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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Crocodile was lying in the sand, his head covered in blood, and his eyes were staring at the sky.
He didn’t expect that this time he was even worse than the last time he lost.
As for Reina, after teaching Crocodile a lesson, he returned to the rapeseed flower city, but there was no one on the streets of the city, which made him a little surprised.
But after thinking about it, he understood why.
The last battle between Marko and Crocodile must have had some impact on the city. He had seen it when he came over, and many places were still being repaired.
Therefore, those from the Alabasta Kingdom Army should be worried that their battle with Crocodile would destroy the city again, so they took this precaution.
After figuring out the reason, Reina didn’t want to continue shopping, and went directly to the port and returned to the back of the hard shell.
After a while, Bell also returned to the city from outside the city.
” Sir … how’s the situation? ” The soldiers of the King’s Army saw that Bell had come back so soon, and immediately stepped forward and asked.
Bell shook his head and said: ” Crocodahl … lost! ”
” What? ” The soldiers of the King’s Army were surprised. They didn’t feel anything. Crocodile was defeated?
After hearing Bell’s words, among the king’s army, a guy with a little tattoo on his arm flashed a trace of panic in his eyes, and asked, ” Lord Bell, then Crocodile … is he dead? ”
” No, the other party doesn’t seem to want to take his life, and immediately after defeating him! ” Bell did not tell the news that he heard, this fact is a bit shocking, he plans to go back and report this to the king. thing.
Soon, after the news of Bell, the city was contacted by the alarm. Although the residents were a little puzzled, the reputation of the King’s Army has always been good, so no one questioned it.
On the same day, after Reina replenished the supplies, he immediately went to Alabasta. He believed that after this incident, Crocodile would be a lot more cautious in dealing with Robin, at least not until there was no absolute certainty. Move her easily.
After Crocodile returned to the headquarters, he did not mention this to anyone, but Robin knew that his father must have done something, otherwise Crocodile would not be so calm, calm and ordinary are different. people.
” Nicole Robin ! We’re busy for the rest of the time, and the plan is to speed it up! ” A few days later, Crocodile just told Robin to speed up what she needed to do.
In fact, Robin didn’t know much about Crocodile’s plan at this time. What she could know was only the part that she was responsible for. There were many other things that Crocodile was responsible for by other senior agents, so she also Not sure.
But these have little to do with her, so she just does her own thing and waits for the group of people her father said to appear.
Just after the battle between Reina and Crocodile ended, Bell also returned directly to Albana, reporting to the king everything he had seen and heard today.
” Nicole Robin ? Did you hear it right? ” Cobra fell into deep thought after listening to Bell’s report.
” I didn’t expect me? There is still such a person in the country. Since the other party has a close relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates, why did they come here to take refuge in Crocodile? Even the Whitebeard Pirates dispatched the deputy captain to come here. Warning Crocodile, this is so strange! ” Jackal Jaka asked in confusion.
” Well , well , well, cough , cough … No matter what the reason is, since the Whitebeard Pirates warned Crocodile, it proves that they also take this Nicole Robin very seriously . We’d better figure it out on our side . Who the hell is she, otherwise it will be bad if there is any misunderstanding! ” Guard Captain Ikalem cleared his throat and said.
“The Whitebeard Pirates attach importance to this Nicole Robin , not without reason! ” At this time, the king suddenly raised his head and said with a stern face: ” If nothing else, this Nicole Robin should be a bounty. 79 million Berry, the man called the son of the devil! ”
” Ah? Your Majesty, do you know this person? ” Gaka, Bell, and Ikalem couldn’t help looking at the king and asked curiously.
” I haven’t seen her, but I know her! A remnant from O’Hara, the last existence in the world that can interpret ancient texts, she is a very dangerous existence to the world, so even Whitebeard is a very dangerous existence. The Pirates should have peeped at her ability! ” Cobra nodded and said seriously.
” Your Majesty … then what are we going to do? ” Gaka asked tentatively.
After thinking about it, Cobra said: ” Don’t do anything for now, first arrange someone to find Nicole Robin and see what her purpose in Alabasta is, and then find someone to monitor her every move, this People are very dangerous, and now there is the Whitebeard Pirates behind her, we can’t just mess around! ”
” Yes! Your Majesty! ” After the three of them saluted, they slowly backed out and arranged to find Robin’s whereabouts first.
On the other side, Reina, who was heading towards the Chambord Islands in a hard shell, was suddenly not used to it after being separated from Robin.
Originally, there was only one room of Reina, a study and a guest room on the back of the hard shell. Because of Robin’s relationship, Reina transformed his room into Robin’s and the study into his bedroom. .
So now he can’t help thinking of Robin when he sees Robin’s room.
” Fu ~ Forget it, when the child grows up, following Luffy is indeed the best choice for her! ” Reina laughed at himself, when did he become so emotional?
Time passed slowly. When Rayner came to the Chambord Islands again, he couldn’t help laughing. Presumably Rayleigh would be very unwelcome when he saw him!
After the last time the Whitebeard Pirates made a scene in the Chambord Archipelago, the navy strictly controlled the Chambord Archipelago. During that time, Rayleigh’s life was probably quite difficult.
But I have already come to the Chambord Islands. If I don’t go to see Rayleigh, I have to meet the three Hancock sisters! So after Reina sent Hard Shell to play by himself, he walked slowly towards Xia Qi’s shop.
” Dong dong dong …”
” Calculate the time, that guy should be here too, Marie Groud, open the door! ” Rayleigh’s voice came from the room.
” crunch ~~”
” Uncle Rayner! ”
The door was opened, and Marigold shouted in surprise.
” I’m going to call you brother! Marigold, it’s been a long time since I haven’t seen her, she’s getting more and more beautiful! ” Reina patted Marigold’s head and said with a smile.
” Qi ~ Don’t you know what age you are from? It’s shameless to ask the little girl to call her brother! ” Before Reina entered, he heard Riley’s teasing voice.
” Brother Rayleigh, when you were famous, I was still a child! Now that you are all retired, it is time for me to be famous. Seriously, I am not from the same era as you! ” Reina replied with a smile. road.
” Don’t talk to me, go talk to the Navy! See if they believe it or not! ” Rayleigh pouted and said disdainfully.
” Huh ~ ? Gloria? Why are you here? ” After Reina entered the door, only to discover that in addition to the three Hancock sisters and the Rayleigh couple, the former Queen of Amazon Lily, Gloria Sarah is actually here.
“The king is seriously ill, I’m here to pick up Hancock and the others! ” Glorious said with an expressionless face.
Compared with before, Glorioza looks a little older, and it is almost the same as in the original book.
” Oh? Really? If so … Hancock, our lies can be executed! ” Rayner’s eyes lit up, but he didn’t expect that he was just in time for Hancock to return to Amazon Lily to inherit the throne. point.
” But … are we really going to kill Yoyo? ” Hancock asked with a heavy face.
” Idiot, it’s just talking, do you really want to do it? When the time comes, the three of you and Gloriousosa will go directly back to Amazon Lily . I will arrange for Yoo to make a makeover and attack it. Then you will follow suit. Just plan and act! ” Reina said with a smile.
” What plan? Why don’t I know? ” Gloria immediately frowned and asked.
Reina knew that Glorioza was not an outsider, so he repeated his plan.
He intends to make Yoyo play the role of Aragon, the monster in the windless belt, a monster whose legend will be petrified whoever looks at it.
At that time, the three Hancock sisters will take action to save Amazon Lily , so that their return will be smoother, and it will also be able to cover up the mark of the dragon’s hoof behind them.
Because Hancock already has the ability to petrify others, it can be directly explained that he has captured the ability of Aragorn.
The three Hancock sisters, who had originally heard Reina tell Glorious about the plan, and were still a little worried, did not expect Glorious to applaud after hearing it, and according to some Amazon Lily customs and Feng Ge, The plan has been supplemented more successfully.
” Then we only need a sea king that looks like Yoyo now. Just take its head and replace Yoyo! ” Reina said with satisfaction after negotiating all the details.
” Why are you all looking at me like this? It’s just hunting sea kings. Isn’t this kid more suitable? ” Seeing that several people, including Reina, were looking at him, Reilly immediately felt an ominous premonition, waved his hand, refused to say.
” Isn’t Uncle Rayleigh the right hand of the Pirate King ? But the legendary powerful pirate! Of course I have to ask you for such a difficult thing! ” Boya Marigold said to Rayleigh innocently.
” Don’t, I’m too old and can’t move anymore. Let your brother Reina do this kind of thing, he’s young! ” Reilly yawned and refused.
” Really? I originally planned to give you a bottle of white wine as a thank you, but it seems that I can’t give it away! ” Reina took out a bottle of white wine from his arms and put it on the table, pretending to be a little regretful said.
” Baijiu? ” Rayleigh’s eyes flashed, and without waiting for Reina to put away the liquor, he grabbed it, opened the lid and smelled it, and said in admiration, ” It’s not a loss, it’s a liquor that is comparable to gold, it’s really fragrant. Ah! ”
Looking at the baijiu in Rayleigh’s hands, Rayner’s face darkened, and he said, ” That’s it … how dare you say that you are old? ”
” Ahahahaha … It’s just a mere sea king, I’ll take this job! ” Rayleigh handed the white wine to Xia Qi and said with a big laugh.
Xia Qi twisted her body, slowly approached the back room, and put away the liquor.
” Tsk tsk tsk … Sister Xia Qi … Are you able to stay young forever? You really can’t see any trace of time on you! ” Reina sighed as he looked at Xia Qi who went in.
” You should tell yourself this! Look at your own appearance, and look at us … If you say that we are not from the same era, maybe some people really believe it! ” Reilly said with a look of disdain. .

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