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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Reina, you’re so bad! This is what you and Dad planned for a long time, right? I said why Dad suddenly became generous and invited all of us here to play. It turned out that you didn’t plan at all. Pay! ” Rakyo said to Reina with a smile when the Moby Dick left the Golden City.
” What’s the **** thing, although we didn’t pay for it, you must remember the friendship of the big brother, otherwise who will let you play for so many days in vain? ” The corner of Reina’s eyes saw that he just came over The white beard, said immediately and solemnly.
” Qi ~ I won’t …”
” Boom! ”
” Ah ~~ it hurts ~~ old … daddy!? ”
Before Lakeyo could finish speaking, he was punched in the head by Whitebeard, and his tears were about to come out of the pain.
Reina, on the other hand, looked like he was snickering, obviously fulfilling his intentions.
” And you too! ”
” Boom! ”
” Being human … be grateful! Bastards … goo la la la …”
After giving Reina the same punch, Whitebeard left with satisfaction, leaving only Reina and Rakyo staring at each other there.
” Boy, is your business finished now? ” Golden Lion Shiki walked over slowly and asked after seeing Reina.
” Of course, let’s go to the cabin and talk! Big Brother Shikey doesn’t want his plans to be known, right? ” Reina smiled and made a gesture of invitation.
Ski nodded and followed Rayner into the cabin.
” What does Big Brother Shikey want to ask? Or what do you want me to do with you? ” After the two entered Reina’s room, Reina asked straight to the point.
” What do you know, kid? Tell me all about it! ” Shikey replied with a slight smile.
” I know a lot of things, but I don’t know which ones are useful to you, so if you don’t ask, I really don’t know what to say … Where to start! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Can my current research be successful? ” Skee asked after a moment of silence.
” Research? What kind of research? When did Brother Ske change his career as a scientist? ” Reina asked in surprise.
Schie looked at Reina with suspicion. Although Reina’s eyes can indeed see some future pictures, according to him, only those things that affect the general trend of the future can he see from the relevant personnel, and everyone only sees the future. Can watch it once.
” You didn’t see about me? ” Skee asked after a moment of silence.
” After seeing some clips, it seems that you want to do something in the East China Sea … but in the end, someone stopped it! ” Reina said, rubbing her chin.
” Oh? Was stopped? Who is it? ” Skye was stunned, then asked with narrowed eyes.
He has not yet determined the actual plan, so he does not know the circumstances of his desire to go to the East China Sea.
” I don’t know … There are not many clips … I can only see that you are directing some floating islands to move towards the East China Sea, and then you fight with people. In the end, all the islands lost control and fell into the sea … This It should be considered that you were stopped? ” Reina shrugged and said.
” Is that so …” Shiki pondered for a while, then said, ” I remember that you can command the sea kings, right? And you also summoned an incomparably huge nine-tailed fox! ”
Reina smiled wryly and said: ” Brother Shiki, we are not outsiders, so I told you the truth, that guy was summoned back then … I don’t know how to do it myself, but Olvia’s death gave me the The excitement was so great that I just thought about destroying everything and was completely unconscious! ”
” As for the sea kings … that’s a contract! It’s very precious, so far I’ve got two, the contract is Yoo and Hardshell! If I can really control the sea kings, then what navy do I need to care about? ”
Shi Ji nodded, he also thought of this, Reina should control one or two by some means, and this method cannot be replicated, otherwise he would have ignored the navy for a long time.
” Why is Big Brother Shiki asking this? You don’t want me to summon the nine-tailed fox to help you, do you? Don’t think about this kind of thing, it’s really impossible! ” Reina shook his head and said.
Shiji smiled and didn’t tell Reina what he was researching, but said: ” Since this is the case … then I have to give up! By the way, you said that you saw me and people fighting, you can see those people clearly Is it? ”
” No! ” Rayner said, shaking his head.
However, just when Sky was a little disappointed, Reina suddenly said with some embarrassment: ” But … these pictures are all I saw from my daughter … I don’t know if she witnessed this process or if she also participated in it. now! ”
” Your daughter? ” Skye asked with wide eyes, as if you were teasing me, ” When did you have a daughter? Where is she? ”
” She didn’t stay on the Moby Dick ! Before that, she had been doing her research in Alabasta, which is the territory of King Shichibu Haisha Crocodile, so I didn’t do much after telling that guy. I’ve asked, but wasn’t that guy Crocodile defeated by someone some time ago? So now where Robin is, I really don’t know! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Research? Is your daughter a scientist? ” Skee asked, squinting.
” No! She is a historian, and her mother is the gathering place of historians in the West Sea … O’Hara! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” O’Hara? ” After thinking about it carefully, Shikey suddenly realized something and said, ” I said, why did your Whitebeard Pirates always go to the West Sea back then, it turned out to be your kid! ”
” Nei! ” Reina patted his head embarrassedly and said, ” But her mother died in Push City for me. You know about this, Brother Shiji, so that child is now my only true relative! If she I’m really involved in something that goes against Big Brother Shiji, and please Big Brother Shiji look at my face and don’t hurt her! ”
” Don’t worry! Since I have your face here, I definitely won’t do anything excessive, but if she really goes against me … don’t the monsters tie her up and send it to you! ” Ki said with a smile.
” This is a must! If she really goes against Big Brother Shiki, Big Brother Shiki just has to catch her and send it to me, or give me a message, and I will go over and get her back in person! ” Reina nodded and said.
Although the words of the two were beautiful, Reina himself knew that if he was really angry, Shiji the Golden Lion would not necessarily give him this face.
However, with Reina’s remarks, as long as it is not a last resort, he believes that the golden lion Shikey will definitely leave Robin’s scene.
To know that Luffy faced Shiki the Golden Lion, Reina couldn’t find Luffy’s winning point at all.
If it weren’t for the theatrical version, Luffy would never be the opponent of Shiki the Golden Lion.
You must know that the golden lion Shiki, even in the face of Roger and Whitebeard, will not be defeated. Luffy who has just debuted … Reina doesn’t think he has the slightest chance of winning.
So say hello to the golden lion in advance here, even if there is any accident, the other party will not really kill Robin because of his face.
After the two chatted for a while, Shikey didn’t get any useful information from Reina, so he had to leave.
” By the way, don’t you really want to come on my boat? The sea is so boring right now, why don’t you come and make history with me? ” The golden lion Shiki, who walked to the door, stopped and asked back.
” Making history? I’m making history now … Ever since Roger fell … There’s only one voice in this sea, and that’s Whitebeard … Isn’t that cool? This era … is called Whitebeard! ” Reina smiled back.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … boy … I’ll let you see … what a real pirate is! ” Golden Lion Shiki said with a big laugh.
” Then I look forward to hearing from you … If you can really do it … I don’t mind going over and helping you! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” Jie hahahaha … then I’m looking forward to your arrival ! ”
Watching the golden lion Shiji control the boat that Reina sent him to fly away, Reina smiled strangely, and then waved at the other party pretending to be reluctant.
” Why … I feel like the kid seems to have cheated on that fellow Shikey again? ” Behind Reina, Lakyo said to Marko and the others beside him.
” Don’t talk nonsense, you will be miserable when he hears it! ” Marko glanced at Lakyo and replied.
” What are we going to do now? Are we going back to Xuanyue Island? ” Lak asked Reina to glance at himself, quickly changing the subject and asking.
” Well! Dad said that Hansen’s body may be on the seabed around Xuanyue Island. Let everyone go back and look for it. He can’t be left alone there! ” Marko nodded and replied.
Speaking of Hansen, even Lakyo fell silent.
At the same time, I learned that the Whitebeard Pirates had left without even holding the auction, and the pirates and major forces who were waiting for the final information about the great secret treasure had a feeling of being played.
But among them, some people think that there is no information about the big secret treasure at all, just smoke bombs released by the Whitebeard Pirates.
Some people believe that Reina had already informed Doflamingo and Katakuri of the information before the auction, so they did not hold the final auction because their biggest purpose was already achieved.
But they didn’t know the real reason at all. For this reason, when Doflamingo and Katakuri left, they were attacked by many pirates.
Fortunately, their respective strengths are not bad, so they did not suffer any damage, but they were inevitably a little embarrassed.
” Big brother, if that guy Joker lied to us? Could it be that Reina really just told him this? ” Jack asked unwillingly , looking at the Numantia Flamingo, which was far away. road.
” He doesn’t dare to deceive us! And I also think that this information is just a smoke bomb they released, and their purpose is just the pirate called Tiki! ” Jin nodded and said.
” Is this necessary? For the sake of a mere pirate, the Whitebeard Pirates are so inspiring! ” Jack asked inexplicably.
” Don’t you see it? That guy named Tiki … is not a simple character. By himself, he has already made the Whitebeard Pirates jump! Whether it is you or me, Can’t do it! ” Jhin shook his head and replied.

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