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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After Amazon Lily left, Reina originally wanted to visit the island where Luffy had been practicing for two years, but considering his physical condition, he canceled this plan. He was afraid that he would be killed by the beasts on the island. .
After coming out from the windless belt, Reina finally found an island before the food and fresh water ran out. However, considering the current situation, he deliberately waited until it was dark before Yo-Yo took him to the island. .
As for the hard shell, it was waiting for him not far from the island.
He now needs to buy some nautical supplies, and also needs the latest information. When he was chatting with the soldiers of Nine Snakes before, he had inquired about the Whitebeard Pirates, but they didn’t seem to know.
After landing, Reina first went to a hotel instead of a tavern. It was night and he needed to find a place to rest first.
After opening the room, Reina took a shower and changed into fresh clothes before walking slowly to the pub.
The tavern at this time was crowded with people. After entering, Reina found a corner at will, ordered a bottle of rum, and slowly drank while listening to the chatter of the drinkers around.
” Tsk tsk tsk … The rum that I don’t usually look down on can actually be tasted by me. It’s unbelievable! ” Reina shook the bottle in his hand and said with some self-deprecation.
” Sorry, is there anyone here? Can we sit here? ” Just as Reina was sighing, a female voice suddenly sounded.
Although Reina wanted to say no, because he had seen the navy uniform on the other side, but this would make him look even more strange, so he had to nodded vaguely, expressing his willingness.
” Thanks, give this gentleman another bottle of rum, it’s mine! ” The navy woman headed said boldly.
” Major Liya, what is our mission this time? ” Just after several navy members sat down, one of the soldiers asked the leading female officer.
” Everyone should have heard of the purpose of this time. It is the empty island of the Whitebeard Pirates! ” The woman called Major Liya said softly: ” There are rumors everywhere now that the empty island of the Whitebeard Pirates has How amazing, but the headquarters has analyzed it and it shouldn’t be so amazing, so our purpose is to confirm it in the past and see what the other party’s empty island is capable of! ”
” But the sea is so big, where do we go to find the empty island? The other party is flying in the sky, and we can’t fly! ” A soldier asked in confusion.
” Some time ago, it was said that there was news of the empty island. Not only pirates and bounty hunters rushed over, but I heard that Marco, the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, also appeared! So we need to go and see! ” Major Liya said with a smile.
” Is it true? Even the people with white beards went there, but isn’t Sky Island theirs? Will they be able to contact Sky Island directly soon? ”
” I don’t know the specific situation, but someone saw Marco there, and I think it’s not wrong! Last time in the advance city, after the Whitebeard Pirates’ defeat, their base camp, Xuanyue Island, was also destroyed by the BIGMOM Pirates. Breaking, it is said that there was some fusion there at that time, so there was a problem in the empty island, and it is not under the control of Whitebeard now! ” Major Liya explained to his subordinates.
Reina, who lowered his head and pretended to drink, was listening carefully to the chats of the navy. From their conversations, Reina learned a lot of news.
First of all, Xuanyue Island seems to have been attacked by the BIGMOM pirates, and the sky island also flew away, and now Marco is chasing the position of the sky island.
Reina pondered for a while and planned to follow these navies first, after all, the place they were going to was where the Sky Island was, and Marko was also there.
Right now, Xuanyue Island should still be under repair. With Whitebeard in charge, no one dared to go to Xuanyue Island to make trouble, so rushing back now wouldn’t help much.
Instead, it was an empty island floating outside, and Reina felt that it was necessary to bring it back first.
” Okay, don’t play too late tonight, we will continue to set sail tomorrow morning, you know? ” At this time, Major Liya drank all the drinks in front of him, got up and said.
” Let’s go back to the boat now? Don’t you sit down for a while? ” A subordinate asked in surprise when Liya got up.
” No, I still need to practice swordsmanship at night! Drink it! Remember not to play too late! ” Major Liya put down a stack of bellies, then smiled and waved to his subordinates before leaving the tavern.
After Major Liya left, Reina looked at each other’s back thoughtfully, as if he had seen each other somewhere.
” Hey, you guy, why are you staring at our Major? ” At this time, a naval soldier shouted to Reina angrily.
” Ah? Sorry, I just never met a female naval officer, so I was a little surprised for a while! ” Reina quickly said with a simple and honest look of ” sorry ” .
” Hahaha … Don’t underestimate Liya Major because she is a woman, she is very powerful! ” Hearing Reina’s words, the navy soldier said very proudly.
” Oh? Really? Do you have any achievements for this beautiful major? ” Reina asked with a smile.
After seeing his appearance, these soldiers didn’t react, so he could chat with them at ease.
” Hehe … The vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Akahito Reina knows? It’s the great pirate who wounded Lieutenant General Kizaru and Lieutenant General Akainu alone in the Battle of Push City ! ” Reina’s words, a soldier asked Reina mysteriously.
Reina was taken aback, Chitong Reina ? Isn’t this me? Then how could I not know? So he nodded quickly and said, “I heard that he is a very powerful pirate! What’s wrong? Did your major defeat him? ”
Several navy soldiers looked at Reina like a fool and said, ” What are you kidding? Although Major Liya is also very powerful, how could it be possible to defeat the legendary big pirate? However, Major Liya was still divided. When I was a sergeant, I did fight Reina, but unfortunately I lost the battle! ”
Hearing the words of the navy soldier, Reina thought about it carefully, but he didn’t have any impression. After all, he had defeated too many navies. For a small division sergeant, he really didn’t take it to heart unless the other party was a The future famous admiral in the original book, otherwise he would be too lazy to remember.
” Don’t think that Major Liya was underestimated by Reina’s defeat. Since then, she has entered the headquarters and followed the former general and the current marshal, Lord Warring States, to fight around, and her strength has become much stronger! It’s a pity that she has no chance for revenge now. ! ” Seeing Reina’s expression, a soldier said quickly.
” Why is there no chance for revenge? The next time I meet that Reina, can I defeat him soon? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” You guy … don’t you even know such a big thing as advancing the city battle? ” The navy soldiers looked at Reina in surprise again and asked.
” I know! I heard that the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates fought in the waters of the advancing city, and in the end, the Whitebeard Pirates were defeated! ” Reina nodded, looking like I knew.
” Now that you know, what nonsense are you talking about? The great pirate Chitong Reina has already died in that battle! How do you think Major Liya is going to seek revenge from him? ” Not being stupid, he said to Reina.
” Dead … dead? ” Reina’s eyes widened, why did he die again? This seems to be the second death, right?
No wonder these navy soldiers didn’t recognize him, because in their subconsciousness, Reina was already a dead person, how could it be possible to sit and chat with them?
After chatting with the navy soldiers for a while, they left with three points of drunkenness. According to what they said, they would be scolded by Major Liya if they went back late. This is the downside of female officers. Drink with them.
After the navy soldiers left, Reina also got up and left. I got a lot of news tonight. After buying all the supplies tomorrow, you can leave behind the navy.
Early the next morning, Reina got up early and went to buy supplies. When he arrived at the port, he happened to see the navy warship that had already set sail. Follow behind the navy warships.
The speed of navy warships is much faster than that of ordinary pirate ships, but despite its huge hard-shelled body, in fact, its speed in the sea is not slow, but it is easily attracted by the food in the sea, which often leads to wrong road.
A few days later, when Rayner followed the naval ship to the target area, he found the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates.
But the situation at the scene was not very good. There were no less than ten pirate ships discovered by Reina. They all had the same idea, let Marco find the empty island first, and then snatch it.
Reina didn’t know what was going on on Marco’s side, nor what their plans were.
Originally, he wanted to go directly, but considering his current physical condition, the past could only be a burden to them, so he simply hid it in the dark.
But he didn’t know that just above them, the empty island floated quietly above the clouds.
” Doctor, now that Captain Marko and the others are surrounded, we have to find a way to notify them! ” Blake said anxiously to Dr. Sière.
” But now we can’t contact them at all, and we don’t even dare to show up ourselves, otherwise we will definitely be the target! On the contrary, as long as we don’t show up, they will not conflict with Marco and the others, their goal is just the empty island That’s all! ” said Dr. Sière, shaking his head.
” Or … Let’s go directly to Xuanyue Island? Show up when we go back and let everyone know, so that they won’t continue to follow Captain Marko and the others! ” A member of the escort team said tentatively. .

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