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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
“The taste is really good, the water and meat here are so good and elastic ! ”
” Of course, this is the most famous specialty of our water capital! ”
Several people sat at the barbecue stall, chatting while eating barbecue.
” So, this … Carter Fram , right? What did you ask me for just now? ” Reina asked Franky while eating the barbecue.
” Ah ~ ? Ah! By the way, why do you say that Mr. Tom was killed by me? ” Only then did Franky, who was happily eating barbecue, realize that he didn’t come to eat barbecue, but to question Ray accepted.
The nerve-wracking Franky made Bingshan and Hansen beside him, and the black line with their stupid heads at the same time, but one was ashamed and the other was amused.
” I never said it was you who killed Mr Tom! ” said Rayner, shaking his head.
” But you said that to Mr. Tom just now, do you want to admit it? ” Franky looked at Reina with contempt. He thought that the other party was also a man, but he didn’t expect to be so cowardly.
” I mean that Mr. Tom’s death will have something to do with you! ” Reina chuckled and said, ” It’s not that you will kill Mr. Tom! ”
” Does it make a difference? ” Franky asked, his face darkened.
” Of course, the difference is still very big. Killing Mr. Tom means that you did it on purpose and on your own initiative! But his death is different from you. Maybe you did something without a doubt, or It has nothing to do with your intentions, but it was because of you that he died! ”
” You bastard … what are you talking about? Can’t you make it clearer? ” Frankie couldn’t understand what Reina was saying.
” Okay ~ Okay ~ I’ll just say it straight, I see your future, one day in the future, a ship you made attacked the World Government ship, and in order to protect you, Mr. Tom made a sea train The credit, offset your guilt! ” Reina said softly.
But his words made Bingshan and Franky grow their mouths, staring at Reina blankly, completely speechless.
” You … you … how is this possible? How can I go back to attack the World Government? Stop joking! ” Although Franky was trying his best to deny it, he knew that such a thing could happen.
The iceberg on the side was shocked by Reina’s words.
” You said just now … can you see the future? ” Iceberg looked at Reina and couldn’t help saying.
” That’s right, how can anyone see the future? Sure enough, your words are all lies! ” Franky said loudly, as if he had caught a life-saving straw.
” Yeah! Is that weird? ” Reina smiled and replied softly.
” That’s why … Mr. Tom believes in your words … In other words, you made a prediction and it came true! ” Iceberg said calmly.
” Yes, very thoughtful! But what I said was not a prophecy! Don’t confuse it! ” Reina nodded, looked at the iceberg with admiration, and said.
” Huh ~ I can’t believe it, but this world is huge, and it’s understandable to have some strange abilities, so … can you explain your abilities to me? ” Bingshen said with a deep breath.
The conversation between the two directly ignored Franky who was on the side, but he was not angry, but quietly listened to the conversation between Iceberg and Reina.
” Want to know my abilities? Then look into my eyes! ” As he spoke, Reina directly opened the three-gou jade writing wheel eye.
” This …” Both Bingshan and Frankie took a step back subconsciously, because Reina’s eyes turned red, and the three gouyu turned out to be very tempting.
” Is this the red pupil? ” Bingshan muttered to himself, looking at Reina’s eyes.
” It’s not over yet! The kaleidoscope … open! ” As Reina’s words fell, the three hook jades spun rapidly, and finally slowly turned into a blade-like shape.
Although there was no background music and no BGM sounding at this time, Iceberg and Frankie were still completely speechless in shock.
” Did you see it? My eyes! This is a kind of eye called Shaanyan, which has many abilities, one of which is that when I meet a person who can affect the future trend, I can see him for a short period of time. The future! ” Reina chuckled and closed the Shaker, and said to the two of them.
” The person who can influence the future trend … so … Fram he …” Bingshan glanced at his companion with a complicated look and said.
” Not only him, I also saw your future, but it is very short-lived, not as good as him! He is among all the people I have seen, and he can also be ranked in the top five! ” Reina smiled and said .
His words not only shocked Bingshan and Franky, but even Hansen on the side was surprised. Before that, he was looking at Bingberg and Franky with the mentality of watching the fun, but Reina just now As soon as the words came out, he was a little shocked.
He knew that, Renner said that the more important the person is to the future, the more future he can see.
” Hey … stop joking, do you know what you said just now? ” Hansen looked at Reina in disbelief and said.
” That’s right, you heard right, the time I will see him in the future is enough to compete with Roger, my eldest brother and others! ” Reina nodded and confirmed.
” Ro … Roger and Daddy? ” Hansen looked at Frankie, suddenly dumbfounded.
” Could it be that this guy … will become an existence like Dad in the future? ” Hansen pointed to Franky and said to Reina.
Reina shook his head, rolled his eyes and said: ” It’s not his achievements and status, but his influence on the future! To talk about achievements, Roger has become an unprecedented One Piece, except for the future one, Who else can surpass? ”
At this time, Iceberg and Franky had forgotten the purpose of their coming, and they were shocked by Reina’s words.
After a while, when the two recovered, Reina said with a smile, ” You’d better not tell others about my affairs, or you will cause trouble for yourself and Mr. Tom! ”
Iceberg and Franky nodded numbly.
” Fu ~ So, Your Excellency Reina … Can I know the purpose of the World Government? ” Taking a deep breath, Bingshan asked directly.
Rainer shook his head and said: ” I shouldn’t tell you this kind of thing, if I can tell you, Mr. Tom will tell you! ”
” Really? I see! ” Bingshan nodded, expressing understanding.
” Then there is nothing else to do, so let’s say goodbye first! By the way, if you need any help from me, you can go to Xuanyue Island in the new world to find me! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
After Rainer and Hansen left, Iceberg and Frankie sat in the barbecue shop for a long time and did not leave.
” After I go back, I will destroy all those ships! ” After being silent for a while, Franky said first.
” It’s useless, even without those, the World Government will use other means to persecute Mr. Tom. Their real purpose is what Mr. Tom holds! ” Iceberg shook his head and said.
” What will you do then? ” Frankie asked irritably.
” Let’s go! Let’s go back to Mr. Tom! ” Iceberg said after thinking about it.
Frank thought for a while, but there was no other way but to go back with the iceberg.
On the other side, Hansen, who returned to the hard shell with Reina, was still in disbelief and asked Reina, ” Does the rude guy from before really have that much influence on the future? ”
” What does that matter? He has a great influence on the future, but what does it have to do with us? We just need to grasp our own future, don’t we?! If I want, I can attack it now. Kill him! ” Reina shrugged and said with a smile.
Hansen was stunned for a moment, then said with a wry smile: ” Yes, you can see clearly, if I had the ability like you, maybe I would have destroyed myself long ago! ”
After the two left the Water Capital, they headed towards the Upside-Down Mountain.
At this time, on a small island not far from Upside Down Mountain, a group of people had just packed up and prepared to set sail.
” According to the captain’s instructions, the arrangement is almost done here, and we can return to sail! ” A tall man patted the blood on his body and said softly.
” Hahahaha … Can I finally go back? I still miss the new world! It’s a bit boring here! ” Another thin, but tall man said with a strange smile.
” Okay, let’s go, as long as this operation is successful, then it’s time for our Blackbeard Pirates to become famous in the world! ” Next to the tall man, another man in a black suit got up and said.
When they left, all that was left were the corpses on the ground, and the people on the entire island had been slaughtered by them.
” Black … Blackbeard … Pirates! ” Among the corpses, a soldier in a navy costume slowly got up, looked at the surrounding scene, shed tears, and shouted hatefully.
Meanwhile, New World Totland, Cake Island.
” Thief hahaha … how about it? BIGMOM ! As I said, our plan will definitely succeed. Now that Reina has left Xuanyue Island, as long as the rest of the plan is successful, then it is not impossible to kill him! ”
“ma~mama~ This is just the first step of the plan, let’s wait until the rest are successful! ” Charlotte Lingling also said with a smile.
” Don’t worry, no one can compare to me in terms of knowledge of the Whitebeard Pirates! Thief hahaha …”
” Of course, as a former member of the Whitebeard Pirates, no one really knows them better than you! ma~mama~~ hahahaha … I’m really looking forward to seeing you in Newgate! ”
It was Titch who was supposed to be tracked by Reina who was talking to Charlotte Lingling .
” Don’t worry, our plan … will be successful, and it’s a wise choice to cooperate with my Blackbeard Pirates! ” Tiki, who has called himself Blackbeard, gathered a group of people who are now Blackbeard Pirates The leader of the group!

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