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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Bang bang bang …” Although Kizaru was a little puzzled, he didn’t understand why Marco appeared here suddenly, but Marco didn’t explain at all, but started directly at him.
” Kulier, Harta, go and help Marko! This is a rare opportunity! ” Reina smiled and said to the captains of the tenth and twelfth teams behind him.
” Leave it to us! ” The two looked at each other and went straight out of the ambush.
” Yo ~ I’m really shocked! It turned out to be the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates. It seems that today’s things are a bit difficult! ” Kizaru saw Kuriel and Harta suddenly rushed out, Although he was a little surprised, he was not panicked. He had already sensed that there were still a group of strong people there.
” It’s not easy? There’s something even more difficult! ” The captain of Team 14 , Speedo Kiel, followed the two of them, and jumped out, blocking Kizaru’s way back.
After seeing Marko and the other four captains coming out, Kizaru’s expression finally changed. Even if he was confident, he wouldn’t think he could easily leave today, because his knowledge told him that there were at least ten others there. The above powerhouses have not come out. If they are all powerhouses of this level, let alone defeating the other party, it may even be difficult for him to escape.
” Hahaha … That guy is still nervous. As a natural ability person, especially Glitter Fruit who is good at speed, he will always be invincible. After being surrounded by the captains, he may not be able to escape! ” Rayleigh, who was watching the battle, immediately burst into laughter after seeing Kizaru’s expression.
” Why? I see that he can turn into a flash of light? Although Marco and the others are very powerful, if the other party wants to leave, there should be no problem! ” Olga asked inexplicably.
” Hahaha … You underestimate that navy too much. He is called the super monster that the navy has never encountered in a century! Together with Akainu and Aokiji, it is called the three major monsters of the navy! The other party should have noticed Reina long ago. They are so nervous! Not to mention him, even if Sengoku himself came over, facing Reina and the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, he would not dare to say that he could run away! ” Rayleigh laughed . explained.
” Ah? They’ve all been discovered, so why are Reina and the others hiding? ” Olga asked in confusion.
” They’re not for this guy … if I’m not mistaken … here! ” Before Rayleigh could finish speaking, he suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.
” Polusalino! What are you doing? ” A red light went straight to the besieged Marko, followed by Akainu’s voice.
” Boom! ”
” Your opponent is here, don’t disturb their battle! ” Bista jumped out from the side and blocked Akainu’s attack with a sword.
” Huh? Captain of the third division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Foil Bista? ” Akainu was stunned by the sudden appearance of Bista.
And as his words fell, Joz, Lakyo, Jingudo, and Fossa directly surrounded Akainu.
” It seems that you are prepared today … Whitebeard Pirates! ” Akainu was not frightened by them, but said in a deep voice.
” Broken Pheasant Mouth! ”
Before Bista and the others could answer, an ice bird formed by ice went straight to Marco, trying to rescue the trapped Kiwi, and the person who came was Aokiji.
The appearance of Aokiji also made Robin, who was watching the battle, tremble unconsciously, and the fear of childhood came to his mind again.
Rayleigh, who was standing beside Robin, noticed Robin’s fear sharply, and frowned slightly.
Although Aokiji is indeed powerful, but with Reina’s strength, as his daughter, there is absolutely no reason to be afraid of Aokiji.
” It’s okay, watch Reina avenge you like this! ” Olga also found the trembling Robin, stepped forward, hugged Robin gently and said.
” Huh? ” After hearing Olga’s words, Reilly seemed to understand something. It seems that today’s game should be specially set up by Reina for Aokiji, and it should have something to do with his daughter.
” Frozen for thousands of miles! ” Sure enough, when Qingzhi shot, Reina also followed suit, blocking Qingzhi’s move.
” Red pupil Reina!? It seems that your Whitebeard Pirates are planning to do something big today! ” Aokiji, who slowly recovered from the ice form, let out a cold breath and said .
” Little Ice Bird! I’m waiting for you! Marko, Bista, keep an eye on the yellow monkey and the red dog! If you dare to come to disturb me, kill them for me! Little Ice Bird … come and come … Lao Tzu Let’s play with you! ” Reina, who was holding the ice wheel pill, said arrogantly to Aokiji.
” Don’t worry, deputy captain, no one can disturb you! ” Marko said with a considerable face.
” You are here for Kuzan? ” Akainu frowned and asked in surprise.
Aokiji was also taken aback by Reina’s words, what has he done recently? How can you provoke Reina?
” Why doesn’t Reina let the rest of the captains help? Just go up and beat them up! But the name he named is so funny, Bing Xiaoniao … hahaha … yellow monkey, red dog … it really made me laugh! ” Olga, who was watching the battle, also heard Reina’s words and said with a smile while covering her stomach.
Rayleigh glanced at Robin thoughtfully, and sure enough, Robin showed gratitude in his eyes, she knew that this was what her father did for her.
” Just a bunch of pirates, how dare you say such a big thing? ” Kizaru, who was surrounded by Marco and others, pouted and said disdainfully after hearing Reina’s words.
” Yellow Monkey … If you keep talking, I will kill you first! ” Reina, who had already turned on the Shaker, turned his head to look at the yellow monkey and said.
Kizaru’s expression changed, thinking of Reina’s strange ability. Now that there are so many people on the other side, if Reina sneaks up on him, it is impossible to say that he will really be injured.
” Red eyes … Is this why my father is called Chitong? ” Robin said softly, looking at Reina after turning on the Shaker.
” Ah ~ you don’t know yet? This is one of Reina’s abilities. He said it is called “Sharing Eyes”! It is a bloodline ability. You are Reina’s daughter. I don’t know if you will inherit it. Ability, if there is one, that would be really cool! ” Olga explained with a smile.
” Sit in the frosty sky ! Bing Lun Pill !” Facing the green pheasant, Reina was not careless, not only looked at the writing wheel, but even directly began to untie the Bing Lun Pill in his hand.
” It seems that today’s battle is inevitable! So … battle! Two thorn spears! ” As Aokiji’s words fell, two tridents of ice appeared directly beside him, and shot directly at Reina. .
At the same time, Kizaru and Akainu also acted at the same time, but the captains over there were not vegetarians, and Marco kicked Kizaru out of the elemental state.
Bista, who faced Akainu, blocked Akainu’s magma attack with his double swords.
” Ice dragon spins its tail! ” A slender water dragon shot straight towards Aokiji’s trident at the point where the tip of the Ice Wheel Maru sword pointed in Reina’s hand.
” Humph! I am the one with the ability to freeze fruit! ” Qingzhi clenched his fists with both hands, and even started to compete with Reina for control of the ice.
” Really? So today I’ll let you know, what is the strongest Zanpakutō of the ice type! Six-clothed ice formation! ” Reina, who held the Bing Lun Pill, not only competed with Kuzan for the control of the ice, but at the same time I also began to quickly approach the green pheasant, and at the same time, with the green pheasant as the center point, a formation formed by six freezing points appeared, trying to freeze the green pheasant.
” Frozen moment! ” Just when the ice controlled by Hingrenwan was about to freeze the Aokiji, Aokiji’s whole body suddenly released a powerful icy aura, which directly froze Reina’s ice formation.
Both sides are powerhouses who use ice, and after the initial fight, a lot of places have been invaded by ice, forcing the other two fighting Akainu and Kizaru to widen the distance between them. .
It seems that Marco and Bista really just didn’t want Kiwi and Akainu to disturb Reina and Aokiji’s battle, so they didn’t stop them when they pushed Akainu and Kisumu away.
” This is too strange today, Sakaski, do you want to ask for help from the headquarters? ” Kizaru who retreated took the opportunity to turn into a ray of light, came directly to Akainu’s side, and asked softly.
Over there, Marco and the others also joined Bista, directly oppressing Akainu and Kizaru.
” Just asking for help? Then what justice is there? Burning River · Great Spitfire! ” Akainu didn’t mean to ask for help from the headquarters at all, and punched Marko and the others directly.
He wasn’t in a hurry to rescue Aokiji, he was just unhappy with Marco and the others.
” Hey … I can’t let you disturb Reina’s battle, otherwise we won’t have a good life after that! ” The meteor hammer in Lakyo’s hand directly covered the armed color, and hit Akainu’s magma.
” Hahaha … That’s right! ” Coolier also took down the rocket launcher from behind and fired two shots at Kizaru.
On the other side, Reina, who was already close to Aokiji, slashed the ice wheel pill directly towards Aokiji’s neck, but Aokiji, with his hands crossed, created an ice wall in front of him, blocking Reina’s offensive.
” Want to run? ” Reina’s mouth curled slightly, a slash directly cut through the ice wall, and quickly slashed towards Qingzhi.
The slash directly hit the green pheasant, cutting the half-icy green pheasant in half, but after the slash, the two halves of ice gathered again and turned into a human form.
But Reina’s attack came one after another, and Aokiji had to use the long sword that was turned into ice to resist Reina.
” Wow ~ Reina is really amazing, he’s been fighting that guy all the time! ” Olga, who was watching the game, clapped her hands and said with a smile.
” Although the three of them are indeed rare powerhouses in the navy, Reina is not easy! That guy is the teacher of these three guys … a powerhouse from an era! ” Rayleigh on the side seemed to understand something , said with a smile.
” The teacher of the three of them? ” Sure enough, when he heard Rayleigh’s words, Robin asked with a slight movement.
” That’s right, they are all trained by one person, known as the black-armed admiral, Zefa! ” Reilly nodded and said.
” Ah ~ it’s that guy! I know that the one named Zefa was chasing Reina! Later, his family seemed to be killed by pirates, and he was rarely seen again after that! ” Or Jia nodded and said in memory.
Reilly was stunned for a moment. This girl, who looked younger than Robin, actually knew about Zefa, and she knew it in such detail. It seemed that she had experienced it personally, which made Reilly a little puzzled.

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