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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Mr. Jian, thank you so much! ” After purchasing the nautical supplies, Reina smiled and thanked the sheriff Jian who accompanied them throughout the journey.
” Where, I didn’t help much! ” Ah Jian waved his hand with a smile and said.
He really didn’t help much, he just accompanied Reina to buy some things he needed. In the end, he still smelled like surveillance.
” By the way, which one of the oranges here is better? I want to buy some. You know, if you don’t have oranges for a long time sailing, it’s very easy to get sepsis! ” Reina asked after thinking about it.
” Speaking of oranges …” Ah Jian glanced at the absent-minded Bermel and said, ” The oranges from Bermel’s family can be said to be the best in town! Bermel …”
” What? ” Hearing Ah Jian calling him, Bellemel came back to his senses and asked.
” Mr. Rainer wants to buy some better oranges. I recommended your oranges to him! Do you still have them there? ” Ah Jian didn’t say anything, so he just asked Bermel’s family if there were any.
” Oranges? Oh! I have quite a few there, come with me! My home is in the suburbs, not in town! ” Bellemel nodded and said.
Reina smiled slightly. His purpose was the Belmer family, so he took the initiative to mention oranges. He saw oranges in town before and didn’t buy them.
So the group followed Bellmer and walked out of the town, and soon came to a place with orange trees.
” Oh ~ the environment here is good! I just wanted to ask why Miss Bellemel didn’t live in the town. Now it seems that living here is indeed much better than the town! ” Reina looked at the orange trees in the orange forest. Hut, said with a smile.
” Hahaha … It’s not like this! It’s just that when I came back, the town couldn’t build houses anymore, so I chose this place! ” Bellemel said with a big laugh.
” When you came back? Didn’t Belmer live here before? ” Reina asked knowingly.
” Well! I used to be a navy! ” Bellmer was quietly observing the two when he was talking.
Ordinary pirates would react somewhat if they heard the navy, but Reina had no reaction at all, as if Bellemel said she was a businessman, and did not show any hostility.
On the contrary, the little girl who was following Reina was a little surprised when she heard that Bellmer said she was a navy.
” It used to be the Navy? ” Perona asked in surprise.
” Yeah! ” Belmer just nodded and didn’t say anything more.
” That’s really lucky! If you are still in the navy now, it will be a little difficult. After all, we are pirates! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
” Bermel … you’re back! ” At this moment, two little girls suddenly ran out of the supplies and rushed into Bermel’s arms together.
” These are Belle Meyer’s two daughters! Nokigao and Nami! ” Seeing Reina and Perona looking at the two children in surprise, Ah Jian introduced with a smile.
” You actually have two daughters? ” Perrault looked at Bermel in amazement. She didn’t realize that Bermel didn’t seem to be the age of having two daughters.
” Two cute little guys! I didn’t know it before, I didn’t even prepare a gift! ” Reina patted Perona and said with a smile.
He knew that Nami and Nuoqigao were not Belmer’s own daughters, but children she picked up from the battlefield.
” You don’t need any gifts, aren’t you going to buy oranges? Please come this way! ” Bermel shook his head and said to Reina.
” Hehe … children, what do you like? Tell me! I’ll look to see if you like it! ” Reina didn’t choose the oranges as Belmer said, but asked Nami and Nuoqi with a smile. road.
Hearing Reina’s words, Nuoqigao and Nami both looked at Belmer. They didn’t know who Reina was.
” This … it’s really not necessary, Mr. Reina! ” Bellmer hesitated for a while, still shaking his head, and said.
” Alright then! If you insist! ” Reina shrugged and said.
” Ha ha ha ha ha ha … It seems that you still don’t know what you missed! This guy is usually very stingy. It is rare to say that he wants to send something, but you still don’t want it? ” Perona on the side saw this, enduring He kept talking.
” Then … do you have a chart? It’s a chart on the sea! ” At this moment, little Nami with short orange hair, looking at Reina with bright eyes, suddenly asked.
” Nami! ” Nuoqigao on the side immediately pulled Nami, telling her not to do this.
” What does it matter, isn’t he Belmer’s friend? It’s just a gift for us to meet, and I don’t want any precious charts. Ordinary ones are fine! ” Xiao Nami said with a pouted mouth.
” Belmer said it, no need! ” Nuo Qigao, with her hands on her hips, taught little Nami a lesson in the style of a big sister.
” Is it a chart? I do have a lot of charts! But what does that do to you? Even if you get a chart, if you haven’t been to that sea area … you can’t compare it at all! ” Reina smiled . asked Nami.
” I …” Nami glanced at the angry Nuoqigao and the smiling Belmer, and said with courage, ” I want to study according to the nautical chart, I want to draw the sea that belongs to me. Picture! ”
” Ha ha ha ha ha ha … just a little kid, and still want a map of flowers and seas? Do you know how difficult it is to learn the knowledge of sailing? It’s not just drawing with a pen and calling it a chart! ” Pei Lola on the side I couldn’t stand it any longer, and spit it out.
” Humph! You’re not just a kid! ” Hearing Perona laughing at her dream, she immediately forgot about Nuoqigao and Belmer who were beside her, and said to Perona.
” Me? I’m not the same as you. Even the great route, I’ve seen it before. It’s not the same as you, a frog at the bottom of a well who only lives on a small island! ” Perona said proudly.
” What … After all, you’re not like me, you’re just a kid! A little …” Although Xiao Nami was a little envious, she couldn’t admit it at this time, so she pulled down one eyelid and looked at Pei. Rona stuck out her tongue.
” It’s not cute at all … Look at me! ”
” Hahaha … Okay, Perona! ”
Just when Perona felt provocative, Reina held her head and stopped the quarrel between the two.
” That is to say … actually, compared to charts … you want to learn about sailing, right? Do you want to be a navigator? ” Reina turned her head and asked little Nami.
” Hmmmm! I want to draw all the charts of the whole world, in my own way! ” Nami said with her eyes shining.
” I see! How about this … Wait a minute, I’ll go get you something! ” Reina finished, jumped lightly, jumped up, and then stepped a little, and ran directly towards the port in the air past.
” He … he …” Nuoqigao and Nami widened their eyes in fright when they saw Reina running like a flat bottom in the air.
” Sixth Navy … Moon Step!? ” Belmer, who was beside him, was also startled.
She has seen this kind of move. She once saw this incredible movement method on the body of a senior naval general, but I didn’t expect to see it again on a pirate today!
” Ha ha ha ha ha ha … I didn’t expect you to be quite knowledgeable! ” Perona said with a smile, looking at each other’s Belmer.
” Bermel, why can that person run in the air? ” Xiao Namei asked curiously.
” This is a very advanced way of moving, known as the moon step, and only the strong can use it! ” Belmer touched Nami’s head and explained with a smile.
” Moonstep … Belmer, do you know how? I wonder if that person can teach me! I want to fly too! ” Nami said with a little anticipation.
” Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha … don’t think about it, the moon step can’t be mastered by anyone, your mother didn’t tell you just now, so it belongs to the strong! ” Perona and Nami seem to be very different from each other. , said immediately sarcastically.
” What! You seem to know the same thing! ” Little Nami pouted and said.
” Bastard … It’s really not cute! Hmph ~ Forget it, although I can’t walk … but I can fly! You can’t! ” Perona rolled her eyes and said directly.
” You can fly? ” Perona’s words made several people look at her in surprise.
Originally, because she was a child, neither Ah Jian nor Belmer paid much attention to her. They all thought that Reina should be sailing with Perona.
But when Perona said she could fly, the eyes they looked at her changed.
” Just you? Can you still fly? ” Xiao Nami replied with a look of disbelief.
” Humph! I knew you would say that, the frog in the well, today, Miss Ben will open your eyes and see clearly! ”
Perona said, found a clean place and sat down, and then a transparent Perona flew out of her body. Perona in ghost state seemed to be unaffected by gravity, and she could fly as she wanted. .
” This … this is … what is this? ” Not only Nami and Nuoqigao, but also Ah Jian and Belmer on the side had their mouths wide open, looking at Perona who was swimming in the air.
” Ha ha ha ha ha ha … see it! I am a devil fruit power user! I am a ghost man who ate the ghost fruit! ” After seeing the scene she wanted to see, Perona slowly let the ghost body return to herself in the body.
” Devil Fruit? Belmer, do you know what that is? ” Little Nami asked curiously, looking at Perona who was slowly standing up from the ground.
Bermel nodded and said, ” Devil Fruit is a very rare fruit. I don’t know what it looks like, but it is said that people who eat Devil Fruit can have the power of a devil! ”
” Ha ha ha ha ha ha … That’s right! This is the great secret treasure of the sea – the devil fruit! ” Perona said with a smug smile.
” But people who eat devil fruits are also disgusted by the sea, so they can’t swim. As long as they fall into the sea, if no one saves them, they will drown! ” Just when Perona was triumphant, Reina suddenly fell from the sky and said with a smile.
” What ? It turns out to be a landlubber! ” After hearing Reina’s words, Xiao Nami immediately said with an expression like this.
But from the bottom of her eyes, Reina still saw a trace of envy.

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