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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Just when Reina and Zefa were fighting, on the sea not far away, three naval warships were rushing towards the place where the two fought.
” Are you sure? Reina is really there? ” Aokiji, standing on the deck of the middle warship, asked in a deep voice.
” Yes, General Kuzan, Chitong Reina has already dealt with Lord Zefa! ” The non-commissioned officer on the side nodded and said: ” In addition, Lord Karp has also been contacted, and he is on his way! ”
” Understood, let the warship speed up! ” Qingzhi nodded and said.
This time, Aokiji and five lieutenant generals led five warships in the ambush of Whitebeard. As a result, although the Whitebeard Pirates were repelled, there were only three warships left.
Although the newspaper said that the Whitebeard Pirates were beaten and escaped, but Qingzhi himself knew that it was just that Whitebeard didn’t want to expand casualties. Otherwise, it was hard to say what the final situation would be.
But now, they have the opportunity to ambush Reina, if the operation is good, it is very likely that Reina will be captured or killed.
” Boom boom ~~~”
Just as they were approaching the target area, they suddenly found the sound of an explosion coming from the front, and immediately after they found that the sky seemed to become gloomy.
” It seems that we have already handed over the hand! Inform the ships, capture the battle! ” Aokiji, who was standing in front of the deck, said with a sullen face.
On the other side, Reina, who was fighting with Zefa, also found the approaching warship, but he did not panic, but smiled and said to Zefa: ” Old Zefa, it seems that this time, you really intend to kill me. Ah! ”
” Of course! ” Zefa, who had Ayin behind him, replied seriously.
” Then I won’t be merciful. If I die … don’t blame me! Hirinmaru … Swastika! ” After taking back the thousand cherry blossoms, Reina took out Hirinmaru and directly activated the swastika mode.
A huge ice dragon soared into the sky, and with the writing wheel in his eyes, Reina looked quite strange.
” Ai Yin, you leave with the soldiers … that guy is starting to get serious! ” Zefa said softly to Ai Yin who was behind him.
” But teacher …” Ai Yin wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zefa’s wave. In desperation, he had to take the soldiers away in the lifeboat and evacuated in the direction of the naval warship.
” Old Zefa … die! ” With the ice wings behind him, Reina, who held the ice wheel pill, rushed directly to Zefa.
” If you want to kill the old man, you are not qualified! ” The crusher in Zefa’s right arm began to compress frantically, a large amount of steam was emitted, and then he punched Reina.
” Ice Dragon Spinning Tail! ” Bing Lun Maru and Zefa’s right arm collided, no one could do anything about the other, but after the swastika Reina, there was a dragon tail composed of ice chains behind him, and he directly thought of Zefa.
” Smash Bunt! ” At the critical moment, the pulverizer on Zefa’s right arm vibrated continuously, and the force released even directly knocked Reina into the air.
” Smelly old man … the strength is quite strong! ” Reina shook his arm and said with a chuckle.
” Don’t underestimate me! You bastard! ” Zefa smiled slightly and rushed towards Reina again.
” Boom boom boom …” The two fought fast and frantically, causing the warship to be damaged everywhere.
” Cut! ”
” Yeah! ”
” Boom! ”
Reina’s slash and Zefa’s fist intersected again. While both sides were repelled, the warship couldn’t hold on any longer, and was directly smashed into two pieces and began to sink slowly.
” You don’t have much physical strength left! ” Standing on the front half of the warship, Reina said, looking at Zefa, who was panting.
” Defeat you … that’s enough! Phew ~~” Zefa, who was standing in the back half of the warship, took a deep breath and said slowly.
” I hope you don’t talk too much … otherwise …” Reina didn’t finish his words, but jumped up directly, using his wings to stay in the air, and then began to charge.
” Stinky boy … It really doesn’t give people a way to survive! But … I’m not that easy to defeat! Come on … Reina! ” Zefa bowed slightly, and seemed to be starting to build up his strength.
“The Ice Sky and Hundred Flowers Burial! ” After finishing the preparation, Reina waved the ice wheel pill in his hand, and the sea water in the sea under his feet rose into the sky, turning into countless pieces of ice that fell from the sky.
” Hey …”
Zefa smiled, jumped, and ran straight to Reina, but when he was still in the air, after touching the falling ice fragments, his entire body began to freeze slowly.
” Cuck swipe … stuck swipe …”
Before Zefa rushes to Reina, Zefa’s whole person has become an ice sculpture.
” Teacher! ” Ai Yin, who was on the lifeboat, roared with grief and anger, and wanted to charge towards Reina, but the distance between them was too far, and she couldn’t do anything at all.
” Ice Cube , Pheasant Mouth! ” At this moment, an ice bird went straight to Reina, preventing him from attacking the frozen Zepha.
” Green pheasant … ! ” Reina slashed the ice bird with a knife and looked at the green pheasant who had rescued Zefa with a serious look.
” Help Mr. Zefa unfreeze first! ” Taking the frozen Zefa to the rescue boat, Qingzhi said directly to the younger sister Ai Yin.
” Yes, thank you Lord Kuzan! ” Ain didn’t care about the cold, and directly used his ability to make the ice on Zefa’s body retreat into sea water.
” Cough cough cough … It’s really a shame! I didn’t expect to lose at the hands of that kid! ” Zefa, who had regained his strength, coughed and said.
” Thank you for your hard work, teacher, leave the next thing to me! ”
After Aokiji finished speaking, he walked directly to the warship that was broken in two, because at this time Reina had also slowly descended and stood in the first half of the warship.
” Look at your appearance … it seems that you have encountered a big battle? ” Reina narrowed his eyes and looked at the three warships that were approaching, and there were still some damages after the battle.
” Of course! ” Aokiji didn’t mean to hide it, and said directly: ” We just ambush the Whitebeard Pirates a few days ago! ”
” Qi ~ What? Are you targeting our Whitebeard Pirates now? After ambush the Moby Dick , they came to trouble me again? ” Reina said disdainfully, ” You should understand that you are alone … stop Don’t live with me! ”
” Hmph, General Kuzan is not alone this time! ” On the warship, Gumir stood up and snorted coldly and said.
” It’s just a few trash fish, do you expect them to help you? ” Looking at the several vice admirals on the warship, Reina said with disdain.
” Bastard! ” Lieutenant General Bastiu, known as the slasher, after hearing Reina’s words, took his machete and slashed towards Reina.
” When! ”
The ice wheel pill in Reina’s hand held the huge long-handled saw blade, but before he could speak, several other lieutenants also shot at the same time and went straight to Reina.
” More people bullying less people? ” After getting hurt and forcing Lieutenant General Bastius back, Reina blocked the attacks of the other Lieutenant Generals one by one.
On the other hand, Aokiji, who didn’t do anything, twitched the corner of his mouth after hearing Reina’s words. Reina had beaten him with the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates.
” What morals do you have with the pirates? ” Lieutenant General Gumir did not stop the offensive because of Reina’s words, but instead attacked more violently.
” Interesting! ” Reina fought back, but because of the sinking of the hull, there was not enough space, so Reina was soon forced out of the hull by several lieutenant generals.
However, he did not fly into the air, but made a few taps on the sea and landed on the sea, and where he stood, it had completely turned into ice.
” Ice Age! ” Seeing this, the green pheasant over there inserted his hands into the sea, directly reducing all the surrounding waters from freezing, thinking that he would create a small island of ice for the navy to stand on.
At the same time, it also prevented Reina from escaping. They did not forget that Reina could command a turtle sea beast and a large sea king like a crocodile head.
” Haha … It doesn’t seem to show any real skills, and you have to underestimate it! ” Reina released the Binglun pill in his hand, a blue light flashed, and the Binglun pill suddenly turned into a human shape, and Reina himself It is to release the swastika mode of Hirinmaru.
” Reina, this is your burial place today! ” Gumir said in a deep voice after the group surrounded Reina.
” It’s just you? ” Reina replied disdainfully.
The few lieutenant generals present now are not the top lieutenant generals in the navy in terms of strength. They are not as good as the ghost spiders, Huoshaoshan, flying squirrels and others who went to Judicial Island to execute the demon slaughter order. If there were no green pheasants here, Reina alone can destroy them all.
” Bastard, dare to underestimate us! ” Lieutenant General Bastiu waved the long-handled saw blade in his hand and attacked again. Several other lieutenant generals also acted at the same time, not giving Reina a chance to break through.
” If you want to die, I will fulfill you! Scatter it! Thousand Sakura! ” With a wave of Qianben Sakura in Lei’s hand, the blade immediately dissipated, turning into countless petals.
” Frozen Time Capsule! ” Seeing this, the green pheasant over there immediately shot and sealed all the scattered petals.
” Dangdangdang … ! ”
” Boom! ”
Although Reina lacked a weapon in his hand, he still avoided Bastiu’s attack and punched him in the stomach, sending it flying.
As for the other lieutenant generals, they were blocked by the Hing Lun Maru, which was transformed into a human form.
” Ice cubes , two thorns spears! ” In order to prevent Reina from continuing to pursue Lieutenant General Bastiu, Aokiji went off in person and stood in front of Reina.
” When! ”
I don’t know when, Qianben Sakura, who had recovered to a sharp blade, directly blocked Aokiji’s attack.
” Aokiji … I heard that you gave CP9 ‘s Demon Slaying Order? It seems that you really like to meddle in your own business! ” Reina, who was blocking the two thorn spears, said to Aokiji in front of him.
” As a navy admiral, this is my right and my obligation …” Qingzhi said with a blank expression.
” Then … I hope you don’t regret it! ” Reina pulled hard and separated from Qingzhi, then let go of Qianbenying in his hand, and shouted softly: ” Qianbenying · Jingyan! ”
The ice under Reina’s feet seemed to have turned into water waves, and the loose Sakura seemed to fall into the lake and disappeared.
Opposite Reina’s move, Qingzhi was very energetic. He knew the difficulty of the other party for a long time, and he never dared to underestimate the other party.
As the thousand cherry blossoms completely dissipated, Aokiji suddenly found that the surroundings had become pitch black, and countless huge blades rose out of nowhere, and then turned into countless petals scattered with the wind.
” IceTime ! ” Seeing Reina using this indiscriminate attack, Aokiji’s body immediately released a very strong chill, trying to freeze Reina’s petals again .
But he soon discovered that the petals seemed to be different this time, and they cut through his cold air and gathered towards him.
” Puba ~ Puba ~ Crash …” The petals of the sharp blade stroke directly chopped the green pheasant into pieces.
After everything returned to normal, the green pheasant, which was broken into a pile of ice, slowly turned into a humanoid.
” Qi ~ Has your sense of sight reached this level? ” Reina pouted and said unhappily.
The other party must have used the sense of sight to avoid his attack in advance.
” No, that kind of indiscriminate attack can’t be avoided just by seeing and seeing! ” Qingzhi shook his head and said.
“That ‘s right! If you had known in advance … you would n’t let them get caught! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
At this time, Qingzhi only found out with an ugly face that besides him, several other lieutenant generals had already fallen to the ground. Obviously, they had not escaped Reina’s attack just now.

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