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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Yes … it’s the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates … Quick, inform the Chief, it’s the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Just when the navy was puzzled, a soldier suddenly changed his face and shouted with a trembling voice road.
” What? White … Whitebeard Pirates? Why are their people here? ”
” Quickly … inform the Chief! ”
The soldiers immediately panicked when they spotted the Whitebeard Pirates flag hanging on their hard-shelled backs.
However, Reina and Hansen ignored the navy, and after the hard shell landed, the two directly boarded the island.
” So … that’s the members of the Whitebeard Pirates? ”
“You can’t be wrong, that person just now … is Chitong Reina! The vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, the big pirate with a bounty of 1.3 billion, Chitong Reina ! ”
The navy who stayed on the ship did not dare to take action against the two of them, and did not even dare to say a word. After the two left, they began to discuss.
As for Reina’s bounty, after the Mary Joa incident, the original bounty has risen to 1.3 billion.
” Who? ” When Rayner and Hansen came to town, except for the corpses covered with white cloth, there was the navy who came to investigate.
Reina ignored the navy here, but walked directly to the corpse covered with a white cloth. After checking it for a while, he shook his head and said to Hansen: ” These people are ordinary people, and they are basically killed by a knife, and there is no resistance. ability, so it’s hard to see if Titch did it! ”
For Reina’s disregard for the navy, a navy soldier immediately raised his weapon angrily and shouted at Reina, ” Who are you? ”
Before Reina could speak, a naval chief who was wearing a cloak of justice stopped his subordinates and said to Reina, ” The vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Chihito Reina … a big man like you … … what’s the matter here? ”
” I’m tracking a pirate, and I heard that it was destroyed by the Blackbeard Pirates, so come here to see if there are any clues! How did you know that this place was made by the Blackbeard Pirates ? ” Slowly got up and asked the Chief.
” Because we found a survivor, he heard the pirates who came over calling their captain Captain Blackbeard Titch, so we knew the name! ” The navy spoke, while the subordinate who just raised his weapon protection behind.
” Can I meet the survivor? ” Reina asked, nodding.
” No! And you are also a pirate. The big pirate with a bounty of more than one billion, so blatantly appeared in front of us, is it too little to take our navy in the eyes? ” Said the navy chief softly.
Hansen, who was standing behind Reina, came out slowly after hearing the words of the navy, drew his weapon, and said, ” Hand over the survivors … or die! ”
Although his strength is not as good as before, he still has no problem dealing with some miscellaneous soldiers in the navy.
In the face of the strong Hansen, everyone in the navy, except the chief officer, took a step back.
Perhaps because of his poor performance just now, a sergeant raised his weapon and shouted to Reina and Hansen: ” Don’t be afraid, there are only two of them, let’s go together! ”
But the chief officer standing at the front stopped his subordinates and said, ” For such a strong person, the number is useless! ”
” You are doing very wisely! ” Hansen said with a grin when he heard the other party’s words.
” But just bowing your head like a pirate is not in line with my justice … So …” Da Zuo took out his saber and said, ” Defeat me and take away the survivors, otherwise … I’m going to advance the city! ”
” Improve the city … I’m afraid I don’t dare to let me go! ” Reina smiled slightly, took a step forward, and the momentum on his body began to rise.
Feeling the momentum on Reina’s body, Admiral Navy’s face became more and more ugly. He knew that he couldn’t wait any longer, otherwise … he was afraid that he would lose the courage to take action.
” Look at the move! ” The Admiral of the Navy raised the drawn long sword and ran directly to Reina.
But Reina didn’t dodge, just raised his hand and caught the opponent’s long sword.
” This … how is this possible? ” Seeing that Reina easily grabbed his long sword, Da Zuo seemed a little disbelieving, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t take the long sword away. Fortunately, he abandoned the long sword. Turned around and kicked Reina.
” Boom! ”
The kick that hit Reina was like hitting cotton. It didn’t feel like a blow at all, but just as he was about to do it again, he suddenly punched him in the stomach.
” Um … how is it possible …”
Looking at the naval chief who was slowly falling, Reina said with a smile: ” As a reward for your courage, your life is left! ”
” Master! ”
Seeing the Colonel who was knocked to the ground with a single blow, the navy soldiers were a little anxious, but they didn’t dare to come forward.
” Okay, as agreed, bring your investigation report and survivors over here! ” Reina said softly, throwing the unconscious naval chief directly to the naval soldiers.
” Bastard …” The soldiers around wanted to continue to say something, but were stopped by an officer.
” Bring the survivors and leave the investigation report, let’s go! ” After he finished speaking, he asked the soldiers around him to leave with the chief, while he left with a group of soldiers.
But Reina and Hansen ignored him and went directly to the survivor.
” Tell me … what did you see? ” Rayner asked when he came to the survivor.
” You … who are you? ” the survivor in navy costumes asked Hansen, who looked at Reina.
” You don’t need to know about this, just tell me what you saw, and that’s fine! ” Before Lei Case spoke, the expressionless Hansen said directly.
” Huh ~ A few days ago, I was patrolling the small island as usual …” Survivor Navy, after thinking about it, said everything he saw and said, ” The three pirates can’t help but say it. , kill people when they go to the island, even if the villagers have already said that they will hand over all their treasures, but they don’t seem to hear it, they will kill people when they see them! ”
” Three? Is there a slightly fat guy with a beard? ” Reina asked, frowning slightly.
” No, one of them is tall, one is small but tall, and the last one looks like he’s about to die, not the bearded man you said! But I heard from their conversations, They claim to be the Blackbeard Pirates, and the leader, Blackbeard, seems to have some plan to implement and is waiting for them somewhere! ” the survivor Navy said softly.
Reina and Hansen looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other’s eyes.
Tickey actually formed his own pirate group, and it seemed that he was still thinking about something.
But just when Reina was about to ask more carefully, the survivor in the navy costume suddenly opened his mouth and exhaled at Reina, and at the same time the hidden dagger in his hand was inserted directly towards Reina.
” Reina! ” By the time Hansen found out, the dagger had been inserted into Reina’s heart.
” Bastard! ” Hansen kicked the survivor, but the opponent immediately evaded and evaded, and Reina fell immediately.
” Hahaha … It seems that the captain’s news is correct. This gas can temporarily disable your ability! ” The originally seriously injured survivor suddenly laughed and said to the fallen Reina.
” Reina, are you alright! Asshole, who are you? ” Hansen helped Reina up and yelled at the marine survivors with a look of anger.
” Obviously … he is a member of the Blackbeard Pirates! Cough … I didn’t expect Titch to know my weakness! Where is he? Let him come out! ” Reina covered his wound with one hand, weak said.
Aside, the remaining navy was stunned by such a change, and they had no idea what happened.
” jijijiji … it’s not bad it’s Chitong Reina! Since you know our identities, then you should also know that today you have no way to escape! ” From the house on one side, the two slowly walked out. , one tall, one small but tall.
Looking at the two people who suddenly appeared, Hansen had no idea that they were actually waiting for them here.
” Titch? Don’t you dare to come out to see me? ” With the help of Hansen, Reina slowly got up and asked.
“To deal with you, there is no need for the captain to take action. Our captain … is dealing with the white beard! Jijijiji …” The tall man said with a strange smile.
At this time, Reina discovered that the other party actually wore a funny lizard hood, completely unable to see the other party’s true appearance.
” I see … I didn’t expect Titch to be so courageous, just the three of you, it’s like killing me? ” Although Reina was injured, he didn’t seem to be afraid.
” There are three of us … that’s enough! Chi Tong Reina … your ability, we will accept it! Jijijiji … ” The man wearing the lizard hood, let Reina speak. Surprised, could it be that Titch at this time has already learned the secret of the Devil Fruit and has the ability to absorb the fruits of others?
But doesn’t that require him to have the Dark Fruit before he can use it? And Titch should also know that Reina is not a devil fruit person! Is there anything he doesn’t know about here?
” Reina, you go first, leave it to me here! ” Hansen said when he saw that the other three had surrounded them, and immediately blocked in front of Reina.
” What nonsense, when will it be my turn to need your protection? Cough …” Reina wanted to step forward as he spoke, but he seemed to be pulling the wound, so he coughed violently.
” Chitong Reina! You don’t have to pretend anymore . The captain has already told us your weakness. As long as you ask about this gas, your ability will disappear for a short time, right? Are you unable to use your ability now? ? Hahaha …” The previous survivor, Navy, took out a small bottle and said with a big smile.

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