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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Two years later, the year 1505 of the Haiyuan calendar .
The base camp of the Whitebeard Pirates, Xuanyue Island.
” Dad! ” Lakjo came to Whitebeard’s residence with a look of excitement, knocking on the door and shouting loudly.
” Lake Yo! Come in directly! ” Whitebeard’s slightly weak voice sounded.
” Dad, didn’t you come back and drink again last night? If Reina knew that he was going to be long-winded again! ” Rakyo knew that he must have had a hangover last night when he heard Whitebeard’s voice.
” Stop talking nonsense, what are you looking for? ” Whitebeard slowly sat up from the bed and asked.
” There’s news over there, saying the time is just around the corner! ” Lakyo said mysteriously.
” Where did the news come from? When is it? ” Whitebeard asked in a puzzled way because he didn’t understand Lakeyo’s words for a while.
” It ‘s over there! ” Lakyo made a bird gesture anxiously.
Whitebeard was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, he said, ” Be clear, there are no outsiders here! ”
” It’s the navy! The promotion ceremony of the Warring States period has been decided, and it should be very soon! ” Lakyo said in a low voice after getting closer to Whitebeard.
” Oh? That’s it, I can keep waiting for you! Then gather the troops and prepare to set sail ! ”
” But … Dad, how are we going to tell Reina? If he knew that we were all dispatched to help him, he would definitely not agree! ” Rakyo said with some worry: ” That guy won’t let us Do this kind of thing! ”
” Simple, find an excuse to let him go, and let him come to meet after we are around the push city. As long as you count the time, there is no problem! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
” It’s okay to be my dad, just do it like this, and I’ll leave it to you to pay for Reina! ” Lakyo said flatteringly with a smile on his face.
In fact, where did they not think of this attention? It’s just that they don’t dare to say it. If Reina finds someone to settle the account after the incident, they can’t stand it.
So after getting Whitebeard’s order, the whole regiment began to prepare for war. Only Reina himself, assigned by Whitebeard, went to a small island near the windless belt to perform a secret mission.
” Really, not only Big Brother, but Marco and Lak about the weirder and weirder they are! ” Reina rode on the hard shell of the tortoise and headed towards the windless belt.
Whitebeard’s method of opening Reina was very simple and rude. He gave Reina a letter and asked him to go to the small island near the windless belt before opening it. It must not be opened until he arrived at the destination.
Although Reina was very curious, this was a task given to him by Whitebeard, so even though he was very curious, he still did not intend to open it midway.
But Lakyo, Marco, and others were very strange. Although they tried their best to behave normally, they were not at all curious when Reina received such a strange order, which was very strange in itself.
Under Reiner’s pressure, the most honest Joz already had a tendency to commit suicide, so Reina had to stop asking, otherwise the honest Joz might really be forced to bite his tongue and commit suicide.
After Reina left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then started to prepare for the battle, but Titch in the crowd gave Reina a strange look before leaving with a sneer.
The second combat team and Hansen’s air island escort were left to guard the base camp, so Hansen was particularly dissatisfied, and he clearly wanted to participate in this kind of thing.
He first met Reina before he joined the Whitebeard Pirates.
Also dissatisfied with him is Olga. As a companion who has experienced many adventures with Reina, Olga, who has grown into a beautiful girl, also wants to go to the advance city together, but Whitebeard refuses. The reason War is a man’s business, and women cannot be allowed to participate.
This reason almost made Olga go wild, but in the end, Dr. Sière persuaded her, because women were not allowed to participate in the battle, which was an unwritten rule of the Whitebeard Pirates, not against him alone.
So in the end, Olga had no choice but to accompany Hansen and stay at the base camp together.
The Marine Headquarters at this time, Marine Fando.
” Are things sure? ” Warring States asked softly.
“I ‘m not sure, but since we have information, it’s better to make some arrangements! ” Lieutenant General Crane shook his head and said.
” In that case … let Sakaski go over there! As for this side … let Karp go! ” Sengoku said after thinking about it.
Lieutenant General He nodded and said, ” How are your preparations? It’s best to clarify things with Marshal Kong first! ”
” Don’t worry, there will be no problem, I will go later! ” Warring States smiled slightly, and then threw a document to a goat beside him.
After the goat barked, it began to slowly eat the document.
At the same time, the center of the Totland of Nations, in the city of cakes.
” Mom ~ This is a good opportunity for revenge. The other party is willing to respond internally. We can completely break through the other party’s defense. When the time comes, the whole world will spread. We are stronger than the Whitebeard Pirates … licking ~~” Xia Lot Perospero said loudly, sticking out his long tongue.
“ma~mama~~ This thing is unreliable? If it is a trap, it will be bad! ” Charlotte Lingling showed a rare cautious expression and said, ” That guy in Newgate, it is not that simple. people! ”
” Don’t worry, Mom, we have confirmed that the main force of the Whitebeard Pirates has indeed set sail and headed to the Navy Advance City! According to what Neiying said, the wife of their vice-captain Reina died in the Advance City. When Na has a chance, he will go to attack the advance city! Didn’t he also go when the golden lion Shikey escaped from prison last time? ” Mondor, the secretary on the side, also stood up and said.
” Mom! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! When they formed an alliance with us on the surface and took away a lot of benefits, they sacked several of our islands and stole a lot of treasure. The base camp, and snatch all their treasures! ” Charlotte Owen also stood up and said.
He was one of the people who most wanted to bring about this fight, and he hated Reina more than anyone else.
” Katakuri! What do you think? ” Charlotte Lingling, sitting in a high position, asked her best son after thinking for a moment.
” According to the current intelligence, everything is fine, but we need to consider the consequences of this incident! If the Whitebeard Pirates escape from the Navy, then we are likely to face their revenge afterwards! But After this battle, even if they can escape, their vitality will be severely damaged, and the base camp has been breached by us, if we want to recover, it will take at least several years! ” Katakuri said calmly.
“ma~mama~~ Yes, in that case … send a letter to Kaido’s Beast Pirates and ask him if he is interested in the headquarters of the Whitebeard Pirates! Even if Newgate wants revenge, If I join forces with Kaido, I’m not afraid of him! ” Charlotte Lingling nodded and said.
” Mom! But in this case, at least half of our spoils will be divided! There is absolutely no need to call them for such a thing! ” The tenth son Charlotte Cricket immediately objected: ” And after this battle, in the end, Who is the world’s No. 1 pirate group needs to be re-evaluated, we are not afraid of their Whitebeard Pirates! ”
Cracker’s statement has been recognized by some cadres, so why should it be distributed to others?
” Lick lick ~~ Mom, I have an idea to keep Kaido on our side without letting him share our spoils! lick lick ~~” At this time, Perospero suddenly stood up and said .
” Oh? Let’s talk about it, Perrospero! ” Charlotte Lingling actually agreed with Cracker ‘s statement, but only she knew how strong Newgate was when he got angry.
” We’re like this … this way … and this way … in this way, the spoils are ours, and Kaido can’t say anything, after all, he was late, and it has nothing to do with us! Licking ~~~ ” Rosspero said with a smile.
“ma~~mama~~~ Hahaha … Okay, just do it! It’s my good son, Perospero! If the plan is successful, then among the spoils this time, I allow you to choose one thing first. ! ” Charlotte Lingling said with a big laugh after hearing Perospero’s plan.
The rest of the cadres didn’t say anything, and the plan sounded really good.
Among all the people, only Katakuri frowned slightly, and he always had a bad premonition in his heart about the plan to attack Xuanyue Island this time.
On the other hand, Reina, who set off alone, was sailing alone, but he was not lonely. His daily work took up a lot of his time, and even though the hard shell was a turtle, he sailed faster than an ordinary pirate ship. Even faster, when they escaped from Wano Country, the pirate ship of the Hundred Beasts Pirates just didn’t catch up with the hard shell.
It’s just that this tortoise is a little stupid, always going the wrong way, so Reina has to keep an eye on it all the time, otherwise, if he is not careful, he will have to deviate from the route, so he has the mind to ask the doctor to invent a medicine for getting lost.
And when it comes to getting lost, he thinks of a monster-level lost genius in the future, a super talent who can get lost on only one road, the three-sword swordsman Roroja Zoro .
” Looks like it’s time to go shopping in the East China Sea! Those children of destiny should have already been born! Hehehe …” Reina stroked his chin, thinking about whether to find a time to say hello to those little devils.
However, Reina definitely didn’t have time recently. According to his expectation, Tiger should come to find him and go to Mary Joa soon.
A few days later, when Rayner arrived at the uninhabited island in the windless belt, because of the extraordinary performance of the hard shell, he was a little faster than Whitebeard expected.
” I don’t know why they let me come here mysteriously! ” Reina whispered, opening the envelope that Whitebeard gave him.
After reading the above letter, Reina’s face changed for a while, and finally turned into a sigh.
The letter has already explained everything, and let Reina rush to the advancing city to join them. After Reina arrives, they will attack the advancing city.

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