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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After Aladdin and Whitebeard drank Yizi wine, the New Sun Pirates officially joined the big family of Whitebeard Pirates.
After the ceremony was completed, Whitebeard directly announced the start of the banquet, leaving Reina and Saatchi busy immediately.
They did not expect that Whitebeard would have a banquet on the first day back.
According to Reina’s prediction, why should we talk about it the next day? Unexpectedly, after the ceremony, Whitebeard immediately announced the start of the banquet.
Reina can’t slap Whitebeard’s face either, saying he’s not prepared, right? So I had to pull Saatchi and Frank, and immediately began to prepare the banquet.
Fortunately, a large amount of ingredients have been prepared on Xuanyue Island for a long time, so the banquet started soon.
” I told you in advance, although you are not the captain of the Sun Pirates now, but if you want to leave in the future, in theory, you only need the consent of your captain, but your Sun Pirates also belong to us. The Bearded Pirates are here, and you, Jinping, are not unknown, so you must pass my test! ” At the banquet, Reina found Jinping and said directly.
” Mr. Reina, can you tell me what kind of pirate group it is, so that I can give up the Sun Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates and follow them? ” After thinking about it, Jinbei didn’t answer Reina’s question. question, but asked curiously.
” I don’t know who the other party is, but I saw you say that you will be the crew of the future One Piece, so you won’t be afraid of the four emperors! ” Reina shrugged and said.
Jinbei looked embarrassed and puzzled, he absolutely did not believe that he would say such a thing to his father.
” Isn’t it because I’m being controlled by someone? Under normal circumstances, it’s impossible for me to say such a thing to my father! ” Jinping shook his head and asked with a look of disbelief.
If someone said that he would be controlled by others, he would never believe it, but after the number of Naga, he knew that in this world … nothing is impossible!
” Control? Shouldn’t it be! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” But the object of your words is not us, but BIGMOM , one of the four emperors ! ”
” Huh? ” Jinbei was dumbfounded when he heard Reina’s words, why is it BIGMOM ? He is not a member of the BIGMOM Pirates now!
Reina patted Jinbei on the shoulder and said, ” That’s what I saw, as for why … I don’t know! ”
Jinbei’s face was as black as coal, and he felt as if he had been pitted by Reina.
In his opinion, it is very likely that due to something in the future, he needs to go undercover with the BIGMOM Pirates, and then he said this when he left, which is completely understandable.
” Hey! ” Jinping sighed, to be honest, it wasn’t that he couldn’t let go of the position of the regiment leader, he just felt … what is this all about?
Since Reina told him that day, he has not rested for several days. This problem has been bothering him, and the result is probably an Oolong incident, so he feels particularly speechless.
Seeing Jinbei moaning and sighing, Reina didn’t explain anything. After separating from Jinbei, Rayner went to Lakyo again. This time the Moby Dick went to sea, and he wanted to ask if he had any income.
The main business of their Whitebeard Pirates is to catch those bounty criminals who have been offered bounties, of course, those real bad guys who do all kinds of evil.
After they are caught, they go to the navy to exchange for the bounty through the middleman. It can be said that they are also about the same as bounty hunters.
” The income this time is not bad. I caught three large pirate groups. Except for the captain, no cadre has a bounty, so I should be able to get a lot of money! ” Lakyo replied with a smile.
” Okay, when the time comes, you can give me the reward order you caught, and I’ll send someone over to receive it! ” Reina nodded and replied.
Lakyo took out a stack of reward orders, and the people on it had already drawn a big fork, and said, ” Here you are! ”
Reina took the reward order, cut it with a glance, put it away, and said: ” Okay, the distribution plan is still according to the previous one, this time I don’t want it, but Marco’s is still given to him, why? like? ”
” No problem, you can do it yourself, no one will have an opinion on this kind of thing! ” Lakyo nodded and replied.
Now Marco is a family man, and this time it is also licensed by Whitebeard, so that he does not have to sail with the ship.
After the banquet was over, the next day, Aladdin made a request on behalf of the Sun Pirates, hoping that they could be stationed around Fishman Island, and Whitebeard would naturally not refuse.
So after leaving some pearls and treasures in the ocean, the Sun Pirates who changed their captains headed straight to Fishman Island. For them, being able to protect their hometown is more meaningful than being a pirate.
But before they left, Rayner also gave them a task, which was to capture the Flying Pirates, especially their captain Vanderdeken IX.
In fact, even if Reina didn’t say it, they would still do it, because the other party was the superhuman – type target fruit person, and it was officially because of his existence that Princess White Star could only live in the hard shell tower. .
However, since Naga returned to Fishman Island, especially after hearing about what happened to Princess White Star, she has already started making arrangements and wants to capture Vanderdeken IX.
This time they went back and cooperated with Naga, they must have a great deal of confidence.
A few days after the Sun Pirates left, Xuanyue Island received news that a candidate to replace Jinping to join the Qiwuhai under the king had come out, and that was Trafalgar Law, one of the supernovas .
It is said that he used the hearts of 100 pirates in exchange for the position of Shichibukai.
” Tsk tsk tsk … Really scary guys! ” Reina said with a chuckle, looking at the information in his hand.
” Young people these days are really capable of doing things! ” Lakyo, who was beside him, also nodded and replied.
Reina had just finished exercising, and on the way back, he happened to see Lakeyo and the others watching the latest information, so he came over.
” By the way, why hasn’t the guy who changed money this time come back. He usually comes back in a day or two, right? ” After chatting for a while, Lakyo looked at Reina and asked.
” Huh? Haven’t come back yet? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” Aren’t you doing this? Are you asking me? ” Rakyo replied with a wry smile.
” Reina, it’s not your kid who wants to take it alone, right? ” Jin Gudo over there immediately raised his brows, gave Lakyo a look, and said to Reina.
” Give me a trick. I haven’t paid attention to this for a few days. I’ll ask later and see what’s wrong! ” Reina immediately saw Jin Guduo’s purpose and replied directly.
” Hahaha … This is a conspiracy! If you don’t invite you to drink, we will go to the father to complain immediately! ” Jin Gudao said with a smile.
He naturally knew that Reina couldn’t take it alone, but he just caught Reina’s flaws and wanted to blackmail him.
Reina had an expression of eating flies and said, ” Ok, go … Go to the cafeteria to order your own meal, dinner is mine! Can you do that? ”
There are fixed recipes in the canteen. If anyone feels that the food is not good, they can also tell the chef in advance and then order at their own expense.
” Oh ~~~” Hearing Reina’s answer, the group cheered and ran towards the cafeteria.
It’s not that they can’t afford a big meal, but … it’s completely two different feelings for others to treat guests and spend money on their own.
After Lakeyo and the others left, Reina didn’t go back, but turned to the intelligence office. He wanted to ask why the guy who exchanged money in the past hadn’t come back.
In the world of pirates, except for those bounties with life and death written on them, the rest of the bounty orders are all required to be caught alive. If it is dead, then the price is only 50% to 70%. look.
As for those targets that can only be caught alive on the bounty, if you kill them, you can’t get that one Bailey.
However, in order to reduce trouble, the Whitebeard Pirates usually exchange human heads for money, so although there are fewer, there will be no problems.
Soon, Reina came to the intelligence office, but before he could get in, a person rushed out and hit Reina directly.
” Deputy … Vice-Captain? You came just in time, I was just about to find you! ” The member of the intelligence department said with a little surprise immediately after seeing Reina.
” What happened? ” Reina asked, frowning.
” Deputy captain, the person we sent to collect the money was robbed! ” the intelligence officer said anxiously.
” What? ” Reina was taken aback and asked, ” Our people … were robbed? Who? Who did it? Didn’t they fly our pirate flag? ”
” Hang up! But it wasn’t the pirates who robbed us. According to the information … it should be … which underground force should be! ” The intelligence officer said embarrassedly.
Because until now, they haven’t figured out who the other party is.
” I don’t care who he is, find him, and then sink them all into the sea! ” Reina said in a bad tone.
” Yes, Vice-Captain! We are now trying our best to track their location, and we will report to you as soon as we find it! ” The intelligence officer replied after saluting.
” Well, let’s talk to the big brother about this, and see who will be sent there! I think those captains will rush to go! Hmm … Lakyo, Jinguduo and the others will not be sent! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
Who let those guys blackmail him just now, of course, it’s not their turn for such a good thing now.
Leaving from the intelligence department, Reina wondered who the hell was that, who dared to rob them?
In the sea not far from Xuanyue Island, Gibson, one of the dark emperors of the new world at this time, the time-honored ” Hidden Master ” in the warehouse industry , was accepting the goods sent by his younger brothers.
” Oh? Not bad! I didn’t expect you to receive so many things, very good! ” Gibson smiled happily as he watched boxes of gold being delivered to his ship.
” Thank you, boss, there were not so many, but when we came over just yesterday, we encountered a pirate ship, and the little people in the ship actually put the treasure chests on the deck like this. This is not to let us Have you robbed in the past? So we just robbed it back. ” The younger brother immediately smiled when he heard Gibson’s praise.
Gibson was stunned for a moment, frowned and asked: ” A small pirate group? Have you seen each other’s pirate flag? This is the sea area of Xuanyue Island. As long as you don’t rob the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, there is generally no problem. Yes! ”
” Sir, you’re joking. If it were a pirate group under the Whitebeard Pirates, we wouldn’t be able to beat them! Which of them is not a famous pirate in the sea? ” The younger brother said with a smile.
Gibson nodded, and felt that he was thinking too much. If the other party had something to do with the Whitebeard Pirates, he would definitely hang the pirate flag of the Whitebeard Pirates. Even if his subordinates were blind, it was impossible not to Meet the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates!

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