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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
In the next time, in addition to occasionally going shopping with Robin, Reina chatted with Robin on the ” boat ” and taught Robin some skills by the way.
As for Princess Mononoke Perona, after being taught by Reina that day, she didn’t even dare to come out the door these days.
Of course, in addition to being afraid of Reina, there is also some resentment towards Reina. Anyone who knows that the other party is teasing him with death will not feel too beautiful.
A few days later, Rayner and Robin parted ways, heading towards Upside Down Mountain in the hard shell.
” Yo ~ finally willing to come out? ” Not long after departure, Perona walked out with her burgundy sun umbrella.
” Let me get off the boat, I want to go back! ” Perona said directly with a sullen face.
At this time, Reina discovered that Perona had packed all her belongings and looked like she was about to leave.
” Huh? Now? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” That’s right! ” Perona nodded, glared at Reina, and replied.
” Although I don’t think it’s a good idea, but if you insist … I can let you off the boat … Please! ” Reina lay on the deck chair, cast a glance at Perona, and said.
Looking at the sea with sea water everywhere, Perona suddenly roared at Reina as if she had eaten dead flies: ” Did you just let me leave like this? How do I get back? Swim back? ”
” Swimming? No! Have you forgotten? You are an ability person, and you can’t swim at all! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Since you know, why don’t you prepare a boat for me? I know, you have an escape boat here! ” Perona replied angrily.
” But why should I give you a boat? You are going to get off the boat yourself! Then you can figure out a way yourself! ” Reina put on her blindfold and prepared to sleep for a while.
” It’s mad at me … I don’t care … I just want to go back, I can’t stay here anymore! You are so unlovable! I miss my castle! I miss Moria-sama! Woohoo Woohoo … you bully people! ” Finally, Perona burst into tears.
” Okay ~ Okay ~ I was a little too much that day, but I was really just joking with you, so forgive me! ” In desperation, Reina got up and came to the crying Perona, and said softly.
During the time I spent with Perona, although the other party was a person who had no distinction between good and evil, he was definitely not a bad person who was evil and hungry, but more like a child who didn’t grow up.
And Reina got along with her quite happily. He actually felt a little sorry for the prank that made Perona cry with the death thing that day, but it happened that Perona came to eavesdrop on his conversation with Robin again that day.
Although the conversation between the two did not involve anything important, it still caused Reina to kill Perona at the time, so she went straight to catch up and teach her a lesson.
But after the lesson, he recalled Perona’s expression at the time. The other party probably didn’t intend to eavesdrop on any information, but noticed the prank of Reina before, so he just confirmed it in the past.
All in all, the cause of the matter is still Reina himself.
These days, the little ghost has locked himself in the room, and Reina didn’t bother her, which has already explained the problem.
But really when Reina apologized to Perona, Perona felt a little unreal again, staring blankly at Reina speechless.
” What ~ If there is no ship, then … then I’ll leave after you arrive at the next island! ” Perona said awkwardly after being silent for a while.
Looking at Perona who seemed to be running away, Reina smiled slightly and continued to lie down to rest.
” This is the small garden. The environment on the island is similar to that of the dinosaurs in ancient times, and there are real dinosaurs living on it! ” Reina smiled and said to Perona when passing by the small garden.
” Boom boom boom …” Just as Reina’s words fell, a loud noise came from the island.
” This … is this the sound of dinosaurs? ” Perona asked in surprise.
” Idiot … that’s the sound of a volcano! What kind of dinosaur would make such a sound! And the dinosaurs are not the masters of this island! There are two idiot giants on this island, who have been fighting each other here for nearly a hundred years! They just He is the overlord of this island! ” Reina rolled her eyes and said.
” Eh? They have been fighting each other for nearly a hundred years? Is it a lie? How is it possible? ” Perona said in disbelief.
So Reina told Perona the reason and experience of the two giants fighting here. Perona’s favorite thing is to listen to these strange stories, so she listened very seriously.
” There really is such a guy! ” Perona sighed after hearing Reina’s words.
” If you’re curious, go to the island and see it yourself! ” Reina yawned and said.
” Don’t go, didn’t you say that there are very powerful poisonous insects on the island? If you get bitten … it’s over! ” Perona’s head shook like a rattle and repeatedly refused.
” Are you stupid? Can’t you use your ghost? Who told you to use your body? ”
” Eh? Right? Then I’ll take a look. You make the hard shell go slower! ”
After getting Reina’s instructions, Perona ran to the room, and after a while, Perona in the ghost state flew towards the small garden with a strange smile.
As for Reina, he has no interest at all. He hasn’t finished his work time today, so after letting the hard shell wait in place, he starts exercising.
After waiting for a while, Perona in the ghost state flew back slowly and leisurely, and her face didn’t seem as happy as when she went.
” What’s wrong? ” Seeing Perona’s body come out, Reina wiped the sweat from her forehead and asked with a smile.
” Hmph ~ Two boring, not cute big guys at all! ” Perona pouted and said unhappily.
Reina smiled slightly, presumably the giants did not give her a good experience.
” Didn’t I tell you? The giants are simple-minded, and they are very boring guys. Except for their strength, they have nothing to gain! ” Reina saw Perona’s appearance and knew that she must be in two Lost in the hands of a giant.
” Let’s go! Aren’t you going to the East China Sea? Let’s set off, I can go back as soon as it ends early! ” Perona snorted proudly and said.
So the two continued to advance until they stopped at the Twin Gorge on the edge of the Upside-Down Mountain.
” I said … Aren’t you too busy? Why did you come here again? ” After seeing Reina, Kurokas asked speechlessly.
” I’m not free, I have something to do to the East China Sea! ” Reina rolled her eyes and replied.
” East China Sea? ” Kurokas asked in surprise.
” What? Didn’t Shanks go to the East China Sea? ” Reina asked with a slight smile.
” You’re chasing Shanks? Rainer, what do you want? ” Kurokas asked with a condensed gaze.
Although he is only a lighthouse keeper now, Shanks was once a companion on a ship with him after all.
” I’m just curious … You should know Shanks’ true identity, right? ” Reina asked with a smile.
Kurokas changed his face and said, ” What did you see again? Shanks has no identity! He is just a gifted boy! ”
When they were on Roger’s ship, they didn’t know what Shanks had a different identity, but when they came back from the island of the end, Roger didn’t know what to say to Shanks, and Shanks burst into tears.
Only at this time did they realize that Shanks seemed to be different, but what Roger and Shanks said, why Shanks kept crying, they didn’t know the reason.
So after hearing Reina’s words, Kurokas’s expression changed. He thought Reina knew something, because of Reina’s ability to see the future, he knew it.
” Who do you think will believe this? Don’t talk about me, you don’t even believe it yourself? Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to him, I’m just curious! What the hell is he going to do in the East China Sea! ” Reina asked He glanced at Krokas and said.
He was indeed a little curious. In the original book, why did Shanks, who was already famous in the New World, appear in the East China Sea?
If it is because of Roger, go back to pay homage, then Shanks can go to Roger Town, there is no need to go to Windmill Village, right?
Moreover, they were in the East China Sea, and they didn’t even go to Jesus Bu’s hometown. You must know that Usopp was born now. If he had gone back, Usopp could not have the slightest impression.
So what are the Red Hair Pirates going to do in the East China Sea? According to Reina’s guess, it is likely to be related to the Goa Kingdom.
What kind of kingdom is Goa Kingdom? It was only briefly explained in the original book, but some things can be seen from it, especially when Sabo went out to sea, he encountered Tianlong people there, indicating that the Goa Kingdom is not an unknown person in the world government.
In addition, in the original book, Shanks appeared in Mary Joa and directly talked to the five old stars, indicating that either his identity was special, or he had some special mission.
In this case, the purpose of Shanks’ trip is somewhat curious.
Now Shanks’ Red-haired Pirates are not a small force, not to mention that in the future, they will be called one of the four emperors as well as the Whitebeard Pirates.
So Rayner felt that it was necessary to find out Shanks’ true identity, or mission!
If there is a conflict between the two sides in the future, they will not be caught off guard.
” Believe! Of course I believe it! Why don’t I believe what I said? ” Kurokas’ rogue face made Reina almost laugh out loud.
” Hey ~ Perona! Let us, this leisurely old man, reflect on his life and talk about it! ” Reina gave Perona a wink and said softly.
” Ha ha ha ha ha ha … Negative ghosts, dispatch! ” Perona heard the words, facing Kurokas with both hands, a few little ghosts flew out of her hands, and then in the eyes of Kurokas’ surprised eyes , passed through his body.
” I’m sorry … I really am a waste … If there is an afterlife, please let me be a syringe! ” Kurokas knelt on the ground and said very negatively.
” Pfft hahaha … It’s really fun, I saw an incredible scene! ” Reina had been waiting for a long time. Seeing that Krokas was really hit, he immediately hugged his stomach and rolled on the ground laughing.
This is his greatest pleasure with Perona!
” Bastard … bastard …” Kurokas ‘ old face was flushed, and he suddenly yelled at Reina in exasperation.

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