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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Cough cough … It’s possible … so strong! ” Weibull, who was struggling slowly, looked at Reina in disbelief. At this time, not only did blood flow from the corners of his mouth, he even had a basic wound on his forehead.
Reina was even more surprised when he saw that the other party could still stand up. He had to know the punch just now, but after he absorbed the impact force of the other party, it was almost the upper limit of his ability to store the Black Emperor, plus the special cohesive force of the cohesive strike. way, and then hit out the blow.
” It’s really a terrifying talent … When you grow up, the world will really welcome a strong man! But who made you unlucky … to provoke our Whitebeard Pirates! Damn it! Let’s go! ” Reina stepped a little and quickly approached the other party.
” Weibull! Run! ” Over there, Miss Bakin knew that Weibull was not yet Reina’s opponent, so she shouted at him.
However, Weibull, who was hit by Reina with all his strength just now, was still able to stand up, but he was inevitably a little dizzy, and he couldn’t escape at all in the face of Reina who was rushing over.
” Death! ” An ice-blue slash flashed past and hit Weibull’s head directly. The wound opened from the forehead on the left face to the bottom of the cheek, blood spurted out, and the wound was quickly frozen.
” Ah ~~~” Weibull, who fell to the ground, rolled on the ground in pain with his head in his arms. Miss Bajin over there was even more relieved. He didn’t expect Weibull to be defeated so quickly in Reina’s hands. So embarrassed.
” Bastard Reina … You really don’t miss the old feelings at all? ” Miss Barkin, who was hiding over there , jumped out and accused Reina.
” I said … today you either go with me or you all die here! ” Reina released Hirinmaru’s swastika state and replied to Miss Bakin.
” Stop it! We’ll go with you! ” Miss Barkin had to compromise when she saw that Rayner was going to kill Weibull .
Reina heard the words and nodded towards the other party, indicating that Miss Bakin could go and treat Weibull’s injury.
But at this moment, Weibull, who fell to the ground, suddenly burst out, picked up the Naginata next to him and swept it, attacking Reina.
” When! ”
” Boom ~~ ! ”
Although the opponent’s attack was a bit sudden, Reina still blocked the opponent’s Naginata, but it happened suddenly. Although the Black Emperor’s ability was passively triggered, he was still knocked out by Weibull, who burst out with all his strength.
” Mother, let’s go! ” Weibull also knew that the blow just now was definitely not enough to kill Reina, so without saying a word, he directly moved the Naginata towards the direction where Reina was shot, and then grabbed it. Miss Bakin fled in the other direction.
” Qi ~ It’s incredible that you still have such strength! But can you run away? Qianben Sakura … Swallow solution … Qianben Sakura Jingyan! ” He took Hingrenwan back to his waist and took out Qianben from the other side. Sakura, directly opened Qianben Sakura’s swastika state.
Senbon Sakura, who disappeared from Reina’s hands, appeared directly beside Weibull and Miss Barkin who escaped , forming two rows of giant blades.
The unknown two did not know what kind of attack they were facing, so Weibull could only keep running towards the front. As long as they escaped to the sea, they would be safe.
” Kill! ” With Reina’s voice in the distance, all the giant blades shattered at the same time, scattered into countless cherry blossom petals.
” Puff ~ Puff ~ Puff ~~”
The running weibull drove the surrounding ” petals ” , the petals flying in the sky passed by the two, and a cut was drawn on the two of them. It turned out that these petals were extremely sharp blades.
After a while, the two of them had been cut countless wounds by the blade, especially Weibull, who protected Miss Bajin in his arms, so he suffered more damage.
However, although these injuries were many, he felt that he could hold on. As long as he passed the passage formed by these petals, he believed that he would be able to escape.
But just when he thought he could go out soon, a light suddenly appeared in front of him, and a blade composed of countless petals suddenly appeared in front of him. Weibull, who was too late to compare, was directly cut off by the blade, and blood gushed out. He poured all the Miss Bakin in his arms .
Seeing the petals disappearing from the sky, Miss Bakin knew that Reina’s attack was over, but looking at Weibull who had fallen in a pool of blood, Miss Bakin turned her head and shouted in Reina’s direction: ” Asshole Reina, my mother won’t let you go! ”
After shouting, the short Miss Bakin used all his strength to drag Weibull, who could no longer move, towards the coast.
Reina, who was just about to cut the grass and roots, suddenly felt that someone was approaching quickly behind him, so he had to let go of the pursuit and stand in place and wait.
Anyway , Weibull is dead, and there is nothing left to fear.
” Ala ~ Ala ~ I didn’t expect to meet you here! Chi Tong Reina … ” A large piece of ice slowly rose from the ground, and then turned into a lazy Aokiji .
” Admiral Aokiji … What are you doing here? ” Reina released Qianben Sakura’s swastika state, retracted the knife and asked, as if she didn’t care at all.
Aokiji glanced at the two sabres on Reina’s waist. One of them was the ice wheel pill that he was familiar with, but the other was a weapon he had never seen before, and he didn’t know what it looked like. It could actually make Reina give up. to use ice pills.
” What are you looking at? Look at you again! ” Seeing Aokiji staring at his Senbon Sakura, Reina immediately said with a mocking expression.
Lightweight’s face darkened. He heard the news that Whitebeard II was here and made a special trip. Zefa was his teacher. Although he didn’t say it, he still respected Zefa, so he thought I want to help the teacher capture this pirate in private.
Just as soon as I went to the island, I found that there were traces of battle on the island, so I rushed over immediately, but I did not expect to meet Reina here.
” Did you and Whitebeard II fight just now? ” Aokiji withdrew his gaze and asked Reina.
” What Whitebeard II? That guy’s name is Weibull, he doesn’t have the right to be named Edward! Next time I hear you call him that, I won’t mess with you! ” Reina pouted and said.
” So, he really has nothing to do with you? ” Qingzhi asked, his eyes lit up.
” Of course, with your intelligence capabilities, you should have known that we were hunting this guy, right? ” Reina did not deny it, but said quite frankly.
Aokiji nodded thoughtfully, but what he said just now was interrupted by Reina.
” Since you all know, why does that guy still use the title of Whitebeard II on the bounty? Do you think that my elder brother can’t lift a sword, or that my Reina sword is not good enough? ” Reina asked immediately.
” He said so himself, and we naturally call him the same! ” Qingzhi completely ignored Reina’s ” dumbo ” words, but replied calmly.
” Okay, are you playing a rogue with me? In this way, from today onwards, I will call myself his father in the Warring States period. You go back to the department where you will issue the reward order and change my reward order. Why is Chi Tong so ugly? It sounds good to call the father of the Warring States period, or if I call myself the founder of the navy, how about you call me the father of the navy? ” Reina pouted and said.
After Aokiji heard Reina’s words, the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily. If they really followed Reina’s words, what pirates would their navy catch? Just come and be your little brother to the Whitebeard Pirates.
” Reina, needless to say, since I saw you here today, let me ask you … Where is Nicole Robin ? Or where is Beneri D. Robin ? ” With an expression on his face, he asked Reina very seriously.
” Huh? You know? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” Don’t underestimate the intelligence department of the World Government! ” Aokiji said pointedly.
” Now that you know … Then you still dare to ask about my daughter’s whereabouts? Do you really think I dare not kill you? ” Reina’s eyes revealed a murderous intent, and said softly.
” I was the one who let her leave O’Hara … I will be responsible for this. She said that O’Hara didn’t want to destroy the world … just wanted to study history! But … she should be on your ship by now. ? This combination is so worrying! ”
” Hehe … If you didn’t let her go back then, do you think you would be safe in the Chambord Archipelago? ” Reina sneered and replied.
” Sure enough, you were targeting me at the beginning, so that’s why you made such a big noise in the Chambord Archipelago? ” Qingzhi recalled the previous battle and said immediately.
” Anyway, I let you go once, and it’s an even deal. You don’t have to deal with my daughter, or don’t blame me for being ruthless! ” Reina snorted coldly and was about to leave.
But Aokiji dodged and stopped Reina.
” What? You want to fight with me? Qingzhi, don’t think that you have become a general, and I won’t dare to kill you! ” Reina directly opened the three-gou jade writing wheel eye, and a strange red light flashed in his eyes.
After being silent for a while, Aokiji gave way and said to Reina: ” Your Whitebeard Pirates are now the No. 1 Pirates in the world, don’t touch those things that cannot be touched, otherwise … no matter what the price is … our navy will definitely destroy you! ”
” It’s useless for you to say this to me! As long as my eldest brother wants to do, I will give my full support! What if your entire navy is dispatched? You can try and see if we can be wiped out! Just don’t dig our own graves! ” Reina snorted coldly and left directly.
Looking at Reina who left, Aokiji regretted letting go of Robin for a while. If Whitebeard is really interested in that kind of dangerous thing, then with Robin’s help, maybe they really can start a huge war that will involve the whole world.
After leaving the island, Reyna was back on the hard shell, his mission was complete and he could go back.
Qianben Sakura’s last blow hit the opponent’s neck, and the possibility of the opponent surviving was almost gone, so although he didn’t personally confirm it, Reina still believed that the opponent was finished.
As for Miss Bajin … To be honest, Reina really didn’t take the other party seriously. Although he was his original partner, Miss Bajin’s strength was limited, and he couldn’t make any waves at all.
Without such a strong and obedient thug as Weibull, Miss Bakin can only be regarded as a greedy old pirate at best!

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