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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Hearing Reina’s voice, Marco and the others suddenly became excited, and even the sleeping crew members were woken up by the surrounding people.
And Robin, who had been pretending to be calm, finally trembled unconsciously when he heard Reina’s voice.
” Huh? You are … Robin? How did you come to Xuanyue Island? ” Reina, who came over, naturally saw Robin for the first time, so he smiled and said hello: ” Ah ~ No wonder that guy Rakyo let me I’ll come quickly, so it’s you! ”
Reina’s words stunned everyone, including Robin and Whitebeard.
” You know me? ” Robin was really surprised. She never thought that her meeting with Reina would be like this. She thought that the other party would recognize her at the first time, because she and her mother Austrian Sylvia looks so much alike.
But judging from the expression and emotions of the other party, it was completely different from her imagination. The other party did not regard her as a relative at all, but … a bit like an old friend.
” Reina, do you know the existence of Robin? ” Whitebeard asked, frowning slightly.
He thought Rayner knew that Robin was his daughter, and that Robin was alive. If that’s the case, then if Reina lets Robin drift out like this, Whitebeard will be blinded.
” I know! She is Olvia’s younger brother’s child, and I hugged her back then! She liked me when she was a child, and laughed when she saw me! ” Reina said with a smile.
However, when he saw the serious expression on Whitebeard’s face, he understood the reason after a little thought, and said with a smile: ” As for O’Hara after being destroyed, I also know that she should still be alive, but she has her own mission. , so I didn’t go looking for her! ”
He thought that Whitebeard had sympathy for Whitebeard because of his identity as a remnant of Robin O’Hara, so he explained it.
But when he finished speaking, everyone looked at him strangely, as if they were looking at an idiot.
” Hey … I said what happened to you? Although she is the child of Olvia’s brother, I said she has her own mission, so I didn’t bring her back! ” Reina saw the people around her. expression, and immediately explained.
” Mission? What mission do I have? ” Robin looked at Reina, there were countless things he wanted to say, but in the end he just asked this sentence.
She didn’t understand what kind of mission she had to accomplish, and could the darkness she encountered before was her mission.
” You don’t understand! Let me ask you, do you know Saron? Haguwal D. Saron ! ” Reina shook his head and said seriously.
” Saron? You know Saron? ” Robin hesitated and asked.
” It seems that you and him really met! This is the beginning of your mission! Remember what Saron said? It is impossible for a person to be alone on the sea forever. Your future has a group of partners waiting for you! Follow them Your pace is your mission! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Reina, so you know what she’s been through all these years? ” Whitebeard asked blankly.
” That’s the experience for her. If she didn’t experience such darkness, she wouldn’t yearn for the light! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” You know? You actually know what I’ve been through? Hehehe … You actually know? ” Hearing Reina’s words, Robin suddenly collapsed and fell to the ground, crying.
Robin’s sudden collapse made Reina bewildered all of a sudden, what happened all of a sudden?
Marco and others couldn’t bear to watch it. The scene was too cruel. They dared to promise that if Reina knew that Robin was his child, that guy would definitely get Robin back immediately. As for the experience, what Mission … He doesn’t care at all.
Whitebeard also sighed, it was Reina who killed himself, no one to blame.
Robin said just now that they could imagine that a little girl, if she didn’t have some thoughts in her heart, might not be able to hold on to it for a long time.
And these thoughts are the great and bright father in his heart, but when Reina said what he just said, Robin would indeed be a little unacceptable.
” Reina … you never thought … she’s your child? ” Marco, who was beside him, couldn’t stand it any longer and said directly.
” My child? ” Reina was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: ” Don’t be kidding, she is the child of Olvia’s brother … This is what Olvia told me personally at the beginning, and then … She … she …”
Talking, Reina slowly reacted, yes!
If Robin wasn’t Olvia’s child, how could she be so similar to Olvia? Shouldn’t she be more like Olvia’s brother?
I recognized Robin the first time I saw him, wasn’t it because she was almost the same as the original? Isn’t it because she looks so similar to Olvia?
” You … you … who is your mother? ” Reina trembled, walked slowly to Robin, and stammered.
” Olvia! My mother is Nicole Olvia ! ” Robin, with tears on his face, suddenly raised his head, looked at Reina, and shouted loudly.
” Then … then your father is … ? ” Reina swallowed and asked with some anticipation and some fear.
” Benery D. Rayner! My name is Bernery D. Robin! ” Robin slowly took off a necklace from his neck, which had a special metal brand on it.
Reina recognized the sign that once belonged to him at a glance, and gently picked up the sign. The part that was crossed out by him at the beginning has been restored. Looking at the handwriting on it, he knew that it was Olvia. written.
On the reverse side of the sign is a row of other names.
” Benery D. Robin … my dearest darling …” Rayner read the words slowly.
” Huh , so it is … so it is … ” The moment Reina saw the sign, she fully understood why Olvia suddenly disappeared for a year.
” Hahahaha …” Suddenly Reina looked up to the sky and laughed, but when he was just smiling, tears fell from his face unconsciously.
” Olvia … you really … you lied to me! ” Reina, who finished laughing, turned all her emotions into a sigh.
” Huh , big brother … I need to take Robin back to the West Sea! ” After relieving his emotions, Reina suddenly turned his head and said to Whitebeard.
” Huh? Why are you going to the West Sea? ” Whitebeard raised his brows and asked knowingly.
” Of course, the guys who bullied my daughter … are all sent to hell! ” Reina said with murderous intent.
” Pfft hahaha … I don’t know who said it just now. It’s a mission and an experience? ” Lakyo on the side couldn’t help laughing and teasing.
” Really? Who said that? You tell me … let me hear it! ” When Reina said this, the tone was full of threats, and even the writing wheel was opened directly.
Seeing Reina’s fighting form, the crew members who were about to make fun of one or two couldn’t help but shut up.
” Okay, since Robin is back, it’s a good thing! Remember! This child’s godfather must be me! The little ones … get ready for a banquet! ” Whitebeard patted Reina on the shoulder, the big boy said with a smile.
Reina took a deep breath, helped Robin up, and said, ” It’s been my fault these years, although I know of your existence, but … but … well! Saying these things is suspected of making excuses, please give me A chance, a chance to make up for you … a chance to make me a good father … okay ? ”
Robin was very happy in her heart. Although she was very heartbroken because of Reina’s remarks before, she also knew that the other party did not know her true identity, so she would make such a decision. It can only be said to be good luck.
The first time Reina knew her identity, she just wanted to take her back for revenge, and what she said just now made her particularly moved.
” Really … can you? They … they all said …”
” Nothing is impossible, ignore what they say, whether it’s the pirates or the navy. Even the world government guys! You’re my Reina’s daughter, there’s nothing wrong! I know how they treat you , but all this has passed, believe me, with me, no one can hurt you! Even if it is a naval slaughtering order … as long as they dare to come, I will kill them! ”
Before Robin could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Reina.
Reina, who is familiar with the original work, naturally knows what Robin’s knot is, so he directly shows a tyrannical attitude, which makes Robin feel safe.
Wiping Robin’s tears, Reina gently hugged her, and then deliberately said funny: ” Don’t be afraid of anything in the future, if you are still worried, I will take you to the Navy after the welcome banquet tonight is over. Headquarters turn around! It was the little guy Aokiji who scare you at the beginning, right? Let’s see how I kill him! ”
” I … can I call you father? ” Robin hesitated for a while, then said.
” Of course! Although I don’t have the qualifications to be your father right now, but believe me, I will try my best to be a good father! ” Reina patted Robin on the back and said with a smile.
Just as Reina was talking to Robin, the news that he had a daughter spread across the entire island in an instant, and no matter what the members were doing, they all put down what they were doing and ran towards the banquet square, wanting to. See who Reina’s daughter is and why suddenly he has a daughter.
However, the members who came over were blocked by Whitebeard. Now they should give Reina and Robin some space for the four of them to talk. After all, they have not seen each other for so many years. First of all, they need to get acquainted.
Today’s Whitebeard is very happy. He has always regarded Reina as a little brother. Now that Reina has a daughter, it is equivalent to his daughter, a daughter in the real sense, not Marco and the others, in name only. children.
For Whitebeard, who likes his family, this is a unique affection, so he is very happy.

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