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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Dad … something big happened! Come and see! ” A crew member on the Moby Dick shouted with a panicked look on his face.
” What’s so frustrating? ” Markola asked casually, shrugging her eyes.
” Captain Marko, look! ” The crew handed the newspaper to Marko, and said with a serious look.
Now the scale of the Whitebeard Pirates has increased a lot, and even the Moby Dick has been replaced again. The current size is almost the same as the Moby Dick in the original book .
In addition to the ship, the number of members has also grown a lot.
The combat team has added three teams from the first team of Marco, the third team of Joz, and the fifth team of Bista, to the second team led by Kozuki Oda and the fourth team of Saatchi. into five teams.
In addition, Hansen, the original vice-captain of the fifth team, also formed a sky island escort team to protect the sky island and Dr. Ahsie.
Although the personnel of this team are all composed of the people on the empty island before, there is a big gap between the combat strength and the number of combat teams and the five combat teams, but they are also organized.
” This … ? ” Marko froze after reading the newspaper, and asked the panicked crew member: ” Is the news true? ”
” I don’t know either! I just got the newspaper! ” The other party touched the back of his head and said.
After thinking for a while, Marko immediately walked back to the cabin with the newspaper and walked towards Whitebeard’s room.
” What happened? Noisy early in the morning! ” Lakyo yawned and came over and asked.
“The vice-captain … the vice-captain was caught by the navy! ” The crew hesitated and said.
” What? ” Lakyo was taken aback for a moment. He didn’t seem to hear clearly, or he couldn’t believe it. He looked at the crew member and asked, ” What did you just say? ”
” Deputy … Deputy captain, caught by the navy! ” Said the crew with some fear.
” Are you kidding? With Reina’s strength, how could he be easily caught by the navy? And he is still in the West Sea, just because the guys in the navy branch want to catch Reina? ” Lakjo asked sharply.
” I … I don’t know either! It was written in the morning newspaper! ” The crew member said a little aggrieved.
” Where’s the newspaper? ”
” It was taken by Captain Marko to Daddy! ”
After listening to Lakeyo, he turned around and walked towards the cabin. The crew members who were attracted by the side also gathered, as if trying to find out the truth of the matter.
At this time, Whitebeard and Marko also happened to be walking out of the cabin. Just as Lakjoo wanted to ask questions, Whitebeard stopped him.
” Although the matter has not yet been determined, since the location reported in the newspaper is in the 23rd Division of the Navy, then there should be no mistake, Joz … turned immediately and went to the windless belt closest to Marin Vando. Before Na’e is sent to Marin Vando, we must rescue him! ” Whitebeard looked at the gathered crew and said loudly.
” Oh ~~~” Everyone raised the weapons in their hands, indicating that they would fight to the end.
” That bastard, what the hell is going on? ” Lakyo said in exasperation.
He and Rayner were close, so he was very annoyed by Rayner’s arrest.
” Are you going to fight with the world’s largest organization? Just thinking about it makes one’s blood boil! ” Kozuki Oden was also full of fighting spirit.
Although the adventure along the way is exciting, and he has encountered many powerful enemies, but this is the first time he has participated in such a purposeful battle, so he is very excited.
” Marco … you take the first team one step ahead, confirm the truth of the matter, and at the same time determine the position of Reina, I will let Dr. Sière cooperate with you! Hansen, you bring your people Go to the empty island and follow Marko’s orders! ”
” Yes, Daddy! ” Marko and Hansen came out at the same time, loudly replying.
” Dad, I’m going with Marco too! ” Lakjoo stood up and said.
Whitebeard looked at Lacoyo, pondered for a while, and said, ” Okay! ”
” Thank you dad! ” Lakyo said gratefully.
” Little ones … go ! Let’s make a big fuss! Bring our family … back! ” Whitebeard raised the Naginata in one hand and said loudly.
” Go! ”
” Haha … and the navy will fight to the death! ”
” This time to rescue the deputy captain, I must drink up his liquor! ”
The crew echoed loudly, not at all afraid of the decisive battle with the navy.
At the same time, all over the world received news that Reina and Garp had a decisive battle in the West Sea, and they were defeated and arrested.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … Indigo … Assemble the crew, let’s go! ” The Great Pirate Golden Lion Pirate Fleet Admiral, Golden Lion Shiki said with a loud laugh while reading the latest newspaper.
” Puzi puff …” Indigo walked up to Shi Ji, did not speak, but made a few weird movements.
” Why? Because … We have a big deal coming to the door! Let’s find the Whitebeard Pirates first, but we haven’t seen each other for a few years! This time we have to catch up! Jie hahahaha … ” As soon as the newspaper was lost, he walked to the side of the boat with a cigar in his mouth and said with a smile.
Indigo stretched out his hand to catch the newspaper threw out by Shiki, and saw a huge headline on the front page above, ” Navy Hero Continues Legend, Great Pirate Chi Tong Reina Defeated! ”
After carefully reading the content written above, Indigo suddenly realized.
Rayner, the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, a former member of the Rocks Pirates, and his captain, Shiki the Golden Lion, were ex-partners.
Now Reina is fighting with Karp in the West Sea. The newspapers say that the battle between the two men razed the 23rd Division of the Navy to the ground. In the end, Reina was exhausted and was defeated by Karp. Now he is on his way to the Marine Headquarters Marin Vando. .
Although he didn’t know the relationship between his captain and this Rayner, it was clear that now the Golden Lion Shiki was going to intervene.
The Great Route New World, an island.
” Lingling … Look! ” Long Bread handed the newspaper in his hand to Charlotte Lingling , and said with a strange expression.
“ma~mama~~ Oh? It’s Reina! It’s been a long time! I really miss the cakes and wine he made! Isn’t he with that bastard with Whitebeard? Why was he suddenly captured by the Navy? ” Xia Lot Lingling took the newspaper with a look of memory on his face.
“I heard that he was caught in the West Sea. It seems that the Whitebeard Pirates are planning to do something in the West Sea! The navy saw through it, so Reina was arrested! ” Long Bread touched his chin, said.
“ma~~mama~~ Whitebeard should not sit back and watch, after all, the two of them left together! Let’s go! Let’s join in the fun! ” Charlotte Lingling said with a big laugh.
Just when the pirates of the new world were making moves, the navy who had been watching them immediately noticed their movements.
” Notify the Warring States and do as he wants! I didn’t expect the golden lion Shiki and Charlotte Lingling to make a move! ” Marshal Kong said to Ah He who was in front of him.
Ah He nodded, showing understanding.
On the other side, Warring States, who received the notice from the headquarters, stood on the deck and said to Zefa behind him: ” Whether it can be successful this time is up to you! ”
” Don’t count on me! I’m just an old guy nearing retirement now! ” Zefa pouted and said.
” Ha ~ This is too much. Sakaski and Polsalino are quite good! ” Sengoku said with a smile.
Now that both Sakaski and Polsalino are under his command, he is very satisfied with the combat power of the two!
” Really? That’s their own condition, and it has nothing to do with me! ” Zefa said with some disdain.
He has always disliked those with Devil Fruit abilities.
“I heard that this time you brought out a monster-level genius again? ” As the same period of Zefa, the Warring States period naturally knew this temper, so he changed the topic.
” You mean Kuzan? But I won’t hand it over to you this time. After he graduates, he will be thrown to Garp according to the Marshal’s wishes! ” Zefa nodded and said.
” Really? That’s really a pity! Hahaha …” Sengoku said with a laugh.
” Leaving the windless belt soon, right? Where do you and Kapuyo meet? ” Zefa looked around and asked softly.
” About? We didn’t make an agreement! But … isn’t this coming? ” Sengoku said with a smile, looking at the navy warships that were already faintly visible in the distance.
Zefa sighed, Sengoku and Garp had been comrades-in-arms for many years, the two were quite familiar with each other, and they could meet smoothly without an agreement at all.
Back then, when he was still on the front line, he had a tacit understanding with Garp, Sengoku, Ah He and others, but now … he just can’t do it anymore.
Moreover, his strength has dropped very sharply, and he is no longer on the same level as Sengoku and Garp.
” This time the marshal sent you over like this? ” After the two warships reunited, Garp naturally saw Zefa as well.
” I asked him to come and help! Garp, now is not a good time to arrest Reina! ” Before Zefa could speak, Sengoku spoke first.
” I know, but … the situation was already like that at the time, so I followed the trend! ” Karp nodded, rarely serious.
” At present, in addition to the actions of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Golden Lion has also taken action, and Kaido, BIGMOM and others also seem to want to take the opportunity to do something! They are sure that Whitebeard will happen to us. Conflict! ” Warring States sighed and said.
” Isn’t this a matter of course? If they dare to come, it’s a big deal to clean up together! ” Karp said domineeringly.
“The problem is that with the exception of the Whitebeard Pirates, I’m afraid that the rest will not come! Instead, we will take the opportunity to clear our forces in the new world, which will not be worth the loss! ” Sengoku said solemnly.
” Then what are you going to do? ”
” Where is Reina? I’m going to talk to him! ” Sengoku said calmly.
” What do you want to do? ” Garp was taken aback and looked at his old comrade-in-arms.
” Don’t worry, if I wanted to execute Reina in advance, I wouldn’t bring Zefa here! ” Sengoku naturally knew what Karp was thinking, and said with a smile.
” You want to persuade him to surrender? It’s impossible! He won’t surrender! ” said Garp, shaking his head.
” How do you know if you don’t try? ” Warring States replied with a slight smile.
” Okay, come with me! ” After thinking for a while, Garp brought Sengoku and Zefa to the room where Reina was imprisoned.
” Open the door! ” Garp ordered to the navy soldiers who were on duty.
” Creak …” The wooden door was opened, and inside was Reina, who was bound by iron chains. Although he was awake at this time, his condition was obviously not very good.
” Yo ~ what happened? The three major naval forces gathered here? I don’t seem to have such a big face yet, Reina? ” Seeing the person coming, Reina raised his head and said with a smile.

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