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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Kizuna … Doflamingo … Are you planning to intervene? ” Reina glanced at the two who appeared before and after, and said softly.
” Things between you pirates … our navy is not going to interfere! And you are all such terrible pirates, what if you kill me? ” Kizaru shook his head and waved his hands with a look of fear. said.
” If I’m not mistaken … this should be Captain Blackbeard Titch, right? 嗗嗗嗗嗗… Mr. Reyna, I will help you take them down … I don’t know about the intelligence …” Doffran Brother Ming’s mouth twitched, and a wicked smile appeared on his face as he asked.
” Help me save Ace, I’ll give you the information for nothing! ” Reina replied directly.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… Okay, refreshing! ” Brother Doflamingo’s eyes lit up, he was worried that he didn’t know how to get the information in Reina’s hands, and now that there was such a thing, he wouldn’t mind sending Whitebeard Sea A gang of thieves.
” If this kind of thing … leave it to me! ” At this moment, Katakuri who turned from the corner suddenly said.
” Huh? ” Doflamingo looked sideways. Originally, he wanted to say who would dare to rob him of his business? But after seeing Katakuri, he just smiled and didn’t speak.
” Except for the navy, then if any of them kills Ace or rescues Ace, I will share the information with you immediately! ” Reina gave an overweight without saying a word.
He didn’t say who would save Ace and who would get the information.
The other party is not an idiot. If you let them shoot in this way, it is very likely that none of them will shoot.
There was a huge explosion in the direction of Whitebeard before, and there was a very strong life form, which made him a little worried, so he agreed to Doflamingo’s request.
Hearing Reina’s words, Doflamingo and Katakuri nodded in satisfaction and looked at the Blackbeards.
” Thief hahaha … Vice-captain … When will the Whitebeard Pirates still need foreign aid? This doesn’t look like your style at all! ” Titch looked at Reina and deliberately ran.
But Reina didn’t care, but looked at Hansen standing in the blackbeard’s gang and asked, ” Why? ”
” Why? ” Hansen replied calmly.
” Following this kind of person … Wouldn’t it be better? ” Reina suppressed the anger in his heart, pointed at Titch and asked softly.
Hansen didn’t answer, but Titch, who was on the side, laughed and said, ” Because this is the best choice! ”
” Titch … Except for Magellan back then, you were the first guy who made me so angry … In return … all of you … just leave it to me! ” After Reina finished speaking, disappear directly from the place.
” Pfft! ”
When Reina reappeared, he came directly to Tickey, and Hirinmaru slashed directly to Tickey.
” Ah ~~~” Although Tiki tried his best to dodge, he was still hit by Hirinmaru on his left arm, and at the same time as he flew out, the wound on his arm began to freeze.
” Captain! ” Seeing this, the members of the Blackbeard Pirates rushed towards Reina.
” Bingtian Hundred Flowers Burial! ” With the Bing Lun Pill in Reina’s hand, countless snowflakes began to fall from the sky.
” Everyone be careful! Fire Fist Great Fire Pillar! ” Gamenio immediately converted into Ace’s fire-type ability and directly melted Reina’s snowflakes.
” You really didn’t die at the beginning! At first I was still thinking … What method did you use to escape, and now it seems … Hansen should have let you go? ” After seeing Carmenio, Ray Na also understood how the other party escaped.
It must be that when he was chasing the speed fruit ability, Hansen let the change fruit ability change into their appearance with another person, and then escaped.
” So what, this time is different from the past, so … it’s only you who will fail today! ” After Carmeneo used Ace’s flame to remove most of Reina’s ice and snow, his confidence skyrocketed.
” Those guys who don’t cry without seeing the coffin! Don’t you two do it? When my reinforcements arrive, if you want to get information … but it’s not that simple! ” Reina chuckled and stood there. Katakuri and Doflamingo said without doing anything.
The two looked at each other, and then rushed towards Zhishas Bashas at the same time . They chose to rescue Ace by coincidence.
” Want to save people … have you asked me? Dark Water! ” Blackbeard Tiki got up from the ground, just in time to see Doflamingo and Katakuri trying to rescue Ace, and immediately used Dark Water , sucked the two of them left and right.
” Hmm? What kind of ability is this? ” Seeing that he was sucked by Blackbeard, Doflamingo was stunned for a moment, and then used his ability to escape, but found that he couldn’t escape at all.
Katakuri on the other side was expressionless, his eyes flashed red, and then he punched Tiki.
” Bang! ”
Katakuri’s fist hit Titch directly, forcing Titch to let go of his gravitational pull, but Doflamingo on the side didn’t have such good luck, and was directly grabbed by Titch’s neck.
” How is that possible? ” After being caught by Titch, Doflamingo found out that he couldn’t use his abilities for the first time.
“A thief hahaha … Impossible? There are too many impossible things! ” Teach roared with a big laugh, and with the blood on his face, he looked extremely crazy.
” Boom! ”
” Wow ~~”
Titch thumped Doflamingo to the ground, and Doflamingo spit out a mouthful of blood.
“A thief hahaha … a thief hahaha … Just intervene in other people’s affairs … You have to see if you have the strength! ” Titch said, and directly pressed Doflamingo to the ground and rubbed it.
After losing his fruit ability, he was suddenly hit hard. As the king of Qiwuhai, Doflamingo was beaten and could not fight back for a while.
” Is this the so-called dark fruit ability? ” Katakuri, who escaped, began to pay attention to Tiki.
” Boom! ”
” Boom ~~~” Just when Titch was proud, a figure flew past him and crashed directly into the ruins beside him.
” Just this little bit of strength … and boasting in front of me!? ”
Tickey asked and looked, only to see Reina with wings on his back, a tail formed of ice swaying in the air, the ice wheel pill in his hand was still exuding the aura of ice, but his pupils turned strangely into an ice blue color, a blood red.
And his companions are all lying on the ground one by one.
” You are not his opponents, don’t shoot casually, take Fire Fist Ace and go first! ” After Titch threw Doflamingo aside, he looked at Reina and said to his companions.
” Go? Where are you going? ” Reina stepped a little and went straight to Titch.
Seeing this, Katakuri moved towards Ace lying on the ground, but just as he was about to approach Ace, he suddenly punched into the air.
” When!! ”
Covering the arm of the armed color, it blocked a pair of Western swords.
” Don’t get me wrong, I’m going to save him! ” Katakuri whispered to the visitor.
” Our companions don’t need you to come to the rescue! ” It turned out to be Bista who had just arrived.
He saw Katakuri attack Ace, so he came directly to stop him.
When Katakuri saw Vista say this, he stopped doing it to avoid misunderstanding.
” Pfft! ”
Over there, Reina, who was attacking Titch, slowly shed blood and tears in his right eye, but the ice wheel pill in his hand had been inserted into Titch’s body.
” How … maybe …” Blood flowed from the corner of Titch’s mouth.
” In your own words … how can there be so many impossibility in this world? ” He used the pupil technique in his right eye just now, pausing Tiki for three seconds, which was enough time for Reina to kill Tee Strange.
” Captain! ” The rest of the Blackbeard Pirates rushed towards Reina, especially Lafayette and the others, who looked desperate.
” Then it’s your turn … don’t worry … I won’t fool you! ” Reina kicked Tickey’s body towards Lafayette, then looked at Hansen, and whispered softly. said.
” What do I do now? ” Looking at Titch, who was motionless, Lafayette, who was holding him, asked the people around him.
“The captain is dead … Do we still need to continue to exist? ” Over there, Idar, who was lying on the ground unable to move, said softly.
” What? You don’t want to break up at this time, do you? Even if you want to break up, you have to work together to escape first! ” Camenio, who came out of the ruins, looked around and said.
” How’s the situation? ” Over there, Bista, who had already carried Ace on his back, also came to Reina’s side and asked.
” Hansen betrayed us, he attacked Saatchi! So … absolutely can’t let him go! As for Ace, they should just be defeated by them, it’s not a big problem, what’s the situation on the big brother’s side? Is there anyone else targeting us? ” Reina briefly explained the situation here, and then asked again.
” I don’t know, I just came over when I found out about the fight here. Marco is treating Saatchi, so there shouldn’t be a problem! ” Bista shook his head and said.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… Really … It’s been a long time since I’ve been beaten so badly … Is Blackbeard Titch ? Parasitic thread! ” At this time, Doflaming, who had been rubbed by Titch fiercely before, was Brother, get up slowly. At this time, he is full of blood and looks quite angry.
With Doflamingo’s parasitic rays shooting at the members of the Blackbeard Pirates, except for Camenio and others to avoid, Chisas Basas and Idar who fell to the ground were controlled by him .
” No, he is a thread fruit ability! Everyone, be careful! ” Lafayette, who avoided the parasitic thread, loudly reminded his companions.
“咈嗈嗈嗈… Then let me see … you are killing each other! ” With the flick of Doflamingo’s fingers, the members of the Blackbeard Pirates under his control looked at each other. It seems to be shooting at a partner.
” Be careful! ” Suddenly the red light in Katakuri’s eyes flashed, and he shouted loudly while backing fast.
” Cough cough … Dark acupuncture point! Thief hahaha … Lao Tzu … It’s not that easy to die! ” But before the others could react, Tickey, who had fallen to the ground, actually got up again and pressed one hand on the ground. spread in all directions.
” Isn’t dead yet? ” Reina lifted Bista and Ace, spread his wings behind his back, and lifted off directly from the spot.
Doflamingo over there was reminded by Katakuri, and he also shot with both hands and used his ability to temporarily lift off.
” Thief hahaha … thief hahaha … Reina … you can’t kill me … ugh … cough … we will have a date later! ” Blackbeard said as he watched his companions being absorbed by the darkness , while vomiting blood, and then he himself began to sink slowly, as if he had to merge into the darkness.
” Want to run? ” Reina threw Bista and Ace in his hands to the top of the building beside him, then swooped and headed straight for Blackbeard.

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