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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
The huge Moby Dick traveled through the wind and waves, and the height of the waves rolled up even more than 20 meters.
On the deck, the crew members are constantly busy, but at this time the Moby Dick may roll over at any time, so it is not easy for the crew to stand firm on the deck, what else do they want to do? Almost impossible.
” You can’t go on like this, Muir, go down and see what’s going on underwater! ” Seeing the Moby Dick getting closer and closer to the tornado, Reina shouted loudly at Na Muir, the eighth division captain of the murlocs. road.
” Okay! ” Namur nodded, and one jumped from the deck into the sea.
The turbulent waves quickly drowned the figure of Muir. If he was not a murloc, he would definitely die.
” Dad, if it really doesn’t work, we can only abandon the ship, we are too close! ” Marko wiped the rain off his face and shouted towards the white beard standing in the middle of the deck.
” Abandon the ship? What nonsense are you talking about? ” At this time, Reina stepped forward, looked at the huge tornado not far behind, and said, ” It’s too late to abandon the ship now! ”
” Then what? ” Marco asked helplessly.
” Hey ~ I’ll summon Yoo and Hard Shell and let them pull the boat away! Brother, let’s see if we can affect the tornado! ” Reina said after thinking about it.
Whitebeard nodded. He and Reina thought the same. If they abandon the ship now, they may be fine, but those crew members are afraid that many people will be killed.
So the two came to the stern of the boat, and the Naginata in Whitebeard’s hand began to charge, and a transparent energy circle appeared on the Naginata, and the energy contained on it made people feel frightened.
On the other hand, Reina directly turned on the swastika state of Bing Lun Pill, and a huge ice dragon appeared behind him, and because the writing wheel was not opened, Reina’s eyes exuded a faint ice blue.
” Big brother, I’ll come first! Ice Dragon Spinning Tail Juekong ! ” I saw the ice wheel pill in Reina’s hand slashed towards the huge tornado, and the slash directly merged with the giant dragon behind Reina, turning into an even larger The ice dragon, the rain in the heavenly dragons has turned into ice.
” Kacha ~ kacha ~ kacha wipe …”
When the giant dragon came into contact with the huge tornado, the entire tornado began to freeze.
” Oh ~~~”
“The co-captain is so reliable! ”
The crew cheered as they saw the huge tornado frozen in ice.
” Don’t be careless … It’s not that simple! ” He shrugged his eyes, like a picture of Marco who was not awake, staring at the frozen tornado, and said softly.
Sure enough, his words fell, and the frozen tornado began to crack.
” Crack! Kick! Bang! ”
The ice shattered, and the tornado turned again, but the speed of turning was much lower than before.
However, due to the broken ice, the rainwater driven by the tornado directly turned into shattered ice, and the scattered ice was blown everywhere by the tornado, and some of them came directly towards the Moby Dick . If they were hit, they didn’t have to wait until they touched the tornado, and they would be sunk directly.
” Yeah! ” At this time, the Naginata in Whitebeard’s hand finally slashed out, and a huge slash that was several times bigger than Reina’s slash was slashed out.
When Whitebeard’s slash was sent out, the sea water seemed to be divided into two halves, and the space around the slash seemed to be affected, turning into a cracked appearance. Have disappeared.
” Spirituality! ” At this time, Reina’s hands were printed in the air at the stern of the boat, and two lines of smoke rose, and the yo and the hard shell were directly channeled by Reina.
” Quick! Marko! ” Reina yelled at Marko, turning his head to the side.
” Okay! ” I saw Marko’s arms spread out, turning into wings, and his feet turning into claws, grabbing two iron chains and flying directly towards Yoyo and Hard Shell.
” Yo, hard shell! Quick, pull us out of this area! ” Rayna shouted immediately when he saw Marco tying the chains to the two sea kings.
At the same time, Whitebeard’s slash had also hit the approaching tornado. Suddenly, the entire world seemed to be shattered, and the tornado seemed to be torn into countless pieces.
” Quick, it’s now! ” Rayner shouted loudly when he saw this.
At the same time, Namur, who was in the sea first, also emerged from the sea, directing Yoo and Hard Shell to swim in the distance.
Coupled with the impetus created by Whitebeard’s huge slash just now, the Moby Dick finally began to move in the opposite direction of the tornado.
” Hey ~ I haven’t completely escaped the danger, everyone, don’t relax! ” Reina instructed the crew to continue their efforts, while watching the huge tornado with Whitebeard that had begun to slowly recover.
” This thing is really terrifying! ” After receiving the full blow of Reina and Whitebeard, this huge tornado has shrunk a lot, but it has not completely disappeared. It can only be said that the horrors of nature are completely beyond their human ability. comparable.
The next day, the weather was sunny and sunny, but the Moby Dick, which was in the area where the tornado was located, was pulled out , but it became tattered, not only the sail was torn in several places, but the entire hull was also damaged. .
” No way! We have to find a place to repair the Moby Dick! ” The boatman stood on the side of the ship with some distress and said, looking at the Moby Dick full of scars .
” It’s not like you guys, no one has found such a big tornado. If you turn the direction earlier, you won’t be like this! ” Reina rolled his eyes and said.
” Don’t say it, a few lookouts have already been punished by the old man, let’s forget about the past! ” The good old man Saatchi said with a smile on his face.
” Those guys … It’s been too comfortable recently. In fact, it’s not just them, but even we have been too comfortable recently! ” Reina shook his head and sighed.
” By the way, didn’t the guys from Kuliair go out to hunt for treasure? Is there any news? ” Saatchi said with a smile.
“I don’t know about them, I’ll know when they come back? ” Reina shook his head and replied.
Because there are more people on board, many crew members usually move freely when they want to do their own thing, rather than following the Moby Dick .
This time, Courier and a few people just found a good treasure map. After showing it to Reina, they went on a treasure hunt excitedly. Reina was not interested in ordinary treasures anymore. So I didn’t follow.
Soon after, the Moby Dick stopped in the port of an island. After Reina contacted the shipyard in the port, he entrusted the repair work of the Moby Dick to them. Of course, the shipbuilder and Reina will also participate.
Repairing the Moby Dick was also counted as work time, since Rayner still had hours of work to do each day .
In this way, the Moby Dick stayed on the island for three days before fully returning to its original state.
It didn’t take so long. After all, the other party is a professional shipyard, and the repair speed is still very fast.
But after the tornado, Rayner made some modifications to the Moby Dick , and added some built-in outer wheels to the bottom part of the ship, which enhanced the Moby Dick a lot in terms of maneuverability.
” yo hoo hoo yo hoo hoo hoo ”
” yo hoo hoo yo hoo hoo hoo ”
” Bring Binks’ wine to you ”
” Like the sea breeze, ride the wind and waves at will ”
” The sunset on the other side of the sea is also noisy ”
” The song of the birds draws circles in the air …”
With the singing of “Binks’ Wine”, the Moby Dick set sail again and continued towards the next island.
Although Reina has been in this world for a long time, many things still feel strange. For example, this “Guests’ Wine” is simply a divine comedy.
Whether it’s a happy time or a lonely time, whether it’s a banquet or a farewell, this song is actually very suitable.
No matter what mood you are in to sing this song, his mood is inexplicably appropriate.
Three months later, North Sea, Mignon Island.
” Luo, the fruit of the operation is inside, you must hold on! I will bring the fruit of the operation back, and I will never let Doflamingo take the fruit of the operation! ” Corazon said to Luo with a resolute expression.
At the same time, on the island of Mignon, the former Admiral, now the pirate Dies Barreros , was holding a heart-shaped Devil Fruit and asked the crew with a smile: ” Guess what ? , how much can this fruit sell for? ”
” Captain, the fruit of this operation has been offered a reward of 2 billion by the World Government! Could it be that we can really get so much money? If it is true … what kind of pirates are we! ”
Dies Barreros smiled slightly and said, ” There is no billion Berry! But yes, if this thing is eaten by a doctor, it will definitely become a famous doctor that patients all over the world will follow! It is said that in the history of Indeed, some doctors ate this fruit and became miraculous doctors, curing all kinds of incurable diseases! But for us gangsters … the money is the most real thing! ”
But at this time, Corazon also used his Fruit of Silence to invade and snatched the Fruit of Operation from Dies Barreros while he was not paying attention.
An angry Diez Barreros immediately gave the order, and everyone chased the fleeing Corazon.
At the same time, on Haiyan Island, the rendezvous point originally agreed with Doflamingo, a naval warship stayed not far away.
” That guy in the Warring States period … I don’t know where he got the information from. He had to form an army like this, and now he can’t even see a ghost here! ” Ah He, who is already a lieutenant general of the headquarters, said with a dissatisfied expression. said the subordinate.
” Report to Lieutenant General Crane … There is an emergency call from the surveillance ship on Mignon Island, please answer …” At this time, a burly female sergeant stepped forward to report.
” What? You mean the base of Ace Barreros is on fire? And there are gunshots coming from inside? ” Ah He answered the phone bug and asked in surprise.
” Yes, we are preparing to go to the island to check the situation! ” The voice of a naval surveillance officer came from the phone bug.
” Don’t be stupid. If you are discovered, this transaction will be in vain. You continue to observe along the coastline. Once you find anything suspicious, report it to me immediately! ” After Ah He finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly. , and ordered the warships to advance towards the island of Mignon.

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