, some of the incantations written on the entire scroll lit up.
” It’s done! ” Reina said happily.

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