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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Dad … you say … I still have a chance to awaken the overlord? That guy Reina can actually awaken, I think I can too! ” On the Moby Dick , Marko confronted the white who was drinking. asked the beard.
” Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo off together together … what kind of nonsense are you talking about? It’s something you’re born with, it’s not something you want or can get through hard work!” Whitebeard replied with a big laugh .
Looking at Marco who was a little depressed, Whitebeard naturally knew what was going on. After awakening the overlord Reina, his strength had obviously risen to a higher level.
Although the previous Reina’s strength was good, there was still some gap between himself, Roger, Golden Lion, Karp, Sengoku and others.
Now it’s not that there is no gap, but the gap has narrowed a lot. They are basically at the same level. Although he may still be the weakest, he is younger and has risen. Space.
After Reina can use the overlord color more proficiently, his strength is estimated to be improved. As for how much he can improve, it depends on himself.
” Hey ~~ Marko, come on, let’s try again! ” At this time, Rayner, who had finished battering Joz, happened to see Marko, so he shouted loudly at him.
” I don’t want it! ” Marco said angrily.
” Hahahaha …” Seeing Marco’s appearance, Reina finally couldn’t help laughing.
In fact, he no longer has to discuss with the crew now, but there are not many opportunities to show off his new abilities, so Reina naturally seizes the opportunity.
They are not on Xuanyue Island now, but go out to sea with Whitebeard, because in Whitebeard’s view, pirates just want to stay in the sea, and it is not a problem to live on a small island every day.
Therefore, the current Xuanyue Island is more like a concentration camp for the family members of the Whitebeard Pirates, and because of the air island, they are not afraid of being attacked, and they can be evacuated at any time.
In addition, Reina has perfected the entire defense system, and even those who stay on the island can completely resist the attack of ordinary pirates.
So Whitebeard took the crew on a life of adventure again. The sea area they are now in is a sea area where they have never been before. The navigators are now going crazy in order to perfect the chart.
If you don’t come to this unknown sea area again, let alone Whitebeard, Reina will be told by him that he wants to kill.
” Dad, we found a merchant ship ahead! Do you want to take a look? ” Because Kongdao stayed on Xuanyue Island, they naturally handed over the investigation to the watchmen.
” Oh? It’s been a long time since I started, I hope it’s a good start! ” Hearing the voice of the lookout, Whitebeard hadn’t spoken yet, and the crew members were all gearing up and roaring excitedly.
They set off from Xuanyue Island and were always on their own territory before. Those merchant ships had paid them protection fees, so naturally they could not do it. Now that they came to an unfamiliar sea area, there were not so many rules, so the crew They were naturally a little excited.
” Go! Take all the treasures back! Don’t forget, we are pirates! ” Whitebeard said with a big laugh.
So the Moby Dick rushed straight ahead towards the merchant ship.
As for the merchant ship on the opposite side, Reina estimated that the other party might not have reacted. After all, this is not the place where the Whitebeard Pirates would come.
Don’t look at those are merchant ships, they can do business in the New World without any background!
So when the Moby Dick came to the side of the merchant ship, the other party had raised a pirate flag with a smiley face, and at the same time everyone came to the deck and did not resist.
” Qi ~ it’s really boring! ” Seeing that the other party gave up resistance, Lakyo said with a dull look on his face.
” We are the Whitebeard Pirates, and anyone with a little discernment will not choose to resist! ” Reina shrugged and said.
He had expected this kind of thing a long time ago, and he would rarely resist when he boarded the ship. Unless they encountered that kind of murderous pirate group, most of them would choose to spend money to save their lives!
Especially the top pirate group like the Whitebeard Pirates, they have no reason to do it.
Sure enough, after they boarded the ship, the captain first took out a lot of treasure, and according to the regulations of this sea area, turned over half of the total value of the goods as a protection fee and gave it to the Whitebeard Pirates.
However, the angry Lakjo refused to pay the other party and claimed to take all their treasures.
” My lords, we are a caravan under the Don Quixote family. Can we look at that lord’s face and not take it all away? In this case, we are really … really …” The captain of the caravan was also a Talent, tears flowed down.
” Don Quixote family? What is it? I haven’t heard of it. If he’s not satisfied, let him come to me. I’m the captain of the seventh division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Lakyo! ” Lakyo pushed away with a look of irritation The other party, and asked the crew to remove all the treasures.
When the captain of the merchant ship saw this, although he was crying in distress, he did not dare to step forward to stop him.
“The Don Quixote family? ” Over there, Reina immediately frowned as he heard the crew say what happened just now as a joke.
” Ah ~ yes, I heard that the captain just said so, the deputy captain knows them? ” the crew member asked in surprise.
” Hmm … I’ll go take a look! ” Reina heard the words and jumped directly from the Moby Dick to the merchant ship. Sure enough, he saw the sad captain who fell to the side and was crying.
” Hey, who do you think your boss is? The Don Quixote family? The Don Quixote family in the North Sea? ” Reina asked softly as he walked over.
” Yes, yes … Our young master was originally in the North Sea, but now we have come to the great route, and now there are some businesses in the new world, but the scale is not large. I really can’t afford the loss of this ship! Please everyone. Lord, please be accommodating! ” The merchant captain said quickly as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw when he heard Reina’s question.
” Ah ~ It’s really Doflamingo’s man! Lakyo, the other party is an underground force. It is estimated that there are other things besides the goods this trip. Check carefully! ” Reina smiled slightly, facing the Lakyo said.
Sure enough, after hearing Reina’s words, the captain’s face changed directly, and the sadness on his face seemed to be frozen.
Seeing this situation, how could Lakjo not know that he was deceived by this little merchant ship captain? He took out his huge meteor hammer from his waist, and said to the merchant ship captain: ” How dare you! Dare to lie to me, and finally give you a chance to hand over everything, otherwise … let you go to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish! ”
The merchant ship captain looked at Reina with a bitter look on his face. He didn’t understand that since the other party was an acquaintance of the young master, why not only did he not say good things, why did he kill them all?
” What are you looking at? You’d better do as he says. This guy is in a bad mood recently. If you anger him, don’t say I didn’t warn you if you get killed! ” Reina said with a smile.
Hearing the words, the merchant ship captain hurriedly brought Rakyo to the bottom of the cabin.
It turned out that after they saw the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates coming towards them from a distance, they immediately hung all the smuggled weapons with ropes, packed them in waterproof boxes, and put them into the sea from the bottom of the ship to avoid it. Check.
” Wow , hahaha … It’s really a good thing. It’s worth more than the treasure of this ship. I’m lucky to have you. After getting it up, he immediately became grinning.
Rayner lost interest after a little look, he wasn’t interested in Treasure and Berry at all.
” After I went back, I told Doflamingo directly, and said that I robbed him of his things. If he is upset, he can come to me at any time … Oh ~ By the way, my name is Reina, don’t forget … Beni Reina , the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Reina said to the captain of the merchant ship before leaving.
The reason why he told the other party his full name was because he wanted to protect Robin. Robin had a sign engraved with him and Robin on his body. If the other party saw the sign after Robin was in danger, he hoped that he would have some scruples. In some cases, his goals have been achieved.
In addition, with the improvement of his strength, he already has the ability to protect himself, even if the world government knows that his name has the word D in it, it does not matter.
As long as he doesn’t do anything that makes the World Government have to eliminate him, basically the World Government will not take the initiative to provoke him.
Sure enough, after hearing Reina’s words, the merchant captain was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed drastically.
In terms of reputation, Rayner is already famous all over the world. He became a pirate quite early, and he is active in the new world with Roger, Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Kaido, and Charlotte Lingling. The big pirates are all people of the same era.
Although he has always been the deputy captain, no one dares to underestimate him. If he hadn’t stayed in the Whitebeard Pirates all the time, but had established the Pirates himself, he should be the boss of one side by now.
After robbing Doflamingo’s merchant ship, the Whitebeard Pirates continued to move forward, and encountered many pirates along the way. As long as Reina made a move, he would take the initiative to sign up, and it was still his full name, which made the crew and Bai Beard is a little curious.
” Didn’t you keep hiding your name all the time, so that people don’t know your name? Why did it suddenly start spreading around? ” Whitebeard asked curiously.
” Robin has a plaque with my name engraved on it …” After Rayner explained his thoughts, everyone laughed and said that he was about to become a daughter slave.
But Whitebeard did not laugh, but said seriously: ” Since you are worried about her, why don’t you take her with you? Even the world government will never try to snatch our family from us! ”
“The child has grown up and has her own ideas and pursuits. I shouldn’t stop her! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
” Gu la la la la … that’s a really good answer! The children … have fun today, it’s a banquet! ” With Whitebeard’s order, everyone cheered.
They listened to the conversation between Reina and Whitebeard and thought of themselves involuntarily.
Now there are a lot of guys who were with Whitebeard at the beginning and regarded themselves as sons, and now they have established their own pirate groups. Although some of them are already a big force, they still use the Whitebeard Pirates as their own. Subordinates claim to be.
At the beginning, it was Whitebeard who let them go out and set up a pirate group, and it was what they are now.
This is similar to Reina letting Robin go.

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