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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Spirituality! ”
” Boom! ”
A cloud of smoke rose, and the huge hard-shelled body appeared in front of Reina.
” Phew ~~ Let’s go, go back …” Before he could say a few words, Reina fainted in the front yard on a hard-shelled back.
The hard shell was ordered by Reina, and the body slowly sank into the water, only exposing its outer shell on the surface of the water, and began to swim towards the outer sea of Wano country.
And just when the hard shell was carrying Reina and left, the members of the Beast Pirates who were monitoring the overseas seas of Wano immediately found the trace of Reina and reported it to Kaido.
” Huh? Found a small boat? The flag of the Whitebeard Pirates is hanging on it? Go, sink him! ” On the island of ghosts, Kaido said to the communication snail after taking a swig of wine.
” But … but … sir, we didn’t see anyone on the boat, and the boat looked like a house. It was going so fast that it had gone far! Although our boat was chasing it, it couldn’t catch up at all. ! ” On the opposite side of the communication screw, Kaido’s subordinate said with some panic.
” No one … ? That’s all! ” Kaido hung up the phone.
That day, Rayner disappeared in front of his face, which surprised him.
But before he could ask Tian Shiyue, Tian Shiyue took out a dagger and committed suicide. In desperation, Kaido had to return with the injured Jhin and Quinn.
In fact, not long after they left, Denjiro came over, but he only found Tian Shiyue’s body. After the saddened Denjiro restrained Tian Shiyue’s body, he hid in the deep mountains and waited for Tian Shiyue. Said counterattack after twenty years.
On the other side, Reina, who was lying on a hard-shelled back, slowly woke up, and there was no pain in her entire body.
” Sure enough … Has the continuous check-in been interrupted again? It has been interrupted for four days? Tian Shiyue said that I will be teleported to three days later, which means that I have also been lying here for a day!? ” Lei got up slowly Satisfied, while checking the time in his system, he sat on the ground and rested.
Although the continuous check-in was interrupted again, it was not long since the last time, so Reina was not so distressed.
It’s just that the injury was a little serious this time, and I’m afraid it will take a while to recover.
After resting for a while, Reina entered the room, first took a bath, then put some medicine on his wounds, and finally put on new clothes.
” Fortunately, I prepared some food in advance, otherwise I wouldn’t have the energy to cook at this time! ” When he came to the kitchen, Reina took out some of the food that had been stored in the refrigerator before, heated it up a little, and ate it directly.
After eating, his body finally recovered a little, and he came to the second floor, using his navigational knowledge to judge his position and see how far he was from the base camp of the Whitebeard Pirates.
But when he confirmed it carefully, he realized that not only did he not move towards the sphere of influence of the Whitebeard Pirates, but he went further and further.
” This idiot …” Reina put a hand on his forehead, trying to understand what was going on.
Before he fainted, the order given to Turtle Shell was to go back, and Turtle Shell didn’t think that the base camp of the Whitebeard Pirates was home, so it naturally swam back towards the place where it originally lived. It made Reina farther and farther away from going back.
” You stupid turtle, don’t go this way! ” After coming to the front yard and re-planning the route for the hard shell, Reina went back to the room to rest. Anyway, the clock-in time has been interrupted for a few days, and there is no rush today. this day.
So Reina plans to take a day off today to allow his body to recover a bit.
Early the next morning, when Reina got up, his body had recovered a bit. Although he couldn’t work with others, he was no longer having problems walking.
These continuous exercises have enhanced his physique a lot. Although it is not at the level of the powerhouses in this world, it is no worse than the average two-dimensional characters.
After getting up, Reina first determined the direction of the voyage, and found that the hard shell of the tortoise deviates from the course again. After re-correcting, he began to complete some work hours.
He has been interrupted for a few days, and he cannot continue to interrupt. This is the essence of his becoming stronger and must be paid attention to.
Fortunately, when Dr. Ahsie was remodeled last time, he strived for comfort, so even if he was seriously injured now, Reina had a pretty good life on a hard-shelled back.
A few days later, he encountered the first island.
” Here … it feels a little familiar!? ” Looking at the small island not far away, Reina said while rubbing his chin.
He seems to have been here before, but he doesn’t have many impressions, and according to the positioning on the chart, he has not found that he has been to this sea area.
Although there are some doubts, this is the first island he has encountered, so it is impossible to miss it. He must buy some HNA supplies, whether it is water or food.
He directed the hard shell to the harbor. After getting off its back, he opened the protective cover and let it go to the sea to find food. Reina leisurely boarded the island.
After wandering around the island for a while, Reina suddenly realized that he finally knew why he was familiar with this place, because he did come here back then, and this was the Devil Island where he and the Rocks Pirates came together.
The headquarters of an underground organization specializing in human trafficking and intelligence trafficking.
” It turned out to be here! It’s such a nostalgic place! ” Reina said with a slight smile, looking at the flag of the Devil’s Island hanging on the storefront.
It’s just that he didn’t know that he was discovered by the people of Alcatraz Island when he didn’t go ashore, but he didn’t do anything after going to the island, so they thought they didn’t know.
” Squeak …” Pushing open the door of the tavern, Reina found a place to sit down.
” Huh? Why is he here? ” Just as Renner was drinking and listening to the people around him chatting, he suddenly saw an unexpected person.
But then he thought about the identity of this person in the future, so it is reasonable for him to appear here now.
” Would you like to go over and say hello? Tenyasha … Don Quixote Doflamingo! ” Reina thought while drinking.
But before he could make a decision, the seemingly very young future Shichibukai took his people to Reina’s side and sat down beside him.
“咈咈咈咈… The vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, the big pirate with a bounty of more than one billion, your Excellency Akahito Reina, why did you come to Devil’s Island? This is really surprising! ” Doflamingo didn’t talk nonsense, and directly pointed out Reina’s identity.
” Who are you
” Under the Don Quixote Pirates, Don Quixote Doflamingo ! He is also the partner in the North Sea of Alcatraz Island’s chief steward, His Excellency Eli Cook ! ” Doflamingo introduced himself said.
” Don Quixote? This name … a bit familiar!? Where did you hear it? ” Reina pretended to have heard it before, looked sideways at Doflamingo, and said, ” But … since you are Why is the partner of Devil Island Beihai here again? ”
“咈咈咈咈… Since I am a partner, there is naturally my property here, so come and have a look! Hearing the arrival of Your Excellency Reina, Your Excellency Cook is quite a surprise, just for fear of disturbing you. So I didn’t send anyone to contact me! ” Doflamingo, wearing red sunglasses, smiled exaggeratedly.
What he meant was actually to reveal to Reina that the matter of your going to the island has been known to Alcatraz Island, and if you want to do anything, you must pay attention.
How did he know that Reina was just passing by, not really going to do anything.
If it was said that he did have the idea of destroying Alcatraz Island before, but after talking with Whitebeard, it was not so urgent, and he chose to be seriously injured, so he couldn’t do it with anyone at all.
” By the way … why are you wearing glasses in a dark place like a pub? Is it to be cool? ” After staring at Doflamingo for a long time, Reina finally asked a question that puzzled him for a long time. The problem.
From Doflamingo’s appearance until he was defeated by Luffy, his glasses have not been taken off. Reina is really curious, what does it look like under these red sunglasses?
After Reina’s words were asked, not only Doflamingo was stunned, but all of his subordinates were also stunned.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… It’s just a habit! ” This time Doflamingo smiled reluctantly, and even Reina could feel that he was trying his best to endure the anger in his heart.
” Ah ~ I’m sorry! I don’t know if you don’t like people asking like this, please don’t mind! I’m just here to drink some drinks and replenish supplies by the way. I don’t have any thoughts about Alcatraz, so you don’t have to worry! ” Reina smiled and said lazily.
When he saw Doflamingo, he knew the fate of several leaders of Alcatraz Island. This future king of the dark world is not so easy to get along with. If he is not strong enough, working with him is equivalent to seeking skin from a tiger.
So Reina is even less interested in starting Alcatraz, because someone will do it for him. Although this successor is not a good bird, at least it is not as blatant as these guys on Alcatraz now.
They are now arresting slaves all over the world, and Reina has encountered them more than once!
” Then you are just passing by? That’s a pity! If the Whitebeard Pirates need anything, please feel free to speak! ” Hearing Reina’s words, Doflamingo ‘s Feeling better at last, he said with a smile.
” No need! But … Don Quixote … the name … I remember it! See you in the future! ” Reina seemed to want to say something, but in the end he shook his head and did not continue.
And after he finished speaking, he got up and left without giving Doflamingo time to continue talking to him.
” Hey hey hey … I said … I said … Dover! Don’t you want to use him to get on the line with the Whitebeard Pirates? ” Behind Brother Doflaming, a man holding a plum blossom sign The cane, wearing a pair of small sunglasses and a man with a half-snot dangling, said to Doflamingo.
” Well ~~ Who knows? In short, there is no harm in getting in touch! Now the Whitebeard Pirates have the title of the world’s number one pirate ! Reina, said with a big laugh.

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