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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Is this your room? It’s nothing special! ” Perona pulled Nami and Nokigo around her room.
She remodeled it herself, and transformed the guest room directly into a gothic-style princess room, but limited by space and materials, it was not as good as her princess room on the horror dhow.
Originally, Pero wanted to refute Nami’s words, but seeing the envy in the other party’s eyes, Perona didn’t say anything.
” Hey ~ what is this room for? ” Nami gently pushed open a room on the second floor and asked curiously.
” Wait …do n’t open it! ” Perona saw Nami open Robin’s room, her face turned pale with fright, she hurried over to close the door, and then looked around, but after seeing no sign of Reina, Then he said to Nami: ” Don’t hurt me! If you want to die, go somewhere else, don’t implicate me! ”
” What … what ‘s the matter? ” Nami asked Perona’s face pale when she saw that she was not playing tricks on her.
” This is Reina’s daughter’s room. No one can enter. When I first came, I wanted to take a look, but I was almost killed by Reina! ” Perona said with a lingering heart.
” Reina’s daughter’s room? He has a daughter? ” Nami asked in surprise.
” That’s right, don’t look at that guy usually seems to be very talkative, but once it is related to his daughter, it will change a person completely, you better not try it! ” Perona nodded and said.
Nami was stunned. The moment she opened the door just now, she seemed to see a photo on the head of the bed, but it was a photo of Reina and a girl, but according to the girl’s age, she seemed to be much older than herself. what!
” What about Reina’s daughter? Why isn’t she on board? ” Nuoqigao asked curiously.
” Don’t ask me! I don’t know anything, and I won’t tell you, otherwise … that guy will really kill us! ” Perona shook her head and hurriedly left the second floor with Nami and Nuoqigao .
After a while, the three of Reina came to the coast.
” Thank you very much, then we will meet again in the future! ” Reina picked up the orange, jumped on the hard shell with ease, and waved towards Belmer and others.
” Goodbye! ” In addition to saying goodbye to Reina, Nami and Nuoqigao also waved goodbye to their new friend Perona.
After the two left Cocosia Village, Reina smiled and asked Perona, ” Haven’t you always been a little hostile to Nami and Nuoqigao? Why did you suddenly become friends again? ”
” I … When did I become friends with them? They’re not cute at all! Yes! That’s it! ” Perona said obviously a little bit wrongly.
Seeing Perona running away, Reina laughed and shook her head.
On the other hand, after watching Reina and Perona leave, Belmer returned home with Nami and Noqigao, while Ah Jian followed Belmer uninvited.
” They don’t seem to be ordinary pirates! ” Ah Jian said softly to Bermel after Nami and Nokigao went out to play.
” Hoo ~ If only it were an ordinary pirate! ” Bermel let out a breath of smoke and replied softly.
” Huh? What are you worried about? Mr. Reina seems to like Nami and Nokigao very much! ” Ah Jian asked in surprise.
“That’s the problem, do you know their purpose? If they have any idea about Nami and Noqigao … we simply can’t resist! ” Bermel shook his head and said: ” The moon step that Reina used before, It is one of the six types of navy only used by senior admirals of the navy! ”
” Navy Six? Are they related to the Navy? Or, like you, they used to be in the Navy? ” Ah Jian guessed.
” It’s very likely, otherwise it’s hard to explain why he uses the Navy Type Six! ” Belle Meyer nodded and said.
She doesn’t even know the so-called Sixth Form of the Navy, which has long been rotten in the New World. As long as she wants to learn it, it is not difficult.
While the two of them were talking about Reina at home, Nami and Nokigao outside were also talking about today’s events.
“I didn’t expect that there are pirates like Mr. Reina. It seems that pirates are not all that kind of bad people! ” Little Nami said with a smile while looking at the entry-level sailing books that Reina gave him. .
Nuoqigao just smiled and didn’t say anything, she was a little concerned about what Reina said to her before.
I don’t know why, but she always remembered the phrase ” you’ll need it later ” that Reina said to her when she gave her the gold.
She didn’t understand why she did this, and she didn’t understand the meaning of this sentence. Where would she use so much gold?
” Noki High! Noki High? ”
” Huh? What’s up Nami! ”
Just when Nokigao was thinking, Nami’s shout interrupted her.
” Belmel told us to go back to dinner! What are you thinking? You didn’t seem to hear me when I called you several times just now! Are you okay? ” Nami asked worriedly.
Although the two quarreled occasionally, their relationship was still very good.
” It’s alright, let’s go! Didn’t Bermel tell us to eat? ” Nuoqi shook his head high, got up and patted the dust on his body, and said.
Little Nami tilted her head and looked at Nuo Qigao who was walking towards the house. She intuitively told her that something must have happened, but Nuo Qigao didn’t tell her.
On the other side, Reina and Perona, who had left Cocosia Island, headed directly towards Windmill Village, but just as they were about to arrive at Windmill Village, Reina found a warship parked in the port.
” What’s wrong? Why are you hiding? ” Perona asked in amazement, watching Reina make Hard Shell urgently change her route.
” Idiot, didn’t you see … there’s a warship there? ” Reina said in exasperation.
” Warship? Just sink it, what’s all the fuss about? ” Perona said nonchalantly.
” Sink it? Very well, you go, I’ll collect your corpse here! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” Eh? What’s so special about that warship? ” Perona was stunned, this was the first time she had seen Reina so worried.
” See that dog head? That’s Garp’s sign! That bastard is back in the East China Sea! ” Reina said through gritted teeth.
” Ka … Karp? ” Perona swallowed and asked, ” This is the legendary hero of the navy, Karp’s warship? ”
Thanks to Reina’s indoctrination, Perona is now a little afraid of Karp.
” Go over with the ghost body! See if Garp is on board! ” Reina pointed to the dog-headed warship and said to Perona: ” By the way, collect their intelligence. ”
” I’m not going! ” Perona’s head shook like a rattle and refused directly.
Even a powerhouse like Reina is extremely afraid of a powerhouse, isn’t she courting death in the past?
” What are you afraid of, just let your ghost pass, not your body. After you figure out the information, you can avoid Garp! Otherwise, if you really encounter that bastard head-on, I can’t care about you! ” Reina half explained, half threatened.
Finally, under the threat of Reina, Perona had to release a few small ghosts as bugs and flew towards the naval warship.
After a while, Perona opened her eyes and said, ” There are only a few navy men on the ship. Listening to their conversation, it seems that this is Karp’s hometown! ”
” Nonsense, otherwise why would that bastard Karp come here? Since Karp is not on the ship … let’s go, let’s land in another place! ” Reina said after thinking for a while.
” No … Since Karp is here, why are we still landing? Wouldn’t it be better for us to go after he leaves? ” Perona said excitedly.
” Well … why don’t you stay on the boat? If something happens, let the hard shell take you to escape! ” Reina said after thinking about it.
Facing a strong man like Karp, with Perona’s words, Reina was indeed somewhat passive.
But Perona shook her head and let her stay here alone, it is better to go ashore with Reina, she doesn’t like being alone.
Finally, the two sneaked onto the island from the other side.
” Hey … we’re just so upright … isn’t there any problem? ” Perona asked worriedly while walking on the streets of Windmill Village.
” Don’t worry, you’re not a bounty offender, the Navy won’t recognize you! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Who’s TMD worried about me? I’m worried about you, okay? If you are recognized by the Navy, it will be bad! ” Perona was almost speechless, shouting at Reina.
” Eh? Me? Don’t worry! Haven’t I already dressed up? ” Reina said confidently.
” Bastard … a change of clothes and an extra hat count as a disguise? ” Perona was speechless.
It’s not that Reina was careless, but the world is so magical. After he changed his clothes, he deceived a lot of people. Later, his definition of disguise began to change.
But I don’t know if Reina’s ” disguise ” really deceived the navy, or because the navy didn’t expect Reina to appear here. They met a few navy members on the way, but the other party just didn’t recognize Reina. It made Perona’s three views somewhat subverted.
” Let’s go to the tavern! ” After looking around, Reina decided to go to the tavern first, which is the easiest place to gather information.
But when the two pushed open the door of the tavern, the navy in the room was still startled by the two, and Perona’s legs began to tremble.
” Eh? This … isn’t a tavern? ” Reina looked at the room full of navies, patted Perona, and asked in a feigned surprise.
” Nei ~ this is a tavern, I don’t know what the guests need? ” At this time, a woman with dark green short hair and a headscarf walked out and asked with a smile.
She was Makino, the innkeeper’s wife.
” Do you have any drinks? We passed by here and plan to take a rest! ” Reina replied with a smile.
” Yes, please come in and sit! ” Makino nodded, pointing to an empty seat in the corner.
” Speaking of … Madam Boss, why are there so many navies here? I thought I was at the naval base when I first came in! ” Reina asked with a smile as he walked towards the empty table.
” Ah ~ they’re here to drink too! ” Makino covered her mouth and replied with a smile.

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