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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Marko? That’s … the Navy? ” Rayner, who opened the wheel-eye, looked up with Whitebeard, and immediately found Marko who was fighting, and the Navy who was fighting with him.
” Big brother, it’s the Navy! ” Reina said to Whitebeard immediately after seeing it clearly.
At the same time, he also looked at Falek, who was a little dazed. The other party seemed to really not know.
” Dad, I still can’t contact Sky Island! ” After the thick fog dissipated, Joz contacted Sky Island for the first time, but the phone bug was still asleep and couldn’t wake up.
At the same time, an explosion sounded, and the pirate ship docked next to the Moby Dick suddenly exploded.
” This … what’s going on? ” Farek muttered to himself in disbelief when he saw his pirate ship explode.
” Who did you design traps for? The Navy? ” Reina asked with a frown when he saw Farek, who was a little lost.
” No … it’s not true … how is it possible? ” As if he hadn’t heard Reina’s words, Farrek looked at the blazing pirate ship, and tears rolled in his eyes.
” By the way, you are so strong, please, save my comrades! Please! ” Farek seemed to remember Reina’s strength, hugging his legs and crying bitterly.
” You should know that in this case … the chances of your companions surviving are not high! But … Yo, go and see if there are any survivors! ” Reina sighed and came to the side of the ship, facing the sea shouted.
Yoo jumped and plunged directly into the sea from the sea, telling Reina that he heard it.
After a while, when Yoyo reappeared, several comatose pirates appeared on his back.
” Derry! Derry! Are you alright? Where’s Adelaide? Wake up! ” If Farrek was n’t a power man, he would have jumped off a long time ago, but as a power man he could only stand on the side of the ship On the side, he shouted loudly at the swordsman Derry, who was on Yoo’s back.
Yoyo didn’t care whether the pirates on his body were alive or dead, with a flick of his body, those pirates were thrown onto the Moby Dick .
” Cough cough … Captain …” After the rescued pirates saw Farrek, they all looked like they were lucky to have escaped from the dead.
” What’s the matter? Who were you attacked by? ” Farek asked in a deep voice when he saw several of his companions wake up.
” It’s the navy, captain, it’s the navy warship that attacked us! ” a pirate said in pain.
” Bastard, it really is them! I must kill them! ” Farrek gritted his teeth, got up and looked into the distance.
At this time, the thick fog has dissipated and disappeared, and the naval warship not far away has also appeared on the sea.
” Just relying on you, dare to provoke three naval warships? ” Looking at the three warships in the distance, especially the one headed by him, he is quite familiar with it. Reina looked at Falek in surprise.
Feeling this person attacked them, really not something impulsive, but really bold.
You must know that the Warring States that led the three warships, even their Whitebeard Pirates, would not take the initiative to provoke trouble. If there was no way, they would not choose to confront the opponent directly.
” I don’t care, I’m going to kill them and avenge my partner! Give me a boat, any kind of boat! ” Captain Farrek’s eyes were already red, and anyone who stopped him at this time was an enemy .
At this time, he seemed to be a different person from the way he nodded and bowed to Whitebeard just now.
Reina glanced at Whitebeard and waited for his decision, after all, Whitebeard was the captain.
” Reina, give him a boat! ” Whitebeard said directly with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.
Reina nodded and instructed the crew to prepare an escape boat for Farrick. He did not ask Whitebeard the reason, because it was completely unnecessary.
” You stay here, with the reputation of Your Excellency Whitebeard, I will not embarrass you. You can just find a small island and get off the boat. From now on, live a good life! Don’t be a pirate any more! ” Fari K took a deep breath and said to his remaining friends.
” Captain, I’ll go with you! Our Color Pirates … haven’t died yet! ” Swordsman Derry stood up slowly and said.
” That’s right, Captain, we are all members of the Color Pirates! ” The rest of the pirates stood up one after another, expressing that they would follow Falek to take revenge.
” Huh ~” Falek took a deep breath, Reina could see that he wanted to refuse, but when he saw the firm extension of his companions, he nodded with a big smile, and took the rest of his companions to the ride. The escape boat, and then rushed straight towards the naval warship.
“The little ones … cover them, at least give them a chance to board the naval warship! ” Sure enough, after the people from the Color Pirates left, Whitebeard ordered with a smile.
Rayner was already ready at the bow, and Joz took the helm and let the Moby Dick drive directly towards the Navy warship.
Marco in the air saw the thick fog dissipate, and after the Moby Dick was fine, he also began to fight the opponent seriously.
” Bang bang bang …”
” Whoa, whoa, whoa …”
After the navy in the distance discovered that the escape ship had entered their artillery fire range, they fired directly at them, and did not mean to underestimate them because it was just the escape ship.
” Hmph! It looks like the means of the Warring States period! ” Reina snorted coldly, bowed slightly, jumped directly into the air, and used the moon step to fly over there.
” Frozen for thousands of miles! ” In the air, Reina held the ice wheel pill and slashed directly at the flying cannonball.
” Puff … puff …”
The shells that flew towards the escape ship fell directly into the sea after being affected by Reina’s icy sword energy.
On the side of the naval warship, seeing Reina’s shot, Warring States turned his head and said to the people behind him, ” Old man, will this guy be handed over to you? ”
” I just brought my students here for an internship, but I have no plans to take action! ” Zefa shook his head and said with a smile.
” Oh? Are you sure your students can deal with Reina? That guy is not easy! ” Sengoku asked in surprise.
” Humph! It’s just a mere pirate, he’s not the only genius on the sea! Sakaski, Polsalino, you two go meet that kid! ” Although Zefa said this, he still spoke from the reclining chair. He got up, intending to hold the line for his students.
” Yes, teacher! ” Sakaski nodded, ready to go.
But Polsalino on the side was indeed a little lazy, and said directly: ” Teacher, is it enough to deal with Reina with Sakaski? I’ll take a look! ”
Zefa cast a glance at Polusalino, not agreeing, but not rejecting either.
Seeing this, Sakaski didn’t talk nonsense, jumped up and stepped on the moon step and rushed towards Reina.
” Huh? That’s … Akainu? ” In the air, after clearing a few batches of shells, the escape ship was already very close to the naval warship, and Reina was just about to return to the damaged sailing when he suddenly saw a navy rushing towards him .
“The dog bites the red lotus! ” Sakaski’s right arm in the air slowly turned into lava, and he punched Reina directly.
” Really …” Seeing the familiar move, Reina was instantly speechless.
Although he didn’t know why the future general Akainu suddenly appeared here, he didn’t mean to be afraid of him.
The current Akainu looks very young, even a little immature, and is far from the ruthless admiral of the future.
” Interesting … Since that’s the case, let me give you a defeat and gain your reputation! ” Reina smiled slightly, not only did not avoid Akainu’s magma, but even took the initiative to lean over.
However, when the big dog formed by the magma bit himself, Reina’s brows could not help but wrinkle slightly.
” The ability to trouble! ”
The opponent’s magma is actually the same as electricity. In addition to the instantaneous energy damage, there is also continuous scorching damage.
This forced Reina’s Black Emperor energy to continue to absorb scorching damage. If this continues, the energy he can absorb in battle will be much less.
” Broken! ” Reina’s arm was instantly covered with armed color, and then with a slight shake, it directly shattered the magma dog whose energy was almost exhausted.
” Huh? ” Akainu was a little surprised when he saw that Reina had cracked his trick so easily.
Rayner’s ability is no longer a secret at the Admiralty. In addition to turning into red eyes, he also has the ability to absorb damage and release the absorbed damage.
However, the damage that Reina can absorb is limited. As long as the opponent absorbs the full damage and does not release it, he can attack Reina’s body.
The easiest way to deal with Reina is to attack Reina’s energy, which directly exceeds the upper limit he can absorb, then Reina cannot resist.
But Sakaski did not expect that the other party would crack his ghost dog so easily.
” Future Akainu? Hey … do you think you can defeat me with such an attack … ? ” Seeing the slightly surprised look on Sakaski’s face, Reina sneered and rushed towards the other party. .
” Boom! ”
Reina’s attack covered in armed color was blocked by Sakaski, who was also covered in armed color.
And he gave Reina the feeling that the opponent’s armed color is definitely not under Reina, even stronger than Reina, which proves that the opponent’s physical skills and physical quality are stronger than Reina.
Armament color is the move that can best show physical fitness. Without a strong physique, it is impossible to cultivate into a powerful armed color.
” Bang bang bang …” The two fought fast in the air and fought each other for more than a dozen moves, but they couldn’t help each other.
” Tsk tsk tsk … Is the current navy so powerful? ” The two separated, Reina used the moon step to stay about one meter above the sea, and said with a chuckle.
” Akihito Reina! That’s all for today! ” Sakaski said with a blank expression.
” Cut … you don’t think I was serious just now, did you? ” Reina smiled and said softly: ” Next … do n’t be careless! Otherwise … you will die here! On! ”
When he opened his closed eyes, Reina’s eyes had turned red, and three hooks formed in the eyeballs, which made Sakaski, who was looking at him, stunned for a moment.
” It ‘s very capable! ” Taking advantage of the moment Sakaski shook his head, Bingrenwan directly incised the opponent’s abdomen, but the magma flowing at the incision let Reina know that it was not that he hit the opponent, but the opponent took the initiative. Use the ability to avoid Reina’s slash.
” Mighty dog! ” Sakaski, who avoided Reina’s slash, slapped the opponent with a palm, and the palm formed by the magma rushed directly to Reina.

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